The Easiest Way to Make a WordPress Blog SEO Friendly

The easiest way to make a WordPress blog SEO-friendly. Believe it or not, WordPress is pretty SEO-friendly out of the box. If you want to make it more SEO-friendly, you just have to use plugins like Yoast SEO or All In One. But you already know that. Here’s what no one tells you. The main reason most blogs aren’t SEO-friendly are for two reasons, and you can’t solve these issues through plugins.

Yoast SEO:
Google Analytics:

The first reason is you have too much content on the same topic. See, when you blog, over time, you’ll have writer’s block, or you have forgotten what you’ve written on before. That can cause you to write on the same topic over and over again accidentally.

For example, I may have written a post in the past called The Beginners Guide to SEO. And then, a year later, write a post on How to Get Started with SEO. And then, six months later, I may write a post called Seven SEO Tips for Beginners. Although each of those posts are different, a lot of times, Google will see them as roughly the same thing, because they’re all about SEO for beginners. And that can cause confusion with search engines. And Google won’t know which term or which post to more so rank for terms like SEO for beginners.

So, what you’ll want to do is combine the post that are all around similar keywords and put them into one amazing post. This will increase your overall rankings and confuse search engines less. And the key with this is when you have that issue, go to Google Analytics, see which of the pages is the most popular and combine the other pages into the most popular one. And then do 301 redirects, and make sure you adjust the internal links that have gone to the old post and update them to go to the new post.

The second reason your WordPress blog isn’t as search-engine-friendly is because your content is old and outdated. Did you know that Wikipedia is the seventh most popular site in the world, according to Similarweb? Do you know how they pull that off? Well, their content is continually updated. People keep updating Wikipedia on a daily basis.

Heck, some of their most popular pages are even also updated on a daily basis. And some content pieces, especially when there’s new news, get updated multiple times within the hour. It’s super effective. With most blogs, people write content, they never update them. We find this out with our agency, NP Digital. When we talk to clients, 98% of our clients that work with us, before they even started, never update their old content.

Now, of course, once they start working with us, we change that, and we start updating their old content. You want to do this at least once a year, ideally more than that. And this is an easy way to start generating more traffic.

And you’re probably wondering, “Neil, what old posts do I update? Do I need to update them by a lot, a little?” Well, the easiest way to figure out what posts need updating first is to look at Google Search Console, and you can see what pages have dropped in traffic over time. Those are the ones that need updating first.

Now, when you update them, you want to look at what are the other competing webpages and blogs that rank above me for the terms that I lost ranking score. Google them, look at their pages, and see how you can make yours better.

Now, the two above reasons, aren’t hard to fix, they just take time. But the time aspect is why most blogs aren’t SEO-friendly. They prefer a quick plugin to fix their problems. But not all plugins can fix everything, sometimes you just need a little bit of human capital.

So put in the time and effort, and your blog will be more SEO-friendly. Or if you want my team to just do this for you, go check out, where we can handle all your SEO needs for you. If you enjoy this video, like it, share it, subscribe to the channel. If you have any questions, leave a comment below, I’m here to help.

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WordPress SEO Tutorial for Beginners | Step-by-Step to Ranking a WordPress Site

Wouldn’t it be great, if you could optimize your WordPress site for SEO without having to be an SEO expert. Well, there’s a way. Today, I’m going to break down WordPress SEO tutorial for beginners.

Hello Bar:
Schema Pro:
Rank Math:

Look, there are four areas that you need to focus on. Normally, we’re going to go over each of them in detail, but I’ll also tell you which plugins to use. So you don’t have to worry about the details and you don’t have to learn any coding.

Factor number one, site speed and performance optimization. Now, before I dive into the main points on this, here’s why it’s important. If your site loads slower, what you’ll find is your conversion rates drop.

Now there’s a few things that affect your site load time. Cache, that’s where people don’t have to keep loading up your images. And they know that you’re saving the same ones over and over again, so they cache them. CDN stands for content delivery network.

So that way, whenever someone’s visiting your site from the UK, you don’t have to, you know, crawl through the broadband, pipes underneath the sea to visit your site. What they’ll do is they’ll just ping a server in the UK so that way just loads faster.

Then there’s lazy load. You know when you go to a site and you scroll down, there’s no need for them to load up all the images at once. Instead, they should load them as you scroll so that way you can improve the experience. JavaScript, sometimes if you have too much JavaScript on your site, it can slow things down.

Now the second factor that you need to pay attention to is technical SEO. Look, if Google can’t crawl your page and understand what’s on your page or able to read the content on your site. How are you going to rank for anything? And that’s why technical SEO is super important.

Everyone talks about link building, and you need all these links, new content, and they’re right. You do need links. You do need content. But if Google still can’t crawl your website, understand the content on the page, and read the code. Then it doesn’t really matter how many links you have. You’re not going to really rank for much.

The AMP framework just makes it so that way your pages load faster on mobile devices specifically for text-based articles. You also want to check your redirects. There’s 301 redirects, 302 redirects. One’s permanent, one’s temporary, but that can because the bots to go around in circles if they’re doing, if you’ve done your redirects wrong.

Third point, content marketing. Look, if you write content, no matter how amazing it is, if no one reads it, no one sees it. You’re not going to do well. So you got to really focus on the marketing of that content and making sure that your content is buttoned up as well.

So a few factors. Push notifications, you know, in your browser, whenever you’re on, searching on the web, especially if you’re a Facebook user. It will be like, oh, it’s Neil’s birthday. And they’ll show you this little notification box that comes up. Clicking on that is a push notification. And you can actually send that out on your website. So that way you can get more visitors.

Then there’s grammar. No one wants to read content that’s just poorly written. So make sure you check your grammar and fix it. Because Google’s like at the source in a dictionary, they know what’s good spelling, bad spelling, great grammar, bad grammar. If you’re writing, I love using Grammarly. That helps me a lot because I have terrible grammar.

Then you got your social sharing. You know, even though Facebook reach isn’t that great compared to what it was years ago, still better than nothing. You know, you still want to share that content on Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn and any other social site that’s applicable to your website. And of course, you want to collect emails.

The next factor, security. These days we’re all worried about privacy and security. You don’t want hackers to inject malicious code into your website or publish fake content on your website. And it happens. So that’s super important for you to avoid. So with security, you know, we did mention SSL earlier, but there’s also a few other plugins that can help like, Sucuri and Wordfence. Those are two check out.

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