Teil 17 Yoast SEO WordPress PlugIn einrichten Tutorial 2023
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Learn How To Setup Yoast With Your WordPress Website. The Yoast Plugin Will Help Increase Your Website Presence and Visibility and help bring in more traffic from the google search results, plus its really simple to get setup and its completely free.
00:00 Intro
01:49 Installing Yoast
02:25 Setup Wizard
06:35 General Settings
07:40 Google Search Console
11:32 Submit Sitemap
13:12 Search Appearance
26:36 On-Page Optimization
33:25 Post Optimization
40:55 More SEO Practices
The demo website is https://www.darrelestate.com which is from a real estate tutorial of mine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=807jMu-MNzA&t=6439s
The theme i used is here: https://www.darrelwilson.com/houzez
I use namehero for hosting, you can get 70% off here only: https://www.darrelwilson.com/namehero
More About Yoast:
The yoast plugin helps optimize your WordPress website for search engines like google, yahoo, and bing, you can change the way your website appears in the search engines. It can really help increase the organic growth of your website as well. In this yoast seo tutorial, i will cover all the things you need to know about the yoast SEO plugin. The yoast plugin also has features for people to share and identify your website with image sharing, another great way to get more exposure and i will cover more about this in this yoast seo tutorial.
For more tutorials like this, visit my website at http://www.darrelwilson.com
Get the SEO Checklist ➜ https://websitelearners.com/seo-checklist/
Learn how to rank your website on google.
Now let’s say you have a website and when you search for it on google,
You may have not found your website.
This is because google ranks all the websites related to your search term on it’s search results.
So to rank your website.
Table of contents:
0:00 Intro
1:26 Creating content
6:39 Making content appear good in Google search results
11:40 Tell Google about your website’s content
17:16 Key aspects that affect in ranking
17:58 To check if your content is ranking on Google
we are going to do 3 parts.
Part 1: Create content which can rank on google.
To create the content, we’re going to do 4 steps
Step 1: FInd what people are searching for
In order to create the content, first you need to know what the people are searching on google related to your website or business.
Now just search something on google related to your business & you will get related suggestions next to it.
Now these suggestions are the terms, what people mostly search on google.
Step 2: Choose the users, you want to reach
Now each suggested result is a set of the users you want to reach.
So you need to choose a term searched by the people.
Step 3: Find out what the users might be looking for.
After choosing the set of users based on the search term they are looking for,
Now you need to find and understand what really that particular user is looking for.
Step 4: Create your content.
Now that you know what the user is searching, Next you need to answer that with your content.
So to create the content,
Go to WordPress Dashboard ► Posts ► Add New
Now enter the title, content, images etc which solves the users’ needs & publish it.
Once you’ve created the content, you can go to the next part.
Part 2 : To make your content, appear good on google search result.
Now once your site gets ranked and appears on search results,
You can see your title, link to your post & description on google.
Now if the link of your page is unclear or not readable with some random characters and text,
Change the permalink which will make your site URL’s look good and also perform better in google search results.
Now if you look at your description on google, it shows the content which you’ve added in post.
Now instead of this if you want to add your own text,
You need to install the ‘Yoast SEO’ plugin in your WordPress site.
Now if you go to your post and click ‘Edit’.
You will get some new options from Yoast SEO in your edit page.
Now click ‘Edit Snippet’ and write your own description which you want to display on google.
So now we have successfully made our site look good on the Google search results.
Now to help Google, find your site & it’s content, we need to share our website details with Google.
Part 3 : Tell Google about your website content
We are going to do this in 3 steps.
Step 1 : Install ‘Site Kit by Google’ plugin.
Step 2 : Setup the plugin.
Once you’ve installed the plugin, click ‘Start Setup’ to setup the plugin.
Sign In with google & click ‘My Dashboard’ to see your website is successfully connected with Google.
Step 3: Tell Google about all the pages you’ve on your website.
So to inform Google about your posts/content, we need to submit a ‘sitemap’.
To get the sitemap, let’s go to WordPress Dashboard ► SEO ► Features
Now click on the question mark next to XML sitemaps.
And then click ‘see XML sitemap’ to get the sitemap with all the links of your pages on your site.
Now copy the sitemap link on your browser & paste it in Google Search Console.
So now when you publish new content, it will be automatically added to your sitemap,
So this is how you can tell Google, about the pages you have on your website.
Now you’ve optimised your website for ranking on google.
So when the user searches for your website or your posts,
Your website will appear in search results.
So that’s it guys!
This is how you can rank your website for google.
—————————— The Tools we use:
Get the best tools for your website ➜ https://websitelearners.com/tools/
Video Gear We Use ➜ https://kit.co/websitelearners/video-gear-we-use/
If you’re looking for a super easy way to get your SEO for WordPress done the RIGHT way, I’m gonna break it all down for you in this quick video. By the end, you’ll see exactly how I do it for my clients — from the best free plugins to the secret copywriting tips needed to make the plugins do their jobs effectively. If you follow the steps and do everything on this list, you’ll see improved SEO, and better rankings by the end of the day.
Access my FREE mini-course “How to Guarantee Website ROI” here: http://thedeependdesign.com/roi
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