【SEO 優化教學】SEO 是眾多網路行銷渠道中,比較技術性的一個。我初學的時候,亦被各種術語嚇怕。在這影片中,我使用了最淺白的言語,幫助你去了解 SEO 中的最關鍵原理。
00:00 免費讓潛在客戶進入你的網站
01:25 SEO 是什麼?
02:19 搜尋結果9成的流量來自於
04:27 Google 去了解用戶搜尋的 3 個步驟
05:53 Google 如何知道網站的內容關於什麼
06:57 成萬上兆的網站 Google 如何看完
07:23 On-Page SEO
10:20 Off-Page SEO
12:50 100分SEO 技術有必要嗎
13:17 如何開始鍛煉你的 SEO
14:00 Marketing必須要認識的趨勢
Ini merupakan Full Tutorial SEO Blogger Dari Awal Sampai Akhir ( Recomended untuk blogger pemula yang belajar SEO) dan rekan-rekan bisa optimasi seo dengan menlakukan beberapa hal sepert;
1. Riset kata kunci ( Analisa pencarian volume)
2. Pindahkan tulisan ke notepad untuk menormalkan tulisan
3. Pada paragraf pertama harus mengandung Kata Kunci ( lakukan juga font tulisan menjadi heading, sub heading, serta buatkan penomeran
4. menghitung density tulisan, jumlah kata dan karakter artikel gunakan :
5. membuat off page dan on page, bond link, dan link sumber yang terpercaya
6. Sesuaikan dengan label
7. buatlah tulisan referensi penulusurannya maksimal 140 karakter gunakan website untuk menghitungnya : https://bit.ly/2KjfrS0
8. Optimasi gambar, bebas Copyright, Gunakan pixabay dan Photoshop atau compress dengan https://tinypng.com/
9. Masukkan KW di awal paragraf, tenggah dan pada kesimpulan artikel
10. Taruh relate post/artikel terkait 2-3 link
11. Indek di Webmaster tool/google consule
12. Share di Medsos
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#tutorial SEO
SEO Bangla Tutorial: What Is SEO? Search Engine Optimization শেখার আগে অবশ্যই এই ভিডিও দেখে নিন।
আপনি হয়তবা মনে করেন এসইও শিখেই আপনি অনলাইন থেকে টাকা ইনকাম করতে পারবেন। কিন্তু মূল সমস্যা হচ্ছে এই SEO শেখার আগে আপনার জেনে নিতে হবে কিভাবে টাকা ইনকাম করা যায়।
আমাকে অনেকেই প্রশ্ন করেন ভাই এসইও করে কি আসলেই আমি টাকা ইনকাম করতে পারবো?
সহজ উত্তর না।
এর কারণ কি? সম্পূর্ণ ভিডিও টি দেখুন আশা করি উত্তর পেয়ে যাবেন।
SEO Bangla Tutorial: What Is SEO? Search Engine Optimization শেখার আগে অবশ্যই এই ভিডিও দেখে নিন। স্টেপ বাই স্টেপ ভিডিও 🔴 http://bit.ly/LazukTv
#SEO #SearchEngineOptimization #LazukHasan
আমার চ্যানেলে মূলত আমি অনলাইন মার্কেটিং নিয়ে ভিডিও পাবলিশ করে থাকি। আপনি যদি ফ্রিলান্সিং বা অনলাইন মার্কেটিং কে ক্যারিয়ার হিসেবে নিতে চান তাহলে আশা করি ইনশাআল্লাহ অনেক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তথ্য আমার এই চ্যানেল থেকে পাবেন।
আমাদের অনলাইন লার্নিং প্লাটফরমে আপনি পাবেন ১০০+ ভিডিও টইটোরিয়াল। বিস্তারিত জানতে এই লিঙ্ক দেখুনঃ www.mabsit.com
সকল রিসোর্স ভিডিও পেতে এই প্লেলিস্ট দেখুনঃ
سيو اليوتيوب 🔥 وكيفية تصدر نتائج البحث في يوتيوب 1️⃣ أسرار YouTube SEO
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هذا موقعي الذي أقدم فيه أنا وفريقي عدد من خدمات التسويق الإلكتروني : www.Zawwd.com
حسابي في فيسبوك لو كنت مهتماً بقراءة قصص رعب : https://www.facebook.com/hasanhalaby2012
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صفحتي في ويكيبيديا : https://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D8%AD%D8%B3%D9%86_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D9%84%D8%A8%D9%8A_(%D8%B4%D8%A7%D8%B9%D8%B1)
موقعي الشخصي : www.hasanalhalaby.com
أحد أهم المواقع بالنسبة لي : http://www.ted.com
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Let’s talk about some YouTube SEO basics. Yep. Just like Google and Pinterest, YouTube is a search engine. And there are some things that you can do to help improve your YouTube SEO to have your YouTube videos appear in a YouTube search! Ever wonder how you get more views on your videos and more YouTube subscribers? The secret: SEO! Today I’m talking about how to perform keyword research on YouTube, sharing my YouTube tag strategy, how I use TubeBuddy, and more!
Get TubeBuddy FOR FREE! – https://www.tubebuddy.com/thecontentbug
TCB Courses – https://tcbcourses.com/
The Blog Hustler (ebook) – http://bit.ly/TBH-book
The Big Plans Planner (my productivity guide & planner) – http://bit.ly/big-plans
JOIN THE TCB VAULT TODAY! – http://bit.ly/TCB-vault
Join my VIP team: http://thecontentbug.com/vip-team/
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Untuk mendapatkan kata kunci terbaik, kita harus menggunakan tools seo youtube. Video SEO berguna agar video kita dapat diranking. Simak best seo tools for youtube berikut ini.
How much does it cost to do SEO? The truth is you don’t need any money. In order to get traffic through SEO, all you need is a bit of sweat equity, invest the time and effort in your business so you can start reaping rewards. Do you want to learn how? Today I’m going to break down how to Win on SEO Without Spending Money, The Penniless Marketer Full Strategy.
So what do you do? Well, yeah, you can go after the competitive keywords and you can include them in your content, but as I mentioned, that shouldn’t be your core focus because you’re not going to for rank them anytime soon.
I also want you to look for keywords that have higher volume because if a keyword has a higher volume, that means you can also potentially get more sales.
And then I want you to look for a keyword that has an SEO difficulty score of under 40 because that means that keyword is going to be easier for you to rank for in the short run.
The second step you need to take is to understand the search intent behind your target keywords.
Generally speaking, when someone is searching for any given keyword, their search falls into one of the following categories.
Navigational. People use this to type the keyword when they’re looking for specific websites they already know.
Transactional. People use transactional keywords when they want to buy something.
Informational. This one people are seeking information for any given topic.
Typically when you’re going after and you’re trying to get sales, you want to try to go after informational keywords or transactional keywords. Those two keywords can generate sales. Transactional will generate them faster. Informational ones won’t be as quick.
The third step is to create a content calendar.
If I were you and I was starting out to push out content, I would start out with something simple like once a week and then go from there. Don’t overwhelm yourself. You can always increase your quantity.
The fourth step before writing each content piece, do thorough research and curation.
How long is their content? How do you make yours more comprehensive? What subtopics are they including in their content? What keywords are constantly appearing? Any videos included in their content? What kind of images are they using to tell their story? What type of data sources are they using? You want to jot all of this down and then start creating your outline from all the rich media that you should include from all the topics that you should cover to all the keywords that you need to cover to all the sources that you’re going to want to use for your research, all the data, stats, and academic papers that you also want to link out to.
For the fifth step, enrich your content with other media types.
I love including videos in my content, infographics, charts, data visualizations. If you don’t have money to pay for a designer, that’s okay.
The sixth step, work on speeding up your website.
Make sure you’re using a CDN like Cloudflare. Heck, you can even do it for free. When you’re on WordPress, you also want to use AMP pages. These AMP pages are great for mobile devices it allows your page to load up super fast. Are you compressing your images? I use a plugin called Smush which works out really well with WordPress to compress images.
The seventh step, use the free SEO tools out there to keep track of your progress and continually improve your website.
From Google Search Console telling you, hey, what should you do to get more traffic? It’ll tell you all the errors that you need to fix. It even tells you webpage load time now and which pages are loading slowly on mobile and desktop so you know what to focus on next.
Step eight, be consistent.
Always stick to your editorial calendar. Publish content around your core strategy. Don’t get caught up in the shiny object syndrome. The strategy is really simple. Just follow everything that I’ve broken down here and you can do well.
Just because something is simple, it doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. You have to be disciplined at analyzing your work and doubling down on what’s working, right? And I broke this all down so you can do it for free.
► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/
►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
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SEO For Beginners: 3 Powerful SEO Tips to Rank #1 on Google in 2020
Are you new to SEO and want to rank #1 on google this upcoming year? Here are 3 SEO strategies that will boost your rankings!
#1: Focus on content
Google has this update called Hummingbird, and with Hummingbird, websites who just have content on everything won’t do as well as sites which focus on one single niche and are super thorough.
You want to be VERY thorough with your SEO content. Poke holes in your content and fill them all up, so then that way people are like, “This is the end all site “that you should end up reading “if you’re interested in dating online.”
#2: Optimize your title tag and your meta description
Have you ever done a Google search, and noticed that every time you do it, there is this link at the top, and then there’s this one sentence with a link at the top is called the title tag.
And the description below is called the meta description.
Now think of it this way, if you search for the phrase online dating, and you don’t see the word online dating in neither the title or the description, are you going to click on the result?
Well if you are, there’s something wrong, because why would you click on a result that isn’t related to what you’re looking for?
In addition to that, have you ever searched for a term like online dating? And have you ever noticed that the word isn’t in the title or description?
That’s because Google tracks who’s clicking on what listing, and they’ve learned that when a keyword is in the listing, that same keyword that you’re searching for, they know you’re way more likely to click through.
So in your title tag and your meta description, make sure you include the keyword. But you can’t just add the keyword, “online dating,” right?
The easiest way and what I would do and I wish it was this simple; I will just put “online dating, online dating, online dating, online dating.”
If I could put it 20 times so people would know that the article is on online dating, I wish I would get more clicks.
But it’s not that simple.
Yes you have to include the keyword in your title and your description, but it has to be appealing. If it doesn’t flow in a sentence, it’s not easy to read, and it’s not appealing or evoking curiosity, no one is gonna click through.
#3: Use Google Search Console
Did you know that Google gives you a tool that teaches you how to rank number one on Google?
Yes I know that sounds ridiculous but it is true, and it’s called Google Search Console.
If you’re not already a user of it, sign up.
It doesn’t cost a dollar. You’re missing out if you’re not using it.
I can’t emphasize that enough. So now that you’re using Google Search Console…give it a few days because it takes some time to populate data. You’ll see a screen that shows Search Analytics and this shows you all the pages on your website that are getting you traffic. But the cool thing about Google Search Console is they also show you which articles are getting impressions.
Take all the keywords you’re getting impressions for and start adding them to your copy.
Now we have an article on Instagram, and it teaches you how to get over 300 targeted Instagram followers per day.
The article is around 10,000 words. When I first wrote that article, it wasn’t 10,000 words, it was roughly 2,500.
I went to Google Search Console, I saw all the people that are searching for terms related to the article, I added them within that article. I made it more thorough and you know what?
My SEO traffic more than tripled to that article. Yes it is that simple. And when I made that change, it didn’t happen right away, but I noticed the results within 50 days. That’s not a long time.
Now that you’ve learned these three tips, I challenge you in which I want you to take these tactics and implement them, and then after you implement them, in the next 45 days I want you to leave a comment with your results. Because if you’re not doing well, that means I’m not happy.
Subscribe here to learn more of my secret SEO tips: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=neilvkpatel Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
Read more on my blog: https://neilpatel.com/blog