The Most Ridiculous Way To Write ChatGPT SEO Content

The Assistans API was eclipsed by the recent GPTs update – but what if I told you that the Assistants API was much better, and wrote almost 2k words everytime?!

I decided to make an entirely new method of writing content using the assistants API, which produces 2k words consistently, has images inside, and has a lot of really good formatting – as well as writing content that will rank on Google

You can find the entire SOP here:

SOP For Using My GPT Assistant

The basic overview

1. You will need a few things, firstly a list of all your internal links you will want to include – I generally use my collections on Shopify (see step 8)
2. You will need images from your website with a short description (just a link + a description of what the photo is will do)
3. You will need a keyword to write the article

Ways to do this stupidly but also very quickly

4. You will need an OpenAI Account and PREFERABLY access to the new GPT API (gpt-4-1106-preview – go to the playground
5. You will need to create a new assistant – Give it any name, mine is called BigBoss – Select your model (I am using GPT-4-1106-preview)
6. You will need to put the instructions ( inside the Assistants API
7. You will need to add example1.txt to the files upload ( – Also add code interpreter and retrieval
8. You will need to understand sitemaps, and you’ll need sitemaptoclipboard – Go to your sitemap ( – and open the collection/categories sitemaps – and take some internal links as you want)
9. You will need product images, product links, and titles – You can just do this manually, you can use this scraping tool ( – To use this tool you just need to copy the code into a new Visual Studio Code folder, and call it – then right click download your sitemap and drag it into the same folder. This only currently works with Shopify – if you’re on WordPress you’ll have to do it manually for now.



Write /start
answer all the questions one by one
Take the content to paste to Markdown
Run the prompt inside another playground tab

Once you’ve got the full content output, copy it manually and paste it to clipboard to markdown

Then, open another playground with any version of GPT-4 and put this prompt in the system:

This is from ChatGPT. Remove any references in the first person, or mentions of user, continue, or bigboss. There should be no references to I, I’ll or any other first person sentences. Remove all first person paragraphs. Remove excessive repeated internal links.

Do not remove any content. Do not change any content. Do not change anything – just correct the formatting of this article – Add h1/h2/h3 headers and make sure the table is properly formatted.

Strictly do not remove images, internal links, or anything else formatting wise.

Paste the content into the user prompt part of the playground

This will format the article – now you can just put it into and it’s ready to paste, as you can see – you can see what it looks like using the W3 Schools tryit editor

Use the HTML to put it directly into shopify

#chatgpt #chatgpt4 #gpt #aiseo #seo #ai #aiwriter

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