”The Social Media” 100% by BurritoGamerX | Geometry Dash [2.11]

The Social Media is the newest level by a rising creator, BurritoGamerX, being the sequel to brug this, which I also uploaded about a month ago. This has a cartoony style, with a ton of art and effects to make everything pop out even more. The focus of the level are social medias, whether it’s Facebook, Instagram or Reddit, the art for the logos and objects that acompany them looks really good, there are switches in colors, fades in the transitions, movement tied to the decoration and other aspects that take the detail in this level up a notch. The block design also fits the theme really well, combining it’s colors and design with what’s going on in the background. one thing to note is that he recreated the swing copter, both in terms of the feel of the gameplay and the way it looks. My only complaint about this level is the gameplay, It’s pretty inconsistent, and the transitions are kind of hard to read, but overall I’d say this turned pretty good.
Thumbnail by Burrito Gamer X: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIRfEbrW-w4tL7vXy3rKOLQ