Understanding difference between GA based launches and PPC based launches.

Understanding difference between GA based launches and PPC based launches. What kind of price point is suitable for GA based launch vs PPC based launch.

Understanding 5 metrics of BSR & Ranking improvement
1. Your ASIN Age
2. Number of Reviews
3. Review score
4. Your price
5. Sales velocity

In other words if you are doing GA based launch then what kind of competition is suitable for GA based launch and what kind of competition is going to be nothing but disaster if you enter into GA based launch. And what kind of competition is suitable for PPC based launches.

Understanding bleeding difference or how to calculate net bleeding between GA based launch vs PPC based launch and understanding why we need 4 sources of traffic for optimal growth of your list and to always keep yourself 10 steps ahead of your upcoming new competitors. These 4 sources are

1. Organic Order
2. Sponsored Orders
3. IM based Orders
4. MCF External Orders

And why these type of 4 orders are so important and also understand why sponsored Ads will help increasing velocity and that increase of velocity will help you grow your organic orders at the same time which will compensate whatever bleeding you incurring on sponsored orders.

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