Tip: add "reddit" to search queries to get authentic human results untainted by SEO

Tip: add “reddit” to search queries to get authentic human results untainted by SEO

There are a number of ways to improve Google results by adding “magic” to the query. -site:pinterest.com is a classic, removing an obnoxious SEO parasite from image search. But the most profoundly effective, I find, is to simply include the word “reddit”—espe…

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How to do Email Marketing – a Quick Guide

Watch our video to get a quick and simple overview of the best practices for email marketing.
We’ve covered all 4 key stages that will help you grow your mailing lists and boost open rates!

Bitrix24 comes with free email marketing tools. Follow this link to learn more: https://www.bitrix24.com/~3ekJ8

Check out more useful info here:

Bitrix24 CRM (with email marketing): https://www.bitrix24.com/~oPlbq
Best email marketing service: https://www.bitrix24.com/~oEC3O
Responsive email marketing templates: https://www.bitrix24.com/~BXIAz
Email automation in Bitrix24: https://www.bitrix24.com/~MGu88
Bitrix24 CRM: https://www.bitrix24.com/~ECcLb

📲Get Bitrix24 mobile app for iOS https://apps.apple.com/app/bitrix24/id561683423
📲Get Bitrix24 mobile app for Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bitrix24.android

👉 View a list of upcoming webinars https://www.bitrix24.com/support/webinars.php
👉 Find Bitrix24 on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bitrix24/
👉 Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bitrix24/
#EmailMarketing #Email #Marketing #Bitrix24 #CRM #Business


Azt mondják, ha el akarsz rejteni egy ☠️hullát, tedd a Google második oldalára, mert azt senki sem 👀nézi. Ha nem is ennyire sarkos a dolog, azért mindenki a Google első oldalán szeretne szerepelni. Miért? Mert az, aki ott van, ✅nagyobb forgalmat realizálhat.

De hogyan lehet oda kerülni? Elárulom: 🔎keresőoptimalizálás.

Hogy mi fán terem a SEO, és hogyan valósítsd meg a gyakorlatban, kiderül a legújabb videómból.

Ha tetszett a videó, akkor iratkozz fel a csatornámra (itt rögtön jobbra a nagy piros gomb), hogy le ne maradj semmiről! 😉

Még több – és más fajta – tartalom tőlem neked:
👉 Honlap blog cikkekkel: https://produkton.hu/
👉 Közepesen hosszú írások és videók: https://www.facebook.com/produkton.hu/
👉 Storyban rövid érdekességek: https://www.instagram.com/produkton.melinda/

DEBUNKED: Email Marketing Myths & Misconceptions

How To Master Email Marketing & Write Emails That SELL
Download my FREE Ultimate Email Marketing Cheatsheet ►► https://copyposse.com/emc

Have you ever heard one of the following statements?

📣 Email marketing is DEAD.
📣 AI is taking over the inbox.
📣 Why hire a copywriter when I can just use email templates?
📣 Who needs an email list when I have a large social media following?

Pretty sure we’ve all heard misconceptions like those a time or two…

Whether it was from an “industry expert,” a social media “influencer,” or your great-aunt Marcia at the latest family barbecue.

“Why are you writing emails, dear? I heard that’s a dead-in-the-water career.” 👵🏻

🙄 Okay, Marcia. Let me just stop you right there…

Because I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Three little secrets, to be exact.

In this tutorial, I’m busting down three of the biggest myths and misconceptions that are floating around cyberspace when it comes to the “outlook” of email marketing.

And I’m also going to fill you in on a secret weapon that’ll give you a massive advantage and leg-up over any competition (yeah — robot competition included) 🤖

Now let’s bust some myths.

P.S. Watch until the end to get a super rad gift 😉


Every single week I provide tips and resources from my copywriting vault, so go ahead and browse the tutorials and guides I already have up and, after you subscribe, hit that little bell icon so you don’t miss any future videos from me.



Read this instead: https://www.alexcattoni.com/email-marketing-myths/

#EmailMarketing #Copywriting #EmailMarketingForBeginners

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Easy Email Marketing 2022

In part one of this four-part series, I’m going to cover some easy email marketing wins using hyper-personalisation. These simple changes will have a huge impact on your open rates and engagement. Grab a pen and some snacks, it’s a long one.

In this video, I’ll walk you through all the elements that make a great targeted email, including design principles. we’ll also look at a few examples including some bad ones to give you a clear understanding of how to craft beautiful, smart emails without the garbage.

Get my automated Email Planner template here:

Signup to my monthly newsletter for free content, insights and giveaways every month:

looking for Creative Agency help without the price tag or the attitude? head on over to my agency, http://runaway.world and we’ll take care of the rest.

Full chapter list below so you can skip my ramblings and watch any section that interests you:


00:00 – Intro
00:48 – Overview
03:14 – Segmentation

06:09 – High Five Impact Check
06:26 – Using names in Subject lines
07:39 – Personalised Lead-in Content
08:37 – Contextually Aware
09:35 – Hyper Personalised Email Example
12:16 – Using Historical Customer Data
13:38 – Naughty email practice example
14:30 – Anniversary Email Example (Easyjet)
15:13 – Relevancy

Email Design & Personalisation Review

17:30 – Welcome/Onboarding Email Examples
19:08 – Welcome Email Example (Asos)
22:19 – Welcome Email Example (Myprotein)
25:00 – Welcome Email Example (Medium)

5 Rules for Great Looking Emails
27:37 – Measure Your Copy
28:15 – Enticing Vernacular
28:45 – Minimal Animation
29:18 – Keep It Human

Template How-to-Use Guide
30:48 – Email Planning Template Overview

Thanks for watching, don’t forget to let me know your thoughts in the comments, and if you enjoyed this video give it a like, it really helps me out. 🙏

Music Credit:
Music from Uppbeat
License code: ME26LLJJGHJGSNUU

Music from Uppbeat
License code: EEQVYYMZA1TN34MZ