$300 Secret SEO Hack Makes Money With SIMPLE Keyword Research

Would you like to know a secret SEO hack that makes $300 a day just by performing simple keyword research?

A lot of people really liked my video that I did recently on how you can make money by changing meta tags on a website but I didn’t go in-depth on how to actually find profitable and EASY keywords to rank for.

1. Define the goal (how many leads do you want?)
2. Type in a keyword then plug URLs into GKWP
3. Run a site audit
4. Incorporate new keywords into titles


[00:00:00] Introduction
[00:00:26] Figure out the search rate to define goal
[00:01:26] Google Keyword Planner
[00:02:36] Look for whose ranking for the intended keywords
[00:03:27] Plug the website in Keyword planner
[00:04:13] A tool that can extract and export keywords for the main topic
[00:06:30] Two options for ranking a keyword
[00:06:46] Go to Shine audit
[00:08:06] Match the keywords to the website
[00:09:32] How to sell audit to a potential client
[00:10:38] Build pages
[00:12:17] Get the SEO tools and resources in Chasereiner.com

-Chase R

SEO Agency Philadelphia