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* بريد إلكتروني : contact@BenMohammadi.org
Feedback Friday: Best Practices for Email Marketing During a Crisis
Best Practices for Email Marketing During a Crisis: Webinar Recording + Q&A https://litmus.com/blog/best-practices-for-email-marketing-during-a-crisis-webinar-recording-qa
Email Snarketing
What we owe each other: Marketing during the unthinkable http://bit.ly/2IVT6ZG
Really Good Emails Emergency Email Examples http://bit.ly/2TWMSid
How to be a human marketer in a pandemic like COVID19 https://reallygoodemails.com/blog/how-to-be-a-human-marketer-in-a-pandemic-like-covid19/
Video transcription https://reallygoodemails.com/blog/feedback-friday-best-practices-for-email-marketing-during-a-crisis/
Have any additional questions? Please leave them in the comments.
Tweets by RodriguezCommaJhttps://twitter.com/litmusapp #LitmusLive
When life throws you a pandemic…
The old adage of making lemonade out of life’s lemons doesn’t work if you don’t have the right ingredients on hand. And it probably won’t taste good if the lemons are especially old, moldy, and covered in COVID.
In this week’s Feedback Friday, we join Litmus and Email Snarketing to talk about what you can do in a crisis and the importance of having a plan in “times of uncertainty”.
Feedback Friday: A video series to explain the hurdles that good emails should overcome to be really good.
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5 Ways to Make Money Online in 2020 with Email Marketing
Are you looking for easy ways to make money online in 2020? Are you doing email marketing but not seeing any real difference? Then, discover learn how to make money online in 2020 with an email marketing strategy that’ll get you going ASAP.
If you want to earn money from home, then this video is an excellent starting point!
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Email Marketing se 5 Lakhs per month kaise kamaye
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Topics covered during the video:
1.) What is Email Marketing?
2.) Don’t of Email Marketing
Buying leads (don’t)
Bulk mailing (don’t)
Promoting offers (don’t)
3.) 40x revenue
4.) Doesn’t happen free of cost
Your email address has always remained the same
5.) Types of Lead magnet
Video series
Objective – To acquire email address & phone number
6.) Stop:
Stop spamming
Stop selling without adding value
7.) Types of Auto responders
Active Campaign
Mail chimp
These are used to send Automated Mails
8.) Biggest mistake committed by people – They try selling to people right away
9.) Understanding traffic temperature
10.) Nurturing the audience
11.) Customer value journey
12.) Ways to generate revenue*
Own programs
Affiliate offers
Create awareness
Book reviews
13.) Golden rule – Recommend only what you use
Do Share the video
Hit the subscribe button
14.) Type in the comments section if you want the the second part of this video. Topics to be covered in the second part:
A.) Best subject lines
B.) My emailing sequence
C.) Resend strategy
D.) Scaling
E.) Best time to send the mails
Always committed to serve people.
Love & respect
Rahul Bhatnagar
12 Email Newsletter Design Tips to Boost Your Email Marketing Results
If you want people to open your emails, you need to pay attention to your email newsletter design. Good design is key to enticing readers to scroll through your entire email, and better yet, click to your website. And Visme is the perfect start for creating email designs that your audience loves: https://www.visme.co
If you’re currently experiencing poor email marketing results, the first thing you need to do is take a look back at your most recent emails. How do they look?
Then compare your emails to some of the best brand emails you’ve ever gotten. Do they compare? If the answer is no, then it’s likely other emails are stealing your audience’s attention, even if they aren’t even direct competitors.
You want to stand out in your audience’s inbox as a must-read email newsletter. The best way to do that is by placing an emphasis on your email newsletter design.
In this video, Mike Ploger dives into 12 email newsletter design tips that will help to boost your company’s email marketing results.
By implementing these, you’ll see an uptick in opens and clicks and a decrease in unsubscribes. Just a few of the newsletter design tips you’ll hear in this video are:
– Design for mobile devices – more than half of all email users read email on their smartphones
– Keep your text short, sweet and to the point – no one wants a wall of text in their inbox
– Create visual hierarchy within your design – make headers larger than body copy
– Simplify your font choice – make sure it’s easy to read and never, ever use Comic Sans
And more!
Quality email newsletter design isn’t an impossible task. And if you get started with a design software like Visme that includes tons of beautiful email templates (Check them out here: https://www.visme.co/templates/graphics-for-websites/email-header/), your email newsletter design will be both easy and efficient!
To learn even more about email newsletter design tips, check out our full blog post on the subject: https://visme.co/blog/newsletter-design/
Also, check out our blog post on color psychology that Mike mentioned in tip #7 to learn more about choosing the right colors for your email newsletter: https://visme.co/blog/color-psychology-in-marketing-the-ultimate-guide/
How To Get Your First 1k Email Subscribers In 2019 – Email Marketing For Beginners
Wondering how to get your first 1K email subscribers (and beyond)? I’m sharing my TOP 6 email marketing tips for beginners. Plus, you’ll learn how one of our Business Lounge members used one of these tips to grow his email list by over 4K subscribers.
Get 50% OFF Your 1st Month In The Business Lounge here: http://jointheblounge.com
Get in-depth, practical examples of today’s episode over on the blog: https://kimberlyannjimenez.com/how-to-get-your-first-1k-email-subscribers/
ConvertKit: http://bit.ly/2G3FlGp
MailChimp: http://bit.ly/2DipWBt
Blog For This Episode: https://kimberlyannjimenez.com/2019/0…
5 Steps To Building An Email List (Playlist): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpWPg…
I Switched From OntraPort To ActiveCampaign To ConvertKit – Here’s Exactly Why: https://kimberlyannjimenez.com/2016/0…
Learn How To Sell More On Your Blog Via My Brand New, Free Masterclass: https://kimberlyannjimenez.com/blog-class/
The Online Success Path, a step-by-step guide to launching, growing and scaling the profitable online business you’ve always dreamed about: https://kimberlyannjimenez.com/success-path/
How To Start A Blog Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAgJgnFOHQU&list=PLmtiPJkhY8Nv8725xClD_g1Ga-4yND2nT
Learn Content Marketing Playlist:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5gui0X0YF4&list=PLmtiPJkhY8Nt17Rif6gidynuXizpHblW2
Run Facebook Ads On A Budget: http://bit.ly/mystrategyforfbads
5 Steps To Start An Email List From Scratch: http://bit.ly/2wgV8hT
6 Stages Of A Successful Online Business: http://bit.ly/2x5CTsR
Don’t forget to subscribe to our Podcast! : https://kimberlyannjimenez.com/podcast/
Come on over and join The Business Lounge’s FREE Mastermind Group: https://kimberlyannjimenez.com/mastermind
Learn to launch, grow or scale a profitable online business without spending thousands on a business coach. It’s my best work in one place. http://jointheblounge.com
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Measuring success in email marketing
Knowing whether your email campaigns are successful will help you take the right actions when it comes time to improving them. In this lesson, we’ll explore:
– why email metrics are important in evaluating campaign success
– five useful metrics that can help you understand email performance
– how to draw insights from the email metrics gathered.
Conheça Três Melhores Ferramentas Grátis de E mail Marketing
Aprenda nesta aula com o Professor Bruno Marinho Três Ferramentas Grátis de E mail Marketing.
Ferramentas de E-mail Marketing Citadas:
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Phần Mềm Gửi Email Marketing – TOP EMAIL MARKETING
Phần mềm gửi email marketing TOP Email là phần mềm gửi email tốt nhất hiện nay.
DÙNG THỬ MIỄN PHÍ : https://phanmemmarketing.vn/phan-mem-email/
Phone: (024) 6293 8008 – 0915.90.1919
Email: info@phanmemmarketing.vn
Address: P1407, Tháp C, Hồ Gươm Plaza, 102 Trần Phú, Hà Đông, Hà Nội.
Email marketing là một trong những kênh marketing hiệu quả nhất thế kỷ 21. Trong đó phần mềm gửi email marketing Top Email là một trong những số ít những phần mềm gửi email hàng loạt hàng loạt tốt nhất hiện tại để thực hiện việc gửi email marketing hàng loạt. Gửi email marketing hàng loạt nhằm mục đích nhanh chóng tiếp cận khách hàng hoặc tiếp thị sản phẩm ra thị trường. TOP Email là phần mềm gửi email marketing thông qua công nghệ điện toán đám mây của nhà cung cấp dịch vụ email marketing hàng loạt hàng đầu thế giới hiện nay như: Amazon SES, Sendgrid, Mailgun, PortMark,…
Chức năng của phần mềm gửi email hàng loạt Top email marketing:
– Tốc độ gửi email vô cùng nhanh, không giới hạn email gửi trong ngày.
– Gửi email thông qua server của Amazon, Sengrird.
– Tỷ lệ vào hộp thư đến rất cao (Inbox) xấp xỉ 100%.
– Cá nhân hóa khách hàng, gửi tới nhiều khách hàng với thông tin chi tiết của người nhận gồm: tên, số điện thoại, địa chỉ,…
– Thống kê chi tiết số lượng mở email, người nào mở email và thởi gian người đó mở.
– Chi phí gửi email chỉ có 9 đồng / 1 email.(1000 email chỉ mất 9000 đồng).
– Gửi email với brandname để khách hàng dễ nhận biết thương hiệu.
– Hỗ trợ kho template phong phú và đa dạng.
– Update liên tục, bảo hành miễn phí 100%.
Để sử dụng được phần mềm Top email marketing bạn cần:
– Danh sách email của bạn (Để việc xây dựng danh sách dễ dàng hơn TOP Email sẽ tặng khách hàng 1 phần mềm quét email trị giá 500.000 đồng )
– 1 Máy tính có kết nối mạng internet.
– Phần mềm gửi email marketing
#TOPEmailMarketing #phanmemguiemail #phanmememailmarketing
Les 3 meilleurs logiciels d’email marketing pour 2019 (Gratuit et payant)
Cliquez ici pour recevoir 1h de formation offerte pour créer son business en ligne : http://adamrzk.fr/vivre-de-son-blog
S’abonner à GetReponse : https://www.getresponse.com/?a=adamrzk
S’abonner à Mailchimp : https://mailchimp.com/
S’abonner à ActiveCampaign : https://www.activecampaign.com/
Le catalogue des formations disponible ici : http://adamrzk.fr/catalogue-formation/
Tu veux rester en contact avec moi suis-moi sur mes différents réseaux :
– Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/AdamRzak/
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– Email : contact@adamrzk.fr
Les 3 meilleurs logiciels d’email marketing pour 2019 (Gratuit et et payant)
► Recevez 1h de formation offerte et 101 thématiques rentables pour créer votre blog qui rapporte : http://adamrzk.fr/vivre-de-son-blog
Cette vidéo s’intitule :
Les 3 meilleurs logiciels d’email marketing pour 2019 (Gratuit et et payant)
Ma chaîne Youtube Adam RZK : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLN6…