SEO 2025 : Boostez votre visibilité sur Google (ÉPISODE 2)
Vous voulez améliorer votre SEO en 2025 ? Dans cet épisode de notre série “Marketing digital 2025”, comment optimiser votre visibilité naturelle sur Google et attirer un trafic organique de qualité. Nous explorons les fondamentaux du SEO, l’importance des mots-clés, des backlinks, et bien plus encore. Prêt à propulser votre site web vers le sommet des résultats de recherche ? C’est parti !
Chapitres :
00:00 – Introduction au SEO : C’est quoi le SEO et pourquoi est-ce essentiel ?
01:45 – Les trois piliers du SEO : Technique, On-Page et Off-Page.
• 05:30 – Recherche de mots-clés : Comment choisir les bons mots-clés pour attirer du trafic ?
• 08:00 – Optimisation du contenu : Meilleures pratiques pour plaire à Google et à vos visiteurs.
• 12:00 – L’importance des backlinks : Comment obtenir des liens de qualité pour améliorer votre crédibilité ?
• 14:00 – Tendances SEO en 2025 : L’impact de l’IA, la recherche vocale et l’optimisation mobile.
• 18:00 – Cas de réussite : Leroy Merlin et son modèle SEO exemplaire.
• 20:00 – Le SEO est-il mort avec l’IA ? Réflexion sur l’avenir du SEO dans un monde de plus en plus automatisé.
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In this video, learn the TRUE situation of what’s going on with Google SEO.
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00:00 Introduction
01:06 What’s the situation
06:28 We’ve been here before
07:45 Make money now
08:55 JV Partnerships
10:02 YouTube affiliate marketing
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remember: making money online is a business… its not a guarantee… in fact most people trying to earn money online make nothing. make sure you follow all legal requrements and disclosure requirements.
SEO is all about the long game, slow and steady wins the race. At our agency, NP Digital, clients stick around with us for years, in our enterprise division, we’re keeping clients for five plus year, that’s a long time. Eventually, we’ll probably start keeping enterprise clients for over seven years, but keep in mind, we’re a newer agency.
So even though SEO is a slow and steady game, it works, but do you really have to wait that long to get the results that you want? The answer is no. There are quick ways to get results, maybe not all the results you want, but you can get immediate results. So let’s break down five tactics to get you quicker results.
Way number one, find almost ranking phrases. The more keyword that you rank on page one for, the better off you are, because no one really goes to page two. Majority of the traffic’s on page one, and ideally at the top of page one. Did you know that you can find all the terms that you’re raking somewhat well for, and quickly optimize those, so that way you can just pop up to page one? I want you to log to Google Search Console, click on search results, then click on average position, and then scroll down and click on pages.
But when you add those terms within those areas that I just mentioned, your title tags, your content, your URL, it can quickly boost your rankings. Now, keep in mind if you change your URL, you got to do a 301 redirect from your old URL to your new URL, and you got to adjust all your old internal links to make sure they’re going directly to the new URL.
Way number two, add a free tool to your website. I added a free tool called Ubersuggest to my website. It increased my backlink count by 24,453 referring domains. The more links you have, the higher you will rank over time. And here’s a cool thing, you can do this same exact thing to your website. You don’t have to build a tool from scratch like me either, you can just add one to your website for 10, or even 15 or $20. All you have to do is go to a site called CodeCanyon where you combine a tool within your industry and just purchase it, and you can just put it on your website.
You of course won’t generate as many backlinks that I generated through Ubersuggest because I built a custom tool, but over time, as you’re getting results from using tools let’s say from CodeCanyon, or wherever else you can find them on the web, eventually as it starts getting traction, your rankings increase, you start generating more money, then you can invest the time and resources and money to build your own custom tools.
Way number three, add internal links. You publish new content all the time, right? Well if you don’t, you should start doing so, but if your new content doesn’t have backlinks, it won’t rank well. Now links take a while to get, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t get results. One quick hack is to go into your older articles and modify it. Within your older articles, add a few links to your newly published articles. This way, your new content starts ranking higher, faster. As a general rule of thumb, only modify old articles that are related to the new one. You don’t want to add internal links unless it makes sense.
Way number four, optimize your meta tags for higher ranking. You don’t have to bill links to rank higher, you can just adjust your meta tags, from your title tag to your meta description, and even as a bonus, optimize your URLs.
Way number five, content is king, so write it in half the time. Look, if you can write your content half the time, in theory, you can produce more, maybe double the amount of content, and generate even more traffic. The caveat here is though the quality needs to be great, not up to par, but great, better than up to par. On Ubersuggest, we have an AI writer that helps you write content. It won’t fully write the content for you, but it starts you off and helps you optimize for the right keywords. From there, you can modify it and create a masterpiece in half the time.
So head on over to Ubersuggest, go to the lab section, and click on AI writer. From there, put in a keyword that you want your article to be about. For this example, I selected marketing, then select the title that works for you, then select a meta description, then select a few headings, and boom, you’ll have article in seconds.
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Beginners Guide to SEO, Search Engine Optimization Guide, Digital Marketing Course in Urdu 2021, Freelancing Tips and Tricks in Pakistan.
As you guys know that I already started Digital Marketing Methodology Series. This video is the 4th part of that series. In this video, we will discuss about SEO. What is search engine optimization and how you can do it, what are the types of search engine optimization.
You can earn a lot of money through seo. There are lot of clients are available related to seo on Freelancing Platforms.
Basically, in SEO we have to rank our website higher in the search engine like (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc). After ranking our website will get huge number of traffic directly search.
Keyword is also the most important part is SEO. Basically, when you search anything on google, you write a keyword. That’s why google understands your query and show you related articles or websites.
There are two types of keywords.
1- Short Tail Keywords:
2- Long Tail Keywords:
We have also discussed On-page seo and Off-Page seo. I also discussed everything related to Backlinks in this video.
Types of Backlinks:
1- Guest Posting
2- Comment Backlinks
3- Web 2.0 Backlinks
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SEO for beginners. The easiest way to build links. Links are the hardest factor to manipulate when it comes to SEO, and without them it’s almost impossible to rank at the top of Google. But before I teach you the easiest way to build links, let me break down how they work.
With SEO, there are two main factors: your on-page SEO and then your off-page SEO. Your off-page SEO is essentially links. It’s other websites linking to you. The more websites that link to yours, the more, quote, unquote, votes your site is getting, which helps you rank higher.
Now, not all links are equal. Links from sites like New York Times or BBC are considered to be more authoritative and powerful than links from a random site that’s just starting out. And links from well-known sites, like the ones I mentioned, are tougher to get, hence they help you more with SEO. So how do you get those links? Well, there are three ways.
One, create infographics. People love visual images that help explain what you’re trying to convey. For example, here’s an infographic that breaks down how fast a cheetah runs. How cool is that? It’s animated. It moves. It’s kind of like a GIF. That’s a great way to represent information. People love linking to stuff like that. They tend to easily generate links because people love visual content that helps explain the message. And you can find a lot of these people who can help you create these infographics that are, quote, unquote, animated and very visual on site like Dribbble. And you can find a lot of designers to help you create them at very affordable prices.
Two, release free tools. Did you know that I bought a tool called AnswerThePublic. And before that, I bought a tool called Ubersuggest. Ubersuggest has roughly 25,446 unique backlinks. AnswerThePublic has roughly 24,390 unique backlinks. That’s a lot of links. When you release a free tool, over time, people just naturally link to it. You don’t got to do outreach. You don’t got to hit a lot of people up. Literally, a lot of people just naturally link to it. Why? Because it’s free.
Now, if you release something for free that everyone else has already released for free, harder to generate links. But if you release something for free that people are usually used to pay for, really easy to generate links, you don’t really have to do much other than release it on your site and just be patient. And if you can’t afford to build a unique tool, use CodeCanyon sites to find a tool that’s good and put it on your own website.
Three, releasing tools or infographics or content isn’t good enough. You have to beg for links. Not like ask. I’m talking about literally beg. In the Ubersuggest app, I want you to go to the Backlinks Opportunity report. You can find it in the sidebar by clicking on Backlinks and then Backlinks Opportunity. In this report, put in your URL and then put in two or three competitors. Ideally, three. It will show you all the people who link to your competitors, but not to you.
Just think of it this way. If someone links a handful of your competitors, but they don’t link to you, it means that they don’t really favor one competitor or another because they’re linking to a lot of players in your space. So you want to hit them up.
See what pages they’re linking to your competitor sites first, and you want to hit them up and say, alright, here’s similar pages on my website, and here’s why they’re different, and here’s why mine are better, and here’s why you should link to me.
Email each of those sites, ask them to link to your webpage, explain again why you’re providing more value than the competitors, and it’ll cause you to get more links. And if your webpage isn’t better than your competitors, go and adjust it, make it better than theirs, and then send off the emails.
Don’t send off the emails if your pages aren’t as good. And if you actually don’t have any similar pages to your competitors that people are linking to, go and create them. But again, make sure it’s better than the competitors. And if you can’t find the email address of the site owners, use tools like which will give you their email address for free.
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Rank #1 On Google – Easy SEO Marketing (Solid Proof)
these strategies will help you…
– get more traffic from google and other search engines
– finally start getting ranked in the top
– improve and increase your rankings without crazy tactics
– make money with your search SEO marketing biz
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SEO For Beginners – Rank #1 In Google In 48 Hours (Must See)
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I Spent $1,000 On Free Traffic – SEO Rankings
remember: making money online is a business… its not a guarantee… in fact most people trying to earn money online make nothing. make sure you follow all legal requrements and disclosure requirements.