We all have that ONE friend who does a whole Instagram post about how they are “taking a break” from social media. This is what their expectation is of what their friends think versus the reality of going offline.
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follow us:
insta: http://www.instagram.com/youtwotv
tiktok: http://www.tiktok.com/@youtwotv
harjit’s twitch: http://www.twitch.com/whoisharjit
personal insta:
jaz: http://www.instagram.com/sincerelyxjaz
harjit: http://www.instagram.com/whoisharjit
business: youtwotv@moondustmgmt.com
music by epidemic sound: https://share.epidemicsound.com/zbr6J
Welcome to YouTwoTV – a sketch comedy channel produced, written, and acted by Harjit Bhandal and Jaz Saini. Check back every Monday for a new full-length sketch and (almost) daily for a comedy short.