$88,804 In 23 Days: Secret AI Bot SEO Traffic Hack

$88,804 In Month 1: Secret AI Bot SEO Traffic Hack

ok this video is super important if you want to get free traffic from google yahoo bing and other search engines.

this chatgpt traffic hack works like crazy but PLEASE use it ethically.

binge watch these next:

$6,204 A Month – Crazy Domain Side Hustle With AI

Rank #1 On Google – Easy SEO (over $416K earned so far this year)

I Spent $100,000 On Domain Names This Year… And Made?

make sure you always follow the rules, provide good content, and remember that most people trying to make money online make nothing.

remember the results are not typical implied or guaranteed… most people trying to make money online make nothing and some even lose money. always follow all rules and laws and have the right affiliate disclaimers and disclosures.

video clips and music from videoblocks.com purchased license.

Mastering ChatGPT For SEO Content

ChatGPT is unstoppable – my latest creation is creating an Automatic Internal Linking script that replaces keywords with hyperlinked anchor texts on Google docs. This, when paired with the rest of the amazing SEO tricks I’ll show you in this video. This video will also include detailed prompting instructions for ChatGPT, which will allow you to feed it brand-relevant information, and keep it talking about the topics you want it to talk about.

Next video


Pastebin for internal linking script:


I have been trying for years to find a solution to this internal linking problem, and ChatGPT has literally saved me thousands of hours in the future of my content writing processes. AI writing is here to stay, and as long as you make helpful content – It will rank on Google. You can use ChatGPT to write content that will rank first on Google, if you know what you’re dong.

Helpful content means content that actually has some use to a reader, meaning that they spend time on the page after clicking, and that the information actually furthers their knowledge in some way.

We can do this by adding details of our brand, of other brands, or of the products or services we are selling, into the prompt of ChatGPT

ChatGPT Prompting or prepping as I like to call it, is giving ChatGPT all of the information it needs to then, later, give us the information we need.

Helpful content also means formatting, so we should also prompt ChatGPT to format properly.

Process for ranking on Google with AI content

Google ad word keyword planner (set up here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeOL06Xu44o)
Search around general terms
Find one that applies to the article
Google the keyword
Take the first 5-15 “People also asked” questions
Open ChatGPT
For the first few instructions, we’re going to prep ChatGPT. We do this by feeding it information about our business. For example our business does not make clothes themselves, so I mention this to ChatGPT. Ask if it understands after each question.
“Our brand does not make clothes themselves, we sell other brands, do you understand?”
“I want you to use normal article layout, and include bullet points, h2 and h3 titles, etc. do you understand?”
“I want to write an article today, with a keyword for title, do you understand?” title
Tell ChatGPT to use the people also asked questions as headings in the article
Create a script using ChatGPT to replace text with hyperlinks using Google Scripts
Make a link list which is applicable to every article you write
Get the keyword list by cleaning the data and tell ChatGPT to use those keywords in the article
Tell ChatGPT to give you a working title
Tell ChatGPT to give you a working meta description
Tell ChatGPT to give you a blog outline
Tell ChatGPT to write each section one by one
Run the internal linking script
Add images and products

#chatgpt #chatgpt3 #seo #blog #blogpost #aiwriting #aiwriter #seotips #seotipsandtricks #seo2023

search engine optimization,seo for beginners,seo tips

Video structure:

This video is going to be the only process you will ever need to create content using ChatGPT that will rank on Google

Before we get into the process, as a bonus, here is an example of me creating a script that will automatically internally link for me, and here is the actual script, you can get it from the pastebin in the description.

Now, let’s get into prepping and prompting ChatGPT to give us amazing unique content that will rank on Google

Open google ad word keyword planner
Search for how to dress for men
Sort by trending (+900%) and pick a high volume 100-1k keyword
Search the keyword on google (Click the people also asked options at the top, copy them)
Open ChatGPT
“I want to write an article today, with a keyword for title, do you understand?” title
Prep ChatGPT (example Our brand does not make clothes themselves, we sell other brands, do you understand? – explain the do you understand part)
Prep ChatGPT (I want you to use normal article layout, and include bullet points, h2 and h3 titles, etc. do you understand?)
Show the example chat of creating the script with ChatGPT to auto internally link
Show how the script works, with examples, where to input variables
Get the keyword list by cleaning the data and tell ChatGPT to use those keywords in the article.
Prep ChatGPT (1. I am going to give you a list of keywords, is that ok? 2. Here is the list of keywords *give list of keywords from the script*
Tell ChatGPT to give you a working title
Tell ChatGPT to give you a working meta description
Tell ChatGPT to give you a blog outline
Tell ChatGPT to write each section one by one
Run the internal linking script
Add images and products

ChatGPT for SEO: Best (and Worst) Use Cases

In this video, you’ll learn some of the best (and worst) ways to use ChatGPT for SEO so you can focus on prompts that will help you improve SEO for your website.

Additional SEO Resources

Complete SEO Course for Beginners: Learn to Rank #1 in Google ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsVTqzratPs

Complete Advanced Link Building Course by Ahrefs ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNUxzKZE6K8

SEO Copywriting Tutorial: From Start to Finish ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0Ujy3EN0lk

Content Writing for SEO: How to Create Content that Ranks in Google ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BdZ0dUu7VQ

How Long Should a Blog Post Be (It’s NOT 2,000+ Words) ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeocVsZQZ-M

Cheap vs. Expensive Freelance Writers: Who’s Better? ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCmcW2kpLjg

As I’m sure you’ve seen, many SEOs and digital marketers have been sharing about their favorite SEO use cases for ChatGPT on Twitter and LinkedIn. The unfortunate thing is that many of these SEO tips won’t help you improve SEO leading to wasted time.

So we tested dozens of ways to use ChatGPT for SEO (beyond generating AI content) and have come up with a list of SEO tactics, prompts, and techniques to help you get higher rankings and more organic traffic to your website. Not just that, you’ll learn some efficient techniques that will save SEOs time and money in their everyday workflows.

For example, one of the best ways to use ChatGPT for SEO is to construct snippets of code – regular expressions being one type. SEOs can use this in tools like Google Search Console (GSC) or Ahrefs to find specific subsets of data to improve SEO.

In this video, you’ll learn a handful of prompts to use in ChatGPT and a use case to find low-hanging keyword ideas in Google Search Console.

Now on the other side, we tested and curated some of the worst ways to use ChatGPT for SEO that many SEOs are raving about. This includes things like keyword research, AI content writing for SEO, and search intent classification to name a few.

Watch the video to see why you shouldn’t be using ChatGPT for these kinds of SEO use cases.


0:00 Intro
0:28 Use case #1
1:18 Use case #2
3:00 Use case #3
3:50 Use case #4
4:25 Use case #5
5:18 Use case #6
6:42 Use case #7
7:15 Use case #8
7:51 Use case #9
9:00 Use case #10
10:38 Use case #11

#chatgptforseo #chatgpt #seo

Be sure to subscribe for more actionable marketing and SEO tutorials.

Ahrefs ► https://ahrefs.com/
YouTube ► https://www.youtube.com/AhrefsCom?sub_confirmation=1
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❎ You Need to STOP Doing SEO Now! Here’s Why…

The biggest algorithm change in Google is here and if you think SEO will save your business, you should think again. Kasim talks about why you need to stop doing SEO now, the dangers of relying too much on SEO, and the major changes in advertising brought about by the rise of AI marketing tools like ChatGPT.

So watch this video now if you want to stay ahead of the competition!

0:00 Intro
0:37 Why you need to stop doing SEO now
5:44 Google is deprioritizing AI content
10:20 Google is now being threatened with this change
15:16 Work with the best Google Ads agency on the planet

Related videos:
Are We Moving Towards a Keyword-less Future? https://youtu.be/HYgoyE3_p3E
💣 Bing With ChatGPT Is Changing the Way We Search: https://youtu.be/gw4Qa7eptEM

Are you looking to level up your Google Ads game? Join John, Kasim, and our Google Ads Strategists every Friday at 1:00 PM PT for an all-inclusive deep dive into Google Ads.
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🤖🦾🦿 The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads Performance Max for 2022 (Part 1-3): https://youtu.be/oXoFn7dUvL8

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💯The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads for Lead Generation:

Google Ads for Lead Generation: The Ultimate Guide

🛒 Everything you need to know about Google Ads for eCommerce:

Google Ads for eCommerce: The Ultimate Guide

🧲 The only guide you’ll ever need for Google Ads for YouTube:

Google Ads for YouTube: The Ultimate Guide

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🐦 Follow Kasim on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kasimaslam

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#googleads #googleadsagency #googleadshelp

How to use chatGPT to make money with PPC Ads (Make money with chatGPT)

In this video I show you how to make money with chatGPT using paid ads (PPC). This is one of the best ways to use chatGPT for marketing, and you can get an entire ad campaign in less than 30 minutes!

Let’s unpack using chatGPT for making money online.

Full blog post:

ChatGPT for SEO & Content Marketing – 12 Ways to use ChatGPT (AI) for Marketing

Make money with chatGPT for PPC in the 8 ways:
#1 Campaign Ideas
#2 Keyword Targeting
#3 Ad Targeting & Audience Segmentation
#4 Campaign Copy & Landing Page Copy
#5 Google Ads
#6 FB & IG
#7 TikTok & YouTube Shorts
#8 YouTube Ads

Here’s the full google doc from the video:

Check out some of the full chatGPT insights into marketing below!

You can check it out here:

Try Ryter AI tool for free!

Check out some of my other Chat GPT videos:

Here’s the video for chatGPT for SEO & Content Marketing:

Make Money with chatGPT – 9 Ways to Make Money with Chat GPT:https://youtu.be/gNUzVBMAn-8

ChatGPT SEO: 6 Ways chat GPT Can Optimize SEO | REAL CHATGPT EXAMPLES:

chatGPT for Email Marketing & chat GPT for Social Media Marketing:

Here’s the video for chatGPT for Software Engineers:

Here’s the video chatGPT for Marketing – 6 Marketing Uses for chat GPT:https://youtu.be/vcCYEEfKHFs

Have any questions or other ways that Chat GPT can help you with paid advertising (PPC)?
How can AI help you with PPC?
Drop them in the comments below!

• Subscribe for more product reviews and awesome videos! http://bit.ly/2AndRfb​
• Follow me on Twitter! https://twitter.com/jjfleagle​
• Like my FB Page! https://www.facebook.com/jasonjfleagle/​
• Follow Me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/jjfleagle/​

We also discuss:
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how to use chatgpt for marketing with ppc
chat gpt for ppc
chat gpt for advertising
how to use chatgpt to explain things
how to use chat gpt to make money
how to use chat gpt to make money online
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how to create a saas product using chatgpt
how to create tools and software using chatgpt
how to write papers using chat gpt
how to write a marketing plan using chatgpt
How to do marketing with chat gpt
how to write copy using chatgpt
how to write blog post and articles using chatgpt
how to create custom workout and meal plans using chatgpt
how to get legal advice using chatgpt

#chatGPT #openAI #ai

Chat GPT VS Google AI Detection ( SEO Test 2023 )

Chat GPT VS Google AI Detection SEO Testing 2023

More Fun GPT-3 testing: https://seomastermind.org

In today’s SEO testing we are going to be looking at chat GPT created by the great Folks at Open A.I and we are going to put this particular artificial intelligence (A.I) up against Google’s own artificial intelligence AI detection system.

Recently it has been brought to my attention that Google has been primarily watching their Google ads platform to ensure and prevent SEO’s that utilize AI or artificial intelligence content creation. Google is making sure that AI is not being utilized for running ads. So what we wanted to do was go ahead and take Chat GPT and put it up against Google’s AI detection bot. for a fun SEO test.

The chat GPT SEO testing on Google will be a relatively simple test to quickly find out if we are able to utilize chat GPT’s functionality in order to go ahead and launch Google ads within Google’s campaign manager through the Google Ads Platform.

We will then try to launch our Google ads and see if it is going to be flagged by Google AI for not being “high quality content that does not meet there quality guidelines”

If you have questions related to open a eyes chat GPT or GPT-3 , or if you’re interested in learning more about Google search engine optimization SEO.
Please feel free to visit the SEO Mastermind or you can always go ahead and ask any and all open AI GPT 3 questions below.

I appreciate you watching today’s chat GPT versus Google AI detection SEO testing video for 2023.

Chris Palmer Marketing SEO
30 W Broad St fl1
Tamaqua PA 18252
(570) 810-1080

Chat GPT – SEO and Blogging Will Never Be The Same

You can’t watch YouTube for 3 minutes these days without hearing something about AI or Chat GPT. That’s because AI is finally getting to the point that we could actually believe that it’s a human! That’s a big deal. So today we’ll break down Chat GPT and AI to discuss what it means for the future of SEO and Blogging.

0:00 – Questions About Chat GPT and AI
0:55 – Chat GPT’s Cool Capabilities
2:05 – AI and Chat GPT’s Impact on SEO
4:31 – Why Google Doesn’t Like AI-Generated Content
5:26 – The Limitations of AI
10:43 – AI’s Biggest Limitation for Blogging and SEO
13:25 – Will Chat GPT End Blogging?
14:04 – AI and Chat GPT’s Impact on Blogging
17:17 – Using AI as a Blogging Tool
19:42 – The Role of Humans in the world of AI
21:41 – What This All Boils Down To

Have a question or idea for a video? Or maybe you want your site or a specific article reviewed. Let me know here: https://forms.office.com/r/9VYNvRUzaN

Check out Project 24: https://incomeschool.com/project24/?ref=45
Project 24 is our membership program that teaches you how to work toward replacing your current income with income from websites and YouTube channels in 24 months.

Also check out our stupid fast and crazy functional WordPress theme, Acabado. https://incomeschool.com/acabado

Also, our current recommendations for blogging, video, and podcasting gear, software, and other resources can always be found at https://incomeschool.com/tools

Have you seen us on Instagram yet? Add us to see what we’re doing behind the scenes: https://www.instagram.com/income.school/

Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.

I Used ChatGPT to Create SEO Link Bait (Tutorial for 2023)

What if you could create SEO link bait without any coding skills?

It’s now possible with ChatGPT.

In this video, I’ll show you how you can build your own link bait in only an hour.

That means you don’t need to hire an experienced designer and developer to create it for you. You also don’t need to wait months to get a functioning prototype.

All you have to do is:

1. Find some link bait ideas (I’ll show you how)

2. Feed ChatGPT a strong prompt

3. Add the code to your website using a WordPress plugin

4. Make some SLIGHT modifications to get it right

5. Like this video because there’s a direct correlation between better Google rankings and being a subscriber of this channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNEsahyXxNJvYNsMhru-UzQ?sub_confirmation=1

Will ChatGPT kill Google? https://youtu.be/6NMXANNjkzI

🤯 The Best FREE Way To Write SEO Ranking Blog Posts Using ChatGPT Tutorial

Are you looking to improve the SEO of your website by using blog posts but don’t want to pay a writer a huge amount of money, or without spending countless hours cranking out content?

This free ai writer ChatGPT tutorial explains everything you need to know to use this tool to write amazing content that google will eat up.

Read the article:


This video is for you – introducing my method for using ChatGPT (free AI Writing software from OpenAI) in order to write your content quickly, and easily.

The amazing thing about this tool is that it remembers the conversation you’re having with it, meaning you can easily build on topics and important headings that you’ve already talked about, thus easily giving you the ability to create high quality ranking articles, which Google will actually love.

Yes, you do have to edit, if you want to guarantee that you won’t be hit by future Google updates, but for now at least it seems as if these articles are accepted by Google.

By following my method, you can see that you can very easily build an article, which is high in SEO and a powerful way to bring random traffic to your website, as well as build authority and pass page rank to other pages on your website, by using internal links as I showed you in this video

There are several other things you should be doing:

– Make sure you have a table of contents, automatically generated, as this helps with SEO
– Make sure you have high quality interest images to keep attention
– Make sure you have lists, like this list, that you’re currently reading, if you’re reading it that is of course, if you are then good job
– Internal links and external links to authorities on the subject such as wikipedia

Have fun writing HUGE amounts of SEO rich articles and blog posts

#seo #aiwriter #chatgpt #openai #blog #blogpost #contentwriting