SEO & Umsatz: Blitzschnell zum positiven SEO-ROI!

Du lernst, wie du dafür sorgst, dass sich deine SEO-Maßnahmen schnellstmöglich rechnen & welche Leitfragen dir dabei helfen.

Weitere relevante Videos & Quellen:
📺 Keyword-Recherche 2022:
📺 Lokale Landingpages:
📖 Alles Wichtige über die Keyword Difficulty:
📖 Business Model Generation, Alexander Osterwalder
📖 Product-Led SEO, Eli Schwartz


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📰 Abonniere unseren Newsletter für regelmäßige SEO-Tipps:


Wir widmen uns heute der Frage, wie man die Wirtschaftlichkeit von SEO maximieren kann.
(Dabei nehmen wir an, dass du SEO für dich selbst und nicht für einen Kunden machst.)

Stell dir vor jedem SEO-Unterfangen folgende strategische Fragen:
🤔 Wie funktioniert mein Geschäftsmodell?
🤔 Wie wird sich mein Geschäftsmodell mittel- und langfristig weiterentwickeln?
🤔 Wie & wo verdiene ich mein Geld?
🤔 Wie kann mein spezifisches Geschäftsmodell von SEO profitieren?

Die Antworten auf diese Fragen sorgen dafür, dass du ausschließlich sinnvolle Maßnahmen planst.
👉 Sie sind ausschlaggebend für alles Weitere: deine Content-Strategie, welche Seiten du priorisierst etc.
👉 Unterm Strich ist SEO kein Hobby, sondern ein Instrument, um Gewinn bzw. Profit für dein Unternehmen zu generieren.

💡 Evergreen Media als Beispiel:
Unser Hauptbereich ist laufende SEO-Betreuung, zusätzlich gibt es Einzelpakete. Daher sind für uns als Unternehmen jene Seiten bzw. Keywords besonders wichtig, bei denen Suchende schon relativ nah an der Anfrage (= Conversion) sind, wie z. B. “seo betreuung”, “seo pakete”.

⚠️ Das Keyword darf gleichzeitig nicht zu schwer zu ranken sein. Sonst dauert es zu lange, bis sich die Investition rechnet!
⚠️ Bewerte immer wieder die Qualität der Leads über unterschiedliche Traffic-Quellen.

Wenn du nun anhand solcher Überlegungen die Content-Strategie aufbaust, orientiere dich an folgenden Faustregeln bzw. Fragen:
✔️ Kommerzielle stehen über informativen Keywords.
✔️ Je höher der Klickpreis bei Google Ads, desto wahrscheinlicher handelt es sich um ein lukratives Thema.
✔️ Wie relevant bin ich mit meinem Geschäftsmodell für diese Keywords?
✔️ Kann mein Unternehmen hier überhaupt mitspielen? Oder ist die Konkurrenz zu stark? Wo liegt das Potenzial?

Nehmen wir ein beispielhaftes Keyword-Set für Evergreen Media:
“seo kosten”, “beste seo agentur”, “seo betreuung”, “seo pakete”, “onpage optimierung”

👉 Aus den o. g. Regeln würde sich folgende Priorisierung für die Keywords ergeben:
1. “seo betreuung” (kommerziell) als wichtigste Seite
2. “seo pakete” (kommerziell) als Seite, die lukrativ und wichtig zum gegenseitigen Kennenlernen ist
3. “beste seo agentur” (primär informativ mit Conversion-Potenzial)
4. “seo kosten” (informativ mit Conversion-Potenzial)
5. “onpage optimierung” (informativ) als relevantes Keyword für einen Tool-Anbieter, aber nicht unbedingt für uns als SEO-Agentur

Wenn du Prioritäten je nach Geschäftsmodell setzen willst, helfen dir diese wertvollen Daumenregeln:
⭐ für Online-Shops: Startseite & Produkt-Kategorieseiten, dann Produktseiten, dann Ratgeber
⭐ B2B-Dienstleister: Startseite & Leistungsseiten & Lösungsseiten
⭐ B2B-Produzenten: Startseite & Produkt-Kategorieseiten, dann Ratgeber
⭐ lokal tätiges Unternehmen: Startseite für Unternehmensart + Ort, dann Standortseiten, dann Local Landingpages, dann Ratgeber

Und wann haben informative Keywords aka Ratgeber/Blog/Lexikon/… Priorität?
Immer dann, wenn…
✔️ es um Linkziele für den Linkaufbau geht
✔️ bereits alle SEO-relevanten kommerziellen Seiten perfektioniert wurden
✔️ der Fokus ein Content-Marketing-Ökosystem ist (= das Unternehmen will sich primär als die Anlaufstelle in der Nische positionieren)

🌐 Deutsch, Deutschsprachig, Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, German

#SEOROI #SEOUmsatz #SEOStrategie #DigitalMarketing #Onlinemarketing #Business

Content Strategy for SEO: What Is It, Top Errors and Tips for Success

Learn about Content Strategy for SEO! In this edition of Crawling Mondays we go through the topic with the experienced content specialists Shelley Walsh and Himani Kankaria, covering:

01:41 What is Content Strategy
05:46 The Main Content Strategies Mistakes
09:01 The Building Blocks of a Successful Content Strategy
15:21 Favorite Content Tools

— This edition of Crawling Mondays has been sponsored by ContentKing: Real-time SEO Auditing & Monitoring Platform, Check them out:

#ContentStrategy #ContentOptimization #SEO

SEO Marketing || SEO Marketing Strategy

Have you heard the term SEO but wondered what it stands for? Maybe you know it stands for “search engine optimization,” but do you know the actual value of SEO in marketing your business?

Imagine you need something — a product or service. What do you do? You Google it, right? Then, Google spits out a page of search results related to what you’re looking for so you can make a choice and proceed with your purchase.

The Complete Guide to SEO for 2022 (Full Webinar)

SEO is a huge topic and can seem really complicated. But the factors that will have the vast majority of the impact on how your website ranks are pretty straight forward. In this webinar, I’ll explain those important SEO Ranking Factors and show you how to win with SEO.

Quality Rater Guidelines:
Core Web Vitals Video:
Blogging System Video:
Link Building Video:

0:00 – The “Clean SEO” Approach
0:56 – What this approach does for us an out students
2:44 – SEO Overview
3:12 – Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines and SEO
5:06 – Google’s Top Ranking Factors
9:41 – Content Age
13:26 – Content Relevance
17:54 – #1 Blogging Mistake
20:16 – Search Analysis Overview and Examples
29:08 – Mastering On-Page SEO
31:58 – Snippet Optimization
34:39 – Writing Quality Content
36:48 – Technical SEO
44:50 – Off-Page SEO
45:35 – E-A-T
46:38 – YMYL Topics
47:59 – How to Build E-A-T
Have a question or idea for a video? Or maybe you want your site or a specific article reviewed. Let me know here:

Check out Project 24:
Project 24 is our membership program that teaches you how to work toward replacing your current income with income from websites and YouTube channels in 24 months.

Also check out our stupid fast and crazy functional WordPress theme, Acabado.

Also, our current recommendations for blogging, video, and podcasting gear, software, and other resources can always be found at

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Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.

THIS Will Completely Change Social Media Marketing in 2022 (If It Hasn’t Already…)

Something is about to change in social media. Are you ready for it? Hey everyone, I’m Neil Patel, and this will completely change social media marketing in 2022 if it already hasn’t.


Lots of companies couldn’t rely on foot traffic anymore to generate revenue because of the lockdowns and social distancing. This led to a huge explosion and demand for digital marketing and social media is one of the best channels for businesses to leverage.

Sprout’s Social’s 2021 index found that nine out of 10 consumers will buy from brands that they follow on social. 86% will choose that brand over a competitor and 85% will buy from that brand more often. So our competition is expected to grow, so as consumers willing to use this marketing channel to make buying decisions.

You can expect social media to get even more competitive over the coming year. And as companies start getting better and more competitive in social media marketing, you’ll have to compete for attention far more than before. So here are some things that you can do to compete on a level playing field.

According to Sprout Social, there are a few key factors that’ll differentiate you from your competition.

The first one is, to respond to customer service questions in a timely manner. You need to demonstrate responsiveness and answer the customers in a timely fashion.

Next, demonstrate an understanding of what they want and need. So what do people want and need? And as you go about creating content, you should keep customers in mind because it’s all about servicing them and providing stuff for them.

A good way to measure this is by looking at different content pieces and seeing which one gets the most engagement. Whether it’s the format, the message type itself, the content type, whether it’s video or text, it’s always good to see what stands out and gets more engagement. As you discover the types of content that tend to perform well, just do more of them.

Next, I want you to create more culturally relevant content. Today, we can see more and more brands creating content around cultural events that mobilized people’s attention like Black Lives Matter and the Me Too movement, and even some mainstream sports events like the Olympics.

You should be listening to what’s drawing your audience’s attention and create content that resonates with those topics. That includes putting out user-generated content because user-generated content is amazing. Do you want to spend all your time sitting in front of a keyboard writing content when other people can do it for you? That’s the example of user-generated content. I also want you to create educational content about the products or services that you’re offering. This is where this is the difference between selling and showing up. Look selling is great, but you want to show up and have that generate sales for you. When it’s about your product, it shouldn’t just be about, hey, let me go and sell this. It should be about educating and putting things first for others.

So it’s like, you want to tell people, hey, engage with me. Just like, I’ll tell you right now, check out my profiles. My Neil Patel ones on Instagram, my NP digital ones. And this is obvious, but when you tell other people to engage with you and brands forget to do this, you’ll get way more engagement from your audience.

And you should be actively engaging with them by answering their comments, their questions, even looking at their profiles and responding and engaging their webs on Instagram or Facebook, or even adding stories or tagging people. This will all help you do better.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @

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#SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

The Perfect Tool to Create Your Email Marketing Campaigns | GoDaddy

Wouldn’t it be great if someone had a one-stop shop for tools to help you with your Email Marketing campaigns. GoDaddy does… and our Guides can tell you more.

In this video, we’ll introduce GoDaddy Email Marketing tool, share its features and benefits and explain how to use it.

Check out more helpful content ➜

0:00 Best email marketing tool
0:30 Mobile friendly email templates
0:50 Best email deliverability platform
1:20 Best email reporting tool
1:35 Building your email subscriber list

GoDaddy links:

As the company empowering everyday entrepreneurs around the world, GoDaddy gives you all the help and tools you need to grow online.

#EmailMarketing #HowTo #GoDaddy #EmailMarketingTips #GoDaddyEmail #EmailMarketingStrategy #MarketingTools #EmailMarketing2021

Email Marketing Design Guidelines

How you format your email marketing is as important as the messaging within it. Our Guides will help you sort through what’s important for design of your email marketing campaigns.

In this video, we’ll share some general design guidelines when formatting your email marketing content, and how to create a professional looking email without the pro.

GoDaddy links:

As the company empowering everyday entrepreneurs around the world, GoDaddy gives you all the help and tools you need to grow online.

#GoDaddy #Marketing #Website