Aaliyah became a social media star – against her will

This is the story of how Aaliyah lost control over intimate images online. How someone shared her images and how they ended up being shared in thousands of places – and even sold.

And it is the story of how she took back control.

While image sharing is becoming a pressing issue, the importance of organizations like the SWGfL https://swgfl.org.uk/ is growing. They help victims of non-consensual intimate image sharing with helplines and online tools.

Understanding the potential for intimate image abuse is crucial in a digital age where sharing intimate images has become normalised. Over two-thirds (68.68%) of 16-24-year-olds know someone who has been a victim of intimate image abuse, highlighting the prevalence of this issue among younger generations. Read more in our report “The Naked Truth” https://media.kasperskydaily.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/86/2024/07/15164921/The-Naked-Truth-Kaspersky.pdf

This video was created by Kaspersky to help survivors like Aaliyah. Because defending digital lives is what we do.

A special thanks goes to @TomorrowUnlocked for the support with producing this film.

00:00 Meet Aaliyah – an unwilling social media star
00:25 A call from a friend
00:45 The discovery
00:57 An obsessive search
01:14 Painful Questions
01:30 The escalation
01:47 Not the end
01:57 Get help!
02:14 Take Back Control

#revengeporn #pornography #privacy #gethelp

പറയാൻ മടിക്കുന്ന ചില കാര്യങ്ങൾ | The DARK SIDE of Social Media | Motive Focus

Uncover the hidden truths of social media in this eye-opening video. Dive deep into the dark side, exploring its impact on mental health, privacy concerns, the spread of misinformation, cybersecurity risks, and a lot more. Join us as we navigate the shadows of social media and shed light on the challenges we face in creating a safer and more responsible digital landscape.

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Rich dad Poor dad: https://amzn.to/2YFKkHp
The Secret: https://amzn.to/3b3aLvO

00:00 The Dark Side
00:55 The Impact on Mental Health
05:10 Privacy Concerns and Data Exploitation
07:20 Fake News and Misinformation
09:58 Some Precautions

#SocialMedia #DarkSide #digitalwellbeing