Bulk Email – Do not do this in Email Marketing | Digital Marketing | Roy Digital

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Bulk email marketing.

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Hey guys,

I am Hrishikesh Roy a Digital Marketing Speaker and Trainer from the last many years. During all these past 10 years I’ve learned a lot from self-learning.

Now I decided to start passing this knowledge to all the coming aspirants in Digital Marketing.

So, if you want to learn Digital Marketing from one place do subscribe to this channel.

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Learn Digital Marketing drip by drip with me Hrishikesh Roy.

Subscribe to this channel for videos on Digital Marketing and learn all the basic and advance of SEO, Social Media, Ecommerce, Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing, Google Analytics, Mobile Marketing, Sales Funnel, Lead Generation and much more.

Background Music Credit: Rock Angel by Joakim Karud https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/K8eRXvLL7Wo

BEWARE! Don’t Sell SEO As A Digital Marketing Agency

Learn more: https://www.theundergroundsecrets.com/
Learn more: https://www.theundergroundsecrets.com/
One of the biggest mistakes that I have ever made was selling SEO services for low monthly retainers

Free SEO Training: https://www.theundergroundsecrets.com/webinar25742862

Watch my other videos:

Digital agency pricing model:

How to start your agency:

How digital agencies will be different in 2019:

Have digital marketing agencies become saturated?

3 easy services you can sell as a digital marketing agency:

Because of this, I ended up getting a bunch of dissatisfied clients who eventually fired me for providing little to no results

This was a case of overpromising and not having the budget available to implement the proper SEO

But in reality, if you are selling to lower ticket clients, you may want to consider selling just a piece of the SEO service or create a product that entails certain pieces of SEO

The term “full-service SEO” generally comes with a higher price tag due to the intensity of developing a proper SEO campaign

What you need to do is productize your offering, add in a few pieces of the SEO and create a package around that

The most successful agencies know the work it takes to implement the right SEO, therefore, they create the small, medium, and large packages for their clients

It is impossible to sell full-service SEO for $1,000, trust me I have tried and have failed miserably.

Work with me 1-on-1: http://ruanmarinhosurvey.com

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Course: https://www.theundergroundsecrets.com/order-page

Visit my website: https://develomark.com/

My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ruan_m/

Email-Marketing Anleitung, Teil 1: Geld verdienen!

Ich liebe Email-Marketing! Es eröffnet dir großartige Möglichkeiten von Zielgruppenbesitz, über Vertrauensaufbau zu deiner Zielgruppe bis hin zur “Mehr Kontakt bringt mehr Geschäft”-Regel.

Worauf ich dabei Wert lege, zeige ich dir in diesem Video!

Viel Spaß,

dein Pascal!

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PPC and CPC in Digital Marketing | Introduction to PPC & CPC | Digital Marketing

Learn SEO, SMO, PPC and Digital Marketing in Hindi, Download App
Android App : https://goo.gl/8yLVji
IOS App : https://apple.co/2L40Ngo
PPC and CPC plays important role in a digital marketing. PPC and CPC stand for pay per click and cost per click respectively.

PPC is also known as CPC. It helps to drive traffic to your website through ads and you pay Google for per click on your ads. Advertising on search engine is a most popular form of PPC/CPC where advertiser advertise ad for potential customers via SERP.

In this video tutorial you will learn more about PPC/ CPC and its example.

Our Latest Digital Marketing Videos Collection

SEO Updates | Google March 2019 Update | First Reactions & Insights :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veOvdkwUAFw

Create App Install Campaign | Increase your App Downloads | Part 1 :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrZZnpd3UkU

App Install Campaign | In depth practical Analysis of App Install Campaign Part 2 :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zR_Tre61bg

What are Chatbots, Types and Implementation ? | A Beginners Guide – ( In Hindi) :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfP4VDkXZhc

Digital Marketing Careers, Job Profile and Salaries in India in 2019 ( Hindi) :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPa24OUvMa0

SEO Tutorial | How to Rank #1 with SEO Friendly Website Design? :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PH7KrxdyMCA

Instagram Hacks | Top Tips to Create Engaging Instagram Content In Hindi  :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm3gKc2abbc

What is Google Forms ? | How to Create Google Forms Explained Step by Step :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeMwRHKFPGo

What is Google Tag Manager GTM? | Google Tag Manager Working & benefits Explained in Hindi :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NoEuZI5l4s

What is Google Lens ? | How to use Google Lens Explained in Hindi :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNUrAC7gEbE

What is Alexa Traffic Rank? | How to use Alexa for SEO in 2019? :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvlQ6UzNiWE

How to do Basic OnPage Audit using Free Tool ? | SEO Tutorial :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9u8uov01smU

How to Check Do Follow & No Follow Backlinks in Hindi ? | SEO Tutorial :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUhvFnOGFyo

What is DropShipping? | DropShipping Model | DropShipping Platforms :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jLfovBUnxc

How Search Engine Works? Introduction to Search Engine 2019 | What is Indexing? :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaBQ4OmZO5U

What is Google My Business – Part 1 | Setting up Google My Business Account | Step by Step Guide :-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RWHL3NfJMA

Google My Business 2019 – Part 2 | Complete Understanding of Google My Business Dashboard :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJC1LTUM5Cg

Introduction to Local SEO 2019 | Google My Business | Local SERPs :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEjaQNdk6UQ

Types of SEO | Black Hat SEO | Grey Hat SEO | SEO Tutorial :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhYPrAYRQ-8

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21 Point On-Page SEO Checklist (Rank #1 In 2020)

New on-page SEO checklist for 2020! In this video, I’m giving you the perfect 21 point on-page SEO checklist for 2020.

Things have really changed this year, and I think the biggest changes are yet to come. This video will take you through a step-by-step process to prepare the perfect strategy for the new year.

Here’s what we’ll cover in the on-page SEO checklist:

►Search + intent. This is one of the biggest changes we’ve seen in SEO. It’s no longer just about keywords and queries; it’s all about intent.
►Make sure that the keywords you select and the content you create is better than what’s ranking #1 in the search results.
►General on-page optimization still matters. Continue to pay attention to titles, descriptions, H1s and H2s, images, etc.
►Generate reviews to add fresh content your site and better your brand’s reputation.
►Enable comments (but keep a close eye on them!)
►Add FAQs to increase conversion rates.
►And if you do at FAQs, make sure they’re 100% up-to-date.
►Emphasize your E-A-T (expertise, authority, trust). This is now a huge part of Google’s algorithm, so make sure you take the necessary steps.
►Create content hubs around your most important terms.
►Use schema on your pages. Recommended schema includes organizational, FAQ, review, and local.
►Pay attention to your page speed (and taking steps to increase it if necessary).
►Use Google’s Mobile Testing Tool to make sure your site translates well to mobile.
►If you use Ajax or Javascript, run a Fetch as Googlebot to make sure that the page validates.
►Run a Server Header Checker to make sure it’s returning a 200 OK.
►Do a robots.txt test to make sure your pages aren’t blocked.
►Check the code for res canonicals or noindex to make sure the right pages are ranking.
►Search for your content online to see if anyone has stolen it.
►Check for manual actions inside Google Search Console.
►Check the URL Removal Tool in Google Search Console to make sure you page can still rank inside of Google.
►Set up reporting using tools like SEMRush and Google Analytics.
►Don’t forget to monitor spammy links!

Did you like the on-page SEO checklist? Comment below.
►Subscribe: https://bit.ly/2AuX8o5
Learn more on our blog: https://ignitevisibility.com/
Ignite Visibility is a premier Internet marketing company based in San Diego, CA.

#digitalmarketing #internetmarketing

The Four C’s Of PPC (CTR, CPC, CPA And CR)

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About : Intellectual Indies is a YouTube Channel, Intellectual Indies is all about improving Mentally, Emotionally, Psychologically, Spiritually & Physically. #DigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingSeries #Lapaas

Learn PPC Campaign in 35 Minutes – PPC Tutorial for Beginners in Hindi

Learn PPC Campaign in 35 Minutes – PPC Tutorial for Beginners in Hindi

In this video, you will learn about how to set up Google Ads PPC Campaign with AdGroups, Ads and Keywords. We also include basic concepts of Keywords Match Types and Ads Extensions.

Please, Ask Questions in Comments, I will respond to queries.

Complete Digital Marketing Video Program: https://www.webtrainings.in/videos/

Digital Marketing Services: https://www.itinfogroup.com


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Email Marketing | Email Marketing Tutorial | What Is Email Marketing & How Does It Work |Simplilearn

This email marketing tutorial will help you understand what is email marketing, how to set up an email marketing campaign, benefits of email marketing, what is A/B testing, how to automate emails, types of email campaigns, how to engage with new users and we will also look into demo on creating an email campaign using MailChimp. Email marketing is an effective way to convert leads into sales by sending personalized emails to the targeted audience. It is an effective strategy at every stage of the customer lifecycle which includes awareness, consideration, purchase, retention and advocacy. Email marketing plays a critical role in nurturing a lead. Now, let us get started and understand the basics of email marketing in detail.

Below topics are explained in this email marketing tutorial:
1. What is email marketing (02:33)
2. Email marketing setup (08:54)
3. Benefits of email marketing (20:25)
4. A/B testing (22:11)
5. Automating emails (41:32)
6. Types of email campaigns (43:21)
7. How to engage new users (50:02)
8. Email marketing tools (52:42)
8. Demo (53:17)

#EmailMarketing #EmailMarketingTutorial #HowToCreateEmailCampaignInMailChimp#EmailMarketing2019 #DigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCourse #SimplilearnDMCA #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #Simplilearn

Subscribe to our channel for more Digital Marketing Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/Simplilearn?sub_confirmation=1

To access the slides, click here: https://www.slideshare.net/Simplilearn/email-marketing-email-marketing-tutorial-what-is-email-marketing-how-does-it-work-simplilearn/Simplilearn/email-marketing-email-marketing-tutorial-what-is-email-marketing-how-does-it-work-simplilearn

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Email-Marketing-ID&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=YouTube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
– Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
– Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
– LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
– Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

5 really useful Excel formulas for PPC


Excel Spreadsheets for PPC and Analytics Reporting

Excel and PPC go hand in hand. So here are 5 Excel formulas for PPC analysis and planning.

If you don’t use Excel for you AdWords campaign analysis and planning then you are missing a trick!

In fact, I have also created an Excel spreadsheet template for PPC campaign planning. You can grab it here: http://thebigmarketer.co.uk/freebie-download-adwords-planning-spreadsheet/

If you liked this video, don’t forget to subscribe and follow me on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn via the below.

And as always, if you have a question, or want me to cover a particular subject or marketing challenge you’re facing, head over to my website www.thebigmarketer.co.uk and get in touch. I would love to hear from you!

Website: http://thebigmarketer.co.uk/
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Copywriting & Email Marketing Trends 2020

COPYWRITING & EMAIL MARKETING TRENDS IN 2020: What the latest social media and digital marketing trends mean for all you copywriters out there and what you must do to make sure your marketing messages continue to make an impact.

Check back every Wednesday for weekly copywriting & marketing wisdom on growing your bizdom. My motto: the right phrase pays! Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/therightphrasepays

But first things first, if you have not yet watched my last video outlining the 4 major trends taking over the internet this year, be sure to do that first, before you watch this video here: https://youtu.be/6_Rt7qJWOcA

Tweet this video: https://ctt.ac/xfU2b

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Why UGC Is The Key To Authenticity & Consumer Influence


Proof is in the Personalization: Stats Roundup

Why Interactive Content Is the Future of Content Marketing