How much to charge for email marketing services – email marketing freelancer pricing.
In this video I’m going to talk through how you should price your email marketing services. If you’re an email marketing freelancer, or if you’re a marketing agency that sells email marketing, this is how to define your price and decide what you’re going to charge.
Cliff notes:
* What do you want to make?
* Per year, per sale
* How are you going to serve your clients?
* Custom copy
* Hiring people
* selling systems
* What are you going to offer?
* What’s the problem you’re solving?
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Hi Guys!
If you do a quick internet search, you’ll find several Email Marketing Services out there, but which is a Top Email Marketing Platform? This is a bit tricky, especially if you don’t know what to look for.
In this video, I cover an in-depth review of top Email Marketing Platform . If you have ever wondered if best Email Marketing Platform – Convertkit was worth it or not, by the end of this video, hopefully, you’ll be able to decide whether or not it is right for you.
If you’re curious to find out the best Email Marketing Platform, then take the time to watch this video now!
Welcome to The Email Marketing Tutorial For beginners One Hour Video Course, Your Ultimate Guide To Bulk Mailing in 2020. I will cover almost everything from scratch and I will ensure that you will be a master in Email Marketing.
Topic covered:
Introduction 0:00
What is Email Marketing? 1:22
Types of Email Marketers? 2:20
Email Marketing System Structure 4:48
What is SMTP? 7:08
What Is the Best Email Marketing Service? 10:29
Mailchimp tutorial 16:50
Mailwizz Tutorial: Custom System 33:60
Lead Magnet Tutorial | how to collect emails 45:05
How to Build a Landing Page? 49:24
Optin Forms Best Practices 54:18
Email Marketing tools 1:07:23
Write the Perfect Subject Line 1:18:32
Write the Perfect Email 1:27:32
Land Emails in Inbox 1:41:29
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🟢Build a Mail Server On Windows & Create Unlimited Business Emails
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Watch This Before You Send Any Email Marketing Campaign!
Nesse vídeo eu vou te provar que email marketing funciona e ainda por cima vou te falar como aplicar email marketing no seu negócio.
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Fala jovens natan Sousa aqui e nesse vídeo eu vou te falar sobre a email marketing que muita gente ainda pensa que não funciona mais, muita gente tem preconceito e eu posso falar isso de mim quando eu comecei no marketing digital eu pensava que email marketing não funcionava, que ninguém abria email.
E eu posso falar para vocês que funciona e funciona muito bem.
Eu sei que sempre que vem e-mail marketing na sua cabeça você pensa a mesma coisa, funciona? Ninguém abre mais e-mail, e-mail ficou no passado, e-mail não vale a pena.
E eu pensava assim também, só que eu sempre fui um cara que sempre acompanhava os grandes players do mercado como João Castanheira, Erico Rocha, e todos eles usam e-mail marketing, e eu ficava pensando mano se todos essas grandes aí no mercado usam e-mail marketing, é clarroooo que e-mail funciona, é claro que email marketing vale a pena.
Então resolvi estudar pra caramba e-mail marketing comecei a aplicar no meu negócio, e mano eu vi a diferença em poucos dias desde que eu comecei a plicar, é surreal como e-mail marketing funciona e funciona muito bem.
E nesse vídeo eu vou te ensinar como você pode aplicar e-mail marketing no seu negócio e começar a vender muito mais.
Vamos lá. Para você aplicar e-mail marketing no seu negócio você precisa primeiramente de uma ferramenta de e-mail marketing, uma ferramenta que vai abrigar a sua lista de e-mail e vai mandar e-mail em massa para todas as pessoas dessa lista, e também automatizar alguns processos, como campanha de vendas e tudo mais.
A ferramenta que hoje eu uso e indico pra caramba é a Leadlovers que inclusive eu fiz um vídeo review dessa ferramenta que você pode conferir, vou deixar o link aqui na descrição para vocês.
e eu vou deixar o link aqui na descrição para vocês.
Tem a ferramenta? Agora você precisa de uma isca digital, para você atrair as pessoas para sua lista de e-mail marketing.
O que é isca digital natan? Isca digital pode ser algum minitreinamento ou e-book.
Porque ninguém vai te dá o seu e-mail assim de mão beijada, você precisa oferecer algo em troca para que essa pessoa possa botar o e-mail dela.
Você sempre tem que pensar o seguinte, o que eu posso dá para as pessoas e em troca elas vão me passar o contato delas , entendeu?
Então já vai pensando aí na sua isca digital, pode ser um treinamento, e-book, qualquer coisa que vai agregar valor para o seu potencial cliente, então faça sempre uma isca top.
Ao decorrer desse vídeo eu vou te falando o que você precisa e quais estratégias você pode aplicar com email marketing.
Comenta aqui em baixo se você já utiliza email marketing no seu negócio.
Discover The Top Email Marketing Secrets Tips and Tricks For What’s Working Right NOW **** Introduction To Marketing Series 🎯 Learn how to create profitable marketing in this free marketing training series ➡️
When it comes to email marketing we’ve all heard the headlines…
“Email is king!”
“Email is dead!”
“Email, the most addicting drug on the planet”
“How to handle inbox overwhelm”
And on, and on they go.
In the blue corner you have “Expert #1” claiming social media is the way of the future and email is obsolete and ineffective.
And in the red corner you have “Guru #2” stating that email is the ONLY channel you need to use.
And that it has been, and will continue to be the most effective form of digital marketing available.
So who’s right? Well… the edge in this argument goes to Guru #2 😉
Which is why in this episode we’re talking all about email marketing, and why it’s more important than ever.
So, let’s get to it.
#emailmarketing #digitalmarketing #marketing
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Mailchimp Tutorial – Email Marketing for Beginners | Create Your First Email Campaign
In today’s tutorial, I walk you through how to get started with Mailchimp. I show you how to create an audience and then create your first email campaign to send to your contacts (audience/email list).
Mailchimp is a free email marketing tool that is ideal for beginners looking to get started with email marketing. Mailchimp provides many powerful features that are easy to use for complete beginners with zero experience. Simply build your email list and create your custom email campaign from scratch or build your email from one of the many professionally designed campaign templates.
Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing activities for growing your small business. Email marketing allows you to engage, update and communicate with your audience with newsletters, offers, sales and more.
► In this Mailchimp tutorial for beginners we cover the following:
0:00 Intro
01:48 Sign up to Mailchimp
05:42 Mailchimp dashboard
08:12 Mailchimp audiences
10:53 How to create an email campaign with Mailchimp
24:29 Outro
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Let me know if you found this Mailchimp tutorial helpful. Also, if you have any questions make sure to drop them down below.
Learn How To Do Email Marketing – Copy Top Email Marketing Experts In the World
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how to do email marketing tutorial explained in this video. Are you struggling with how to do email marketing for affiliate marketing? then you need to watch the entire video and learn from the experts.
This youtube video is designed for online entrepreneurs to learn how to do email marketing tips and tricks that are used by many affiliate marketing business experts. This video will explain the top email marketing software used by most email marketing specialists.
This email marketing course will provide vital marketing information for free. It is nearly impossible to make money online with the strategies in this youtube video.
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Thank You for watching How To Do Email Marketing – Copy Top Email Marketing Experts In the World
Email marketing can have one of the highest ROIs of any marketing channel, if executed properly. Today we share 5 expert tips to help you improve your return on investment with email marketing!
1. Personalize Your Emails
Personalization in your emails can be a great tool to get better open rates. It will yield results differently based on your industry and customer base, and it’s totally worth testing to see if it makes a difference for your business. Putting a person’s name in the subject line of the email can be really effective for gaining their attention. Personalization can also extend to “what to buy next based on your past purchases” emails which can help turn opens into conversions.
2. Segment Your List
Segmenting an email subscriber list means taking the entire list and grouping the emails into common groups. Base the groups on previous purchases and the way each user interacts with the emails and navigates the website. Customers who touch certain categories should be grouped together for more target emails, and those who avoid certain categories should also be grouped together.
3. Optimize for Mobile First, (but Don’t Forget About Desktop)
These days, the majority of emails are opened on a mobile platform. With the current shift to many people working from home, though, we are seeing more desktop users than before. Optimizing emails should always focus on mobile devices first, but you shouldn’t neglect desktop optimization. The bottom line is, Emails should be able to look and function perfectly when they’re opened on any device.
4. There is No One Size Fits All for CTAs
Every email sent out to your subscriber list should contain a call to action, but the call to action should look different in different email types. Product promotion emails should have a call to action that is easy to identify, and housed at the top of the email. But with a newsletter the focus is on the content first, so the CTA should be less obvious and put near the bottom of the email. There are also automated emails to consider, such as “you left this in your cart, check out now!” emails which are entirely comprised of calls to action.
5. Invest in Your Graphics
Most companies aren’t putting an emphasis on quality graphics, which is an opportunity for you to shine. Make sure you spend the time and energy to make sure graphics are amazing because visuals are what draw people in and get them to spend time on your emails.