¿Quieres aprender cómo hacer campañas de email marketing efectivas en tiempo récord? En este tutorial te enseño cómo crear la campaña perfecta de correo electrónico utilizando ChatGPT. En los siguientes videos, les voy a enseñar cómo darle vida a su campaña de email marketing utilizando Active Campaign.
El email marketing es una de las estrategias de marketing digital que más utilizo para la conversión de prospectos. Quédate hasta el final del video y suscríbete al canal
Acá puedes descargar los prompts del tutorial de hoy:
Acá te dejo el tutorial completo para crear Buyer Personas con ChatGPT
———— Contrátame para tu proyecto web: http://bit.ly/4627V4N Te ayudo a incrementar tus ventas con marketing digital: https://manumartinezmarketing.com
Trying to decide between Mailchimp and Omnisend for building your email campaigns? In this video, we compare both platforms, looking into email templates, key features, and more. Watch to find out which platform suits your email marketing needs best!
============================= START FREE with Omnisend
============================= No credit card required Best for starting businesses
More than 100,000+ ecommerce brands use Omnisend to grow their businesses on autopilot, converting their customers with quick-to-build, highly relevant emails & texts.
Check our features. It’s FREE – Click here https://bit.ly/3XcvVRE
============================= CHECK THESE OUT
============================= Design Emails Like a PRO | Best Email Marketing Tips and Tutorial https://youtu.be/GtvWK526BbI
Email marketing: 2024 guide to boost your business https://bit.ly/3SWRi76
============================= TIMESTAMP
00:00 Intro
00:07 Building email campaign in Mailchimp
03:30 Building email campaign in Omnisend
06:34 Conclusion
Disclaimer: This video is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. The content provided in this YouTube video might change over time and we’re not responsible for any errors or inaccuracies if this happens. For the most up-to-date information, please check public sources and our website.
Mailchimp Tutorial 2024 | How To Use Mailchimp For Email Marketing 2024
In this video we show you How To Use Mailchimp For Email Marketing. This video will cover everything that you need to know and help you get started with this software.
If this tutorial helped you out please like & commenting down below if this works!
Subscribe for more daily videos! See you in the next video!
LET’S GET SOCIAL: Instagram: @itsryanvandonkelaar Instagram: @manizha_lopez
WHO ARE WE: We’re Manizha & Ryan, two content creation experts. We create easy-to-follow tutorials around dropshipping, e-commerce, digital marketing and much more!
You can always message us on Instagram – that’s the fastest way for a response. For business inquiries, feel free to mail me at contactzinhoexplains@gmail.com (Zinho is our dog’s name)!
Email marketing for beginners can be challenging and confusing. If you’re just staring out this video is for you. The video explains Email Marketing for beginners in Bangla so that you have a very strong basic regarding this topic.
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আপনার বিজনেস বাড়াতে এবং যেকোনো ধরনের মার্কেটিং কনসালটেন্সি পেতে ভিসিট করুন https://www.najmc.com/
My free Digital Marketing course https://academy.najmc.com/courses/dig…
Nazmul Ahmed (Najm)
Certified Digital Marketing Consultant
14+ years of experience in building marketing departments.
Acting CMO of mid sized national and international tech companies
Ex-CMO of a 240+ employee company
Watch what my clients have to say about me: https://rb.gy/fqt4uu
El Email Marketing es el canal con mayor porcentaje de conversión. Comienza a crear campanas de Email y automatizaciones con nuestro curso gratis https://idealizetv.com/cursos-para-monetizar-tus-pasiones/curso-basico-de-email-marketing-con-mailchimp/
Además, te invito a conocer las 4 herramientas de #Emailmarketing con los mejores planes #gratis
Primeira Venda em 24H: https://primeiravendaem24h.com.br/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/eu.caiomartins?utm_medium=copy_link Canal no Telegram: https://t.me/conteudodocaio Podcast no Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/59iRX0xKNq6ysVfPs9Xr6c
Neste vídeo irei mostrar como ganhar dez mil por mês sendo afiliado.. trabalhando com email marketing.
50% dos meus resultados vêm pelo email, e eu faturo mais de 25 mil reais por mês no marketing digital..
Então o negócio realmente funciona *olha na kiwify*
Mostro no canva.
Você vai enviar emails de vendas, então você precisa definir o seu público e o seu produto.
Vamos na hotmart, escolher um nicho e um produto para vendermos como afiliado.
*já mostro tudo de iniciante*
Você precisa ter pessoas que se interessam pelo assunto do seu produto..
Aí você pega essas pessoas e enviam para o funil de vendas dentro do email.
Dependendo do produto, o próprio produtor já criou esse funil e disponibilizou pro afiliado utilizar..
How To Send Emails With Mailchimp | Mailchimp Email Marketing Tutorial (2023)
In this video we show you How To Send Emails With Mailchimp. It is really easy to do and learn to do it in just a few minutes by following this super helpful tutorial to get a better understanding of everything.
If this tutorial helped you out please like & commenting down below if this works!
Subscribe for more daily videos! See you in the next video!
LET’S GET SOCIAL: Instagram: @itsryanvandonkelaar Instagram: @manizha_lopez
WHO ARE WE: We’re Manizha & Ryan, two content creation experts. We create easy-to-follow tutorials around dropshipping, e-commerce, digital marketing and much more!
You can always message us on Instagram – that’s the fastest way for a response. For business inquiries, feel free to mail me at contactzinhoexplains@gmail.com (Zinho is our dog’s name)!
Abre una cuenta GRATIS en Mailerlite: https://markethax.com/go/mailerlite
En este curso sobre Email Marketing te explico TODO lo que tienes que saber sobre esta increíble estrategia de Marketing Digital.
También te explico paso a paso como usar Mailerlite, una plataforma GRATIS y excelente para hacer campañas por correo electrónico. Es una plataforma muy similar a Mailchimp pero es mejor.
0:00 ¿Qué vas a aprender?
0:18 Cómo funciona el Email Marketing
4:51 Crea tu cuenta correctamente
10:47 Configuración
20:54 Suscriptores
25:50 Formularios
35:50 Campañas
43:24 Automatización
51:55 Embudos de Venta
=== Videos Recomendados ===
¿Qué es Email Marketing y como funciona?
Cómo Integrar WordPress con Mailerlite
Cómo hacer un Embudo de Ventas en WordPress con Mailerlite
**** (Próximamente)
=== Síguenos en redes sociales ===
#emailmarketing #emailautomation #bestemailmarketingsoftware
TRY IT FOR FREE: http://email.fatcityfinance.com
The Best EMAIL MARKETING Software for 2022. Easy-To-Use, Integrated Email Automation at your fingertips. Generate and CLOSE leads with this revolutionary email marketing platform.
Email Marketing
Increase your revenues with email marketing by sending personalized emails at scale with Ubico conversion intelligence software.
Generate high-converting email copy using AI.
Automatically generate well written professional emails from only a few simple bullet points helping you convert more leads into customers.
Reach your ideal future customers.
Automatically find, validate, enrich and connect with more prospects in your target market.
Personalize emails at scale.
Increase response rates by communicating with every prospect leveraging relevant and contextual data.
One platform to replace all disconnected tools.
Stop wasting hours of your day using email prospecting tools that don’t integrate with each other.
Revenue professionals are all searching for more ways to connect with their buyers. It seems that we have all accepted confusion as the norm given the dozens of tools that revenue teams use daily. With buyers having access to more information than ever, it is critical to get in front of them before your competition. Achieving this speed-to-lead means getting rid of ineffective and time-consuming tools that do not contribute to improving the overall process.
Everything you need for personalized lead engagement
Your prospects get hundreds of emails a day. Stand out with a simple, clear and powerful scheduling call-to-action. By including a link in your outbound emails, prospects can easily engage and convert.
Seamless integration with your existing email inbox.
Connect your Gmail, Microsoft Exchange, Outlook, Office 365, Yahoo! Mail, or any other email provider in seconds.
Whether you are a maker, service provider or are just selling something to your target audience, you need to be sending emails! I’ve put together 3 types of emails you need to send today if you are new to emailing your customers and potential customers. Don’t wait another minute… let’s go!
Join the Candle Collective for candle makers and entrepreneurs: https://mailchi.mp/upsidegoodsco/thecandlecollective
Join our Facebook Group to discuss business, marketing and strategy tips for your business:
Sign up for one-on-one mentorship and consulting: https://mailchi.mp/upsidegoodsco/mentorship-consulting