4 Email Campaigns to Boost Conversions | Marketing Mastery with Justin Rondeau

This week, Justin Rondeau, General Manager for DigitalMarketer, goes over 4 email campaigns that ANY company can add to their email promotions that can boost opens, clicks, and sales.


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Here are the 4 email campaigns any company can add to their promotions that will boost email opens, clicks and sales.

Email Campaign #1: The Goodwill Campaign

By using bling and direct subject lines, and filling your email with benefit, content, and most importantly, VALUE, you are going to get better results. Just make sure that what you are offering in this email campaign is free (or ideally ungated).

Email Campaign #2: News Jacker Campaign

The news jacker campaign helps you make your product or service new and relevant by relating it to what is going on in the news.

This is a great campaign to run midway through a promotion to re engage prospects who don’t see the relevance yet.

Email Campaign #3: Gain, Logic, Fear Campaign

This is one of the most effective campaigns you can run to your list. If you want to make the cash register ring, you want to run this email campaign.

First you focus on the benefits. Then you emphasize the logical reasons why they should take the offer. And finally, you bring in the fear, usually the scarcity element.

Email Campaign #4: Need Help Campaign

This is a great campaign for selling higher-ticket items like coaching or done-for-you services. By offering help to a specific segment of your audience (ones with a specific problem in the right stage of the Customer Journey), you are able to offer help when it is most needed.


Justin Rondeau is the General Manager at DigitalMarketer and has been doing this whole “Marketing” thing since 2010, when he was mildly […okay maybe more than mildly] obsessed with all things, data, email, optimization, and split testing.

He’s trained thousands of marketers, spoken on hundreds of stages, runs a delightful team of marketers & product creators, has dozens of shirts louder than his voice, and loves one hockey team: the Boston Bruins.

Send Bulk Emails and Email Marketing Campaigns with My Free Super Email Sender

Super Email Sender is a Lightweight application that helps you manage your mailing lists and set up email marketing campaigns in a few clicks.

Super Email Sender combines the power of mass emailing and simplicity in one simple interface. In a few clicks, you can add your email lists, add multiple SMTP servers, and build your email marketing campaigns.

In addition to that, Super Email Sender has a build rotation feature that allows you to split campaigns over multiple SMTP servers.

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Why Emails are sent to Spam! Even with Premium Services Like Amazon SES, Sendgrid, Gsuite, Mailgun 👉 https://youtu.be/UJIwlPgS81g

Email Marketing Tips – Inbox, spam or promotion – Don’t send Before watching this!
👉 https://youtu.be/_FnCC45GyFw

How to Send 100k emails/day Safely in inbox | Bulk Mail Real Scenario Discussion
👉 https://youtu.be/_FnCC45GyFw

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E-Commerce Email Marketing 101 (My 7-Figure Brand Experience)

In this video I break down several important email marketing flows and practices for e-commerce stores on Shopify. We use the Klaviyo app to remarket to customers all around the world using email. Increasing a customer’s lifetime value is one of the biggest struggles for many e-commerce business owners who succumb to the “one-sale dropship” strategy.

As you can imagine, the value of your brand and business will skyrocket if you can increase the amount of $$$ you earn per customer. For anyone who’s watching this looking to build a client-based biz, starting with email marketing for e-commerce brands is a great place to start.

Follow the steps in the video for client acquisition and the skills in Easy Peasy Email Marketing for service delivery and you’re golden.

Get Easy Peasy Email Marketing & the Bonuses For $297 Below Until Saturday (2/1) at 11:59PM EST: http://www.bit.ly/EasyPeasyEmailMarketing

* Access to Inbox Income Secrets, my 1 of 1 webinar series that ANYONE can use – I don’t care who you are, how new or seasoned you are, or how smart you are – its something that will undoubtedly give you more sales and success with email marketing and your (or your clients) list

* Swipe file of FIVE of my top performing emails from 2019 totalling a whopping $2,500 in sales (Go ahead, swipe the copy and everything in between and call it yours – no hard feelings)

* A copy breakdown and criticism of the top emails from players in the personal brand space on Twitter. Break down line by line and show you why things work and what doesn’t – not to mention some of the best Call-To-Action’s I’ve seen, and why the human brain simply can’t resist to NOT buy

Enroll here for $297: http://www.bit.ly/EasyPeasyEmailMarketing

#EmailMarketing #ECommerce #EcomEmailMarketing

Email Marketing: What Is Email Marketing Basic Idea Part 1

Email Marketing: What Is Email Marketing Basic Idea Part 2
What sort of email?
In its broadest sense, the term covers every email you ever send to a customer, potential customer or public venue. In general, though, it’s used to refer to:

0 Sending direct promotional emails to try and acquire new customers or persuade existing customers to buy again
0 Sending emails designed to encourage customer loyalty and enhance the customer relationship
0 Placing your marketing messages or advertisements in emails sent by other people
Give me an analogy…

You can think of these three main forms of email marketing as the electronic equivalent of:

1. Direct mail
2. Sending people a print newsletter
3. Placing advertisements in subscription magazines and newspapers

There is, however, one extremely important difference – the issue of permission (see later).

Why is email marketing so popular?

Email marketing is so popular because:
Sending email is much cheaper than most other forms of communication
email lets you deliver your message to the people (unlike a website, where the people have to come to your message)email marketing has proven very successful for those who do it right

Strategi Email Marketing – Panduan Sukses Online

Hi Sahabat Dewaweb!

Email Marketing adalah salah satu cara yang harus kamu coba untuk bisa sukses online loh! Salah satu teknik andalan di Digital Marketing ini sangatlah efektif untuk menjangkau target audience apabila dijalankan secara benar dan efektif

Penasaran kan apa strategi email marketing yang benar? Yuk tonton video ini selengkapnya hingga habis ya 😀

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