In today’s video I discuss what’s working based on 400+ clients using our email marketing, sms services and facebook ads!
If you’re looking for a team to help scale your business
(We’re open again for ads management services)
You can book a call with my team here
or message me on instagram
Our agency focuses on all aspect of marketing for any business. However, we specialize in ecommerce dropshipping and ecommerce brands.
Email marketing and sms is going to be your most crucial componet to sustained success with your e-commerce business as we head into the future of advertising.
Mainly due to the rising cost of advertising, you’ll have to become a more rounded marketer and media buyer if you want to survive.
Add me on instagram
Sí, ha sucedido, hemos continuado con el podcast y hoy os traemos a Romuald Fons, Martí Gamarra y Javier Martínez haciendo un debate de SEO contra SEM.
Está mal que lo digamos nosotros, pero el capítulo de hoy está muy guapo. Nos los pasamos genial grabándolo y se compartió mucha información útil. Míralo entero porque vale la pena, de verdad.
Queremos saber vuestra opinión en los comentarios con el mismo respeto con el que nosotros hemos tratado el tema en el Podcast
Por cierto, ya estamos en todas las plataformas de Podcast y hemos decidido que habrá un capítulo cada 2 semanas. Si tienes ideas de qué podemos hablar, también compártelas en los comentarios.
00:00:00 Intro
00:00:50 Explicación del debate
00:01:54 Debate SEO vs SEM
00:05:56 La situación de Facebook Ads
00:09:11 Cuándo hacer SEO o SEM
00:28:21 El problema con Tik Tok
00:39:58 La época dorada
00:45:15 Branding
00:50:22 El sector del SEO
00:57:51 Otros temas
El video que mencionamos sobre el Black Friday:
Si alguna vez te has planteado dedicarte de forma Profesional al SEO o si ya eres SEO y quieres pasar al siguiente nivel, échale un vistazo a nuestro Máster de SEO. Vale la pena, de verdad
Get your discounted tickets now
Sell out with this Google Ads conversion tracking approach in your PPC campaigns.
Sarah Gulbrandsen teaches: How to secure long-term gains vs fleeting wins The top evergreen verticals to get started with PPC Tactics to maximize your conversions with calls using the most current promotion types & demographic profiling
Affiliate World is back in Bangkok on 30 November – 1 December 2022. Join for two days of game-changing mastermind-level content, a world-class marketplace, and endless networking opportunities. Book your discounted tickets now
¡El shopper ha evolucionado, pero email marketing no ha muerto!
En este episodio:
00:32- Lo nuevo en #EmailMarketing
01:31 – Lo que podría generar un solo email
03:09 – La TasaDeBaja
06:02 – El shopper ha evolucionado
07:42 – Métrica de impresiones
12:52 – #TasaDeApertura y CTR
16:22 – Análisis antes de enviar un #correo
El #EmailMarketing no ha muerto , lo vamos a repetir todas las veces que sea necesario. Dale play a este video y descubre por qué ahora más nunca debes reforzar tu estrategia y más si tienes una #TiendaOnline.
Conoce lo que podría generar al mes un buen #email, aprende por qué el #shopper ha evolucionado y qué debes hacer tú en #EmailMarketing para retenerlo. Descubre las métricas que nos interesan este 2022.
No te olvides de comentar y dar tu opinión sobre el email para el 2022 , guardar este video y compartirlo. Activa la campanita de notificaciones para que seas de los primeros en reproducir los próximos contenidos.
Recursos relacionados: Google Analytics 4: ¿Qué debemos saber acerca del nuevo servicio de Google?
Si quieres saber cómo planificar tu tiempo y organizar tu trabajo haz clic aquí:
Para más consejos y tips sobre marketing digital, automatización y funnels sígueme en:
Cuenta Oficial de Triunfagram:
Cuenta Oficial de Vilma Núñez:
Cuenta Oficial de Convierte+:
PAY close attention to this video where i show you how to get paid per click… this is a strategy that if you get… you can make money.
subscribe here
do not overcomplicate this.
we talk about google adwords, google adsense, getting paid for clicks on your website and how to increase the amount you get paid per click
you can do this by providing good quality information and leading people to tips and advice links that trigger high paying per click ads.
i have been doing this for many years and till now have not really taught it like this. watch this video twice.
REMEMBER: the results are not typical implied or guaranteed and the amounts shown on the google adwords tool do not reflect what you will get paid… it just shows what the advertisers in that market are paying which helps us gauge how much is being spent in that market. most make money online people never make anything.
BE SURE to always follow all the rules of the sites you are posting content on, the rules from the ads or advertisers or you could risk your payment and traffic method.
Competitor Analysis Marketing: PPC, Landing Pages, Ads and more…
In this video, I share 7 strategies of how you can conduct competitor analysis marketing for PPC, Landing Pages, Google Ads, Facebook Ads by using free and paid tools.
In the first part, I cover Google, Facebook, and then some niche tools like Hexowatch and ISpionage.
This video will help you learn how to spy on competitor Google and Facebook ads for free and develop a counter-strategy to stay ahead of the competition.
Understand what competitors are doing to drive traffic and conversions by learning more about Competitor Analysis Tools.
Competitor Analysis Tool #1 – Google Ads
Competitor Analysis Tool #2 – Ahrefs
Competitor Analysis Tool #3 – Facebook
Competitor Analysis Tool #4 – Similar Web
Competitor Analysis Tool #5 – Built With
Competitor Analysis Tool #6 – HexoWatch
Competitor Analysis Tool #7 – ISpionage
7 Competitors analysis tools: 00:00 – 00:40
Spying on Competitor Ads and Landing Pages using Google Ads: 00:40 – 02:00
Finding Competitor Domains who bid on your “PPC keyword” using Ahrefs: 02:00 – 05:54
Spying on Competitor Ads With Facebook: 05:54 – 08:46
Jump Directly on Competitor Landing Pages Using Similar Web: 08:46 – 10:12
Identify the technology stack used on Competitor Landing pages using BuiltWith: 10:12 – 11:19
Monitor Competitor Landing Pages for any Changes using HexoWatch: 11:19 – 12:51
Most Reliable Competitor Research Tool – ISpionage: 12:51 – 14:17
You can also sign up to Hexowatch below:
Hexowatch –
Useful Resources:
How to build a Webinar landing page that gets sign-ups ►
Why Use Landing Pages For Paid Campaigns ►
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Join our conversioneers community on circle with this link :
$708 An Hour With PPC Ad Arbitrage? – No Retail – All Digital!
everyone is talking about walmart, amazon, ebay, and even garage sale arbitrage… but why worry about products and shipping and big annoying inventory costs. why not use facebook ad digital arbitrage.
binge watch these next:
$1,377 daily profit with fb ad arbitrage
Facebook Ad Arbitrage – Super Simple Money Making Method.
Dollar Tree Retail Store Arbitrage VS Digital Ad Arbitrage
remember the results are not typical implied or guaranteed… most people trying to make money online make nothing and some even lose money. always follow all rules and laws and have the right affiliate disclaimers and disclosures.
Understand the Elon Musk Approach to PPC! For Google Ads or Facebook Ads… all campaigns, it’s not about the short-term gains. Successful campaigns are those with a long-term goal and plan… watch and listen to understand more.
Presentation from Friends of Search NL 2021 Conference
Adwords training and PPC (pay per click) video lesson for the beginner. The ultimate AdWords video tutorial brought to you by the Google certified PPC experts at Adventure Media
Everything you need to know about Google AdWords … for the complete beginner. Learn how you can launch your very own successful campaign today!
Google AdWords is the most powerful and customizable internet advertising platform in the world, and millions of businesses are driving consistent and reliable PPC traffic to their sites on a daily basis.
You’ll learn the basics of conversion rates, and how to optimize your campaigns so your Google ads are always at the top of their game.
. Make sure you click subscribe to make sure you don’t miss another video:
Do you want more customers? You need to set up your email marketing first!
With over 4 billion active email addresses worldwide, Email marketing has the most users compared to any social media platform.
Sure, Email may not sound as sexy as social media ads. But the engagement rates speak for themself.
There are loads of tools that can help you run amazing email campaigns. For example, apps like Klaviyo, Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign can put your business into high gear and create a lasting relationship with your customers.
This video will show you the basics of email marketing, starting with creating an email list, creating email flows and segmentation.
00:00 – Intro
01:22 – When to use email marketing
02:34 – How to get started with email marketing
04:18 – How to create an email list
07:10 – Create a discount popup
10:06 – Create your email flows – Welcome Series
20:50 – Abandon cart series
22:02 – Post-purchase acquisition series
23:22 – Email list segmentation and campaigns
Join my Facebook group – ‘How To Build A Million Dollar Brand’:
Today, I will give you another pure, valuable, and FREE content! And I have nothing to sell.
We will talk about how to improve and initiate email marketing in the best way possible. As well as tackling easy steps on how to properly execute the said marketing.
I will be showing you one of our emails in our company, to give you an example of what kind of marketing strategy do we use. And together, let us try and critique it!
Secrets To The Best Email Marketing
My Ecommerce & Facebook Advertising Program –
I Need To Speak With Ecom Specialists –
First Steps To Making 6-Figures @ Home –
Work With Andy 1ON1 ($5000+ Budget) –
follow all of these or i will delete your ad manager
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