Last night, thousands gathered in Sydney to protest the Radical Greens Abortion Bill, their chants echoing inside Parliament. But just before the rally, AP Fact Check released a suspiciously timed “fact check” aimed at discrediting the movement. Was it a coincidence—or a coordinated attempt to silence opposition? In this episode, Dr Jo exposes the misleading claims, the biased experts handpicked to push a pro-abortion narrative, and the Big Tech censorship now targeting pro-life voices. Social media companies are suppressing posts, flagging content, and limiting the reach of those who speak out. Why are they so desperate to control the narrative?
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इज़राइल-हमास युद्ध के बहाने ट्विटर पर फ़ेक न्यूज़ की बाढ़ आ गई है। युद्ध के समय आधिकारिक सूचनाएँ भी प्रोपेगैंडा का हिस्सा हो जाती हैं और अब तो सोशल मीडिया पर लोग खुद से और सरकार की तरफ से झूठी खबरों का ऐसा तूफ़ान मचता है कि आम नागरिकों के लिए मुश्किल हो जाता है कि वह कैसे पता करे कि कौन सी सूचना सही है। लोग अपनी राजनीतिक मान्यता के हिसाब से वीडियो खोजने लग जाते हैं, मिलते ही सही मान लेते हैं और वायरल कराने लग जाते हैं। यूक्रेन से लेकर फ़्रांस और अब इज़राइल-हमास के मामले में हम बार बार ये होता देख रहे हैं। भारत के सोशल मीडिया पर इन घटनाओं का एक अलग इस्तेमाल देखने को मिलता है। पुराने, फ़र्ज़ी और वीडियो गेम के शॉट लगाकर ऐंटी मुस्लिम प्रोपेगैंडा फैलाया जाता है।आपसे अपील है कि ऐसे पोस्ट और वीडियो से सावधान रहें। फ़ेक न्यूज़ से भी बचें। यह युद्ध है और इसका परिणाम किसी के लिए अच्छा नहीं होता है।
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Uncover the hidden truths of social media in this eye-opening video. Dive deep into the dark side, exploring its impact on mental health, privacy concerns, the spread of misinformation, cybersecurity risks, and a lot more. Join us as we navigate the shadows of social media and shed light on the challenges we face in creating a safer and more responsible digital landscape.
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00:00 The Dark Side
00:55 The Impact on Mental Health
05:10 Privacy Concerns and Data Exploitation
07:20 Fake News and Misinformation
09:58 Some Precautions
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Social Media is currently plagued by a pandemic of disinformation. Hidden inside advertising funnels, and deceptive news organizations are “satirical” article posts that seem purpose built to mislead the American people.
One such culprit is “Vancouver Times”… which is responsible for shoddy labelling, and deceptively crafted articles to such an extreme degree it beggars belief.
You can get our special offer for MEL Science by using this link:
Does fake news spread better than true news? Do bots spread fake news? What can we do against fake news? Does social media increase political polarization? Is it true that we all live in political echo chambers? In this video, we look at what scientific studies have found and what we can learn from that.
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The two browser games I mentioned are “Go Viral”
And “Get Bad News”
00:00 Intro
01:30 Fake News
09:38 Information Literature
10:16 Echo Chambers
13:15 Polarization
16:38 Summary
17:19 MEL Science: Experiments By Subscription
Facebook, Twitter, TikTok & Co: Die meisten können sich ein Leben ohne Social Media wohl kaum noch vorstellen. Einerseits können gesellschaftliche und politische Debatten online einfacher losgetreten und soziale Ungerechtigkeiten durch Bewegungen wie #MeToo und #BlackLivesMatter adressiert werden. Andererseits finden wir im Netz Hasskommentare und Radikalisierungen bestimmter Gruppen. Hinzu kommt, dass die Logik der Algorithmen für die Nutzer*innen oft nicht nachvollziehbar ist. Falschinformationen werden meist tausendfach geteilt, bevor sie von den Plattformen entfernt werden – wenn dies überhaupt passiert.
“Die sozialen Medien sind eine reale Bedrohung unserer Demokratie”, sagen die einen. So wie es gerade läuft, schadeten die Plattformen uns mehr, als dass sie uns nützen. “Nee, Social Media ist eher demokratiefördernd”, entgegnet die andere Seite. Online fänden Stimmen ein Gehör, die in der realen Welt oftmals ungehört blieben.
Bei 13 Fragen diskutieren wir, ob die sozialen Medien unsere Demokratie zerstören und welche Maßnahmen in Zukunft wichtig sein könnten, um das Netz zu einem demokratischeren Ort zu machen.
#13Fragen #Socialmedia #Demokratie
Unsere Gäst*innen:
Kevin Gallas Mayer, Gründer SUBS
Hartmut Gieselmann, Redakteur des Computermagazins c’t
Alexandra Geese, Grünen Politikerin
Rick, YouTuber
Niklas Steenfatt, Ex-Facebook Mitarbeiter
Camila Schmidt, Social Media Aktivistin
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Hier geht’s zu 13 Fragen in der Mediathek:
13 Fragen ist ein Format von ZDFkultur. Mehr Infos hier:
Eine Produktion von Hyperbole.
Host: Jo Schueck
Regie / Autor*in: Katharina Lauck, Niels Folta
Redaktion: Mascha Schlubach, Melanie Schoepf, Katharina Schaar, Anne Sophie Lange, Caroline Weigele, Ina Eckert
Kamera: Fabian Uhlmann, Michel Gumnior, Taner Asma, Sebastian Lindner
Licht: Micha Plundrich, Ulrich Kalliske, David Ketel
Ton: Wladimir Gelwich
Set Design: Justus Saretz
Aufnahmeleitung: Laura Obereisenbuchner
Schnitt: Claudia Sebastian, Suraj Chandran
Grafik: Marc Trompetter, Rosa Gehlich, Sara-Mae Reif
Make Up: Jula Höpfner
Produzent: Bastian Asdonk
Creative Producerin: Katharina Lauck, Niels Folta
Produktionsleitung: Saskia Kuhnert
Produktionsassistenz: Laura Obereisenbuchner
Formatentwicklung ZDF: Vanessa Olivier, Leonie Steinfeld
Redaktion ZDF: Stefan Münker
Produktionsmanagement ZDF: Christiane Alsfasser
Social Media Redaktion ZDF: Laura Díaz, Judith Aretz
Online Redaktion ZDF: Anna Ernst
“These tragedies have reminded us that words matter and the power of life and death is in the tongue” – the words of the Senate chaplain as he said prayers in a chamber still reeling in shock. (Subscribe:
President Trump stands accused of inciting the mob by his continual slew of social media posts promoting false conspiracy theories and glorifying violence.
He was temporarily suspended from Twitter and blocked indefinitely from Facebook and Instagram.
But how can truth and tolerance overcome the chasm that runs so deep through America?
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Have you ever felt like when you’re on any of your social media accounts (even here on YouTube) you see content that you didn’t necessary subscribe to… but it might really fit your interests? I know I sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I just saw an incredible new documentary on Netflix called “The Social Dilemma” that describes how social media platforms are used to sell your attention and has worldwide severe consequences. I feel like this is an episode of “Black Mirror”… but it wouldn’t be 2020 without feeling like that, right? LIKE this video, SHARE with someone who you think should see it, SUBSCRIBE by clicking the bell button and COMMENT below your thoughts after watching the doc!
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Manila is home to a gigantic shadow industry of digital cleaning. It employs tens of thousands of people working 10-hour shifts for the big Silicon Valley corporations, deleting offensive photos and videos from social media sites.
Manila is a global content moderation hub for social media providers. This two-part documentary reveals how an army of low-paid contractors is tasked with deleting harrowing visual material from the internet. Complex decisions on censorship are delegated to people working under highly secretive criteria and stipulations. With some content not so easy to erase from their minds, viewing and rating an endless stream of often deeply disturbing images every day can have a lasting psychological impact. At the same time, the content reviewers are prohibited from talking about their experiences.
While examining the stories of five moderators, the film also addresses the global repercussions of online censorship and shows how fake news and hate speech are amplified by social media – which provide platforms for those eager to add fuel to existing social and political conflicts.
This debut production by filmmakers Hans Block and Moritz Riesewieck looks at the rise and fall of the utopian dream of social media. It asks what limits there could and should be to the influence of the likes of Facebook, YouTube and Twitter on our societies.
Part 2:
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