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★ TOP E-COMMERCE PLATFORMS ★ https://topsite.pro/best-email-marketing-services
Hi Guys!
If you do a quick internet search, you’ll find several Email Marketing Services out there, but which is a Top Email Marketing Platform? This is a bit tricky, especially if you don’t know what to look for.
In this video, I cover an in-depth review of top Email Marketing Platform . If you have ever wondered if best Email Marketing Platform – GetResponse was worth it or not, by the end of this video, hopefully, you’ll be able to decide whether or not it is right for you.
If you’re curious to find out the best Email Marketing Platform, then take the time to watch this video now!
Learn how to plan an effective email marketing strategy: http://bit.ly/2kbnB2V
Before you can begin collecting email subscribers or importing them into your list, you should first take some time to think about your email marketing strategy – which starts with identifying your expectations and goals.
As you think about what you hope to achieve through email marketing, it will be helpful to ask yourself:
How do you want your emails to help your business?
Do you want to increase sales for your product?
Do you want to build relationships with subscribers?
Who is the ideal subscriber for your email list?
How will it fit with your overall marketing strategy?
While these goals may change or evolve over time, it’s important to consider the purpose of your emails and set goals that are both measurable and attainable.
For those just starting out with email marketing, you might want to focus your goal on growing subscribers.
In this case, your goal might look like the following: I plan to collect 500 email subscribers over the next 12 months by leveraging online and offline opportunities to attract sign ups.
By including a numeric value, a due date and a general idea of how you plan on meeting that number, you’ll have a clear target to work towards. It can even provide guidance for executing tactics that’ll help you achieve your end goal.
As you plan your tactics, also consider the target audience you hope to reach. For example, a fitness trainer with a focus on health and wellness might target people who are just getting started with exercising and changing their diet.
Understanding your ideal customers will help you determine the best ways to connect and communicate with them.
Take Action! Take 15 minutes to answer the questions above and identify goals for your email marketing strategy. To help you craft a more thorough plan, download the free bonus resources, which includes an email marketing goal setting template!
Start your free 30-day trial today: https://bit.ly/2Lkvmzu
Ngày 04/09/2019: KHAI GIẢNG DỰ ÁN 100 V13
► Link đăng ký học tại đây: http://www.duan100v13.com/
(Dành cho các bạn ở xa)
(Tặng mã nguồn Website chuẩn SEO trị giá 10 triệu VNĐ)
► Kiếm tiền với Affiliate trên Unica: https://goo.gl/dYWuXU
► Đăng ký Chatbot Free 5000 Sub tại: http://nguyenhuulam.com/fchat
► Tạo Landingpage miễn phí tại http://nguyenhuulam.com/ladipage
► Tạo Email với Getresponse tại http://nguyenhuulam.com/getresponse
► Link đăng ký nhận hỗ trợ miễn phí: http://nguyenhuulam.gr8.com
Người hướng dẫn
►Ths. Nguyễn Hữu Lam
►Tel: 0982.033.031
►Website: http://hpsoft.vn
►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nguyenhuulamhp82
GetResponse: GET 30 DAY FREE TRIAL HERE: http://andyhafell.com/getresponse
(5 High Converting Emails + My Fast Email Writing Template – This has brought me over $10,000 in sales)
1. Start your free trial with the link above
2. Email me andy@andyhafell.com and i’ll get you set up
Getresponse is an online email marketing tool that enables you to:
– Create newsletters that you send to the subscribers on your mailing list
– Automate your emails with the “autoresponder” that allows you to send emails automatically.
– View and analyze stats related to your email marketing campaigns – open rate, click through, forwards etc.
– Create Landing Pages
– Host Webinars
– Create “Automation Workflows”
Getresponse has grown fast these last years and there is no doubt why many say it’s the best email marketing software of 2020. I changed from Aweber to Getresponse a few years back and it’s safe to say it’s the best email autoresponder and email marketing tool that I’ve ever used.
This will be an in depth getresponse review where i show you everything they’ve added and changed in the new get response email marketing software.
It has all the tools you need from just the basic package, and if you need more tools and features this Getresponse tutorial has got you covered.
Getresponse pricing
There are three main types of Getresponse pricing plan – ‘Email’, ‘Pro’ and ‘Max’ — and within each of these, several additional types of plan to choose from (all based on list size).
► STEP 3 ◄ My Best Selling Course! https://www.passiveaffiliate.com
► STEP 4 ◄
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This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. I won’t put anything here that I haven’t verified and/or personally used myself.
Vediamo quali sono i programmi, software e piattaforme per l’email marketing per e-commerce e siti di vendita online di prodotti e servizi.
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Il modo migliore per iniziare a Vendere online? Inizia vendendo su Amazon:
OTTIENI GRATIS IL LIBRO “Vendere su Amazon dalla A alla Z”:
Iscriviti al nostro corso gratuito sulla vendita su Amazon:
Nei precedenti video abbiamo visto come sia importante l’email marketing per qualsiasi ecommerce o business online e soprattutto i suoi enormi benefici e vantaggi.
Ora cerchiamo di capire come si implementa l’email marketing e quindi quali strumenti si possono utilizzare per iniziare a sviluppare un proprio database di potenziali clienti e iniziare ad inviare le prime campagne
Attualmente sul mercato esistono decine e decine di strumenti e piattaforma professionali per fare email marketing ma io vorrei concentrarmi su quelli che personalmente ho utilizzato e che sono i più utilizzati in ambito e-commerce.
MailChimp: è lo strumento di email marketing più utilizzato e apprezzato, non solo perchè è semplice da usare ma soprattutto perchè è gratuito fino a 2000 iscritti e 12k email al mese. Molti plugin disponibili per i vari CMS Ecommerce. Costi Bassi
ContactLab: Presente in Italia da ormai 10 anni è un punto di riferimento per il mail marketing, semplice e intuitiva, permettono di fare anche integrazioni o sviluppi ad hoc. Costi Medi.
GetResponse: Molto usato dagli info marketer in quanto nasce come autoresponder, possiede molte funzioni di marketing automation. Costi Medi
Active Campaign: Una delle piattaforme che negli ultimi anni mi hanno sorpreso di più in quanto con l’integrazione di un CRM e la gestione di workflow automation e leads sganciati da un invio sequenziale, permettono veramente di sbizzarrirsi. Costi Medio-Alti.
Infusionsoft: Uno dei migliori esistenti al mondo, con integrazioni avanzate per ecommerce e per l’automazione, ha anche costi alti.
Silverpop: software di IBM utile per chi ha già un ERP o un CRM di IBM in quanto integra in maniera nativa. Costi Alti.
Bronto: Il top per gli e-commerce, proprietà di Oracle è utilizzato da grossi brand di e-commerce e riconosciuto come il leader negli stati uniti.Costi Molto Alti, dedicato forse solo agli USA o clienti molto grossi.
Per chi vuole iniziare consiglio mailchimp, per chi possiede già un e-commerce avviato oppure ha un minimo di budget a disposizione consiglio di iniziare con Getresponse o Contactlab e poi passare a active campaign.
Ce ne sono altri come campaign monitor, vertical response o aweber ma oltre alla piattaforma bisogna anche usare le giuste strategie per attirare e convertire gli utenti.
ScuolaEcommerce.com è la prima scuola online che ti insegna a progettare, realizzare e sviluppare il tuo E-commerce di Successo. Aumenta le tue vendite online grazie ai nostri consigli.
OTTIENI GRATIS IL LIBRO “Vendere su Amazon dalla A alla Z”:
Iscriviti al nostro corso gratuito sulla vendita su Amazon:
Impara a realizzare un E-commerce di Successo, iscriviti al nostro Gruppo di formazione GRATUITO:
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Do you know what is email marketing? and how you can do email marketing with 100% free tools for FREE? Yes, you can.
In this 10 minutes Urdu and Hindi tutorial I will teach you complete email marketing with free tools and tell you how you can collect/build targeted email list easily and then how to win your subscribed email’s trust.
This tutorial is consist of 4 important steps:
step 1: gather emails or buy from someone but the list must not be spammy, (My recommendation would build your own list)
step 2: how to build: open getresponse website and make an email collector landing page
Step 3: share on social media/groups/pages id etc
Step 4: Send free offer for at least 1 month then send your affiliate links.
Let me explain each and everything to you!
Step 1: Gather Emails
You can either buy emails list from someone or build your own as I’ve shown you in the tutorial, but keep in mind your collected emails should be relevant to the product or offer that you are going to sell them or offer them in the future.
Like if you collect email via an SEO ebook so then make sure in future you use that list for SEO relevant paid product or offer.
Step 2: Build Your List Using getresponse email service
Getresponse is a one of the best email marketing service provider and it’s paid but you can use for free for 30 days as trial and yeah you can do pretty many things in 30 days.
If you want to do proper email marketing for the long term so you can buy their basic or pro package.
Step 3: Share Your Landing/Email Collector Form
When you will create your first email collector from or you can call it landing page where you will offer free ebook or software and ask to people that put your email and click to download so when they will do this they will be shifted to a new download or thank you.html page from where they can download their file and you will have their email in the contact list, later you can use for sending email.
But did you think how people will come to the landing or email collector form? hmm?
Yes it’s the tough question but the answer is easy, just share your campaign on social media especially on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Tip: Share in the relevant community so your conversion rate will be good.
Step 4: Send them free offer like in first week send them a free ebook or software or any detailed relevant article and then next week do same, at least you should send them these type of free offers for 1 month so you can win their trust and then when you will share your affiliate or any offer so there will be maximum chance that your subscriber list will buy.
►Please Subscribe to “Urdu/Hindi Tutorials” Channel for More Update Tutorials: http://bit.ly/2dtgDQO
Ngày 04/09/2019: KHAI GIẢNG DỰ ÁN 100 V13
► Link đăng ký học tại đây: http://www.duan100v13.com/
(Dành cho các bạn ở xa)
(Tặng mã nguồn Website chuẩn SEO trị giá 10 triệu VNĐ)
► Kiếm tiền với Affiliate trên Unica: https://goo.gl/dYWuXU
► Đăng ký Chatbot Free 5000 Sub tại: http://nguyenhuulam.com/fchat
► Tạo Landingpage miễn phí tại http://nguyenhuulam.com/ladipage
► Tạo Email với Getresponse tại http://nguyenhuulam.com/getresponse
► Link đăng ký nhận hỗ trợ miễn phí: http://nguyenhuulam.gr8.com
+ Cách đăng ký tài khoản Email với Getresponse
+ Tạo chiến dịch
+ Tạo Form
+ Tạo Landingpage
+ Gửi Email tự động
+ Tạo danh sách khách hàng
+ Chiến lược phễu bán hàng
Người hướng dẫn
►Ths. Nguyễn Hữu Lam
►Tel: 0982.033.031
►Website: http://hpsoft.vn
►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nguyenhuulamhp82
In this video, I go through 5 best email marketing platforms in 2020. You’ll find an email marketing comparison so you can make a decision on which email marketing software and service to use to build a list of subscribers.
I compare MailChimp vs ActiveCampaign vs AWeber vs GetResponse vs Drip autoresponder services.
I go through the pricing, features, benefits, and tools.
Are you also looking for an autoresponder for affiliate marketing? I go through whether each email marketing software accepts affiliate marketing based on their Terms of Use / Prohibited use.
In this video, I share the results of an email promotion I did for an affiliate product so you can see my process. You’ll learn how I produced the sales, the emails I sent out to my email subscribers, and some affiliate marketing tips.
Disclaimer: Some of the links above contain affiliate links, meaning I will earn a small commission when you purchase through my link at no additional cost to you.
How To Build An Opt-in / Landing Page In WordPress
How To Create a Lead Magnet In 5 Steps:
7 Tips For Growing Your Email List
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Visit my blog for more training to help you start and grow your online business faster: https://www.AureliusTjin.com
Disclaimer: Some of the links above contain affiliate links, meaning I will earn a small commission when you purchase through my link at no additional cost to you.
This GetResponse Review will show you exact how it works. I’ve make over a million dollars with email.
Get your 30 day FREE Trial Here: https://franklinhatchett.com/3caf
Full Affiliate Training + https://savageaffiliates.com Full eCom Training https://ecomelites.com
Get response is one of the best email systems online today. You can do many things with this platform and not only email. These are some of the things you can do with get response.
Collect email leads so you can build your own email list.
Create newsletters to send to your subscribers.
Create automatic workflows so your can build a profitable automated system.
host online Webinars.
Create Landing Pages.
Create email lead magnets.
This GetResponse Review for beginners will show you exact how it works step by step. I will first show you how to set up your GetResponse account then I will show you how to create an email list. Once the list is created you can then start creating the emails. You want to create emails so you can create an automated workflow.
You can useGetResponse to create a fully automated online business. I’ve over a million dollars with this platform and its because I create automated workflows.
This GetResponse Review will show you all the tool it has to offer and how they can help you make money online. I used to use Aweber and mailchimp and they are not as good as GetResponse in my opinion. This tutorial is great if you want to use the best email marketing program online. GetResponse also let you promote affiliate links, most email platforms don’t.
*You can assume that I will receive a commission for anything I recommend in my videos. Any earnings or income representations are aspirational statements only and results are not typical. There is no guarantee that you’ll receive the same results or any results at all. Some people will never get results online. Your results will depend entirely on your work ethic. Please don’t buy my products if you are in financial hardship.