The Social Media Website With Only 1 User

What if there was a social media site that only 1 person ever used and no one knew about it? Well that actually happened. This is the story behind that website.

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What is SEO and How Does it Work?

What is SEO and how does it work? This video explains how search engine optimization works and how you can optimize your website to be discovered in search engines like Google.

Additional SEO Tutorials and Resources

SEO for Beginners: A Basic Search Engine Optimization Tutorial for Higher Google Rankings

Google’s Search Quality Guidelines ►

Ahrefs’ YouTube videos

What is SEO?

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of optimizing content to be discovered through a search engine’s organic search results.

Understanding the intricacies of how search engines like Google work is crucial, as you get a clearer picture of how you can optimize your web pages to rank higher and get more organic traffic.

First, we look into the definition of SEO and how SEO on different search engines are all about driving traffic but to different destinations like videos, product pages or web pages.

Then we find out the 3 reasons why marketers all over the world are incorporating SEO into their marketing strategy.

After we’re clear about the what and the why of SEO, we dig deep into the mechanics of how Google works to rank pages.

Sam first explains the process by which Google crawls the web to build up its massive index of information before going into the search algorithms that they use to find the most relevant results in the shortest time possible.

By taking a look at Google’s own claims on how their search algorithm works, we examine the various considerations that they look at when interpreting queries and ranking pages.

Sam breaks down one of the most important things to master as an SEO – the reason behind a searcher’s query or search intent. Through a couple of examples in the search engine results pages (SERPs), he then emphasizes the crucial things to look out for to match the searcher’s intent.

Other key points covered in this tutorial:
– How Google identifies relevancy though content
– The 3 broad categories that Google uses to identify quality pages (EAT)
– How Google considers usability of web pages

Finally, we look at how Google uses personalized data and how such personalization affects your Google searches.

This video gives a strong foundation of how search engines like Google work and breaks down the basics of SEO.

Having such an understanding is crucial for anyone considering SEO, new to SEO or learning about SEO as it gives you a better idea on how you can optimize your web pages to rank higher and get more organic traffic.


1:06 Why to incorporate SEO into your marketing strategy?
1:47 How does Google work?
4:05 Understand the meaning of a search query
6:43 Understand how Google identifies relevance through content
8:18 Learn how Google identifies the quality of content
9:31 How does Google consider the usability of webpages?
10:46 How does Google work with personalized data?

#whatisseo #seo #searchengineoptimization

Be sure to subscribe for more actionable marketing and SEO tutorials.

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Types of email marketing | Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Certificate

This video is part of the Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Certificate. If you’re curious about the latest trends in technology and business, a career in digital marketing & e-commerce is within reach. Learn more about the Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Certificate at

The program, created by Google employees in the field, is designed to provide you with job-ready skills in under 6 months to start or advance your career in digital marketing and e-commerce.

To access the full program content including readings, practice exercises, job search help, and discussion forums please visit ►

Why earn a Google Career Certificate?
► No experience necessary: Learn job-ready skills, with no college degree required.
► Learn at your own pace: Complete the 100% online courses on your own terms.
► Stand out to employers: Make your resume competitive with a credential from Google.
► A path to in-demand jobs: Connect with top employers who are currently hiring.

00:00 Introduction
00:27 Welcome
01:54 Types of email marketing: Acquisition emails
05:58 Types of email marketing: Welcome emails
09:37 Types of email marketing: Newsletters
14:56 Types of email marketing: Promotional emails
18:50 Types of email marketing: Retention emails

#GrowWithGoogle #GoogleCareerCertificates #DigitalMarketing #Ecommerce

What Google’s Quick Read Test Tells Us About the Future of SEO

What Google’s Quick Read tells us about the future of SEO. If you haven’t seen yet, Google’s running an experiment called Quick Read. It is where they let you know in the search results if something is fast read or not. It looks something like this. It’s actually been going on for a bit. So why do you think Google’s running this experiment? Let me know in the comments. I’m really curious to hear your thoughts.


Do you think it’s because they want to point out something is short, something is long, something is bad, something is good, let me know, right? No one really knows the answer. Google’s not telling us. But I have some insights. Well, think of it this way. We took some data from Ubersuggest. We looked at 562 informational search queries. Can you guess what percentage of the first page results contained over 2000 words? A whopping 41.9%.

As a searcher, do you prefer reading long articles or short ones? The reality is, you don’t care what the length is. You just want the answer to your question as quick as possible. In other words you want someone to solve your problem as quick as possible. Whether that’s one second or a minute, you ideally don’t want to take too long. If you can get it in a minute, great. If not, then you’re hoping to get in two minutes, and if that’s not possible you’re ideally hoping to look to get the solution to your problem within three minutes and so forth, so on.

But no one wants to read a 10 minute article to find the answer when they could have gotten the answer in one minute. A great example of this is, would you want to read a 10 minute article that breaks down the answer to two plus two? Of course not. You just want to know that the answer is four. SEO isn’t about word count. And you can see this with what Google is trying to do here with their Quick Read test.

Don’t optimize your content for length, optimize it for quality, and give people what they want as quick as possible. Sometimes you just need 10,000 words to do that, and sometimes you only need 300 words. Google wants people to get the answers to their problems as quick as possible. It’s why when you type in stuff like Las Vegas weather into Google, you see weather right away instead of having to go to a random webpage.

If you want to do well in the long run, optimize for giving people what they want in the least amount of words as possible. Just imagine yourself searching Google for solution. Are you going to go click on a quick read result, or are you going to take the long painful path? I’m just saying giving people what they want as quick as possible is the ideal thing to do. That’s how you win with content marketing in the long run.

Now, if you need help with your content marketing strategy trying to figure out, hey, should something be long, short, how can I give that impact as quick as possible even though my competitors have really long content? Check out our ad agency, NP Digital where we help our customers do this. If you just have any questions, leave a comment below. I’m here to answer them, help you out. If you enjoyed this video, like it, share it, tell other people about it. Thank you for your time.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital

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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in 3 Minuten erklärt

Damit auch du verstehst, was SEO oder Search Engine Optimization bedeutet und wozu es gut ist, haben wir dir die Grundlagen in einem handmade Erklärfilm gepackt.

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youknow erklärt: Suchmaschinenoptimierung
In den Trefferlisten der Suchmaschinen ganz oben stehen? Das möchte wohl jeder Website-Betreiber. Um das zu erreichen, haben Sie zwei Möglichkeiten:
Erstens: Sie bezahlen für Werbeanzeigen in den Ergebnislisten der Suchmaschinen. Oder zweitens: Sie sorgen dafür, Ihre Websites langfristig in den ‚echten’ Trefferlisten — dem sogenannten Ranking — möglichst weit oben zu positionieren. Und genau das ist das Ziel der Suchmaschinenoptimierung oder auch search engine optimization — kurz SEO (englische Aussprache und Einzelbuchstaben: S — E — O).
Langfristig oben zu bleiben, bedeutet langfristig zu arbeiten. Warum? Das erklären wir Ihnen anhand von Sushi:
Stellen Sie sich das gesamte World Wide Web als ein Running-Sushi-Restaurant vor. Die unzähligen Röllchen auf dem Laufband — das sind Websites. Und einer der Sushi-Köche, nun ja, das sind Sie — ein Website-Betreiber. Verfeinern Sie Ihre Röllchen, indem Sie sie zum Beispiel aus exzellenten Zutaten herstellen, fachmännisch rollen und sie schick aus-sehen lassen, dann betreiben Sie die sogenannte On-Page-Optimierung. Übertragen heißt das: Ihre Websites sind gut programmiert, haben einzigartige Inhalte und eine leicht verständliche Navigation.
Empfinden das Ihre Besucher genauso, teilen und verbreiten sie bestenfalls Ihre Inhalte und schaffen so Empfehlungen für Ihre Seiten. Das ist der Bereich der sogenannten Off-Page-Optimierung. Jede Empfehlung für Ihre Seiten ist im Sushi-Lokal ein Kellner, der auf Ihre Röllchen hinweist.
Nun kommt die Suchmaschine ins Restaurant: Früher ein Allesfresser, hat sie sich mittlerweile zu einem richtigen Feinschmecker gemausert.
Die Suchmaschine betrachtet die anderen Gäste genau, um zu erfahren, welche Röllchen sie besonders mögen. Und auch die Empfehlungen der Kellner hört sie sich genau an. Doch sie vertraut nicht jedem Kellner. Sie merkt sich, wenn ihr ein Kellner mal schlechte Sushis empfohlen hat — die lässt sie an sich vorbeirollen. Empfehlen aber viele Oberkellner Ihre Seiten und findet die Suchmaschine Ihre Röllchen besonders köstlich, dann be-kommen sie sicher einen Platz ganz vorn in der Liste ihrer Lieblingsröllchen — dem Ran-king.
Doch denken Sie daran: Die Suchmaschine verändert ihren Geschmack ständig und überprüft permanent, wem sie ihr Vertrauen schenkt. Um also nachhaltig in den Rankings oben zu stehen, müssen Sie stets up-to-date sein. Das ist natürlich nicht so leicht — doch dafür gibt es Profis, die Sie dabei unterstützen und über alle aktuellen Trends Bescheid wissen. Also: Machen Sie es der Suchmaschine schmackhaft!


🔎 En este Actualidad SEO repasamos unos cambios de diseño importantes en Google, el último Spam Update, novedades en recursos y herramientas que seguramente te gusten.

💙 Webpositer Academy, el Máster de SEO Avanzado que recomiendo:

💙 Evento SEOlives gratis:


Nuevo diseño de Google:
Políticas anti-spam:
Looker Studio:


00:00 Bienvenida
01:26 Nuevo diseño de Google
03:50 Nuevo Spam Update
06:33 Search Essentials
07:34 SEO con imágenes de stock
08:31 Data Studio ahora es Looker Studio
09:05 Avances en IA para medios e imágenes
11:41 Herramienta SEO gratis del mes
12:10 Despedida



Email marketing 01 دورة التسويق عبرالبريد الإلكتروني : طريقة الاشتغال

رابط موقعي الخاص بالدورات
USA رابط موقعي لإنشاء نظام المقاول الذاتي
LLC رابط موقعي لإنشاء شركة

01 دورة التسويق عبرالبريد الإلكتروني : طريقة الاشتغال

How to Solve SEO Problems | Crawling, Indexing, Sitemap & Coverage Issues | Episode 06 | SEO Garage

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Garage Address (Ask Your Questions):

Is SEO garage series me ham apki problems ko solve karne ki koshish karenge. Aaj ke video me ham in topics ko cover karenge:
1 – Duplicate content in websites
2- Kisi website ka DA aur PA kaise badhta hai
3 – Breadcrumb type ke schema data
4 – Kya general blog banana chahiye ya niche special blogs
5 – Google cache me website ka look kaise theek kare?
6 – Kya .in website internationally rank kar sakta hai?
7 – “near me” keywords ke liye kaise rank kare?
8 – Pagespeed Insights vs GTMetrix

How to Solve SEO Problems | Crawling, Indexing, Sitemap & Coverage Issues | Episode 06 | SEO Garage

Previous Videos Of SEO Garage Series

1️⃣ EP 00:
2️⃣ EP 01:
3️⃣ EP 02:
4️⃣ EP 04:
5️⃣ EP 05:

How to Solve SEO Problems | Crawling, Indexing, Sitemap & Coverage Issues | Episode 06 | SEO Garage
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How to Solve SEO Problems | Crawling, Indexing, Sitemap & Coverage Issues | Episode 06 | SEO Garage

#SEOGarage #SEOIssues

10 HERRAMIENTAS SEO gratis que te harán AHORRAR MUCHO TIEMPO – CW #187

🔎 En el episodio de este lunes os desvelo 10 herramientas SEO gratis que te ayudarán a ahorrar tiempo con tus webs. Además, ¡he intentado ofreceros algunas muy poco conocidas!


💙 Crea tu siguiente web un 20% más barato y con dominio gratis:

💙 Ahrefs, mi herramienta SEO favorita:


1. Keyword Research:
2. Imágenes con IA:
3. Ver robots:
4. Keyword Research:
5. Keyword Research:
6. Análisis SEO On Page:
7. Textos con IA:
8. Contar palabras:
9. Imágenes con IA:
10. Bancos de imágenes gratis: y de vídeos también en


00:00 Bienvenida
00:44 Suggest Machine
01:49 Dall-e 2
02:48 See Robots
03:20 Low Fruits
05:03 Generador de palabras clave Ahrefs
06:34 Portents SEO
07:14 Writer Sonic
08:47 Word Counter Plus
09:34 StockAI
10:31 Pexels y Pixabay
11:15 Despedida



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