HubSpot Tutorial – Email Marketing for Beginners | Create Your First Email Campaign

In this HubSpot Tutorial, I guide you through how to create email campaigns with HubSpot (Free CRM).

HubSpot provides a powerful, free and all-in-one CRM platform for small business. This CRM provides easy to use email campaign features that allow you to create and send email campaigns. HubSpot is an ideal email marketing platform for those wanting to get started with email marketing.

► Get started with HubSpot free CRM here:
*(This is an affiliate link, meaning we will get a commission if you decide to upgrade to a paid plan, this helps support our education-based channel and we thank you in advance!)

The free HubSpot CRM also allows you to send over 2000 email campaigns per month.

► In this HubSpot tutorial for beginners we cover the following:

0:00 Intro
01:10 HubSpot CRM dashboard
02:10 Email Footer
03:08 Subscription Types
04:30 Create Email Campaigns
07:11 Customise Email
17:34 Email Settings
19:05 Send or Schedule Email
20:35 Review and Send Email
21:54 Launch/Send Email
22:52 Outro

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Let me know if you found this HubSpot tutorial helpful. Also, if you have any questions make sure to drop them down below.

Thanks for watching and enjoy!

#HubSpot #CRM

Curso de marketing automation, (Automatización) E-goi – Email Marketing 2 de 3

Cursos marketing automation 👉el mundo digital hay múltiples metodologías que nacen para facilitarnos la vida, y la automatización de procesos es una de ellas. Esta alternativa sirve para optimizar procesos, ahorrar tiempo y reducir costos; evitando tareas que resultan tediosos y que requieren significativas horas laborales. Sácale el 100% a tus capacidades e invierte tu tiempo en estrategias y no en operaciones mecánicas con menor valor.

No olvides para ver este video abrir una cuenta en es este enlace (Es gratis)

Recuerda que si quieres aprender marketing digital en 60 minutos puedes ver:
Aprende como ganar mensualmente US$5.000 haciendo videos en YouTube aquí:

#Cursos #MarketingAutomation #MarketingDigital

O QUE É SEO? Seu site na PRIMEIRA PÁGINA do Google (2020)

Veja agora o Guia básico de SEO para colocar seu site na primeira página do Google
🤘 Inscreva-se para aprender TUDO SOBRE MARKETING DIGITAL

SEO significa Search Engine Optimization (Otimização para mecanismos de busca). É um conjunto de técnicas de otimização para sites, blogs e páginas na web. Essas otimizações visam alcançar bons rankings orgânicos gerando tráfego e autoridade para um site ou blog.

Se você possui estratégias digitais e ainda não domina o assunto, veja o nosso vídeo e entenda, de uma vez por todas, o que é SEO!

Quer aprender mais? Acesse os materiais complementares:

[EBOOK] SEO 2.0: O Guia Completo da Rock Content

SEO Trends Brasil – Um estudo sobre as práticas de SEO no nosso mercado

Quer acompanhar a Rock Content de pertinho?


Quer conversar com a gente sobre propostas, parcerias ou qualquer outra coisa? É só chamar em:

SEO PARA REDATORES: tudo que você precisa saber em 2020

Quer acompanhar as tendências de marketing digital para esse ano?



Se você trabalha como redator para a Internet, já entende a importância do SEO, certo?

Estamos entrando em 2020 e o cenário de buscas no Google mudou muito, então fizemos esse vídeo para te mostrar quais são os conhecimentos que você precisa ter para escrever textos que geram resultados no Google!

Se interessou pelo assunto? Confira mais no nosso blog:

Email Marketing Explained

Sell more with advanced email marketing tactics.

Visit our website at to contact us and find out more about what we can do for YOUR message! We specialize in using motion graphics and animation for your marketing and communication needs.

Curso de marketing automation, (Automatización) E-goi – Email Marketing 1 de 3

Cursos marketing automation 👉el mundo digital hay múltiples metodologías que nacen para facilitarnos la vida, y la automatización de procesos es una de ellas. Esta alternativa sirve para optimizar procesos, ahorrar tiempo y reducir costos; evitando tareas que resultan tediosos y que requieren significativas horas laborales. Sácale el 100% a tus capacidades e invierte tu tiempo en estrategias y no en operaciones mecánicas con menor valor.

No olvides para ver este video abrir una cuenta en es este enlace (Es gratis)

Recuerda que si quieres aprender marketing digital en 60 minutos puedes ver:
Aprende como ganar mensualmente US$5.000 haciendo videos en YouTube aquí:

#Cursos #MarketingAutomation #MarketingDigital

SEO Tutorial for Beginners – Step by Step Guide 2019! (+YOAST SEO)

Complete SEO Tutorial for Beginners Tutorial 2019! I’ll also be showing you how to use Yoast SEO to optimize a WordPress website.
Semrush 7-Day Free Trial: (Amazing for spying on competitors – Must TRY!)

Get A FREE Copy of my 6 steps to 6 figures:

KWFinder: (Great for getting Keyword difficulty)

Uber Suggest: (Free ‘Google Keyword Planner’)

Serpbook: (Easy Solution for tracking keywords)

Ahrefs: (Great for Backlink analysis)

Themify Ultra: (Best Drag & Drop Builder)

Brian Dean’s SEO Tips:


Intro 0:00
Understanding SEO 1:18

*Keyword Research*
Basics & Local 9:57
Blog 37:42
eCommerce 1:03:18

*OnPage SEO (Yoast SEO for WordPress)*
Basics & Local 1:33:48
Blog 1:52:31
eCommerce 2:03:13

OffPage SEO 2:13:12
Analysis 2:28:45
Tip & Tricks 2:37:50

Thank you 🙂

#seo #seotutorial #yoast

The Surprising Truth About Email Marketing in 2018

Can you still grow your business with email marketing?►Subscribe:
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Hey, everyone, it’s Neil Patel, and I’m here for another Q and A Thursday, I’m here with Adam from

0:15 This one’s from Radoslav, and he wanted to basically, ask you does email marketing still work? He finds that it is hard with Google filters to make it to the inbox and people are just not even really checking their emails, so he’s not even convinced that he should use email marketing with his agency.

0:30 First off, anytime a business operates, they need email. Yes, there’s Slack, there’s Skype, there are many other communication channels, but businesses still revolve around email, and if businesses still use it, you can bet that if you get an email in their inbox and they read it, you can generate sales.

1:00 For that reason, emails aren’t going away. Gmail ads are growing in revenue, more and more people every single quarter are leveraging Gmail ads just because they know emails are powerful. So the first part of your question is, are emails valuable, yes. I know that’s not directly what you answered, but the second part, which I’ll get to is, do they still work, yes, because people still read emails.

1:50 GDPR has come out, and with GDPR, and I love it you have to put a little tick box saying, yes I authorize you to send me weekly emails. So that way they know what they’re getting into and you’ll find that that increases your open rates because the people who click that tick box want your emails.

2:15 The second thing that most people don’t tell you with email marketing is, you need to scrub your list. If you have 100,000 email list, and that’s usually the threshold, once you hit 100,000 you’re going to notice that your email open rates just start tanking and it’s because people don’t clean their lists often enough, I clean my list monthly. And some email providers do this like ConvertKit does this I don’t think MailChimp does this, but I think MailChimp wants you to keep paying out money for the inactive emails.

2:45 The whole purpose of cleaning the emails are for the people who aren’t opening your emails and engaging, you just stop sending them emails. And by doing that yes your email list shrinks, but what you’ll find is, the people you send the emails to the engagement goes up, and Gmail and Outlook look at engagement more than anyone else and it’s a really high priority, for if they’re going to put the email in the inbox and if you’re only sending emails to majority of the people open it and you start having 20-30% open rates, you’ll notice that your emails go into the inbox versus the Promotion tabs.

4:00 Don’t use email templates, use text-based emails and add in links. You also don’t wanna add more than three links to your site; I try only to do one. If you add in too many, you’re going to notice that you also won’t see amazing deliverability.

4:15 Make sure you whitelist your emails. So go to AOL, they whitelist, you can use services like Return Path. Outlook and Gmail don’t do whitelist services. But if you follow these tips, you’ll be good to go. And you’ll get in the inbox.

4:30 Make sure you test creative subject lines like ones that your friends would send, lower case, things like hey did you see this, right? Of course, it needs to be relevant to your business or the offer you’re producing, if you dupe people they’re going to get upset, I’m giving you an extreme case so you can try to have the creative juices start flowing and come up with really good ideas. But it’s not that hard to get in the inbox.

5:50 Scrub your list, don’t put too many links, don’t add images and videos, and only send to people who want them.

6:00 If you like the content we’re giving, leave a comment, ask a question, we may answer it in next week’s Q and A Thursday video, or I’ll respond to your comment no matter what. Thank you for watching, let other people know about the video. Appreciate you watching and taking the time out of your day.

How to Skyrocket Your Google Adwords ROI | PPC Advertising Tips

Are you spending money on google adwords? If so, here’s a step by step formula on how to make the ads more profitable.

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The first thing I want to educate you about is SKAG, Single Keyword Ad Group. If you have a hundred keywords in one ad group, what’s going to happen?

Your ad text isn’t going to be related to all of those keywords. But on the flip side, if you only have a handful or one keyword related to one ad copy, what’s going to happen?

That ad copy is going to be so relevant to that keyword, that you’re quality score’s gonna skyrocket, people are going to click on it, you’re going to save money, and you’re going to convert better. So instead of writing the same ad text for hundreds and hundreds of keywords, write the same ad text for one keyword, or a handful of keywords max. But, ideally, just one keyword. That way, it’s specific each and every single time to the keyword you want to bid on. The second thing I want to teach you about is a landing page optimization. Why does AdWords ROI have to be related to your ads purely? That’s a bunch of BS.

That’s what everyone thinks, oh we have to fine-tune our ads and keep tweaking and adjusting our bids. And, yes, I’m not saying you don’t have to do that. But, you’re going to cap out on optimizing your ads. Eventually, the real ROI is going to be your landing page, your product that you’re selling, the offering that you’re going to make.

Also, optimize that landing page. And the way you do that is you install Crazy Egg. With Crazy Egg, it’ll show you how far people scroll down, where they click, they provide you with reports like heat maps.

You’ve heard me talk about Crazy Egg tons and tons of times. Of course, I wouldn’t be talking about it if it didn’t benefit you. Plus, I also own the company, so that’s a plus for me as well. But check it out, it’s useful. Once you have all of that running, you’ll get reports on where people are clicking and engaging with your landing page.

Then you’ll want to run A/B test with Craz Egg and you can do that through the WYSIWYG Editor. Make some tweaks, some changes, and then boom, start running some tests, and you can optimize your conversions. Because you know what, if you keep paying a dollar per click from AdWords, and in general, you’re only getting one lead or one sale out of a hundred clicks, you’re paying $100 per conversion. But if you can optimize your conversion on your landing page by four times using Crazy Egg, or any other A/B testing tool out there, right, you don’t have to use Crazy Egg. Now you’re paying $25 per conversion.

You see how that’s a drastic difference for inbound marketing? And that happens a lot. Countless times. I see it day in and day out. A lot of people just focus on their ad campaigns, and they forget about their landing pages. To do well, you have to do both.