Why you should delete your social media accounts

Jaron Lanier is considered one of the fathers of virtual reality and a veteran of silicon valley.

In his book ‘Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now’, Lanier contends that sites like Facebook and Twitter are dopamine farms that are reprogramming how you think and feel. He says they’re also causing political instability, and are changing the global economy for the worse.

Jaron Lanier – Silicon Valley pioneer

#SocialMedia #JaronLanier #DeleteFacebook

Jaron Lanier interview on how social media ruins your life

Jaron Lanier, the Silicone Valley ‘computer philosopher’, thinks social media is ruining your life.

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In this interview Jaron Lanier talks about Facebook, YouTube, Google and how the tech and social media giants are using algorithms to record data about their users – and how internet algorithms shape how we see the world and what we’re shown online.