If you have ever run an ad on Amazon, you know how complicated and expensive it can be. Today we have a special guest Mina Elias who is going to help us change the way we perceive Amazon PPC and empower us to take back control and dominate our ads.
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Our guest today is Brian Johnson – the leading strategist in Amazon PPC advertising. Brian has founded the Amazon PPC Troubleshooting community, Amazon PPC Consulting Association, PPC Scope ad management software, Sponsored Products Academy training course, and Canopy Management advertising agency for million-dollar brands.
– sponsored display video and sponsored brand video;
– driving external traffic to Amazon;
– a marketing funnel on Amazon;
– PPC strategies
… and much more!
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Check out our previous episodes!
All about Amazon advertising / Elizabeth Greene https://youtu.be/RsYOHWPp5C0
Expansion to international markets / Kevin Sanderson https://youtu.be/oGy3OUZgWsM
How to increase profitability in 2022 / Klaidas Šiuipys https://youtu.be/c2QRkYXhdqE
Discover the Amazon PPC strategy to use for amazon product targeting campaigns. Learn Amazon PPC step by step using insider Amazon PPC tips and tricks to skyrocket ROAS from your Amazon product targeting ads.
In this video, we walk you through Amazon PPC step by step, and teach you how to set up profitable amazon product targeting campaigns through a variety of different ad groups.
This is the ultimate amazon product targeting tutorial for sellers to advertise on competitors’ products in different ways that you may not have thought of or seen before, including amazon ASIN targeting!
We show you exactly how to set up & optimize your Amazon PPC strategy to setup profitable Amazon product targeting campaign ad groups: general, brand-targeted, suggested products & top competitors (Amazon ASIN targeting).
Each of the four (4) different ways to create Amazon product targeting ads are unique, and we walk you through the ins and outs of Amazon PPC step by step.to ensure you maximize your ROAS!
In this Amazon PPC tutorial, learn how to setup Amazon product targeting campaign and segment your amazon product targeting ad groups.
0:09 Why Run Amazon Product Targeting Campaigns
0:31 Naming Convention For Amazon Product Targeting Campaigns
1:06 Setting The Daily Budget For Amazon Product Targeting Ads
1:52 Amazon Product Targeting Campaign Bidding Strategy
3:32 How To Create The First Amazon Product Targeting Ad Group
5:17 Selecting Categories For The Amazon Product Targeting Ad Group
5:46 Amazon Product Targeting By Brand
6:03 Refining Categories For Amazon Product Targeting Ads
8:20 How To Calculate Bid For Amazon Product Targeting Campaign
10:50 Naming Convention For Amazon Product Targeting Ad Group
11:54 How To Setup The Second Amazon Product Targeting Campaign Ad Group
13:29 Naming Convention For The Second Amazon Product Targeting Ad Group
14:44 Selecting Individual Products For Amazon Product Targeting Campaigns
15:36 How To Setup The Third Amazon Product Targeting Campaign Ad Group
17:55 How To Setup The Fourth Amazon Product Targeting Campaign Ad Group
19:20 Amazon Asin Targeting
21:15 Reviewing Your Amazon Product Targeting Campaign
22:09 Comment Your Amazon PPC Strategy Below
23:08 Download The Ultimate Amazon Playbook
If you need more help with your Amazon Advertising Strategy or need Amazon PPC Management Services, simply click here
Subscribe To Sunken Stone’s YouTube Channel For Amazon Advertising Tips & Tricks https://sunkenst.one/subscribe
What makes Sunken Stone unique & effective in helping Amazon sellers to achieve a breakthrough on Amazon and scale their eCommerce businesses?
Turnkey Amazon Management Services Exclusive Amazon Access Performance-Based Amazon Marketing Agency Flexible Pricing Options 90+ Team Members Committed To Your Amazon Success Interactive Weekly Calls To Recap & Review Performance LOTS MORE!
If you want to work with a team of advanced Amazon sellers who have scaled our clients into multi-million dollar Amazon Sellers, then book a call now: https://sunkenst.one/book-amazon-strategy-call
Curious to see how your brand stacks up against your competitors? Take the Amazon Success Quiz now: https://sunkenst.one/success-quiz
Ready to skyrocket your returns on Amazon PPC Advertising? Get the FREE Amazon Advertising Strategy Guide https://info.sunkenstone.com/amazon-advertising-strategy-guide/
This Amazon PPC optimization video shows beginners and advanced sellers how to setup Amazon PPC campaigns and how to DECREASE ACOS, ENHANCE ROI & MAXIMIZE PROFITABILITY … Hope you find it incredibly valuable!
In this Amazon PPC Optimization video, Lukas Matthews is going to show you how to setup Amazon PPC the right way, taking you through the ins and outs of Amazon PPC Optimization 2021. Learn the exact steps you should take on how to optimize your Amazon PPC campaigns and some additional Amazon PPC tricks & tips.
These are the exact same strategies that we deploy for our clients that have helped generate over $100M in sales.
This Amazon PPC optimization tutorial is for Amazon sellers that are either just starting or looking to scale their efforts, saving you lots of time and thousands of $$$ to find the most profitable way to optimize Amazon PPC accounts.
By the end of this video you will learn the following Amazon PPC optimization tricks:
Naming Convention For Your Amazon PPC Campaigns Filtering & Segmenting Amazon PPC Campaigns By Clicks- & Spend-Descending Filtering CTR Adjustments Over Last 30 Days Filtering CTR Adjustments Over Lifetime Increasing Bid For Winning Campaigns Finding & Pausing Irrelevant Keywords & Phrases Automatic Campaign Bid Adjustments Adjusting TOFP Placement Modifiers For Good Campaigns Suggested ASIN Additions
Use these Amazon PPC Tricks in your account and maximize the return on your Amazon PPC campaigns. Enjoy!
If you need more help with your Amazon Advertising Strategy or need Amazon PPC Management Services, simply click here
Subscribe To Sunken Stone’s YouTube Channel For Amazon Advertising Tips & Tricks https://sunkenst.one/subscribe
What makes Sunken Stone unique & effective in helping Amazon sellers to achieve a breakthrough on Amazon and scale their eCommerce businesses?
Turnkey Amazon Management Services Exclusive Amazon Access Performance-Based Amazon Marketing Agency Flexible Pricing Options 90+ Team Members Committed To Your Amazon Success Interactive Weekly Calls To Recap & Review Performance LOTS MORE!
If you want to work with a team of advanced Amazon sellers who have scaled our clients into multi-million dollar Amazon Sellers, then book a call now: https://sunkenst.one/book-amazon-strategy-call
Curious to see how your brand stacks up against your competitors? Take the Amazon Success Quiz now: https://sunkenst.one/success-quiz
My Amazon FBA Course & Unlimited Mentorship (Closing Soon): https://bit.ly/ecomLimitless
Helium10 Discount: https://bit.ly/Helium10Discout
One of the biggest things new sellers struggle with is PPC. What if I told you that you could spy and even steal your competitors PPC campaigns and use all the data they collected for your own products gain…
Thats exactly what this videos about. 3 ways to peel back the curtain and spy on all the marketing tricks your competition is up to.
Tutorial explaining how to setup an Amazon product targeting PPC campaign and lower your ACOS!
I recently used a product targeting strategy to re-launch one of my private label FBA products that was selling on Amazon.
Initially I tried to re-launch it using a keyword campaign, however, the ACOS was a little high so I decided to experiment with product targeting Ads.
I had previously only used product targeting PPC when launching new products (with zero reviews) and on both occasions ended up with an ACOS that was much higher than the keyword targeted PPC campaigns that were active at the same time.
However, having now tried product targeting again on a well reviewed product the results were a lot better and the ACOS was actually lower than the keyword campaign.
These are some of my top tips for a successful product targeted PPC campaign:
1) Target similar products – look for products that are at a similar price point and offer similar features but that are inferior to your product in some way.
2) Be honest with yourself about whether your product is better
3) Avoid products with wildly different price points – if your product sells for £20, don’t target products that are selling for £5 as the customer is shopping at the wrong price point.
4) Find products with equal or lower review scores – if you product has a 4.5 star average, only target products that have a 4.5 or lower review score.
5) Target products of similar size and dimension – it increases the chances of them seeing your product as a suitable alternative.
Do you use product targeting pay per click campaigns? Let me know in the comments below!
These are some of the most frequently asked questions I receive regarding Amazon Pay Per Click Advertising.
If you are looking for an Amazon FBA PPC tutorial on how to setup a Pay Per Click campaign for launching a product I would recommend my earlier video:
I get emails only a daily basis with questions about advertising on Amazon via PPC so I have put together this list of some of the most common questions.
1) How much should I budget for PPC? This is an impossible question to answer with a figure, however, I like to look at it in reverse and calculate what budget I would be willing to spend on an FBA product launch before deeming it a failure.
2) Should I use an auto, manual or product campaign? I prefer manual PPC campaigns as they allow complete control over your keywords and product targeting. With auto campaigns you can only exclude keywords and you can only set a single bid for all keywords.
3) Should I use the suggested bid for each keyword? You usually have to bid a lot higher than the suggested keyword to feature on the first page of search results, especially if your product is new to Amazon.
4) What is a good ACOS? I try not to focus too much on ACOS, instead conversion rates and whether your daily sales are meeting your targets are more important metrics.
5) How many keywords (and what type) should I use in a campaign? I like to use 5 to 10 exact match keywords in a campaign, this is usually enough keywords to generate the necessary demand and also few enough to generate useful data within a few days of the campaign starting. Campaigns with too many keywords can takes weeks or months to provide enough data to make decisions.
6) Why can’t I see my advert in the search results? If your PPC advert isn’t showing up in Amazon’s search results this is very often because the bid is too low.
7) My main keyword is using up all my budget, what should I do? Firstly try reducing your bid for that particular keyword, this should generate more traffic for the same overall budget. You can also put the keyword into it’s own campaign to give you complete budgetary control of the keyword and also give your other keywords a chance to shine.
8) When should I turn off my PPC? This depends on your goals for your product and where you are in the product life cycle. I wouldn’t recommend turning PPC off until you have established stable ranks for at least a few weeks, you can then experiment with slowly reducing the daily budget and possibly turning it off completely.
9) Does PPC include VAT? Your Amazon PPC bid does not include VAT, Amazon add this on at a later date you any bid is subject to a 20% increase which you can not claim back unless you are VAT registered.
10) How often should I check my PPC campaign? I check new campaigns daily (the following morning) until the it is established and optimised, I then only check it every few days or sometimes less frequently.
11) Where do you get your keyword data? I use Helium 10 to carry out my PPC keyword data research, I use the Magnet and Cerebro tools which allow you to search real Amazon search data and also perform a reverse ASIN lookup.
Please drop a comment below if you have any questions about Amazon Ads or anything else related to Amazon FBA, I aim to reply to every comment!
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In this Amazon Pay Per Click tutorial I’ll show you how to setup a PPC Campaign for launching an Amazon FBA product in 2019.
The first step to any successful Pay Per Click Campaign is to find highly relevant keywords that receive a large volume of Amazon search traffic.
I use Magnet and Cerebro from the Helium 10 tool suite, these two tools allow you to search real Amazon search data from Amazon UK and to perform a reverse ASIN search of competitor products to get additional keyword ideas.
For the PPC keyword campaign I would recommend between 5 and 10 high volume relevant keywords, this should provide enough traffic to reach your desired sales velocity.
If you use too many keywords your PPC budget will be diluted and it will take a much longer period of time to acquire enough data for each keyword to decide whether it is relevant.
With only 5 to 10 keywords you should know within a couple of weeks which words perform well and which ones do not.
I would also recommend ignoring Amazon’s suggested bids for any keyword as they are generally far too low for a new campaign.
I always start with a £1.00 bid and then after an hour search for that keyword on Amazon. If I am at the top of the results I consider reducing the bid and if I am not on page 1 or 2 I increase the bid.
If you are not receiving any impressions on your Amazon advert then your bid is very likely to be too low.
For the Amazon product targeting Pay Per Click I would suggest selecting between 5 and 10 competitor products that are at a similar price point and that you believe your product is superior to.
Let me know below any experiences you have had with Amazon PPC or if you have any ideas for future videos, I aim to reply to every comment within 24 hours.