Cómo Escribir Textos Llamativos en Email Marketing

¿Qué es lo que hace que una campaña de email marketing sea un éxito? En gran parte, el asunto de los correos. En este vídeo verás cómo escribir asuntos en email marketing llamativos y aumentar tu tasa de apertura. Ejemplos de Email Marketing ▶ https://youtu.be/Ye8Snd3LJ_8

🔽 Más vídeos de Email Marketing que te recomendamos 🔽

Qué es el Email Marketing y ejemplos de éxito https://youtu.be/Ye8Snd3LJ_8
Cómo hacer Email Marketing (10 herramientas) https://youtu.be/Qhl4cOb8t6o
Tutorial Email Marketing – Crea tu base de datos https://youtu.be/7oWhguHC0HM
Cómo hacer Newsletters efectivas https://youtu.be/uE9uqI8ZXQk
Tutorial Email Marketing con HubSpot https://youtu.be/boB51dKFIqc

Libro de Cyberclick – “Inbound Marketing: La Guía Definitiva”. Ya disponible en Amazon 👉 https://amzn.to/3eZIcRF

📚 Sigue aprendiendo en: https://formacion.cyberclick.es/
Encontrarás cursos gratuitos y de pago sobre marketing digital y publicidad online, con certificación, ejercicios prácticos y contenidos teóricos.

▪️ Haznos follow en Instagram: http://bit.ly/cybInstagram
▪️ Danos like en Facebook: https://bit.ly/2MUQLPi
▪️ Síguenos en Twitter: https://bit.ly/2InAajR
▪️ Añádenos en Linkedin: https://bit.ly/2Mphp1S

💻 Más información en: https://www.cyberclick.es/


🔎 En este Actualidad SEO repasamos unos cambios de diseño importantes en Google, el último Spam Update, novedades en recursos y herramientas que seguramente te gusten.

💙 Webpositer Academy, el Máster de SEO Avanzado que recomiendo: https://www.webpositeracademy.com/master-seo/

💙 Evento SEOlives gratis: https://www.webpositeracademy.com/l/seolives/tips-seo-para-cms/


Nuevo diseño de Google: https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2022/10/introducing-site-names-on-search
Políticas anti-spam: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/essentials/spam-policies
Looker Studio: https://cloud.google.com/looker-studio
Designer: https://designer.microsoft.com/
Screenity: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screenity-screen-recorder/kbbdabhdfibnancpjfhlkhafgdilcnji?hl=en


00:00 Bienvenida
01:26 Nuevo diseño de Google
03:50 Nuevo Spam Update
06:33 Search Essentials
07:34 SEO con imágenes de stock
08:31 Data Studio ahora es Looker Studio
09:05 Avances en IA para medios e imágenes
11:41 Herramienta SEO gratis del mes
12:10 Despedida


📝 BLOG: https://campamentoweb.com
🔵 TWITTER: https://twitter.com/CampamentoWeb
🟢 SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/3tZyvQDg1Vaa43MX3CQDw1
🟣 APPLE PODCAST: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id1232368853
🟠 IVOOX: http://www.ivoox.com/podcast-campamento-web_sq_f1383810_1.html

The best email marketing platform and software ⭐ Getresponse review 💰 Online Business

In this video, I’m going to show you how to find the best email marketing platform/software and give you tips on how to use it.

GetResponse’s all-in-one marketing grows your online presence with email marketing, landing pages, marketing automation, and more.

🟢 Start for FREE 👉https://swiy.co/emailoffer


Remember to hit the notification bell 🔔 so you don’t miss the latest videos.

Email: oriaze.contact@gmail.com

This channel is intended for any person looking to build or grow an online business. If you have any questions please ask in the comments!

Some of my videos may contain affiliate links. So if you click on one of my links and buy the product/service recommended, I’ll receive a small commission.
The cost of the service or product is still the same to you (or cheaper if I can get you a deal like a coupon code…) because it’s the vendor who pays this commission.
This helps support the channel and allows me to continue searching for great services and making videos like this.
I promote only products and services that I myself believe in.

Thank you for watching!

10 HERRAMIENTAS SEO gratis que te harán AHORRAR MUCHO TIEMPO – CW #187

🔎 En el episodio de este lunes os desvelo 10 herramientas SEO gratis que te ayudarán a ahorrar tiempo con tus webs. Además, ¡he intentado ofreceros algunas muy poco conocidas!


💙 Crea tu siguiente web un 20% más barato y con dominio gratis: https://bit.ly/crear-web-profesional-oferta

💙 Ahrefs, mi herramienta SEO favorita: https://ahrefs.com/es/


1. Keyword Research: https://suggestmachine.com/
2. Imágenes con IA: https://openai.com/dall-e-2/
3. Ver robots: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/seerobots/hnljoiodjfgpnddiekagpbblnjedcnfp?hl=es
4. Keyword Research: https://lowfruits.io/
5. Keyword Research: https://ahrefs.com/es/keyword-generator
6. Análisis SEO On Page: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/portents-seo-page-review/babgchcegnkbiojmdpnoilficladccfm
7. Textos con IA: https://writesonic.com/
8. Contar palabras: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/word-counter-plus/fpjegfbcdijjfkceenlfoehpcakfgldj?hl=es
9. Imágenes con IA: https://www.stockai.com/
10. Bancos de imágenes gratis: https://pixabay.com/es/ y de vídeos también en https://pexels.com/


00:00 Bienvenida
00:44 Suggest Machine
01:49 Dall-e 2
02:48 See Robots
03:20 Low Fruits
05:03 Generador de palabras clave Ahrefs
06:34 Portents SEO
07:14 Writer Sonic
08:47 Word Counter Plus
09:34 StockAI
10:31 Pexels y Pixabay
11:15 Despedida


📝 BLOG: https://campamentoweb.com
🔵 TWITTER: https://twitter.com/CampamentoWeb
🟢 SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/3tZyvQDg1Vaa43MX3CQDw1
🟣 APPLE PODCAST: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id1232368853
🟠 IVOOX: http://www.ivoox.com/podcast-campamento-web_sq_f1383810_1.html


🔎 Google está lanzando nuevas actualizaciones y debes saberlo todo sobre ellas. En este vídeo te cuento cuáles te afectarán, y más noticias SEO para aumentar ingresos y espiar a la competencia.

💙 Formación Webpositer Academy: https://www.webpositeracademy.com/master-seo/

💙 Eventos de Webpositer Academy:


Anuncios de Adsense fijos al scroll (Sticky ads o banners flotantes)


00:00 Presentación de temas
02:01 Helpful Content Update
05:39 Core Update
07:00 Anuncios fijos en AdSense
08:49 Nuevos Rich Snippets de lectura rápida
09:44 Espiar la retención de la audiencia
10:42 Nuevo TikTok Now
12:08 Recurso del mes
12:56 Despedida


📝 BLOG: https://campamentoweb.com
🔵 TWITTER: https://twitter.com/CampamentoWeb
🟢 SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/3tZyvQDg1Vaa43MX3CQDw1
🟣 APPLE PODCAST: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id1232368853
🟠 IVOOX: http://www.ivoox.com/podcast-campamento-web_sq_f1383810_1.html

Email Marketing de Éxito | Haz Estas Campañas…

Si no sabes por dónde empezar con el email marketing, aquí tienes ejemplos de tipos de campañas de correo, además de casos de éxito de grandes marcas para que te puedas inspirar y aplicarlos a tu estrategia de marketing digital. *Más ejemplos de Email Marketing* ▶ https://youtu.be/Ye8Snd3LJ_8

🔽 Más vídeos de Email Marketing que te recomendamos 🔽

Qué es el Email Marketing y ejemplos de éxito https://youtu.be/Ye8Snd3LJ_8
Cómo hacer Email Marketing (10 herramientas) https://youtu.be/Qhl4cOb8t6o
Tutorial Email Marketing – Crea tu base de datos https://youtu.be/7oWhguHC0HM
Cómo hacer Newsletters efectivas https://youtu.be/uE9uqI8ZXQk
Tutorial Email Marketing con HubSpot https://youtu.be/boB51dKFIqc
Cómo hacer mejores Asuntos de email https://youtu.be/2meQtCHT6jQ

Libro de Cyberclick – “Inbound Marketing: La Guía Definitiva”. Ya disponible en Amazon 👉 https://amzn.to/3eZIcRF

📚 Sigue aprendiendo en: https://formacion.cyberclick.es/
Encontrarás cursos gratuitos y de pago sobre marketing digital y publicidad online, con certificación, ejercicios prácticos y contenidos teóricos.

▪️ Haznos follow en Instagram: http://bit.ly/cybInstagram
▪️ Danos like en Facebook: https://bit.ly/2MUQLPi
▪️ Síguenos en Twitter: https://bit.ly/2InAajR
▪️ Añádenos en Linkedin: https://bit.ly/2Mphp1S

💻 Más información en: https://www.cyberclick.es/


🔎 Google nos ha sorprendido este mes con un nuevo update que penalizará aquellos sitios con contenido de baja calidad. Pero esto es solo el principio del Actualidad SEO de agosto, ¡viene cargadito!

💙 Crea tu siguiente web un 20% más barato y con dominio gratis: https://bit.ly/crear-web-profesional-oferta

💙 Ahrefs, mi herramienta SEO favorita: https://ahrefs.com/es/


Recurso del mes de Aleyda Solis con preguntas sobre contenido útil: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12-F9Z4NzDADOFRQtOiN-CtjY2aaqj-R5CcrJNCuTha4/edit#gid=1051225498

Nuevos datos estructurados pros y cons: https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2022/08/pros-and-cons-structured-data

Nueva sección para ver URLs con más ingresos de AdSense: https://twitter.com/brunoramoslara/status/1551932639485087745

Tweet anunciando el Helpful Content Update: https://twitter.com/googlesearchc/status/1560296241212301312

Comunicado oficial Helpful Content Update: https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2022/08/helpful-content-update


00:00 Bienvenida
01:40 Datos estructurados de pros y cons
03:34 Error de URLs indexadas en Cobertura
04:18 Ver URLs de AdSense con más ingresos
05:01 Nuevo formato de texto a voz de AdSense
05:30 El SEO Local está de enhorabuena
06:09 Helpful Content Update, toda la información
14:17 Recurso del mes sobre contenido útil
14:44 Despedida y última reflexión


📝 BLOG: https://campamentoweb.com
🔵 TWITTER: https://twitter.com/CampamentoWeb
🟢 SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/3tZyvQDg1Vaa43MX3CQDw1
🟣 APPLE PODCAST: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id1232368853
🟠 IVOOX: http://www.ivoox.com/podcast-campamento-web_sq_f1383810_1.html

Cómo Mejorar tu SEO en 6 Meses

Si empiezas una estrategia SEO, ¿en cuánto tiempo verás resultados y el tráfico aumentará? En este vídeo verás cómo mejorar el SEO de tu página web en 6 meses y qué pasará en cada mes a través del SEO timeline. Curso SEO para Principiantes – Conceptos Básicos ▶ https://youtu.be/yGlbFjQ2ZFY

Libro de Cyberclick – “Inbound Marketing: La Guía Definitiva”. Ya disponible en Amazon 👉 https://amzn.to/3eZIcRF

📚 Sigue aprendiendo en: https://formacion.cyberclick.es/
Encontrarás cursos gratuitos y de pago sobre marketing digital y publicidad online, con certificación, ejercicios prácticos y contenidos teóricos.

▪️ Haznos follow en Instagram: http://bit.ly/cybInstagram
▪️ Danos like en Facebook: https://bit.ly/2MUQLPi
▪️ Síguenos en Twitter: https://bit.ly/2InAajR
▪️ Añádenos en Linkedin: https://bit.ly/2Mphp1S

💻 Más información en: https://www.cyberclick.es/

Email Marketing Secrets – Here’s What’s Working in 2022

Email marketing secrets, here’s what’s working in 2022. In the marketing world, there is a virtual ATM. You know those machines that you go to and take out money? You put in a card, put in your pin, and cha-ching, you’re getting money out of your bank account. But on the internet, your email list is considered an ATM. Every time you need more income, all you have to do is send out an email. And I didn’t come up with this concept.

Download the Assets mentioned in this course: https://neilpatel.com/training/
Ubersuggest: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/

Tip number one, scrub your list. This is how I get my open rates above 30%. When you keep sending emails to people and they don’t open it up, what do you think Gmail and Hotmail do? They put it in the spam box. Even if the person hasn’t clicked spam, they put it in the spam box. So to avoid your emails going to the spam box like when I send you an email, you’re reading them, you’re getting them.

Tip number two, use casual subject lines. It usually increases open rates by 12% from my test. In other words, if someone was really proper with their subject lines.

Tip three, use your email list to get followers on your social platforms. This will help with the rule of seven. See in marketing, there’s something called the rule of seven. When someone sees or interacts with your brand seven times, they’re much more likely to evangelize you. It helps you build that brand and just helps you grow. By doing this, you’ll get more followers on all your networks, more engagement. You’ll continually be in front of people and you can continually promote to them.

Tip number four, follow up when people add stuff to their cart, but don’t complete. This usually reduces abandonment cart rates by up to 18% by one simple email for example, “Hey John, I noticed you added this toilet paper. “It’s almost out of stock, there’s only two more. “Check it out.” Probably doesn’t work as well with toilet paper but it could work with t-shirts or scooters or bikes or whatever you’re selling.

Tip five, keep your emails short and to the point. We found that short emails that are under 200 words tend to have a higher click-through rate by seven to 38%. That’s a massive difference. So instead of having really long emails, keep them short and to the point.

Tip six, send your emails early in the mornings. We found that when you send your emails around 6 a.m. for the time zone that your subscribers are in, you have a better chance of having your emails opened up because when they wake up and check their email inbox, you’ll be at the top versus being at the bottom. If you’re at the bottom, they go through a lot of at the top and then they don’t keep going and then they’re done. So send them out early in your time zone. We usually find that 6 a.m. works the best.

Tip seven, add value even when you are selling, it just creates better customers. There’s a site called Legion Athletics. And what Legion is, it’s a fitness supplement brand. They generate a lot of their revenue through emails, more than 10%. And the way they do this is they don’t just sell you protein powder or supplements, they also show you how to best use them, the best workout routines and how you can get fit, better and healthier all while taking their products.

Tip eight, resend to unopens. This typically adds an extra 8% to your open rate. I do this all the time. If I send out a hundred thousand emails and only 25,000 or 30,000 open them, I know that I can get roughly another 8,000 to open up the emails if I resend to all the unopens and I change the subject line. The key is change the subject line. If you don’t change the subject line, it doesn’t work as well.

Tip nine, add countdown timers within your emails. And I’ve seen this increase sales by roughly 19% the last few times that I did it. Now you only want to do this when you’re selling something and it’s a promo and it actually is running out.

So I wouldn’t put a countdown timer in my email if the promo lasts forever, but if the promo lasts for 24 hours, I would add that countdown timer to the email because it works.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
►On Instagram: https://instagram.com/neilpatel/

#SEO #NeilPatel #EmailMarketing