Email marketing best practices help you plan content that aligns with what your customers want and need. But people will surprise you. You need to measure your campaigns’ success to get the most bang for your buck. In this video, we’ll introduce five important email metrics to track and share the industry standards for each metric. We’ll also discuss ideas for improving email metrics when yours fall short. Watch more videos about Email Marketing:
0:00 How to measure your email performance
0:19 Measuring email open rate and views
1:00 What is a bounce rate?
1:24 What is an email click through rate?
1:54 What is a unsubscribe rate?
2:24 What is the email spam rate?
GoDaddy links: Tweets by GoDaddy
As the company empowering everyday entrepreneurs around the world, GoDaddy gives you all the help and tools you need to grow online.
The hardest part of any new business strategy is knowing where to begin. Let us break it down for you. In this video, we’ll cover how to quickstart your email marketing in four steps and share a high-level description of each step in our quickstart process. Watch more videos about Email Marketing:
0:00 How to launch your email marketing
0:17 Setting clear email goals
0:45 Building an email list
1:09 Determining your email type
1:28 Planning your email content
GoDaddy links: Tweets by GoDaddy
As the company empowering everyday entrepreneurs around the world, GoDaddy gives you all the help and tools you need to grow online.
Effective email marketing campaigns are designed with clear, measurable goals in mind. In this video, we’ll share the three questions to answer when setting goals for your email marketing and how the answers to these questions inform your goals. Watch more videos about Email Marketing:
0:00 Why you need to set an email marketing goal
0:25 Why are you sending this email?
0:36 What is a CTA?
0:55 Who will you be sending your email to?
1:27 How will you measure your email marketing success?
GoDaddy links: Tweets by GoDaddy
As the company empowering everyday entrepreneurs around the world, GoDaddy gives you all the help and tools you need to grow online.
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Stell dir vor jedem SEO-Unterfangen folgende strategische Fragen:
🤔 Wie funktioniert mein Geschäftsmodell?
🤔 Wie wird sich mein Geschäftsmodell mittel- und langfristig weiterentwickeln?
🤔 Wie & wo verdiene ich mein Geld?
🤔 Wie kann mein spezifisches Geschäftsmodell von SEO profitieren?
Die Antworten auf diese Fragen sorgen dafür, dass du ausschließlich sinnvolle Maßnahmen planst.
👉 Sie sind ausschlaggebend für alles Weitere: deine Content-Strategie, welche Seiten du priorisierst etc.
👉 Unterm Strich ist SEO kein Hobby, sondern ein Instrument, um Gewinn bzw. Profit für dein Unternehmen zu generieren.
💡 Evergreen Media als Beispiel:
Unser Hauptbereich ist laufende SEO-Betreuung, zusätzlich gibt es Einzelpakete. Daher sind für uns als Unternehmen jene Seiten bzw. Keywords besonders wichtig, bei denen Suchende schon relativ nah an der Anfrage (= Conversion) sind, wie z. B. “seo betreuung”, “seo pakete”.
⚠️ Das Keyword darf gleichzeitig nicht zu schwer zu ranken sein. Sonst dauert es zu lange, bis sich die Investition rechnet!
⚠️ Bewerte immer wieder die Qualität der Leads über unterschiedliche Traffic-Quellen.
Wenn du nun anhand solcher Überlegungen die Content-Strategie aufbaust, orientiere dich an folgenden Faustregeln bzw. Fragen:
✔️ Kommerzielle stehen über informativen Keywords.
✔️ Je höher der Klickpreis bei Google Ads, desto wahrscheinlicher handelt es sich um ein lukratives Thema.
✔️ Wie relevant bin ich mit meinem Geschäftsmodell für diese Keywords?
✔️ Kann mein Unternehmen hier überhaupt mitspielen? Oder ist die Konkurrenz zu stark? Wo liegt das Potenzial?
Nehmen wir ein beispielhaftes Keyword-Set für Evergreen Media:
“seo kosten”, “beste seo agentur”, “seo betreuung”, “seo pakete”, “onpage optimierung”
👉 Aus den o. g. Regeln würde sich folgende Priorisierung für die Keywords ergeben:
1. “seo betreuung” (kommerziell) als wichtigste Seite
2. “seo pakete” (kommerziell) als Seite, die lukrativ und wichtig zum gegenseitigen Kennenlernen ist
3. “beste seo agentur” (primär informativ mit Conversion-Potenzial)
4. “seo kosten” (informativ mit Conversion-Potenzial)
5. “onpage optimierung” (informativ) als relevantes Keyword für einen Tool-Anbieter, aber nicht unbedingt für uns als SEO-Agentur
Wenn du Prioritäten je nach Geschäftsmodell setzen willst, helfen dir diese wertvollen Daumenregeln:
⭐ für Online-Shops: Startseite & Produkt-Kategorieseiten, dann Produktseiten, dann Ratgeber
⭐ B2B-Dienstleister: Startseite & Leistungsseiten & Lösungsseiten
⭐ B2B-Produzenten: Startseite & Produkt-Kategorieseiten, dann Ratgeber
⭐ lokal tätiges Unternehmen: Startseite für Unternehmensart + Ort, dann Standortseiten, dann Local Landingpages, dann Ratgeber
Und wann haben informative Keywords aka Ratgeber/Blog/Lexikon/… Priorität?
Immer dann, wenn…
✔️ es um Linkziele für den Linkaufbau geht
✔️ bereits alle SEO-relevanten kommerziellen Seiten perfektioniert wurden
✔️ der Fokus ein Content-Marketing-Ökosystem ist (= das Unternehmen will sich primär als die Anlaufstelle in der Nische positionieren)
🌐 Deutsch, Deutschsprachig, Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, German
In this video, we will talk about the importance of email marketing. Why market your business with email? So, here we go!
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Email marketing has been one of the most effective forms of marketing campaigns since its inception. It is a highly effective strategy often aimed at upselling to individuals who have already purchased one of your products, but it is widely used in other applications.
The Best Ways to Build a Mailing List A mailing list is a crucial tool of any email marketing campaign as it contains the recipients for your campaign. Unfortunately, if the people you send the email campaigns to are not within your target audience, the likelihood of success is slim to none. However, there are ways to help ensure your mailing list is full of potential customers with a higher chance of wanting your product or service. Below are several strategies for improving your mailing list.
00:00 Why email marketing is important?
00:31 What is Email marketing?
00:43 How to start an email marketing campaign?
Have you heard the term SEO but wondered what it stands for? Maybe you know it stands for “search engine optimization,” but do you know the actual value of SEO in marketing your business?
Imagine you need something — a product or service. What do you do? You Google it, right? Then, Google spits out a page of search results related to what you’re looking for so you can make a choice and proceed with your purchase.
Your website is a storefront in an online mall of infinite options. You have to be proactive to let customers know it’s worth stopping in. Email marketing gets new and returning customers through your digital doors.
In this course, you’ll learn a simple four-step process to kickstart your email marketing efforts; how to design and compose professional-looking marketing emails; some guidelines for managing email marketing logistics and tracking metrics, and how to use GoDaddy Email Marketing in Websites + Marketing.
GoDaddy links: Tweets by GoDaddy
As the company empowering everyday entrepreneurs around the world, GoDaddy gives you all the help and tools you need to grow online.
Wouldn’t it be great if someone had a one-stop shop for tools to help you with your Email Marketing campaigns. GoDaddy does… and our Guides can tell you more.
In this video, we’ll introduce GoDaddy Email Marketing tool, share its features and benefits and explain how to use it.
Check out more helpful content ➜
0:00 Best email marketing tool
0:30 Mobile friendly email templates
0:50 Best email deliverability platform
1:20 Best email reporting tool
1:35 Building your email subscriber list
GoDaddy links: Tweets by GoDaddy
As the company empowering everyday entrepreneurs around the world, GoDaddy gives you all the help and tools you need to grow online.
Email marketing is the act of sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered email marketing. It involves using email to send advertisements, request business, or solicit sales or donations. Email marketing strategies commonly seek to achieve one or more of three primary objectives, to build loyalty, trust, or brand awareness. The term usually refers to sending email messages with the purpose of enhancing a merchant’s relationship with current or previous customers, encouraging customer loyalty and repeat business, acquiring new customers or convincing current customers to purchase something immediately, and sharing third-party ads.
Email marketing has evolved rapidly alongside the technological growth of the 21st century. Prior to this growth, when emails were novelties to the majority of customers, email marketing was not as effective. In 1978, Gary Thuerk of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) sent out the first mass email to approximately 400 potential clients via the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET). He claims that this resulted in $13 million worth of sales in DEC products, and highlighted the potential of marketing through mass emails.
However, as email marketing developed as an effective means of direct communication, in the 1990s, users increasingly began referring to it as “spam”, and began blocking out content from emails with filters and blocking programs. In order to effectively communicate a message through email, marketers had to develop a way of pushing content through to the end user, without being cut out by automatic filters and spam removing software.
Historically, it has been difficult to measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns because target markets cannot be adequately defined. Email marketing carries the benefit of allowing marketers to identify returns on investment and measure and improve efficiency.[citation needed] Email marketing allows marketers to see feedback from users in real time, and to monitor how effective their campaign is in achieving market penetration, revealing a communication channel’s scope. At the same time, however, it also means that the more personal nature of certain advertising methods, such as television advertisements, cannot be captured.
Ketahui jenis-jenis email marketing yang bisa digunakan dalam bisnis untuk kegiatan digital marketing. Mulai dari newsletter, email survey, dan sebagainya. Tonton selengkapnya di sini.