What to Know Before Buying PPC

If you’re in the market for #PPC (pay-per-click) services, you shouldn’t buy until you consider these four things!

0:54 – Will PPC work for my business?
1:30 – If my SEO is doing well, should I invest in PPC?
1:57 – What kind of budget works best for PPC?
2:27 – Why should I outsource PPC?

In this video, we’re talking to our PPC Campaign Managers to figure out the four PPC questions they hear all the time. They’re going to break down the details of PPC so that you can better determine if purchasing PPC services is the right move for your business.

#1: Will PPC work for my business?
A lot of businesses wonder if PPC is something that will work for them. Understandably, you wouldn’t want to spend money on PPC advertising if you didn’t think it was going to work. But as Clayton explains, PPC can absolutely work for your business!

#2: If my SEO is going well, should I even invest in PPC?
If your website is bringing in organic search traffic, you’ve already got a huge leg up on your competition. So why consider PPC? Well, Becca says that approximately 60% of users that visit your website will leave and NEVER come back. With PPC, you can target these users directly, keeping your brand in front of them when it matters most. In this way, PPC can help you bring back customers who would otherwise be lost forever.

#3: What budget works best for PPC?
Every business has a different PPC budget, but how much can you expect to spend for the best results? At The HOTH, we encourage businesses to start with at least $1,000/month in ad spend. This gives most businesses enough flexibility to target the most valuable customers and ensure that they receive a return on investment. For more competitive industries, we recommend starting with about $5,000 to $10,000/month in order to compete. But don’t worry, we do all the heavy lifting!

#4: Why should I outsource PPC?
It’s simple: by letting the experts handle your PPC, you can spend more time focusing on the growth of your business. The HOTH is a certified Google Partner, proving that we are trusted by Google to handle the PPC campaigns of your business. Every single one of our campaign managers are also Google certified, proving that they have mastered the curriculum necessary to drive results in PPC advertising. So don’t risk losing thousands on Google Ads! Let us take care of your PPC at The HOTH.

To learn more or schedule a call with one of our team members, visit the link below:

Google Ads (Adwords) PPC Management Services

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Google Adwords Tutorial: How to Advertise on Google for Beginners | PPC Lead Generation Strategies!

Step-By-Step Google Adwords Tutorial Showing You How to Advertise on Google Using Local Lead Generation Strategies in 2018

FREE Adwords Blueprint: Temporarily Unavailable – Join the FB Group below to get updated on when it’s complete

LEAD KINGS: Lead Generation Mastermind (FB Group)
Join Now – http://bit.ly/LeadKings

Contact Me Here: http://bit.ly/RyanMarkets

How to Sell Google Ad Services + Client On-boarding Documents [FREE]

Table of Contents:
I. Introduction Adwords Pay Per Click
II. High-Level Google Adwords Strategies
III. How Google Adwords Works
IV. Google Adwords Keyword Research
V. Adwords Landing Page Design (PPC Optimized)
VI. Google Ads Power Editor Tool
VII. Split Testing Ads
VIII. Adwords Campaign Setup
IX. Adwords Optimization Strategies & Techniques

This video will show you how to market a local business using up-to-date advertising strategies. You’ll learn exactly how to create successful Google Adwords Campaigns, that jump you straight to the top of Google search results, from start to finish.

This guide will take you from beginner to intermediate when it comes to generating leads for local businesses. Although this is targeted to local marketers, there is a wide range of people who can benefit from the strategies, principles, and techniques demonstrated in this video. For that reason, these tips can be applied to more than just local PPC campaigns.

Google marketing really is easy once you get the hang of the algorithm and basic advertising principles. This knowledge will carry over to ALL pay per click platforms including Facebook Ads, Youtube Ads, Instagram Ads, and more…

So buckle up, because this is going to be a long one!

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Twitter Account: http://bit.ly/Twitter_RyanMarkets

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How to Skyrocket Your Google Adwords ROI | PPC Advertising Tips

Are you spending money on google adwords? If so, here’s a step by step formula on how to make the ads more profitable.

Subscribe here to learn more of my secret PPC advertising tips: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=neilvkpatel
Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
Read more on my blog: https://neilpatel.com/blog/

The first thing I want to educate you about is SKAG, Single Keyword Ad Group. If you have a hundred keywords in one ad group, what’s going to happen?

Your ad text isn’t going to be related to all of those keywords. But on the flip side, if you only have a handful or one keyword related to one ad copy, what’s going to happen?

That ad copy is going to be so relevant to that keyword, that you’re quality score’s gonna skyrocket, people are going to click on it, you’re going to save money, and you’re going to convert better. So instead of writing the same ad text for hundreds and hundreds of keywords, write the same ad text for one keyword, or a handful of keywords max. But, ideally, just one keyword. That way, it’s specific each and every single time to the keyword you want to bid on. The second thing I want to teach you about is a landing page optimization. Why does AdWords ROI have to be related to your ads purely? That’s a bunch of BS.

That’s what everyone thinks, oh we have to fine-tune our ads and keep tweaking and adjusting our bids. And, yes, I’m not saying you don’t have to do that. But, you’re going to cap out on optimizing your ads. Eventually, the real ROI is going to be your landing page, your product that you’re selling, the offering that you’re going to make.

Also, optimize that landing page. And the way you do that is you install Crazy Egg. With Crazy Egg, it’ll show you how far people scroll down, where they click, they provide you with reports like heat maps.

You’ve heard me talk about Crazy Egg tons and tons of times. Of course, I wouldn’t be talking about it if it didn’t benefit you. Plus, I also own the company, so that’s a plus for me as well. But check it out, it’s useful. Once you have all of that running, you’ll get reports on where people are clicking and engaging with your landing page.

Then you’ll want to run A/B test with Craz Egg and you can do that through the WYSIWYG Editor. Make some tweaks, some changes, and then boom, start running some tests, and you can optimize your conversions. Because you know what, if you keep paying a dollar per click from AdWords, and in general, you’re only getting one lead or one sale out of a hundred clicks, you’re paying $100 per conversion. But if you can optimize your conversion on your landing page by four times using Crazy Egg, or any other A/B testing tool out there, right, you don’t have to use Crazy Egg. Now you’re paying $25 per conversion.

You see how that’s a drastic difference for inbound marketing? And that happens a lot. Countless times. I see it day in and day out. A lot of people just focus on their ad campaigns, and they forget about their landing pages. To do well, you have to do both.

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