3 Steps To Successful PPC Advertising Campaigns

Check out our 3 Steps to creating successful PPC Advertising campaigns. This is a beginners Pay-Per-Click Advertising video, where we cover a high-level overview of the PPC Strategy you should take when you want to get the most of your campaigns.

The 3 steps for creating successful PPC Advertising campaigns:
1 – Tracking
2 – Testing
3 – Optimizing

Successful PPC Advertising Campaigns Surfside PPC Article: https://surfsideppc.com/3-steps-to-successful-ppc-advertising-campaigns/

Now, there are a lot of shorter steps in-between, but these are the three things you need to keep in mind before you get started with any campaign. You want to start by installing a conversion tracking pixel on your website. From there, you want to make sure you are measuring conversions that are happening on your website. You can track each conversion back to a specific campaign to see how everything is performing.

Once you are tracking conversions, you need to test everything. Most importantly, you need to test different targeting methods to see what works best for your business. Do Facebook Ads audiences perform best for your business? Do Google Ads keywords work best for your business? Do Pinterest Ads audiences work best for your business? No one will know the answer to these questions until you start testing. In addition, you want to test advertisements, landing pages, targeting, keywords, PPC Advertising channels, and every possible thing you can test to see what is working for your business.

Last but not least, you need to optimize. When you start getting more data, you need to optimize towards the ads, targeting, and landing pages that are performing the best for your business. Optimization is key to PPC Advertising, especially if you want to have a positive return on ad spend.

PPC Ads Expert Shows You How to Maximize Conversions (2020) Part 1/2


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In today’s video we’ll show you what you need to know to get started with PPC ads and how to maximize conversions!

First, we’ll cover the different types of Pay-Per-Click campaign types: Search, Display, and Shopping. The shopping ad carousel is such a powerful tool for e-commerce companies! We’ll also discuss the difference in the platforms of Google Ads & Microsoft Advertising. Then, we’ll also discuss how Google Ads works with its auction. It’s important to find a balance between relevant users and a good position in the results in order to maximize efficiency in your ad spend.

Second, we’ll cover the topic of Google My Business and why it’s such an important resource people are missing out on. Your photos, location, reviews, address, all show up there. Having your business show up on Google Maps is great for driving foot traffic and can also help you get better organic rankings in the search results!

Last, we’ll discuss display, shopping, and remarketing ads. We’ll also discuss how you can use prospecting to find new customers.

Stay tuned, in Part 2 we’ll bring it all together and move on to the “why” of PPC ads!

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