5 Easy Steps for Starting Your Email Marketing Campaign

Ever wonder why email marketing is so effective? Get ready to unravel its secrets in this snappy video that breaks it all down for you! Enroll in the full course for free here ▶︎ https://smr.sh/KN2

But that’s not all – we’re giving you a step-by-step guide to kickstart your very own email marketing campaign. Unleash the power of communication with these five simple yet impactful steps.

This is an excerpt from our free course on Semrush Academy: Engage & Convert: The Ultimate Email Marketing Guide. Enroll in the full course for free here ▶︎ https://www.semrush.com/academy/courses/engage-and-convert-email-marketing-guide/

1️⃣Make sure to stay tuned until the very end so you don’t miss out on all 5 steps for getting your email campaign started.
2️⃣Give this video a like if you got value from it 👍🏻
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4️⃣If you haven’t already, enroll in the complete course which covers strategies for campaign setup, execution, and crafting compelling emails that drive conversions.

(It’s 100% FREE) ▶︎ https://www.semrush.com/academy/courses/engage-and-convert-email-marketing-guide/


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O que é SEO e seus principais pilares? Em 10 minutos!🔥

Inscreva-se em nosso canal: https://smr.sh/KYY
Se você está desenvolvendo uma estratégia de Marketing Digital, o SEO será seu aliado nesta jornada. Mas o que significa esta sigla tão importante e tão comentado quando se fala em gerar tráfego, receber mais visitas, ranquear no Google? Neste vídeo você vai descobrir o que é SEO e alguns pontos básicos para colocar essas técnicas em prática.

Para entender o que é SEO, precisamos nos aprofundar no processo de pesquisa na internet. Quando alguém tem alguma dúvida ou quer descobrir conteúdos sobre algum assunto, pesquisa por palavras-chave na expectativa de receber respostas que contemplem seu desejo de conteúdo. E o SEO está por trás de toda esta lógica de busca.

SEO é a sigla para Search Engine Optimization, que significa otimização para os mecanismos de busca. Diz respeito a uma série de técnicas e ações aplicadas em qualquer site, para que eles sejam encontrados pelos usuários que pesquisam por algum assunto nos mecanismos de pesquisa, como o Google. O SEO trabalhar para que os mecanismos de pesquisa, como o Google, entendam e rastreiem os sites afim de posicionar aquele link entre os primeiros resultados de busca.

Neste vídeo você vai descobrir como funciona o SEO, as principais áreas envolvidas e o que é preciso fazer para criar um conteúdo otimizado, que apareça nos resultados de pesquisa quando alguma pessoa buscar pela palavra-chave da sua estratégia de Marketing Digital.

00:00 O que é SEO e por onde começar?
01:19 Como funciona o SEO?
03:11 Principais áreas de SEO
03:30 SEO técnico
04:02 O que é SEO On-Page
05:10 O que é SEO Off-Page
06:20 O que é SEO local
06:46 Vantagens de trabalhar SEO


Outros vídeos que você pode gostar 🔥

➜ Como fazer SEO para sites NOVOS?


➜ Passo a passo para CRIAR CONTEÚDO de QUALIDADE!


Dicas de conteúdo 🤓

➜ Descubra as possibilidades da conta Grátis da Semrush https://pt.semrush.com/blog/descubra-as-possibilidades-que-a-conta-gratuita-da-semrush-traz/

➜ Guia completo de SEO On-Page

➜ Como fazer um relatório de SEO


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Somos uma plataforma completa de Marketing Digital, com mais de 50 ferramentas e recursos que ajudam qualquer profissional a realizar suas estratégias de marketing e tomar decisões com base em dados.

Sem achismos e com muita informação, permitimos com que empresas, sites e negócios construam sua presença digital e conquistem melhores resultados. Somos uma plataforma de Marketing completa, que consiste em mais de 50 produtos e ferramentas que ajudam as empresas a trabalharem melhor online.

Entre os recursos da Semrush, estão ferramentas que permitem às empresas otimizarem sua presença online através de Auditoria de Site, SEO, Link Building, Análise Competitiva, Marketing de Conteúdo, Social Media. Tudo em uma única plataforma.

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Top 5 FREE SEO tools for 2024 to Rank #1 in Google | Keyword research | Backlinks.

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is important if you are a business and looking to rank higher organically on the top rank or 1️⃣ page of google.

⭐ Let us make this task easier for you! Here are the top 5 free seo tools for 2024 to rank #1 in google.

1. Google Keyword Planner
2. Ubersuggest
3. Google Search Console
4. Yoast SEO

You can easily do your keyword research, get domain authority rating as well as backlinks to understand you rank better.

Read our blog 👉🏻https://getswipe.in/blog/post/beginners-guide-to-the-best-seo-practices for more such updates.

Visit our website: https://getswipe.in/

Follow @swipebilling for more such videos.

How to Spy On Competitors Google Ads – Google Ads Competitive Analysis Tools

Hire Surfside PPC for Google Ads Management: https://surfsideppc.com/services/

Grow a Successful Website: https://surfsideppc.com/membership
Try SpyFu For a Month – You Will Love it!: https://surfsideppc.com/spyfu
Join my Surfside PPC and Surfside Niche Newsletters: https://surfsideppc.com/newsletter

Discover how to spy on your competitors’ Google Ads campaigns, how to see your competitors’ Google Ads, how to see the keywords your competitors are bidding on, and how much your competitors are spending.

How to Spy on Competitors Google Ads: https://surfsideppc.com/spy-on-competitors-google-ads/

View Competitor Google Ads For Free – How To Spy on Your Competitor’s Google Ads Advertisements: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt1L2OIyR0g

Group Buy SEO Tools – How to Get SEO Tools Cheap

How to get SEO tools cheaper my unbiased non affiliate look at group buy SEO tools and how to get SEO tools cheaper.
Chris Palmer SEO: https://chrispalmermarketing.com

I wanted to make an unbiased video showing SEO tools inside of group buys , myself not being an affiliate just a past user of some of the services shown inside todays video. I just wanted to share with you the absolute best choices when looking out in the market for a cheap SEO tool solution. Most tools are used with a extension inside of your browser that will serve you the data through a proxy.

There are draw backs to using group buys like you only get so many uses per day depending on the service provider and others can see what your looking at. However these are minor draw backs to the amount of doll hairs you will save by using them.

This video will some up three of the top providers that I have used in the past with great success ending with the most reliable and the most inexpensive.

Join my channel for members only content and perks:

Chris Palmer Marketing SEO
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Tamaqua PA 18252
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SEO prediction from Brian Dean for 2023!

What did SEO expert Brian Dean learn in 2022 and what are his predictions for 2023?
Find out what he has to say about Google’s helpful content update and how that will evolve and improve search results in the year ahead!


This is only one episode of Wrapping Up 2022 Series on Semrush Academy!
No matter where you’re at in your digital marketing career, this series aims to inspire your goals and resolutions. Watch more Academy experts sharing lessons learned throughout 2022 – both professional and personal – as well as predictions for 2023.

📣 Watch more episodes for free here ▶︎ https://www.semrush.com/academy/series/wrapping-up-2022/

The speaker’s opinions are their own and might not match the opinions of Semrush.

#seotips #seo #seoin2023 #2023predictions

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3 heures de SEO technique | 6 sessions consécutives

Vous souhaitez rationaliser vos efforts en matière de SEO technique ? Rejoignez-nous pour un marathon de 3 heures en direct où les plus brillants professionnels du secteur partagent leur expertise avec vous. Utilisez leurs conseils éprouvés pour obtenir un bon référencement technique ! 3 heures de SEO technique, c’est 6 conférences d’une durée de 30 minutes chacune (20 minutes de présentation et 10 minutes de questions/réponses).

00:00 Introduction
00:23 Audit Technique SEO : les principales étapes à mettre en place (Frédéric Box)
30:52 Du Crawl à l’indexation : les prérequis pour bien ranker (Olivier Papon)
1:02:12 Réussir sa stratégie SEO à l’international : la checklist technique (Valentine Jahan)
1:31:47 Quel ROI attendre d’un projet de création de pages AMP ? (Philippe Yonnet)
1:59:25 Core web vitals : mieux les comprendre et mieux se préparer (Pierre Sauvé)
2:30:14 Performance web et PageSpeed : du SEO à la qualité web (Mathieu Chartier)

Les slides des présentations ► https://fr.semrush.com/webinars/3-heures-de-seo-technique/

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Pay Per Click: The 5 Best PPC Tools (2021)

Today we’re unveiling 5 of the best PPC tools out there. But remember, the greatest PPC tools of all are human logic and goal-setting.

Bring your PPC campaigns to the next level:

Free Digital Marketing Consultation

Google Ads Editor is one of the most-utilized tools for PPC campaigns. It’s used during the account-building process to create accounts, and it’s the ideal tool for large-scale adjustments and fixes. It can easily accomplish a lot in both quantity and scale. You can make multiple changes in large amounts and upload them all at once to maximize efficiency.

Formerly known as Bing Ads Editor, Microsoft Advertising is the Microsoft counterpart to Google Ads Editor. It can handle and complete roughly the same amount of work as Google Ads Editor can, and it’s utilized in the same manner, but for Microsoft applications.

SEMrush is a tool that’s regularly used to inform decisions about PPC campaigns. It helps PPC pros stay on top of industry trends and insights. You can also use it to research your competitors. Understanding what keywords your competitors are using helps you separate your business from the pack. And understanding how keywords are working—or not working—for your competitors can inform positive strategies for your PPC campaign.

Google Keyword Planner is used mainly for new accounts. It develops an understanding of local or national impressions, keywords, competition, and more. And it’s also beneficial for discovering costs on keyword estimates. These will vary a lot depending on the industry and on long-tailed or short-tailed keywords targets.

Google Trends is helpful for troubleshooting. When campaigns experience sudden drops that seem random or that lack an obvious explanation, this tool can provide some clarity. It offers reliable insights into groupings, seasonality trends, regions, and more.

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