Introduction to SEO and Why It’s Important – SEO Unlocked – Free SEO Course with Neil Patel

This is the second lesson of my free SEO course called SEO Unlocked. Today I’m going to be going over SEO and why it’s important. Did you know that 93% of online experiences start with a search engine? You may think, “All right, there are these search engines out there.” “Yeah, sure we know Google.” But for a minute, just think about how many times you go on Google or search, or YouTube and search, or Kayak and look for hotels or flights, there are search engines all around us and we’re constantly using them. Before we get started into going over SEO, there are a few things I wanted to cover: There’s a lot of people saying false information out there, so I wanted to play a little fun little game called Fact or Fiction.

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Google Page Speed Insights:

The first one: My industry is too hard to get ranked in.
Second one: Only big companies can do well on Google. Then I always hear, the more pages I have, the better.

Now let’s go over all five of them.

The first one: It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, you can always rank on Google.

Now, of course, creating an account on Google Search Console and submitting your sitemap isn’t a bad thing to do. And you don’t need to spend a ton of money to win online, and that’s why I started to get into SEO.

There are three main keys that you really need to understand if you want to win online.

The first is, why is SEO so important? Look, SEO’s a process of optimizing any given search word, or term, for a search engine on your site. So no matter what time of the day or what country people are in, when they’re searching, you can be found, you’re getting that traffic, and some of it will end up converting into sales.

The next key to winning online is choosing your battleground. They dominate search on all landscapes. So when you look at the desktop, they’re an estimated 4.5 billion active internet users, and Google’s search share for desktop is 87%. That’s roughly 8.7 out of 10! That’s an amazing result.

And just being on there isn’t enough. Your position is everything! Over 31.7% of people click on position one, according to Advanced Web Ranking.

The third key, which is unlocking the SEO factors to win online.

One thing that you can do is go to Ubersuggest, click on the Site Audit Report in the left-hand navigation, once you’re there, and look at your website, and it’ll breakdown the factors that Google is looking at.

You’re probably wondering, “Hey Neil, this is all great, “but what’s the Holy Grail of SEO?” “What’s that silver bullet?” Well there’s not really a silver bullet. It’s a lot of little things that add up, and I’m going to go over them.

One of them is Page Speed. For every second delay means roughly 7% reduction in conversions, according to HubSpot. So you want to make sure your site loads fast.

The next thing I want you to look at is Mobile User Experience. Look, the number of people that are using mobile devices is continually going up. So much so that Google has a mobile-first index.

The next factor that I want you to look at is Topical Content. The more detail that you go into on each page around the same topic, the better you’re going to end up ranking. Versus if you go really broad and cover a lot of random topics, but you don’t go in-depth on all of them.

Another factor and this is from Ahrefs, it’s all about URL Length. The longer your URL length, the lower your rankings are. So you want to keep your URL short and to the point.

Another thing to look at is Content Length. Generally speaking, the longer your content, the more social shares you’re going to end up getting, the better you’re going to end up doing.

Backlinks are another big factor. And as you can see from this chart by Ahrefs, backlinks have more of an impact on your rankings than On-page SEO; that’s getting sites to link to you, it’s super important.

And one thing that very few SEO’s looks at is the power of brand and user signals. The ex-CEO of Google once said, “Brands are the solution, not the problem.” “Brands are how you sort out the cesspool.”

These days security is a big issue as well, so you want to make sure you’re using an SSL Certificate, so that way you get that HTTPS. Because when people go to your website and you’re not using SSL, you’re more likely to get a warning.

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Keyword Research Part 1 – SEO Unlocked – Free SEO Course with Neil Patel

Welcome to another day of SEO Unlocked. Today is very exciting because we’re going to start the journey into keyword research. This is one of the most fundamental steps of SEO and the reason being is keywords is where it all starts. That’s how people find you.

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Google Search Console:

Are you getting the right traffic?

As I mentioned, picking the right keywords will make you more money and picking the wrong ones will hurt you

You can use Ubersuggest, It’s a tool I built, there’s a free version of it that anyone can go and use and you can get tons of keywords ideas and it breaks it down not just based on popularity, but also what’s most likely going to convert and generate you revenue as well. And there’s tons of reports in it and I’ll show you how to use it over the period of this course.

When you go to Ubersuggest on the left-hand navigation side, you’ll see a link that says Keyword Ideas. When you type it in a keyword that you’re trying to go after anything related to your space such as like shaving or razors, it’ll tell you what’s popular, the cost per click, the SEO difficulty, that’s the word SD you see the abbreviation there or PD is paid difficulty.

When SEO difficulty is under 40 it’s easier to rank for, when it’s over 40 it gets harder and harder to rank for.

And on the right side of the keyword ideas report, it shows you all the people that are ranked for that keyword. How many visits are roughly getting from that keyword? How many backlinks they have?

And this will give you ideas of if a keyword is good, right?

In addition to that, if you don’t want to use Ubersuggest there’s many other ways you can go and find keywords out there.

Things like Wikipedia or other content pages around the web that have really detailed content can give you keyword ideas as well because these articles are filled with lucrative keywords.

You want to rank because you not only do you want traffic, but you need to be able to solve the customer’s problem. If you solve their problem, you’re much more likely to rank.

There’s really five steps to keyword success.
The first is you need to build your keyword list, then need to research your target musketeer, then you need to understand the keyword metrics. Next you need to match the customer journey and of course, last but not least, you need to refine your keyword list.

So first building a keyword list, you go to and you’ll be able to download the PDF there and it breaks down how you can use it and what you need to do step by step.

Second, you need to research your target musketeer right? It’s all about researching that individual.

The other thing that I like doing is Ubersuggest, right? It’s a tool on you can go to neil or in the navigation just click on the Tools link and then Ubersuggest type in any keyword on the left-hand navigation once you go to the Keyword Ideas Report, you’ll see a list of suggestions.

You don’t want to just be reactive as a marketer or as an SEO, you want to be proactive and going after areas that people are going to be more interested in in the future.

You can also correlate intent through prepositions. And these are all long-term opportunities that you should be trying to rank for because these long-tail keywords, a lot of people aren’t thinking about them and yes they don’t drive the most amount of traffic today but six months from now, a year from now, it adds up and it can drive quite a bit in conversions.

Then of course there’s Social Shares, so on Ubersuggest whenever you type in a keyword on the left hand navigation, there’s a navigation button called Content Ideas.

So people are like, Hey Neil, it’s easy for you but hey, when you’re a new website and even if you get 10, 20, 50, 100 visitors, hey, it shows up in Google Search Console.

The other thing that you can do and this is what I love doing, is I like setting up a project on Ubersuggest and I put in my own website or you can put in your competitor’s website.

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Welcome to the SEO Unlocked! Free SEO Course with Neil Patel | SEO Training

Welcome to SEO Unlocked. This is my free SEO Course, and I’m going to release new videos on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Whether you’re a beginner or a professional SEO, you’ll learn the exact search engine optimization techniques I use in my own business and with my consulting clients. This is the SEO training you’ve been looking for, and over the next few weeks, I’m going to teach you how to get a flood of traffic to your website without having to spend a dollar on advertising.

Download the Personal Goal Worksheet and the Program Itinerary:

Get help from my team! Email us at – Subject Line “SEO Help”

Now, before we get started. I want to go over three things. And I want to congratulate you for these three things because you’ve done the hardest part.

Once you’ve realized the need for change. Because look, if you don’t make any change there’s no progress.

Two, you sought out advice online via SEO, that’s how you found me.

And three, you’re committed to making the change today which is, to get you more traffic to your website.

And I’m living proof, that SEO works right. People are always asking me, “hey does SEO really work, “can I get a ton of traffic from it?” And the answer is yes. Just look at my website.

Over time, my traffic has continually raised and is continually growing and that’s what’s led me to over literally six million visitors a month and out of those visitors over four million of them come from search engines. You can do it no matter what space you’re in. It literally works for everyone.

A lot of people like, branding and customer experience? “Hey what does that have to do with SEO?” As you’re going through this course, there are six ways we’re going to be supporting you. You’re going to have weekly content like as you’re seeing here but on top of the audio and the video you’re also going to have slides and PowerPoint templates and worksheets and PDF templates. And as long as you follow along you’ll be able to succeed when it comes to SEO, right.

We also have weekly live Q&A calls. If you’re part of the email list you’ll see that we’re doing them you’ll get notified about them. If you’re not you can go to to opt-in. My team, we’re also here to help you out. When you email, we try to answer as many questions as possible.

There’s also the community, whether it’s social media and leaving a comment there we’re here to respond, I’m there to respond as well. It’s my blog, you leave a comment I’m there to help you out as well. And of course, if you need extra hand-holding and you want my team to do everything for you there’s my ad agency Neil Patel Digital as well.

All the calls are recorded, so that way they can be referenced again. If you have any questions you can always ask them, we’re here to help you grow your business. You can also speak with some of my team members and hopefully, we can help you succeed and get you that traffic that you need. And you will see the results as long as you follow along.

We do like helping people out whether you’re a small business or a large business, or you have little to no money again, we are here to help people out.

And if you’re worried that it’s too late to start because SEO is super competitive now.

That’s a limitation of you saying that” hey, it’s too late.” I don’t want you to have that mindset. As I said, we really are here to help you out. And the common mindset that you need to have if you want to do well with SEO is, one, you need to anticipate failure. The next thing is you need to let go and delegate.

You need to learn new skills. Those who stay complacent, aren’t going to succeed in life. You always want to be thriving, and wanting to learn more.

There’s a lot of things that you can learn out there. So some action items for you. There’s a personal goal worksheet.

Handwrite up to 300 words on your personal goal for this program, and how you’ll feel when you achieve it. I know this may sound really silly, and you’re like, Neil, why do I need to do this? We found that when people go through this exercise, and they download the worksheet and they write this down, they’re much more likely to complete it.

And then the next thing I want you to do is to download the program itinerary after you write down your goal. Because at that point, you’ll know what you’re going to end up learning over the next upcoming weeks.

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The Only SEO Strategy You Need (2020)

If you’re ready to become an SEO expert in 2020, then join over 1,000 other SEOs inside Gotch SEO Academy:

Wondering how to rank on the 1st page of Google? You need a complete SEO strategy.

In this video, I’m going to show you my 4 Pillar SEO strategy that will get you to the first page of Google in 2020.

The key to succeeding with SEO is to have a big picture strategy. You can know all the tactics in the world, but if you don’t have a STRATEGY or process, you won’t be able to get results consistently.

This video gives you the process and framework you need to be successful.

Read the entire guide ➡️


– How to Build Backlinks in 2020 ➡️

– The Definitive Anchor Text Guide ➡️

– WP Engine (20% Discount on 1st Month) ➡️

– Twitter ➡️

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On-Page SEO Checklist for 2020 (Ultimate Guide)

On-page SEO is one of the most fundamental skills you need master if you want better rankings and more organic search traffic.

In this video, I’m going to walk you through my complete on-page SEO checklist for 2020.

It will be the last step-by-step checklist you’ll ever need.

I recommend watching some of the video and then implementing the recommendations right away.

Here’s one thing to keep in mind:

You must go through this on-page SEO process for EACH page you want to rank in Google.

But keep this in mind:

You should only be at this stage of the SEO process if you have already done keyword research, qualified a keyword target, and created a content asset around that qualified keyword.

If you haven’t done so, watch the videos below:

How to Do Keyword Research:

How to Create SEO Content:

So if you’re excited about mastering on-page SEO, leave a comment below saying “let’s do this”.

Also, if you want a hard copy of my complete on-page SEO checklist go here:

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The #1 Biggest SEO Mistake Nearly Everyone Makes | Avoid This At All Costs

Nearly everyone who’s trying to compete in SEO makes this mistake. They fail miserably because what they’re doing is nearly impossible to achieve. And yet, most people think that it’s the right approach. Today, I’m going to teach you the number one biggest SEO mistake nearly everyone makes and you should avoid at all costs.

Ubersuggest –

SEO Mistakes to Avoid | 3 Black Hat Techniques That WILL Get You Banned from Google :

5 Beginner SEO Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Website Traffic And What You Should Do Instead :

We’re in a time where SEO and digital marketing has become more saturated and more competitive than ever. With over a billion websites on the web, SEO is no longer an easy or open playing field.

A lot of times, I see many of these new websites making the same mistake that’ll ultimately give them little to no SEO result and just waste their time. What is it? It’s targeting keywords that are too competitive.

These days, effective keyword research is an increasingly important skill for digital marketers. Not only do they need to know how to develop a good keyword list, but using keyword research to find out what topics they should write about or what phrases they should be using while writing is super important, especially figuring out which ones aren’t competitive.

Nowadays, doing keyword research effectively is a top priority for any website or SEO. If you look up a competitive term, such as car insurance, you’ll likely see some big brands pop up. If you’re a new website, it’s going to be almost nearly impossible to compete with those brands. What’s the answer? Target long-tail keywords.

You’re missing out on a lot of search traffic if you’re not creating blog posts around longer search terms.

For example, let’s say you have a dog food business and you’re trying to break into the dog food online space. Most likely, you want to go after keywords like dogs, dog food, pet food, because that would get a lot of search traffic.

The monthly search volume for dog food is roughly 135,000 searches per month. But the pay difficulty is 100 and the SEO difficulty is 77. That’s incredibly high. Coming in as a new company, there’s very little to no chance that you’re going to rank well unless you have an established brand and high domain authority, which most new companies don’t.

Instead, you want to focus on long-tail keywords, like dog food for allergies or dog food for senior dogs. These keywords have a lower monthly search volume, but higher quality search traffic because they’re more specific and they’re going to convert because they’re more specific.

For example, dog food for allergies has a monthly search volume of 9,900 and a SEO difficulty of 38. That means it’s going to be easier to rank for. If you’re trying to figure out how you can rank for these terms or where to find them, check out Ubersuggest. Type in a head term that you’re thinking about going after, you don’t need to know the long-tail variations, just look at the head terms, type them in, and then go to the keyword ideas report.

It’ll give you all the other longer tail variations and it even breaks down the SEO difficulty. Look for terms that have an SEO difficulty score of 40 or under. Those’ll be easier for you to rank for.

You also want to look for ones that have volume at least in the few thousands per month because the volume doesn’t always mean clicks. And, when you do all of this, it’ll help give you more ideas and more ideas for you to produce content.

There’s also a questions tab on Ubersuggest, prepositions, comparisons. These are also more places where you can find more keyword ideas, more content ideas. That will drive keywords that convert into revenue.

On Ubersuggest, there’s a content ideas report. When you go very specific, it’ll show you all the content that’s already been created around the web-based on social shares, backlinks, and search traffic. It even tells you, when you look at the estimated visits, all the keywords that the article ranks for.

When you’re trying to figure out what keywords you should go after, also look at all the content pieces that have some of those similar keywords because this will give you ideas of what you can create that can help you not only generate traffic from all three, right? You don’t want to just generate traffic from Google.

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SEO in 2020: It Hasn’t Changed (Much)

SEO in 2020. Has it changed or is it still the same? In this video, you’ll learn the 3 most important things that will determine the fate of your SEO success.
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Additional SEO Resources

SEO For Beginners: A Basic Search Engine Optimization Tutorial for Higher Google Rankings ►

SEO Checklist: How to Get More Organic Traffic (Step-by-Step) ►

On Page SEO Checklist for Higher Google Rankings ►

Link Building Tutorials (Step-By-Step) ►

How to Get Backlinks By “Stealing” From Low-Quality Pages ►

Simple SEO Strategy: The “Middleman” Method ►

Google’s algorithm is always changing. But the one thing that hasn’t changed is what the algorithm is trying to do.

Google’s job is to provide the best search results for any given query. They need to find pages and rank the ones that best match and serve the user’s intent.

And to figure this out, they use hundreds of ranking factors.

So, while new changes will be made to Google’s core algorithm, the fundamentals of SEO haven’t changed.

Instead of chasing algorithms, our job as content creators and marketers is to show search engines that our pages deserve to rank.

Rather than searching for the latest EAT hack or trying to optimize for BERT, you should focus on the 3 most important things that will determine the fate of your rankings.

The first is content. No matter how prolific your writing skills are, you won’t rank unless you’ve gotten your content “right.”

Here are some things to consider:

► Search intent
► Covering the topic in full
► On-page SEO

You’ll learn more about those things in the video.

The second thing is link building.

Links have been and still are one of the strongest ranking signals. And if you want to rank for anything remotely competitive, you’ll need to build them.

You’ll learn what works and doesn’t work in link building in the tutorial.

The last thing is indexation.

Search engines crawl, parse, and store information in a database called a search index. End users are then able to access this information using Google search.

So if your pages aren’t indexed, then it’s impossible to get your site or pages discovered in search.

You’ll learn how to check whether your sites or pages are indexed in the video and ways to get your website indexed if it’s not.

And finally, remember that SEO is all about fundamentals.

Focus on the things that matter most rather than chasing shiny tactics from headlines claiming SEO has completely changed.


1:38 – Keep search intent in mind
2:37 – Make sure you cover the topic in full
3:40 – Set-up on-page stuff properly
3:58 – Continue building backlinks
4:58 – Pay attention to indexation

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How to Win on SEO Without Spending Money – The Penniless Marketer Full Strategy

How much does it cost to do SEO? The truth is you don’t need any money. In order to get traffic through SEO, all you need is a bit of sweat equity, invest the time and effort in your business so you can start reaping rewards. Do you want to learn how? Today I’m going to break down how to Win on SEO Without Spending Money, The Penniless Marketer Full Strategy.

Ubersuggest –
Facebook’s Audience Insights –
Canva –
Cloudflare –
Smush –

Step number one, develop a strategy.

So what do you do? Well, yeah, you can go after the competitive keywords and you can include them in your content, but as I mentioned, that shouldn’t be your core focus because you’re not going to for rank them anytime soon.

I also want you to look for keywords that have higher volume because if a keyword has a higher volume, that means you can also potentially get more sales.

And then I want you to look for a keyword that has an SEO difficulty score of under 40 because that means that keyword is going to be easier for you to rank for in the short run.

The second step you need to take is to understand the search intent behind your target keywords.

Generally speaking, when someone is searching for any given keyword, their search falls into one of the following categories.

Navigational. People use this to type the keyword when they’re looking for specific websites they already know.

Transactional. People use transactional keywords when they want to buy something.

Informational. This one people are seeking information for any given topic.

Typically when you’re going after and you’re trying to get sales, you want to try to go after informational keywords or transactional keywords. Those two keywords can generate sales. Transactional will generate them faster. Informational ones won’t be as quick.

The third step is to create a content calendar.

If I were you and I was starting out to push out content, I would start out with something simple like once a week and then go from there. Don’t overwhelm yourself. You can always increase your quantity.

The fourth step before writing each content piece, do thorough research and curation.

How long is their content? How do you make yours more comprehensive? What subtopics are they including in their content? What keywords are constantly appearing? Any videos included in their content? What kind of images are they using to tell their story? What type of data sources are they using? You want to jot all of this down and then start creating your outline from all the rich media that you should include from all the topics that you should cover to all the keywords that you need to cover to all the sources that you’re going to want to use for your research, all the data, stats, and academic papers that you also want to link out to.

For the fifth step, enrich your content with other media types.

I love including videos in my content, infographics, charts, data visualizations. If you don’t have money to pay for a designer, that’s okay.

The sixth step, work on speeding up your website.

Make sure you’re using a CDN like Cloudflare. Heck, you can even do it for free. When you’re on WordPress, you also want to use AMP pages. These AMP pages are great for mobile devices it allows your page to load up super fast. Are you compressing your images? I use a plugin called Smush which works out really well with WordPress to compress images.

The seventh step, use the free SEO tools out there to keep track of your progress and continually improve your website.

From Google Search Console telling you, hey, what should you do to get more traffic? It’ll tell you all the errors that you need to fix. It even tells you webpage load time now and which pages are loading slowly on mobile and desktop so you know what to focus on next.

Step eight, be consistent.

Always stick to your editorial calendar. Publish content around your core strategy. Don’t get caught up in the shiny object syndrome. The strategy is really simple. Just follow everything that I’ve broken down here and you can do well.

Just because something is simple, it doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. You have to be disciplined at analyzing your work and doubling down on what’s working, right? And I broke this all down so you can do it for free.

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How to Learn SEO Fast and Effectively

Trying to figure out how to get higher rankings and more traffic? This video will show you how to learn SEO fast and effectively.
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Additional SEO Resources

What is SEO? How Search Engines Like Google Work ►

SEO for beginners video ►

On-Page SEO Checklist for 2019 ►

How to Do Keyword Research for a NEW Website (2019 Tutorial) ►

Keyword Research Tutorial: From Start to Finish (2019) ►

Link Building Tutorials (Step-By-Step) ►

A Basic (Yet Powerful) Technical SEO Audit for Beginners ►

How to Prioritize Your Digital Marketing Tasks and Maximize Productivity ►

Link Building with Google Sheets: Start Guest Posting in 15 Minutes ►

How Long Does it Take to Rank on Google: A Data-Driven SEO Strategy For Faster Rankings ►

The world of SEO: a crowded and noisy space where it’s easy to get information overload from many conflicting tactics and strategies.

And if you’re spending the majority of your time reading guides on how to do SEO rather than actually do it, you won’t learn anything.

So, this video will highlight some principles that are critical in learning SEO fast and effectively.

The first thing you need to do is to nail the fundamentals. You need to understand and learn what these fundamentals are before you can generate meaningful traffic to your site via search engines like Google.

What are these fundamentals? You’ll find out in the video.

After you’ve nailed the fundamentals, Sam recommends that you get an internship at a respected SEO agency. You’ll find out why this is the best way to learn, and how you can get an internship at a company you respect in the industry.

Sam also recommends you apply the 80/20 rules to SEO. The 80/20 rule, also known as Pareto’s principle suggests that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. You’ll learn how to apply this rule to your SEO education.

The next thing you should focus on is to refine processes rather than search for shortcuts. You’ll learn how to do this, as opposed to constantly seeking out shortcuts, hacks or the next shiny tactic.

Lastly, soft skills. SEO isn’t always about the hard, technical skills. Soft skills matter too. You’ll learn what these soft skills are, and why they are one of the greatest skillsets that all great SEOs have.


2:24 – Learn SEO fundamentals
2:47 – Get an internship at a respected agency
4:12 – Apply the 80/20 rule for learning
4:53 – Refine processes rather than search for shortcuts to methodology
5:53 – Build perseverance
7:46 – Prioritize based on the things that are working for you

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5 Dumbest Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make With Their SEO

5 Dumbest Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make With Their SEO | Entrepreneurs are great at solving problems and giving life to ideas. But when it comes to SEO, I’ve seen them make some of the biggest mistakes that cost them hundreds, even if not, thousands of dollars and sometimes even millions of dollars. Some of these guys have gone on to create businesses that are succeeded and are big brands and they still continually make these mistakes. Today I’m going to breakdown the five dumbest mistakes entrepreneurs make with their SEO.


5 Beginner SEO Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Website Traffic And What You Should Do Instead :

So let’s dive right into the five biggest mistakes.

Mistake number one. Optimizing for the wrong keywords and trying to rank previously competitive keywords early on.

This is a mistake that a lot of new businesses make early on and its an issue that could be avoided really easily. Because, here’s the thing. If a keyword is super competitive, then chances are you’re not going to rank for it. Or if a keyword won’t convert well, ranking for it isn’t going to drive you any sales. And it’s not hard to solve this problem.

All you have to do is go to Ubersuggest. Type in your competitor URL. Click on Top Pages, it will show you all their top pages and then I want you to click on view all underestimated visits.

This will show you all the keywords that your competition is going after. These keywords are more likely to convert into sales than just picking random keywords.

The next thing I want you to do is to go to Ubersuggest once you have a list of keywords. Type them in and it will give you all these ideas and other comparison words, prepositions and other ideas that you can go after.

But, here’s the thing. When you’re doing this, you can’t just go after any random keyword. You need to look for keywords that have a high CPC because if someone has a, is paying a lot of money to advertise on it, you can bet that it converts highly into sales.

The other thing you need to look for is a low SD. A low SD stands for SEO difficulty. So the lower the numbers such a 40’s, 30’s, or 20’s is great. The moment you get above 50 for e-site just going to be harder to write. Look for those two things, plus high volume. So the higher the volume, the higher the CPC and the lower the SD or SEO difficulty, the better that keyword is. Those are the ones you want to go after. And when you do that, you’re more likely to get some sales.

The second biggest mistake that I see people making is their not using analytics or running regular website audits.

This is one of the big mistakes that companies make all the time.

What you need to do is look at the core metrics that are driving your sales and focus on them. And, in addition to that, you need to be running regular site audits. And you can also do this within the site audit report within Ubersuggest for free. It will tell you what’s wrong and as you fix them, you should notice more conversions and sales within your analytics.

The third big mistake. Overlooking page titles and meta descriptions.

Look, if one site ranks number one Google and another site ranks number two but everyone starts clicking the number two listing what do you think that tells Google?

So think about the copy. Persuasive copy. Start looking at the paid ads. Typically, the people at the top aren’t just paying the most but they’re getting a lot of clicks because that helps Google make a lot more money and that will help you do well.

The fourth big mistake. Not using anchor tags properly.

If you’re going after a keyword like online marketing all your anchor tags shouldn’t say online marketing when other sites link to you. It needs to be natural. Sometimes I’m writing a blog post and I’m linking to my posts on SEO and I’ll say, Hey, if you want to rank higher in Google, follow these tips. You’ll notice that I didn’t use the word SEO right there.

And sometimes, when I am talking about SEO, I’m linking to my SEO article, I’ll say, Hey, you need to check out these SEO tips. And I’ll link the word SEO tips to that article.

The fifth mistake. Building content for algorithms and not your audience.

It’s not about your word count. It’s not about stuffing keywords in your article. It’s about doing what’s best for a user. And if you write content for them, in the long run, you’ll do really well.

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