O que é SEO e seus principais pilares? Em 10 minutos!🔥

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Se você está desenvolvendo uma estratégia de Marketing Digital, o SEO será seu aliado nesta jornada. Mas o que significa esta sigla tão importante e tão comentado quando se fala em gerar tráfego, receber mais visitas, ranquear no Google? Neste vídeo você vai descobrir o que é SEO e alguns pontos básicos para colocar essas técnicas em prática.

Para entender o que é SEO, precisamos nos aprofundar no processo de pesquisa na internet. Quando alguém tem alguma dúvida ou quer descobrir conteúdos sobre algum assunto, pesquisa por palavras-chave na expectativa de receber respostas que contemplem seu desejo de conteúdo. E o SEO está por trás de toda esta lógica de busca.

SEO é a sigla para Search Engine Optimization, que significa otimização para os mecanismos de busca. Diz respeito a uma série de técnicas e ações aplicadas em qualquer site, para que eles sejam encontrados pelos usuários que pesquisam por algum assunto nos mecanismos de pesquisa, como o Google. O SEO trabalhar para que os mecanismos de pesquisa, como o Google, entendam e rastreiem os sites afim de posicionar aquele link entre os primeiros resultados de busca.

Neste vídeo você vai descobrir como funciona o SEO, as principais áreas envolvidas e o que é preciso fazer para criar um conteúdo otimizado, que apareça nos resultados de pesquisa quando alguma pessoa buscar pela palavra-chave da sua estratégia de Marketing Digital.

00:00 O que é SEO e por onde começar?
01:19 Como funciona o SEO?
03:11 Principais áreas de SEO
03:30 SEO técnico
04:02 O que é SEO On-Page
05:10 O que é SEO Off-Page
06:20 O que é SEO local
06:46 Vantagens de trabalhar SEO


Outros vídeos que você pode gostar 🔥

➜ Como fazer SEO para sites NOVOS?


➜ Passo a passo para CRIAR CONTEÚDO de QUALIDADE!


Dicas de conteúdo 🤓

➜ Descubra as possibilidades da conta Grátis da Semrush https://pt.semrush.com/blog/descubra-as-possibilidades-que-a-conta-gratuita-da-semrush-traz/

➜ Guia completo de SEO On-Page

➜ Como fazer um relatório de SEO


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Sobre a Semrush 👇

Somos uma plataforma completa de Marketing Digital, com mais de 50 ferramentas e recursos que ajudam qualquer profissional a realizar suas estratégias de marketing e tomar decisões com base em dados.

Sem achismos e com muita informação, permitimos com que empresas, sites e negócios construam sua presença digital e conquistem melhores resultados. Somos uma plataforma de Marketing completa, que consiste em mais de 50 produtos e ferramentas que ajudam as empresas a trabalharem melhor online.

Entre os recursos da Semrush, estão ferramentas que permitem às empresas otimizarem sua presença online através de Auditoria de Site, SEO, Link Building, Análise Competitiva, Marketing de Conteúdo, Social Media. Tudo em uma única plataforma.

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SEO Strategies Tutorial To Rank #1 on Google in 2024

SEO Strategies Tutorial To Rank #1 on Google in 2024
Chris Palmer SEO : https://chrispalmer.org

This is a live stream to help you learn and understand search engine optimization. This video will be a combination of live questions related to search marketing and ranking in Google. I will also answer comments live. And then to wrap up a SEO after dark session we will run a search test for fun!!!! Questions related to todays SEO tutorial or strategy feel free to ask below.

Join My YouTube Channel SEO Mastermind. Get Members Only Perks!

Chris Palmer SEO
Chris Palmer Marketing
30 West Broad St.
Pennsylvania, USA 18252
1 (855) 295-8280

SEO : Comment référencer son site rapidement (300K VISITES/MOIS) Tutoriel complet 2023

BONUS – Un micro-cours + 4 outils pour exploser tes objectifs de croissance. Chaque vendredi dans ta boîte mail 👉 https://bit.ly/Missive

Le Tutoriel SEO pour référencer son site rapidement en 2023.

Dans cette nouvelle vidéo, Amandin Bart, Head of Acquisition chez Waalaxy te partage toutes ses techniques pour référencer ton site rapidement et sa stratégie pour atteindre les 300.000 visiteurs/ mois.

Tu vas découvrir les 4 piliers fondamentaux du SEO pour développer un site qui plaît à Google, les signaux et les bonnes pratiques que tu dois connaître pour optimiser ton site et le positionner rapidement dans les premiers résultats.

Sans oublier ses meilleurs outils SEO que tu dois absolument intégrer à ta stack et ses meilleurs conseils en copywriting pour t’apprendre à rédiger des articles SEO friendly et faire décoller ton site en première position.


🌱 Pour ne rien manquer des Jeunes Branches : https://cutt.ly/Q4LRtnK

📈 La méthode Scalezia : https://cutt.ly/B4LEk9w
🤝 Pour bosser avec nous : https://cutt.ly/x4LEnKW

Un micro-cours Marketing, Growth, Produit ou Vente dans ta boîte mail chaque semaine 👇

📚 Pour plus de contenus Growth, Marketing et entrepreneuriat : https://cutt.ly/u4LELl2


Chapitres :

0:00 Bâtir sa stratégie SEO
04:00 Les 4 piliers fondamentaux du SEO
05:39 Envoyer les bons signaux à Google
09:26 Les bonnes pratiques SEO pour plaire à Google
12:32 Les meilleurs outils pour développer son SEO
16:44 L’art du copywriting pour améliorer son SEO
18:33 Comment rédiger des articles optimisés pour le SEO
20:52 Sa méthode pour être premier sur Google

Simple SEO Overhaul to Stay Ahead of A.I. With Kyle Roof

One of the most important and easiest things we can do to stay ahead of AI and compete with large websites in search, is to build up E.E.A.T. But what can we do to show search engines like Google our Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness? Today, I’m talking with Kyle Roof who holds a patent for his process of testing specific factors to see their impact on the Google Algorithm. Kyle provides us with specific, actionable steps we can take to show E.E.A.T. to search engines and keep our site traffic growing.

Check out Income School Insiders for the whole interview: https://incomeschool.com/insiders/

Have a question or idea for a video? Or maybe you want your site or a specific article reviewed. Let me know here: https://forms.office.com/r/9VYNvRUzaN

Check out Project 24: https://incomeschool.com/project24/?ref=45
Project 24 is our membership program that teaches you how to work toward replacing your current income with income from websites and YouTube channels in 24 months.

Also check out our stupid fast and crazy functional WordPress theme, Acabado. https://incomeschool.com/acabado

Also, our current recommendations for blogging, video, and podcasting gear, software, and other resources can always be found at https://incomeschool.com/tools

Have you seen us on Instagram yet? Add us to see what we’re doing behind the scenes: https://www.instagram.com/income.school/

Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.

SEO Tips For Beginners | Rank #1 on Google in 2022 (Tutorial!)

Learn more with our FREE SEO Tutorial for Beginners now: https://clickhubspot.com/pjv

In this video we’re discussing SEO tips for beginners that will help you rank #1 on Google! SEO does not have to be intimidating or difficult if you are a beginner and want to learn how to optimize content yourself. We’re sharing tips and tools that you can start using today to set your business up for success. If you like this video, make sure you give it a thumbs up, share it, and subscribe for more!

🛠 Resources:
• The Ultimate Guide to SEO: https://clickhubspot.com/6ki
• Complete SEO Starter Pack: https://clickhubspot.com/rwd

📔 Grow Your Career and Business with HubSpot Academy: https://clickhubspot.com/Popular-Courses

📔 Favorite Free Certification Courses:
• Digital Marketing Certification:
• Social Media Marketing Course:
• SEO Training Course:
• Inbound Course: https://clickhubspot.com/Inbound-Certification
• Inbound Marketing Course:
• Email Marketing Course:
• Inbound Sales Course:
• Taking your Business Online Course:

Video Chapters:
0:00 – Intro
35 secs – 2:15 What is SEO?
2:15 – 3:50 Which Keywords to Use?
3:50 – 4:30 Free Keyword Tools
4:30 – 6:02 Moz Keyword Tool
6:02 – 6:59 Optimizing Your Content
6:59 – 7:56 Summary

About HubSpot:
HubSpot is a leading CRM platform that provides education, software, and support to help businesses grow better. The platform includes marketing, sales, service, and website management products that start free and scale to meet our customers’ needs at any stage of growth. Today, thousands of customers around the world use HubSpot’s powerful and easy-to-use tools and integrations to attract, engage, and delight customers.

⚠ Disclaimer:
The videos on our YouTube channel are for informational purposes only, and are not intended as an endorsement for any of the products or services that we feature.


SEO продвижение сайта в 2021 году (грамотная раскрутка сайта за 7 шагов)

Грамотное seo продвижение сайта за 7 шагов самостоятельно.
Продвижение сайтов на Zenlink: https://stasbykov.ru/zenlink
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Моя онлайн-школа: https://bykov.school

Бесплатный трафик и тема SEO 2021 интересует каждого специалиста. В этом видео я покажу, как сделана seo оптимизация сайта Стас Быков и покажу 7 шагов, которые ускоряют продвижение сайта в поисковых системах Яндекс и Google.

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SEO in 2021, How To Rank #1 on Google

SEO in 2021, and ranking #1 on Google. Learn SEO from on-page to off-page even some affiliate with me Chris Palmer SEO in today’s video.

SEO Consultation: https://chrispalmermarketing.com

Todays video we will answer any and all search engine optimization questions related to any topic that you would like. We can cover local SEO or grey , white or even black hat techniques for SEO.

As I answer questions I will also be going over my case study and showing some love to the website to improve organic rankings.

If you have further questions related to SEO in 2021 or ranking on Google for affiliate , local or maps feel free to ask below. I answer all questions related to digital marketing.

Chris Palmer Marketing-SEO
30 W Broad St fl2
Tamaqua PA 18252
(570) 810-1080

Cách SEO lên Top Google (Miễn Phí & Chưa Biết Gì Cũng Làm Được)

– Đăng ký theo dõi kênh: http://popsww.com/Web5Ngay

– Khóa học “Làm Web Kinh Doanh Trong 5 Ngày – Không Cần Biết Lập Trình”: http://www.web5ngay.com

– Các video tâm đắc về kinh doanh: https://w5n.co/kd

– Radio chính thức của web5ngay: https://tamsukinhdoanh.com

– Group chính thức của Web5ngay: https://w5n.co/fb

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SEO For Beginners: A Basic Search Engine Optimization Tutorial for Higher Google Rankings

New to SEO? This tutorial shows you the basics of doing search engine optimization for your website to rank high in Google.
Subscribe ► https://www.youtube.com/AhrefsCom?sub_confirmation=1

First, what is SEO and how does it work?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. By definition, it is the process of optimizing your website and webpages to get “free”, “organic” traffic from search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.

As a business owner, blogger, or website owner, your job is two-fold:

First, you need to make it easy for search engines to understand what your page is about and create content that matches what we call, the “searcher’s intent.”

Second, you need to show Google and other search engines that your pages are ‘worthy’ of ranking.

In this video, Sam Oh teaches the a 101 into the world of search engine optimization.

There are plenty of clear examples and some basic (yet powerful) SEO tips to optimize a brand new website to rank #1 on Google (step-by-step).

The techniques that are taught in this SEO training include:

1. Keyword research
By doing keyword research, you can see the average number of times someone searches for a specific keyword phrase in Google each month.

Often times, the query that you think will be the most popular is often far from the truth.

Using tools like Ahrefs Keywords Explorer (https://ahrefs.com/keywords-explorer), you’ll learn how to use the “parent topic” of a term to determine the best keywords to target for your pages.

You’ll also learn what not to do (ie. keyword stuffing).

Keyword research gives you clues on the language you should use to let both Google and potential customers know what our page is about.

There are a few vivid examples in here to illustrate the best practices on how to do keyword research. If you want to sharpen your keyword research skills, I highly recommend watching this series on doing keyword research in 2018 and beyond.

2. On-page SEO
On-page SEO is the process of optimizing web pages with the intention to rank high in Google. If you want to rank #1 on Google, then your on-page SEO will need to be right on.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn 4 simple, yet highly effective tips to ensure you are following Google SEO best practices. Having optimized web pages will set the foundation for your success in search engine optimization.

It will help Google understand what your content is about and help your customers find you.

A few of the basic tips include:

– Title tags
– Meta descriptions
– Heading tags (or H1 tags)
– keyword usage
– content creation
– competitor analysis

Learn more about our top 10 on-page SEO tips that actually work in 2018 and beyond.

3. Off-page SEO
Off-page SEO is often referred to as link building.

Link building is the process of getting other websites to link to your web pages.

Basically, links act as “votes” or other people vouching for your website.

Backlinks work in a similar way that you would refer your friend to buy a product from your favorite store because you’ve tried it, used it, and loved it.

In general, the more quality backlinks you can get from relevant pages, the higher you’ll rank in Google.

Sam will show you how to find backlink opportunities and the key technique that SEOs use to build links, which is through email outreach.

I highly recommend watching our video series on competitor backlink analysis and link building here:

We also have another playlist on more “advanced” link building.

There’s a lot to learn with SEO marketing and we’re constantly adding new tutorials to help you learn and execute SEO in effective ways.

Be sure to subscribe for more actionable tutorials and grow your SEO and marketing knowledge.


Ahrefs ► https://ahrefs.com/
YouTube ► https://www.youtube.com/AhrefsCom?sub_confirmation=1
Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/Ahrefs
Twitter ►https://twitter.com/ahrefs

#SEO #SearchEngineOptimization #SEOTutorial