What Happens to SEO in a Recession (and How to Prepare)?

In this video, we’ll explore the impact of recessions on the SEO landscape and how to overcome the challenges it provides.

Additional SEO Resources

Will AI Tools Kill SEO? ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zojOvpZ83gE

ChatGPT for SEO: Best (and Worst) Use Cases ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59hsPSrYvm

How to Become an SEO Expert ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BgBS-4CJd4

Complete SEO Course for Beginners: Learn to Rank #1 in Google ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsVTqzratPs


Explore the real impact of recessions on the SEO industry. Learn from actual experiences as we discuss the challenges faced by companies during past recessions and the adaptive strategies that can make a difference. For business owners, marketers, and SEO enthusiasts alike, this video provides a level-headed perspective on sustaining and adapting SEO strategies during challenging times.

#seostrategy #seoefforts #seo

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SEO vs PPC – Marketing During a RECESSION

We are of course entering a financial recession and because of this downturn, search engine marketing techniques of SEO and PPC are called into question. How should you do marketing during a recession?

I have spoken previously about the impact of the current situation on PPC and the industries it has affected.

I have also spoken about what businesses can do with their PPC campaigns during this recession

but the question is, which method of search engine marketing will work best in our current economy, SEO or PPC?

In this video we’ll break down the pros and cons of both methods and look at which method your business should be focusing on.

Search Engine Land recently released a survey that showed most businesses will invest in SEO over PPC or indeed any other method of marketing, but should you agree and do the same?

One thing to note however. No marketing channels will be providing great results during a recession, but will SEO or PPC be better?


Takes a long time to work – but you have time now!
3 principles of SEO – on page, links and technical – you can work on all of these during a recession
On page – keyword research, content optimisations – Create new content! Help your ideal customer solve their problems!

Technical – work with developers and freelancers to resolve technical issue and improve website performance

Link building – There are still opportunities to build links
HARO is a journalism platform and they are looking for content, especially about recent events!

Here is my video on HARO


Click costs are down in most industries and some people are still looking, so there is an opportunity to drive cheaper traffic
It’s all about the right messaging to get some type of commitment
B2B PPC is an opportunity to initiate marketing funnels

If you liked this video, don’t forget to subscribe!


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If you want to get more from marketing, check out my marketing courses!


And as always, if you have a question, or want me to cover a particular subject or marketing challenge you’re facing, head over to my website www.thebigmarketer.com and get in touch. I would love to hear from you!

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