SEO 2020: So geht Suchmaschinenoptimierung heute

Diesmal lernst du, worauf du bei Suchmaschinenoptimierung in 2020 achten musst und welche Trends du nicht verpassen darfst.

📖 Inhaltsverzeichnis:
2:07 – SEO-Rückblick 2019
11:14 – Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness
23:31 – Links
32:23 – Content
1:10:22 – Architecture
1:24:02 – Evolution
1:38:05 – Key Take-Aways


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📌 Kurzbeschreibung:
2019 war wieder einmal ein spannendes Jahr im SEO-Bereich, wobei sich an der Richtung von Google wenig bis gar nichts geändert hat. Trotzdem, es gibt viele Entwicklungen, besonders rund um Content Marketing, die man als Unternehmen nicht verpassen darf, wenn man sich später die Sichtbarkeit nicht teuer erkaufen will.

📺 Relevante Videos:
– Die 3 Phasen einer SEO-Kampagne:
– Die neuen Linkattribute erklärt:
– Review Rich Results Update:
– YouTube SEO 2020:
– Website-Architektur:

🦉 Rückblick

Google Updates 2019
– 23 größere Google Updates bis zum 8. Dezember laut SEMRush
– Hier sind Updates, wie vom 7. November, nicht enthalten 😀
– Wir hatten große Core Updates rund um E-A-T.
– BERT und Natural Language Processing.
– Und tonnenweise sonstige Verbesserungen.

Es ändert sich ständig alles, oder?
– Eigentlich ändert sich nichts.
– Google will Nutzerzufriedenheit und Geld verdienen
– Quality Rater Guidelines = was die Algorithmen versuchen zu liefern.
– …aber sehr vereinfacht.
– SEO-fokussierte / nutzerzentrierte Inhalte + Brand/Links/Trust + Architecture = WIN

Baby Algorithmen und Darwinism in Search
– Wir alle kennen die groben Ranking-Faktoren.
– Relevance, Freshness, Trust, Authority, etc.
– Die einzelnen Werte werden dann miteinander multipliziert.
– Das Ergebnis entscheidet dann über dein Google Ranking.
– Auch SERP Features spielen um Plätze in den Top 10.
– Was funktioniert, wird mehr. Was nicht funktioniert, stirbt weg.
– Das heißt, ein richtig schlechter Wert hat massiven Einfluss.
– Das meinte ich auch in meinem Video über SEO-Phasen.
– Die Optimierung des richtigen Werts erscheint dann der “neue” heilige Gral.
– Quelle:

🦉 Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness

Was ist E-A-T?
– Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness
– Ein Begriff aus den Quality Rater Guidelines.
– E-A-T wird in jeder Version von Google noch mehr hervorgehoben.
– E-A-T ist als ganzheitlicher Wert zu betrachten, der viele einzelne Signale umfasst.
– Was in den Guidelines steht, ist die vereinfachte Variante der entsprechenden Algorithmen, laut Gary Illyes.
– E-A-T ist besonders wichtig für YMYL-Websites: Finanzen, Gesundheit, etc.

Es gibt keinen E-A-T Score
– Das ist eine der Lieblingsaussagen von Google.
– Wenn aber etwas bewertet wird, dann gibt es einen Score bzw. etwas kann verbessert werden.
– Außerdem gibt es in den Guidelines glasklare Anweisungen, was zu tun ist.
– Was stimmt: Es gibt keinen Quick Fix. Dafür sind die Signale zu komplex.

Maßnahmen für mehr E-A-T
– Der Main Content sollte von einem Experten geschrieben worden sein.
– Die Qualifikationen des Experten sollen klar ersichtlich sein.
– Auf der Website sind Informationen über die Verantwortlichen zu finden.
– Es gibt eine Kontaktmöglichkeit auf der Website.
– Einflussreiche Websites in deinem Bereich erwähnen dich.
– Ärzteprofile und Interviews
– HONcode / Gesundheitsinformationen im Internet
– Auszeichungen / Qualifikationen
– Letzte Prüfung
– Quellennachweise

Was in Bezug auf E-A-T funktioniert
– Unsere Erfahrung: E-A-T fokussiert vorrangig auf Links und Erwähnungen.
– Super spannende Korrelationsstudie von PathInteractive:
– Beipiel: 51% der Verlierer waren auch vom Fred Update in März 2017 betroffen.

Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, zu den Gewinnern zu gehören, steigt um:
– 24% durch Nennung der Quellen.
– 258% durch Content von qualifizierten Experten.
– 850% durch Auszeichnungen und Zertifikate auf der Website.


🌐 Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, Deutsch, deutschsprachig

#Suchmaschinenoptimierung #SEO2020 #SEOTrends

SEO in 2020: It Hasn’t Changed (Much)

SEO in 2020. Has it changed or is it still the same? In this video, you’ll learn the 3 most important things that will determine the fate of your SEO success.
Subscribe ►

Additional SEO Resources

SEO For Beginners: A Basic Search Engine Optimization Tutorial for Higher Google Rankings ►

SEO Checklist: How to Get More Organic Traffic (Step-by-Step) ►

On Page SEO Checklist for Higher Google Rankings ►

Link Building Tutorials (Step-By-Step) ►

How to Get Backlinks By “Stealing” From Low-Quality Pages ►

Simple SEO Strategy: The “Middleman” Method ►

Google’s algorithm is always changing. But the one thing that hasn’t changed is what the algorithm is trying to do.

Google’s job is to provide the best search results for any given query. They need to find pages and rank the ones that best match and serve the user’s intent.

And to figure this out, they use hundreds of ranking factors.

So, while new changes will be made to Google’s core algorithm, the fundamentals of SEO haven’t changed.

Instead of chasing algorithms, our job as content creators and marketers is to show search engines that our pages deserve to rank.

Rather than searching for the latest EAT hack or trying to optimize for BERT, you should focus on the 3 most important things that will determine the fate of your rankings.

The first is content. No matter how prolific your writing skills are, you won’t rank unless you’ve gotten your content “right.”

Here are some things to consider:

► Search intent
► Covering the topic in full
► On-page SEO

You’ll learn more about those things in the video.

The second thing is link building.

Links have been and still are one of the strongest ranking signals. And if you want to rank for anything remotely competitive, you’ll need to build them.

You’ll learn what works and doesn’t work in link building in the tutorial.

The last thing is indexation.

Search engines crawl, parse, and store information in a database called a search index. End users are then able to access this information using Google search.

So if your pages aren’t indexed, then it’s impossible to get your site or pages discovered in search.

You’ll learn how to check whether your sites or pages are indexed in the video and ways to get your website indexed if it’s not.

And finally, remember that SEO is all about fundamentals.

Focus on the things that matter most rather than chasing shiny tactics from headlines claiming SEO has completely changed.


1:38 – Keep search intent in mind
2:37 – Make sure you cover the topic in full
3:40 – Set-up on-page stuff properly
3:58 – Continue building backlinks
4:58 – Pay attention to indexation

#seo #seoin2020 #seotips

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How SEO Will Change in 2020 (And You’re Not Going to Like It)

Should you even bother with SEO anymore? Absolutely! In 2020, the same SEO techniques and SEO hacks that used to work for 2019 are going to change, but if you are prepared for what is changing in SEO you can dominate the future of marketing by playing smart.
In this SEO tutorial video, Eric Siu shares how to grow website traffic in 2020 and some new SEO strategies for on page SEO, SERP domination, and more! 2020 is not just about voice search and podcasting, the marketing tactics that will really move the needle are the omnichannel marketing strategies.
If you want the best growth hacks for 2020 and to master the future of SEO, be sure to subscribe to our channel for more great videos.

Oh, and if you are wondering, what is SEO in the first place – it’s search engine optimization and we have a bunch of great videos on SEO for beginners on the channel.


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Want to learn the SEO tactics that AirBnB, Lyft, and Heineken use to drive millions of site visits a month? Download the case study now:

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Connect with Eric Siu:
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Single Grain – Digital Marketing Agency –

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Video Transcript:

In this clip, we’re going to talk about how SEO is going to change in 2020 and unfortunately you’re not going to like it, but before we do, don’t forget to subscribe or follow whatever platform you are watching on right now, especially if you enjoy a clips on marketing, entrepreneurship, growth, productivity, and more stuff. You’re going to enjoy it. Check it out. All right, so SEO, here’s what’s happening with SEO right now. If you think about Google, because Google is the largest, they take on the lion’s share of the traffic in the U S and a lot of countries around the world. The problem with this is they’re a publicly traded company. Now their incentives are to make more money for their shareholders. Now it’s no longer just don’t be evil, which was their model in the past. They actually took that off of kind of their, their mission statement or part of their mission and values.

So you think about it now, there’s only so much space. There’s only so much real estate and on a search result page. So it used to be in the past, you know their ads. I remember in high school when, when they started, um, Google ad words, um, the, there was only like one snippet and as crystal clear that it was an ad, right? And now over over the years, now it’s becoming less and less apparent that it’s an ad, right? It used to be highlighted in yellow. It was like crystal clear as an ad and there’s only like one or two of them right now you might see like four or five ads at the very top and you see more ads at the bottom because Google is making a less apparent than their ads and they’re putting more ads on the, on the on search engine result pages, they’re making more money, they’re incentivized to make money, which means the organic results, the SEO results, those are getting pinched down a little bit, right?

So what used to be at the very top above the fold that would get like the lion’s share of the clicks. Now it’s getting pushed down so much that you know these to say like maybe the number one result in SEO might get 25 to 40 to 50% of, of the clicks. Now it’s like, you know, it might go down to like 10% or so. There’s a clip I’m going to show you in a little bit where, uh, when I spoke at the marketing school live conference, I’m, I actually share some data, uh, from, from rand Fishkin, from spark Toro, the search result pages, they’re getting more and more consolidated as become a tougher and tougher to, um, to make SEO work.