Local SEO Audit: How to Fix Your Google Rankings in 2020

Local SEO can sometimes feel trickier than traditional SEO.

However, with the right guidance, you can achieve awesome rankings. That’s what this new video is all about.

I’m going to show you a real local SEO audit we did for a client. In short, I’ll walk through each part of the SEO process.

It’s a deep video, so watch a segment, act on the information, and then watch some more.

Here are some of the tools I used throughout training:

SEMRush: https://www.gotchseo.com/recommends/sem-rush

Surfer: https://www.gotchseo.com/recommends/surfer

Link Building Techniques: https://youtu.be/XN_a1wHWvJ0

#LocalSEO #SEO

EP3: รู้ก่อนรวยกว่า !! SEO 2019 ทำเวปให้พุ่งกระฉูดติดลมบน !!(PART 1)

รู้ก่อนรวยกว่า !! SEO 2019 ทำเวปให้พุ่งกระฉูดติดลมบน !!

เมื่อโลกออนไลน์เปลี่ยน เมื่อเฟสบุ๊คยากขึ้นอย่างเห็นได้ชัด

การตลาดในตำนานอย่าง SEO จึงกลับมาฮอตอีกครั้ง !!

ห้ามพลาดซีรีย์ SEO 2019 มีด้วยกัน 2 PART

ระยะเวลาสิริรวม 60 นาที (สั้นกว่านี้ไม่ได้จริง)

มาเรียนรู้โลกเก่า ที่อัพเดตใหม่ บรรยายโดย อ.ตรี

ผมนำเนื้อหามาจากหนังสือใน Amazon.com เช่นเคย

ชื่อเรื่อง SEO 2019: Learn search engine optimization with smart internet marketing strategies

โดยผสมผสานกับประสบการณ์ส่วนตัวด้าน SEO กว่า 15 ปีเต็ม

เชื่อมั่นว่างานสอนครั้งนี้จะออกมาดี และถูกใจทุกคนแน่นอนครับ ^^

เต็มที่กับชีวิต เต็มที่กับ SEO 2019

What is PPC Strategy? | Lesson 3/36 | SEMrush Academy

Learn how to create your strategy and budget accordingly.
Watch the full course for free: https://bit.ly/3gyzJpa

0:11 Platforms like Google AdWords and Facebook have made it so that anyone can use them
0:53 PPC strategy
1:37 Establish milestones along the way
1:48 You need a strategy

✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹
You might find it useful:
Conduct your bird’s-eye research of any website with the help of the Domain Overview report:
➠ https://bit.ly/3gyJeEy

Learn how to use SEMrush PPC tools in our free course:
➠ https://bit.ly/3ce2h3F
✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹

Launching a campaign is easy. However, just because you do it, doesn’t mean it works. You need strategy. Platforms such as Google Ads and Facebook have made it so that anyone can use them. An Ads account can be created in a few clicks and launched by following their step by step process. This process, incidentally, includes entering your billing details. Before you know it you’re paying for clicks to your website.

Facebook makes it even easier by prompting you to turn your Facebook posts into ads. Great example of what a very important part of the strategy – the call to action: “Boost this Post”.

By following these steps, you will successfully launch a campaign, but your campaign may or may not be successful. You will spend money on clicks, but most likely you will not earn more from those clicks than they cost you.

What you need is an effective PPC strategy.

You need a strategy behind the way you use the tools, messages, and images, the PPC platform provides. All of this serves to have your ads seen by qualified internet users, users that have, or could have intent to buy. You need a well planned strategy behind both the ads themselves, and the steps the users take on your website in order to convert.

The bottom line is that you need to have a strategy on how you reach a portion of those billion users on the internet and lead them on a journey from point “a” to point “b”, from the click to the sale.

Most users embarking on this journey, by clicking, on your ads will not finish it. You need to establish milestones along the way to help optimize your traffic as well as to optimize the path you take users on to becoming your paying customers. For that, you need a strategy behind how you track and measure the progress of users along the journey.

Before we dive into actual PPC advertising, showing your ads and getting users to begin their journey, you need to plan the route they take to its end, to the sale. Think of it like really good Google Maps instructions. If not, they could get lost along the way and go from being a potential sale to one of those billion internet users out there that will never buy your product or service.

#PPC #PPCcourse #PPCstrategy #PayPerClick #SEMrush #SEMrushAcademy







PageSpeed Insights

WP Fastest Cache

WP Fastest Cache

EWWW Image Optimizer

EWWW Image Optimizer

0:00 絶対にやるべき最低限のSEO対策
0:42 Googleが掲げる10の事実
1:07 ユーザーファースト
1:24 ページ表示速度
1:43 ウェブ上の民主主義
1:56 スマホファースト
2:11 悪事を働かなくても稼げる
2:48 ブログ全体、戦略面でのSEO対策
3:02 1.SSL(https)化
3:35 2.サイトタイトル
5:23 3.ページ表示速度
5:52 4.サイトマップ
6:37 5.更新頻度
7:08 6.TwitterなどのSNS
7:41 記事に関するSEO対策
7:54 1.記事タイトル
8:10 2.メタタグ(メタディスクリプション)
8:46 3.見出し
9:20 4.文字数
9:56 5.読みやすい構成
10:18 6.共起語
10:58 7.画像
11:41 リンクのSEO対策
11:49 1.内部リンク
12:18 2.発リンク
12:52 3.被リンク
13:33 今日のまとめ















→ https://affi-note.com/lead_writing_seminar

→ https://affi-note.com/beginner_brand_blueprint


【無料】Blog Floating Button
→ https://bfb-plugin.com/





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SEO e WordPress: Come ottimizzare i contenuti per i motori di ricerca

Iscriviti al gruppo dove condividiamo risorse WordPress: http://bit.ly/gruppo-nlw
Dai un occhiata al corso Next Level WP PRO: http://bit.ly/next-level-wp-pro

SCARICA TUTTE LE RISORSE FREE e file creati nei video iscriviti alla community:

Iscriviti al canale, nuovi video ogni settimana 😉

Temi WordPress FREE

WLOW: www.marchettidesign.net/wlow
Fullby: http://www.marchettidesign.net/fullby/
Gridby: http://www.marchettidesign.net/gridby/
Swipy: http://www.marchettidesign.net/swipy/
Fullbase: https://it.wordpress.org/themes/fullbase/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AfMarchetti
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarchettiDesignnet-140329246021912/
Github: https://github.com/afmarchetti/
Codepen: https://codepen.io/afmarchetti/

Music: Soundcloud
Music: https://www.bensound.com

Camera – iPhone 8 Plus

Stay Tuned!

SEO for dummies: Boostez votre trafic grâce au référencement naturel – Par les experts de Weebly

TheFamily organise, en partenariat avec Weebly, un workshop special SEO !

91% des clics sur Google se font sur la 1ère page.
Cela explique peut être, pourquoi, après beaucoup d’efforts pour créer votre magnifique site web, vous ne voyez toujours pas vos visites décoller.

Comment faire en sorte que votre site soit tout simplement visible sur Google, et auprès de votre cible de prédilection ? Michael Ricchetti et Rodolphe Gardies, spécialistes webmarketing à destination des TPEs, et experts Weebly, vous guident pas à pas sur les secrets du référencement naturel, et du fonctionnement de Google.

45 minutes pour apprendre les astuces les plus importantes, et des exemples concrets, pour vous permettre d’optimiser votre référencement dès aujourd’hui.

ما هو الـ SEO؟

هذا الفيديو هو جزء من مساق “تحسين محركات البحث SEO”المتاح مجاناً على منصة إدراك، للتسجيل في المساق:

Email Marketing in the Digital Age – April Mullen

Do you know why Email has the best ROI of almost any digital marketing tactic?
How to effectively collect new email addresses and create solid email campaigns in this new world of online marketing.

April Mullen is a Sr. Marketing Strategist at Selligent. She is also an adjunct professor at the Universty of Missouri – St. Louis teaching an email marketing course.

To learn more about Stukent, visit:





Stukent Blog:

To watch more Expert Sessions, visit:

Estratégia de SEO 2020: 5 dicas para ficar no topo dos resultados | Técnicas de SEO | Hotmart Tips

Quer ficar nos primeiros resultados de busca? Descubra quais são as principais estratégias de SEO para aplicar em seu site ou blog este ano!

➡ O que é o Certificado SSL e por que seu site precisa de um? https://blog.hotmart.com/pt-br/certificado-ssl/

➡ Rotina de SEO: como deve ser seu dia a dia para conquistar a SERP? https://blog.hotmart.com/pt-br/rotina-de-seo/

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