What Is PPC & How Does It Work?

What is PPC or Pay-Per-Click marketing? How does it work? How do you lower your CPC or cost-per-click? And how did we use PPC advertising to drive over 13k in revenue with 4k in ad spend for this small business in a short amount of time?

Subscribe: https://bit.ly/36gszTL​

I’ll be answering those three questions above and more in this video.

Oh, and be sure to watch until the end of the video where I reveal a SECRET tool we use to spy on our competitors’ PPC campaigns in less than 30 seconds, see all of their ads and keywords, and outperform them!

Video Outline

Intro (00:00)
What Is PPC? (0:51)
How Does Pay-Per-Click Advertising Work? (1:39)
Why Should You Use PPC? (2:37)
Basic Structure Of A Google Search Campaign (5:51)
Our SECRET TOOL: (9:02)

// LYFE Marketing

➡ Check out our blog: https://bit.ly/37HdNFh

➡ Royce’ Chocolate Case Study: https://www.lyfemarketing.com/portfolio-posts/royce-ppc-case-study/

➡ Learn more about our ppc management services: https://www.lyfemarketing.com/digital-marketing-services/ppc-management-services/

➡ We’re LYFE Marketing, a full-time digital marketing agency for small businesses. We help people grow online through various marketing channels. We help you de-code if advertising is the right fit for your growth trajectory, or see if organic growth is more of your speed. Regardless, our goal is to build a massive portfolio of success stories. So one day, we can look back and say that we made a difference in the world. This channel will provide you with good tips and suggestions for a large range of marketing topics. And we’re not holding back. But if you want a tailored strategy, then don’t hesitate to contact us on our website: http://lyfemarketing.com/contact-us

Placement Pool Challenge (PPC 100)

Dr. Dave announces a new Placement Pool Challenge (PPC 100) with prizes to test your run-out ability. PPC 100 (which is BU Playing-Ability Exam V) consists of eighteen 9-ball and 8-ball layouts. Here’s a quick summary of the rules:
– consecutively attempt to run each of the 18 layouts in order.
– each run-out attempt ends with a miss or foul.
– for scoring, you start with 100 points and deduct points for any balls not pocketed legally.

To enter the Challenge, just post your name, score, and video link in the comments section of this video.

Current Standings:
1.) Dr. Dave Alciatore – 98 – https://youtu.be/qeunI2oKrfU?t=133
2.) kanzzo on AZB – 97 – https://youtu.be/U1SrQKndgAk?t=311
3.) András Koleszár – 64 – https://youtu.be/kGlsxUG9t9o

Lottery Drawing Entries:
4.) Cue ball control Sometimes – 59 – https://youtu.be/p8ypNCDz104
5.) TBA

Previous Replaced Entries:

Each of the top 3 players by June 30, 2021 will win a $30 gift certificate that can be applied to any shirt, poster, cap, or mug purchase at DrDaveBilliardTshirts.com. If the high score is 100 (which is expected), the first 3 people to score 100 get the prizes. To encourage participation by all, there will also be a random lottery drawing from all non-winning entries to win the same prize. Only one entry per person is allowed, but you can continue to post new scores and videos to replace your previous scores.

0:00 – Intro
1:55 – Layouts 1-6
5:04 – Layouts 7-12
—- 8:17 – only miss
8:38 – Layouts 13-18
12:37 – Wrap Up

Supporting Resources:
– Billiard University (BU) Playing Ability Exams: https://billiarduniversity.org/testing/exams/
– Placement Pool Challenge (PPC 100) rules and layout diagrams: https://billiarduniversity.org/documents/BU_Exam-V_Placement_Pool_Challenge.pdf
– Dr. Dave Billiards shirts, posters, caps, mugs: https://drdavebilliardtshirts.com/
– System for Aiming With Sidespin (SAWS): https://billiards.colostate.edu/faq/sidespin/aim/saws/
– 30-degree-rule peace sign: https://billiards.colostate.edu/faq/30-90-rules/peace-sign/
– other Challenge Competitions: https://billiards.colostate.edu/challenge/
– new lighting over Dr. Dave’s table: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/174869207814820


– at 4m 1s, the Layout number should not change from 5 to 4.

Subscribe to Dr. Dave’s YouTube channel (and be sure to turn on bell notifications):

Show your support to Dr. Dave for his work by clicking on the donation button near the top of this page: https://billiards.colostate.edu/

All of Dr. Dave’s full-length instructional videos are available to stream or download here:
and in physical DVD format here:
Detailed product information and purchasing advice can be found here:

If you ever come across a word or phrase you don’t know, you can find definitions here:

Terminology Glossary

Good Luck With Your Game!!!

Tutorial: Email Marketing Analytics (Advanced Guide)

This tutorial will help you understand advanced email marketing. I’ll cover how you should segment emails and increase your open rate, what metrics you should investigate and ultimately how you’ll increase engagement and thereby conversions (and more!)

Many marketers neglect the importance of their email marketing analytics and don’t have a sufficient knowledge about their subscribers, which results in impersonal marketing campaigns. They don’t have a clue about what their subscribers like and what they want to read about.
They send the same emails to every subscriber on the list and ends up with mediocre results.

If you are an email marketer who wants to become the best marketer you can be, then you should listen to some of the advice I give in this video.

I touch upon terms such as click-through rate, click-to-open rate, the power of written and visual content, demographic segmentation and engagement and conversion with lifecycle marketing.

With email marketing analytics, you can analyze your current data and learn about your subscribers’ preferences.

If you want to go more in-depth with email marketing analytics you can read our blog post here:

How to Get in the Head of Your Target Market with Advanced Email Marketing Analytics

Remember to subscribe to our channel:


Introduction to Shopify Email – Email Newsletters & Marketing Campaigns Full Walkthrough

This video shows you the NEW Shopify Email which allows you to easily send email newsletters to your subscribers for marketing and sales purposes. This video showcases:

– Email Newsletter Campaign Results and Reports
– How to Create a New Email (send out and schedule) from Templates & Prior Emails
– How to Customize Your Email
– Tips on Customer Groups (segments)

#shopify #tutorials #emailnewsletters #ecommerce

SEO for Developers in 100 Seconds

Learn the fundamentals of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) from the perspective of a web developer. Determine the optimal way to structure and render HTML for bots https://fireship.io/courses/react-next-firebase/

PRO Membership Discount 30% Code: fZGT5HZT

*Discount Expires on Friday 2/12

Technical overview https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2019/02/rendering-on-the-web
ISR https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/data-fetching#incremental-static-regeneration

00:00 What is SEO
02:01 Create Good Content
03:54 HTML Structure
07:09 Rendering Strategies

#webdev #seo #100SecondsOfCode

My VS Code Theme

– Atom One Dark
– vscode-icons
– Fira Code Font

Email Marketing Campaign Tutorial For Maximum Growth

If you have a list of potential customers for your business, email is the single best way to engage them and stay top of mind while they think things over. I want to show you a really simple, automated email marketing campaign you can use in your business to move cold prospects through every important stage toward becoming an actual paying customer. I won’t leave anything out, and you’ll be able to see how truly easy it is to establish yourself as an expert in your field, and dramatically shorten your sales cycle.

Upwork: https://www.upwork.com/
Drip: https://www.drip.com/

Access my FREE mini-course “How to Guarantee Website ROI” here: http://thedeependdesign.com/roi

Or, want a Free Consultation with me? Just go to: http://thedeependdesign.com/get-started/

#websuccess #emailmarketing

Email Marketing Funciona? Como Aplicar Email Marketing no seu Negócio

Nesse vídeo eu vou te provar que email marketing funciona e ainda por cima vou te falar como aplicar email marketing no seu negócio.
💰Meu Curso GRÁTIS até 100 reais por dia: https://natansousa.com.br/minicurso
🚀Meu curso de Vendas automáticas: http://natansousa.com.br/FVAformuladevendas
✅ Curso que eu recomendo: http://natansousa.com.br/viver-de-internet
💕Se inscreva no meu canal: http://natansousa.com.br/inscrever-se
📸Meu instagram: @natanael_esp

Vídeo Review da Leadlovers: https://youtu.be/Bs6bFCclLCU

Fala jovens natan Sousa aqui e nesse vídeo eu vou te falar sobre a email marketing que muita gente ainda pensa que não funciona mais, muita gente tem preconceito e eu posso falar isso de mim quando eu comecei no marketing digital eu pensava que email marketing não funcionava, que ninguém abria email.

E eu posso falar para vocês que funciona e funciona muito bem.

Eu sei que sempre que vem e-mail marketing na sua cabeça você pensa a mesma coisa, funciona? Ninguém abre mais e-mail, e-mail ficou no passado, e-mail não vale a pena.

E eu pensava assim também, só que eu sempre fui um cara que sempre acompanhava os grandes players do mercado como João Castanheira, Erico Rocha, e todos eles usam e-mail marketing, e eu ficava pensando mano se todos essas grandes aí no mercado usam e-mail marketing, é clarroooo que e-mail funciona, é claro que email marketing vale a pena.

Então resolvi estudar pra caramba e-mail marketing comecei a aplicar no meu negócio, e mano eu vi a diferença em poucos dias desde que eu comecei a plicar, é surreal como e-mail marketing funciona e funciona muito bem.

E nesse vídeo eu vou te ensinar como você pode aplicar e-mail marketing no seu negócio e começar a vender muito mais.

Vamos lá. Para você aplicar e-mail marketing no seu negócio você precisa primeiramente de uma ferramenta de e-mail marketing, uma ferramenta que vai abrigar a sua lista de e-mail e vai mandar e-mail em massa para todas as pessoas dessa lista, e também automatizar alguns processos, como campanha de vendas e tudo mais.

A ferramenta que hoje eu uso e indico pra caramba é a Leadlovers que inclusive eu fiz um vídeo review dessa ferramenta que você pode conferir, vou deixar o link aqui na descrição para vocês.
e eu vou deixar o link aqui na descrição para vocês.

Tem a ferramenta? Agora você precisa de uma isca digital, para você atrair as pessoas para sua lista de e-mail marketing.

O que é isca digital natan? Isca digital pode ser algum minitreinamento ou e-book.
Porque ninguém vai te dá o seu e-mail assim de mão beijada, você precisa oferecer algo em troca para que essa pessoa possa botar o e-mail dela.

Você sempre tem que pensar o seguinte, o que eu posso dá para as pessoas e em troca elas vão me passar o contato delas , entendeu?

Então já vai pensando aí na sua isca digital, pode ser um treinamento, e-book, qualquer coisa que vai agregar valor para o seu potencial cliente, então faça sempre uma isca top.

Ao decorrer desse vídeo eu vou te falando o que você precisa e quais estratégias você pode aplicar com email marketing.

Comenta aqui em baixo se você já utiliza email marketing no seu negócio.

Sendinblue Email Marketing Tutorial — Signup, Import Contacts, First Campaign, Affiliate Program

Join me Email Marketing with Sendinblue at in this tutorial featuring Signup, Import Contacts, First Campaign, and the Affiliate Program! I used MailChimp and ActiveCampaign previously which led me to Sendinblue for a lower price, no charge based on contacts, basic automation, and good opportunities to earn commissions!



Read Videos as Blog Posts!

Say Hi on Social Media!




SPONSOR? Let’s make a video together where I will apply my digital marketing and online advertising skills to promoting you and your business, podcast, channel, brand, company, book, course, or hosting starting at https://jerrybanfield.com/contact/

COACHING? Are you ready to help people, grow your following faster than ever, and reach the next level? Join my mastermind for group calls and upgrade to 1 on 1 coaching via https://jerrybanfield.com/contact/



I host my WordPress website with Kinsta!

I host my video courses on Uthena with Thinkific!

I do email marketing with ActiveCampaign!

I have a business line of credit with Kabbage!

I teach on Skillshare!

I use QBSE for accounting!

I use GoTranscript for video transcriptions!

I watch video courses on Masterclass!

My camera is the Canon XA11 Professional Camcorder!

My microphone is the Electro Voice RE-20 Cardioid!

My preamp is DBX 286s Microphone Pre-amp Processor!

My USB Audio Interface is Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (2nd Gen) USB Audio Interface!

I use SoFi for student loan refinancing!

I got my first business loan from LendingClub!

I have my whole studio setup listed on Amazon!

I use TubeBuddy to manage my YouTube channel!

Jerry Banfield in Saint Petersburg, Florida


PS: This description contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you! If you are like me, you will love using the links when you are ready to research and buy because you will know this helps me continue sharing the best of what I know here for free with you! Thank you for your support!

SEO e WordPress: Come ottimizzare i contenuti per i motori di ricerca

Iscriviti al gruppo dove condividiamo risorse WordPress: http://bit.ly/gruppo-nlw
Dai un occhiata al corso Next Level WP PRO: http://bit.ly/next-level-wp-pro

SCARICA TUTTE LE RISORSE FREE e file creati nei video iscriviti alla community:

Iscriviti al canale, nuovi video ogni settimana 😉

Temi WordPress FREE

WLOW: www.marchettidesign.net/wlow
Fullby: http://www.marchettidesign.net/fullby/
Gridby: http://www.marchettidesign.net/gridby/
Swipy: http://www.marchettidesign.net/swipy/
Fullbase: https://it.wordpress.org/themes/fullbase/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AfMarchetti
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarchettiDesignnet-140329246021912/
Github: https://github.com/afmarchetti/
Codepen: https://codepen.io/afmarchetti/

Music: Soundcloud
Music: https://www.bensound.com

Camera – iPhone 8 Plus

Stay Tuned!