Copy my ZERO Backlink SEO Strategy for Massive Google Traffic

Do you want to get massive traffic on Google without link building? In this video, you’ll learn the 3-part SEO strategy to pop the vertical traffic boner for your website.

00:00 Introduction
02:42 Topical Authority
04:08 Keyword Research
06:54 Onsite Optimization

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This Works Better Than SEO (And Gives You 10x The Amount of Traffic) | My BEST Traffic Source

SEO takes forever to get results, there must be a better way to get traffic that doesn’t involve ads. Today, I’m going to break down how this works way better than SEO.


Look, You’re probably like, “Neil, you blog about SEO, you have an SEO tool called Ubersuggest, what could be better than SEO?” Well, there’s a ton of things better than SEO, and you can probably name tons of them, Even though I’m addicted to it, and generally, I’m just addicted to digital marketing.

But even though I blog about SEO, and I believe in it because it produces such amazing results and you can create literally a hundred million plus, even billion dollar companies just through SEO. You’re probably wondering, “Neil, what is it that you… Works way better than SEO?”

I want you to check out something on my website, and I mentioned it in this video, it’s called Ubersuggest. And it’s a tool, you can put in your domain name, and it gets keywords, shows you, you know, what keywords your domain ranks for, your competitors rank for. Even tells you what keywords your competitors rank for that you don’t. It’ll even tell you how many people link to you, or even tell you how much traffic you’re getting or estimate that. It’ll even tell you new keyword opportunities, and you can do keyword research or content research. It even tells you what errors you have on your website.

So how is this better than SEO? Do you want to know what drives more traffic than anything else? Take a guess. Ubersuggest. Did you know, over 400,000 people a month find my website by just either typing in the keyword Ubersuggest, or going directly to my domain.

On the flip side, less than 100,000 people a month find my domain by typing in, Neil Patel. So what does this tell you? Tools are more powerful, tools work better than content, tools build more links than manually reaching out.

When I created a free tool, Ubersuggest, and I just kept releasing more and more features for free. Sure, there’s paid features as well, but the majority of the app is for free. Did you know I generated over 10,000 backlinks, and I didn’t really have to do anything, just kept improving the product. See, with my content, I had to keep trying to come up with new content that’s fresh, that no one’s ever talked about. With my old content, I had to keep updating and spending money on it. With the tool, it keeps generating goodwill traffic conversions without me putting in as much effort.

Now granted, upfront cost may be more, and in a bit, I’m going to teach you how to do it with actually less upfront cost than content, but it’s well worth it. And when I look at my ad agency, NP Digital… If you haven’t checked out, we help companies of all sizes grow their traffic.

If you look at NP Digital, over 40% of our customers are coming from Ubersuggest. That’s the power of the tool, that’s what you can’t take for granted. So what I want you to do, is go and create a tool for free and put it on your website. You can go find developers on Upwork, Toptal. And if you can’t find people at any of these places, what I want you to do is go to Codecanyon. Codecanyon is a site where there’s tools on everything.

You’re in the auto industry, there’s a tool for that. You’re in the mortgage industry, there’s a tool for that. You’re in the hair salon industry, there’s a tool for that. They literally have tools on everything.

So what I want you to do, is go to the site, check out one of the tools. I’m not affiliated with them. And you can get some of these tools for $5, $10, $20, 50 bucks. Usually, it’s rare to find a tool on Codecanyon for over 50 bucks. And pop it on your website, white label it, and then boom.

Over time, you’ll find that the tool generates more traffic, more backlinks, and it helps you generate more SEO traffic without really doing SEO.

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A Dead Simple SEO Strategy That’ll Generate 1 Million Visitors

SEO is super competitive. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was just a strategy that worked, and that wasn’t as competitive, and didn’t take as long to get results? Today, I’m going to break down a super, dead simple SEO strategy that can get you a million visitors a month.


So the first thing I want you to do is head to Ubersuggest you go to or And I want you to type in You know Quora as that question and answer site. If you look here, this is Quora’s traffic, this is their SEO traffic.

Look, how many visitors they are getting, it’s just crazy, right? Now this is the estimation, but still they’re in the, well into the millions of visitors a month, if not hundreds of millions.

They’re ranked for literally millions and millions of keywords. And if you look, you can see a lot of the keywords are ranking for. You know, they ranked for 27.7 million keywords between the position 51 and a 100.

So what’s their strategy? Well, look at this. What are good ways to log out of Facebook? What is the correct, thank you, or thank you, or thanks you, or thank you? What is Delta S in chemistry, and what is the difference?

Quora’s on everything. So you’re not going to get as much traffic as them and that’s okay. But how do you find questions in your space? Well, I want you to type in keywords related to your space. Let’s say you’re in marketing.

Now you just type in the keyword marketing within Ubersuggest. And then I want you to click on questions. These are all the keywords that are popular in your space.

Some of these get searched a lot, some get searched a little. And a lot of them aren’t competitive, as you can see, here’s the SEO difficulty, how competitive it is to rank on Google? Green means easy.

I want to talk about Instagram because a lot of marketers want to leverage Instagram. So I would type in Instagram, into Ubersuggest, and again it’ll tell me all the keywords related to Instagram, and then I would click on questions again.

And this is assuming you’re on the keyword ideas report, right, that’s the key. And if you go to this, here for Instagram. All questions that you can end up breaking down and create article related to any of the questions that are within your space that have a low SEO difficulty, high volume and high CPC. High CPC usually means that traffic somewhat valuable.

Eventually you can cause it to convert. Even if that question article’s not, you know, selling anything, you can bring people to your website remarket them, or then drive them in a funnel, collect their email, promote through other stuff. And SEO difficulty. Again, as long as it’s easy, the volume’s decent, you should do it, and you can do it on anything.

And if you do this and then collect emails from those pages you can eventually sell your products and services from those articles. You can put up ad, you know, make money through ads, and have AdSense, or affiliate stuff, all ways to do really well.

But the key is, is you just got to go and create content around questions because the one thing that’s consistent is mostly keywords that are around questions are not competitive.

And by doing that, you’re going to end up generating revenue and getting traffic and ranking higher on Google with much less effort because terms aren’t that competitive.

Yeah, one page, isn’t going to drive you 20,000 visitors a month, but if you had a 100 pages that each drive you a 1000 visitors a month, that’s a 100,000 visitors a month.

That’s 1.2 million visitors a month.

That’s a lot of traffic.

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Content Marketing Part 1 – SEO Unlocked – Free SEO Course with Neil Patel

Today I’m going to be covering content marketing, part one. So we’re going to get into the fundamentals, and then the next lesson is going to go over step-by-step tactics that you need to implement to get results through content marketing.

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Before we get started, I want to let you know, don’t look back and ask, “Why,” look ahead and ask, “Why not?” Because, as we cover content marketing, what you’ll find is, a lot of companies are asking, “Hey, why should I end up doing it?” Well, you should end up doing it because it produces results, and I have some stats to show you later on.

But before we get started, let’s look at the evolution of Google. What most people don’t know is Google does more than one algorithm update per day, and as they’ve gone around over the years, they’ve gotten smarter and smarter, where now, a lot of it is related to artificial intelligence, and they’re really able to predict what humans want.

So why is content marketing important? I’ll go over a few of the main bullet points.

Conversion rates are six times higher for adopters against non-adopters, it results into increased brand awareness, 91% of B2B marketers use content marketing, so it’s not just for B2C, it’s also for B2B as well. 27% of U.S. internet users now have ad-blocking installed, so you’re not going to get to as many people as you used to through ads, so content marketing is another way to attract more people. And if you adapt, you can win, it’s a great way to compete against the bigger corporations.

And that’s why I really got into it, is because when you have little to no budget, and you want to compete with the big guys, ads are expensive, but content marketing is a good solution for you. If you do this, it’ll also help you build trust and authority with your ideal audience, which generates quite a bit of sales.

When you’re doing content marketing, if you don’t understand you’re customer’s problems, you won’t do well. It’s all about finding the balance between the keywords that you want to target with your site, and the content.

When it comes to e-commerce, you need to know the journey, especially with content marketing, from discovering the potential problem to understanding it to then figuring out solutions, to the type of product that you want to test the solution against, comparing your brand with other brands for the same type of product.

You also want to search for discount codes, see if people are using content for that. You want to look for your product specifically, see if there’s good content around that, and then of course, creative applications for your product. And this one applies to innovative products specifically, right? And we’ll go over examples of that in the upcoming lessons.

And creativity is a huge component in doing well with content marketing. And with this formula, we found that even if you’re not that creative, you don’t have to worry, just following this formula will get you results.

So the first step in Franklins’ Law of Content Success is String Ideas. Well, you can grab your keyword ideas from the earlier modules that we covered in SEO Unlocked.

Now that you have some keywords, you want to first figure out who you are, because not every company is the same.

This is super-important, especially at the beginning, you don’t want to go off-brand, because yes, it may drive traffic, but if it’s off-brand, it probably won’t drive any sales, and this is both for B2B and B2C.

If you have little to no traffic, and you have a brand-new site where you’ve done little to no SEO, put in a competitor’s domain here, because when you add a competitor’s domain name, you’ll be able to see what’s working for them, and it’s a great place to start. This will take you to a page that shows you all the keywords that you’re getting traffic for, or your competition’s getting traffic for, and it’ll give you an idea, on the right side of the report, of who else is ranking, and it’ll give you the essence of, all right, how much traffic can I get if I ranked higher, is this keyword representative of my brand, will it work well?

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The Complete Guide to SEO in 2020 (Full webinar)

If you want to start a website or blog and get traffic from SEO, watch this video to learn the fundamentals and some really unique strategies that you need to know to get results. We have built multiple sites to millions of pageviews (and dollars) from organic search traffic and here we share our strategy for how we did it. When you’re ready to start your business to earn online income, check out Project 24, our membership program that teaches you how to work toward replacing your current income with income from websites and YouTube channels in about 24 months. Check it out here:

Also check out our stupid fast and crazy functional WordPress theme, Acabado.

Resources from this video
Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines:
Income School’s Full E-A-T Webinar:

Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.