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In this tutorial, you’ll learn everything you need to know about Yoast SEO for beginners. You’ll learn how to optimize your WordPress blog for search engine optimization, and improve your website visibility among Google, Bing, and Yahoo! Search.
This Yoast Seo Tutorial is a great way to get started with improving your WordPress SEO, and it’s packed with easy to follow instructions. So if you’re ready to take your WordPress SEO to the next level, then watch this tutorial now!
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Rank #1 With Chat GPT:
00:00 Intro
02:21 Installing And Configuring Yoast SEO
08:17 Yoast SEO Options
29:21 Integrating Search Console And Search Engines
37:46 On Page Optimization
49:08 Additional Resources
51:11 Outro
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Are you looking for SEO WordPress plugins that are essential to set up? In this video, you’ll get to know the top SEO WordPress plugins as well as the ones that you never thought would be needed.
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Teil 17 Yoast SEO WordPress PlugIn einrichten Tutorial 2023
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In diesem Video lernst du, wie SEO funktioniert. Die Suchmaschinenoptimierung beschreibt verschiedene Maßnahmen, die du vornehmen kannst, um die Sichtbarkeit in den Suchergebnissen zu erhöhen. Wichtige Teilbereiche der Suchmaschinenoptimierung sind OnPage SEO, OffPage SEO und technisches SEO. Du kannst deinen Inhalt auch für andere Plattformen optimieren, wie z.B. YouTube, Amazon oder Pinterest. Wie das funktioniert, lernst du in diesem Video!
00:00 – Einführung
01:17 – Bezahlter Traffic vs. Kostenloser Traffic
02:02 – Wie funktioniert SEO?
02:55 – Keyword Recherche
04:33 – OnPage SEO
06:28 – OffPage SEO
07:06 – Technisches SEO
07:42 – YouTube SEO
08:31 – Local SEO
09:20 – Was kostet SEO?
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Die mit * gekennzeichneten Links sind Affiliate Links. Solltest du über diesen Link ein Produkt erwerben, erhalte ich dafür eine kleine Provision und du unterstützt damit meine Arbeit. Der Preis für dich bleibt dabei zu 100% gleich und verändert sich nicht. Vielen Dank für deine Unterstützung!
Learn How To Setup Yoast With Your WordPress Website. The Yoast Plugin Will Help Increase Your Website Presence and Visibility and help bring in more traffic from the google search results, plus its really simple to get setup and its completely free.
00:00 Intro
01:49 Installing Yoast
02:25 Setup Wizard
06:35 General Settings
07:40 Google Search Console
11:32 Submit Sitemap
13:12 Search Appearance
26:36 On-Page Optimization
33:25 Post Optimization
40:55 More SEO Practices
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More About Yoast:
The yoast plugin helps optimize your WordPress website for search engines like google, yahoo, and bing, you can change the way your website appears in the search engines. It can really help increase the organic growth of your website as well. In this yoast seo tutorial, i will cover all the things you need to know about the yoast SEO plugin. The yoast plugin also has features for people to share and identify your website with image sharing, another great way to get more exposure and i will cover more about this in this yoast seo tutorial.
For more tutorials like this, visit my website at
Wouldn’t it be great, if you could optimize your WordPress site for SEO without having to be an SEO expert. Well, there’s a way. Today, I’m going to break down WordPress SEO tutorial for beginners.
Look, there are four areas that you need to focus on. Normally, we’re going to go over each of them in detail, but I’ll also tell you which plugins to use. So you don’t have to worry about the details and you don’t have to learn any coding.
Factor number one, site speed and performance optimization. Now, before I dive into the main points on this, here’s why it’s important. If your site loads slower, what you’ll find is your conversion rates drop.
Now there’s a few things that affect your site load time. Cache, that’s where people don’t have to keep loading up your images. And they know that you’re saving the same ones over and over again, so they cache them. CDN stands for content delivery network.
So that way, whenever someone’s visiting your site from the UK, you don’t have to, you know, crawl through the broadband, pipes underneath the sea to visit your site. What they’ll do is they’ll just ping a server in the UK so that way just loads faster.
Then there’s lazy load. You know when you go to a site and you scroll down, there’s no need for them to load up all the images at once. Instead, they should load them as you scroll so that way you can improve the experience. JavaScript, sometimes if you have too much JavaScript on your site, it can slow things down.
Now the second factor that you need to pay attention to is technical SEO. Look, if Google can’t crawl your page and understand what’s on your page or able to read the content on your site. How are you going to rank for anything? And that’s why technical SEO is super important.
Everyone talks about link building, and you need all these links, new content, and they’re right. You do need links. You do need content. But if Google still can’t crawl your website, understand the content on the page, and read the code. Then it doesn’t really matter how many links you have. You’re not going to really rank for much.
The AMP framework just makes it so that way your pages load faster on mobile devices specifically for text-based articles. You also want to check your redirects. There’s 301 redirects, 302 redirects. One’s permanent, one’s temporary, but that can because the bots to go around in circles if they’re doing, if you’ve done your redirects wrong.
Third point, content marketing. Look, if you write content, no matter how amazing it is, if no one reads it, no one sees it. You’re not going to do well. So you got to really focus on the marketing of that content and making sure that your content is buttoned up as well.
So a few factors. Push notifications, you know, in your browser, whenever you’re on, searching on the web, especially if you’re a Facebook user. It will be like, oh, it’s Neil’s birthday. And they’ll show you this little notification box that comes up. Clicking on that is a push notification. And you can actually send that out on your website. So that way you can get more visitors.
Then there’s grammar. No one wants to read content that’s just poorly written. So make sure you check your grammar and fix it. Because Google’s like at the source in a dictionary, they know what’s good spelling, bad spelling, great grammar, bad grammar. If you’re writing, I love using Grammarly. That helps me a lot because I have terrible grammar.
Then you got your social sharing. You know, even though Facebook reach isn’t that great compared to what it was years ago, still better than nothing. You know, you still want to share that content on Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn and any other social site that’s applicable to your website. And of course, you want to collect emails.
The next factor, security. These days we’re all worried about privacy and security. You don’t want hackers to inject malicious code into your website or publish fake content on your website. And it happens. So that’s super important for you to avoid. So with security, you know, we did mention SSL earlier, but there’s also a few other plugins that can help like, Sucuri and Wordfence. Those are two check out.
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Полная настройка и обзор всех возможностей плагина Yoast SEO. Версия плагина 11.6.
Подробное, полное и правильное описание всех настроек и порядка работы с плагином. Разбирается работа плагина, в том числе и для использования в интернет-магазинах на основе Woocommerce
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Статья на сайте
Интро 0:00
1. Введение 0:36
2. Настройки 1:55
2.1 Общие – Возможности 2:32
2.2 Общие – Инструменты веб-мастеров 6:48
2.3 Отображение в поисковой выдаче – Общие 8:32
2.4 Отображение в поисковой выдаче – Типы содержимого 15:57
2.5 Отображение в поисковой выдаче – Медиа 23:18
2.6 Отображение в поисковой выдаче – Таксономии 25:05
2.7 Отображение в поисковой выдаче – Архивы 29:48
2.8 Отображение в поисковой выдаче – Хлебные крошки 30:32
2.9 Отображение в поисковой выдаче – RSS 35:57
2.10 Консоль поиска – 36:26
2.11 Социальные сети – Аккаунты – 37:08
2.12 Социальные сети – Facebook – 38:28
2.12 Социальные сети – Twitter – 42:06
2.13 Инструменты – Импорт-Экспорт – 43:03
2.14 Инструменты – Редактор файлов – 44:25
3. Метабоксы и аналитика текстов – 45:55
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Complete SEO Tutorial for Beginners Tutorial 2019! I’ll also be showing you how to use Yoast SEO to optimize a WordPress website.
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