How Long Does SEO Take to Work for New Websites?

How long does it take to see results from SEO? Find out how long it’ll take to see results from your SEO efforts (and what you can do to speed things up)

00:00 Introduction
01:05 Why SEO takes longer
05:42 How long it takes SEO to work for new websites
07:55 Avoid The Google Sandbox
08:40 Topical Authority Launch
09:24 Avalanche Technique
10:15 Fully Optimized Content
11:16 Expired Domains
11:59 301 Redirects
12:20 PBN Links

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Learn SEO in Just 5 Minutes a Day

Learn SEO in just five minutes a day. My company NP Digital was the 21st fastest-growing company in the United States according to INC Magazine. And SEO is one of the biggest reasons for my success and that company’s success. It allows you to get traffic, leads and sales without paying an arm and leg. If I had to buy my traffic with ads, it would cost $5,134,294 a month.

And ad costs keep going up each month, but that was the latest number when I Googled for each of my keywords just for shits and giggles. And that’s expensive. While with SEO, I don’t even spend 1% of that. If I had to spend that five plus million dollars, I wouldn’t have a profitable company.

So how do you become an SEO expert without having all the time in the world? Well, here’s how you do it in just five minutes a day.



Step one, go to Ubersuggest. Put it in your URL, create account, create a project and put in some of the keywords you want to rank for. Ubersuggest will also give you keywords that you can rank for if you don’t have any keywords that you want to rank for. This doesn’t even take five minutes. And every week, Ubersuggest will send you emails on what’s wrong with your site and how to fix it. And it’ll give you simple tasks, two or three, and that’ll improve your rankings over time and teach you SEO because you’re doing it on your own website.

Step two, I want you to read, Backlinko and Search Engine Land. You don’t have to read articles every day or anything like that, but just read one or two a week that you like. It’ll keep you up-to-date with new tactics and strategies and how to keep improving your rankings.

Step three, listen to Marketing School Podcast. Not every episode is on SEO. There’s an episode every single day, but at least one episode a week is usually on SEO. And the Marketing School Podcast is under five minutes. And as you listen to a few of the podcast episodes, if you just give it time and you listen to them for a few months, not every single day, but just pick some every single week, you’ll learn SEO quickly without spending more than five minutes a day.

Look, it doesn’t take much more than that. Just give it some time, do this for a few months, and you’ll learn SEO quickly without spending more than five minutes a day.

And if you don’t want to spend the time and you just want someone to spend more time on it and get the results faster, check out my ad agency, NP Digital, where we do this for companies. Heck we do all forms of marketing for companies.

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8 SEO Tips to Rank Your Business for Hundreds of Keywords in 2022

8 SEO tips to rank your business for hundreds of keywords in 2022.
In this video I show you how you can rank your business in google for hundreds, even thousands of keywords using straightforward SEO tips.
These Search engine optimisation tips will help your business rank in Google Search but also in Google Maps.
These SEO techniques DO work. How do I know? I use them for all my clients and I can see the results
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0:00 intro
1:11 SEO TIP N#1:Create detailed pages
2:36 SEO TIP N#2:Internal Links
4:19 SEO TIP N#3:External Links
5:43 SEO TIP N#4:Home page authority
7:13 SEO TIP N#5:Google Business Categories
09:23 SEO TIP N#6:Google Reviews
10:40 SEO TIP N#7:Is it working?
12:08 SEO TIP N#8:Don’t set and forget
GOOGLE MY BUSINESS SEO 2022 – The Fastest Way to Rank N#1 on Google Maps


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Rank #1 On Google With This Free SEO Checklist (2022)

The Best Way To Get Free Traffic is SEO! today, I am glad to announce the Ultimate Free SEO Checklist by H-educate. This checklist will save a lot of time!
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How Much Time Should You Spend on SEO in Order to Rank #1?

A key to SEO is setting realistic expectations. If you want to rank at the top, you should know this. Today I’m going to break down how much time you should spend on SEO in order to rank number one.

Hello Bar:

If you want to grow slow and steady, spend three to six hours doing research and creating content per week. Spend four hours in competitive research per month to identify new opportunities with keywords you are still not targeting, but that aren’t too competitive. I want you to spend another four hours optimizing for technical SEO per month. And you can do this through the Ubersuggest Site Audit report.

And if you want to grow aggressively, right, not slow and steady, but you want to grow aggressively, I want you to spend three hours a day doing research and creating content.

Spend a minimum of one hour per day, doing Link Building and Content Promotion. If you create a lot of content, you don’t ever promote it, you’re just not going to get the traffic no matter how good your content is. And then you need to spend at least three hours per week writing emails for your email subscribers and scheduling them.

And you can use tools like Hello Bar for that. You can use tools like OptinMonster for them. And you want to spend a minimum of three hours creating and scheduling content for your strongest social media platforms. Right, these platforms that you’re already doing well on, and you want to focus your attention on that. You could spend all your time on all the platforms out there, but we all know there’s not enough time in the day for that.

So do you want to know how I spend my time on SEO with the site that’s already established? Well, the way I spend my time is every single week I go onto Ubersuggest and I look for keyword opportunities. So on Ubersuggest I can type in my domain name, neilpatel, and there’s a report that looks at competitive domains and it shows me all the other competing domains. The keywords that I rank on that they also rank for.

Then I also look for all the keywords that they rank for, that I don’t rank for. And then I start looking at those keywords and seeing if they’re related enough for me to create content around. And then I start creating content around those pages.

And if you also have established website like me, the other big group of time that I spent a lot of energy on is I go onto Google search console. And I look for all the pages that are getting less traffic quarter over quarter, year over year. And if I can see trends of pages declining in traffic, I look for the keywords that are actually declining related to those pages.

The next thing that I spend time on is I make sure that my site is buttoned up from on-page SEO perspective. It doesn’t matter how much content creation that you have, or how much Link Building generation that you’re doing. If Google can’t crawl your website, you’re screwed. So I just make sure that my site’s buttoned up.

And if you create a project in Ubersuggest, it’ll automatically run a weekly site audit and tell you when there’s new errors that you need to fix and it shows them to you. So just fix those in priority because the ones that Ubersuggest presents first are the ones that you should fix first. Because they’ll have the biggest impact in growing your traffic.

And the last thing that I spend my time on when it comes to SEO, believe it or not, is collecting tons and tons of email. I found that if I build a brand, they call it the rule of seven in marketing. When someone sees or interacts with your brand seven times, they’re much more likely to evangelize it, buy your product, tell other people about it.

So by collecting emails, putting out more lead magnets, maybe blocking off part of my blog posts and say, put in your email to read the rest, by putting off free tools that allow me to collect emails and then sending out email blast.

Now, one thing that my team spends a lot of time on that I don’t, but this has helped my rankings is my team goes and updates a lot of my old content. And they just make sure it’s fresh and up-to-date, and still relevant.

And by doing that, we continue to maintain and grow on our SEO traffic. And that’s how established website should continually spend their time. You can also add in a lot of other tasks, but that’s where we spend the majority of our time to maintain and grow our traffic

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One SEO Trend That Is About to Change Everything in 2022 – And How to Use It In Your Favor

SEO is about to change. Are you ready? Today I’m going to break down one SEO trend that is about to change everything in 2022 and how to use it in your favor.


So what’s this trend? Do you think is going to be voice search. Do you think it’s going to be SEO on page SEO? Do you think it’s going to be backlink building? What do you think that trend is going to make everything change in SEO in 2022? Seriously, what do you think it is? I’ll give you a hint. It’s something related with tools. Can you guess what it is?

It’s actually automation. Automation is going to make everything much easier specifically, with content writing. So think of it this way. What happens if you can end up doing content writing that’s semi-automated using the GTP3, right? There’s a lot of tools out there like Jarvis that makes things really easy and it won’t create content that’s perfect, but it’ll create more than half of it. And then you can just go in there and modify it and adjust it.

Also tools are already doing competitive analysis and doing research, right? You use tools like Ubersuggest, it’ll tell you what’s working? What keywords are competitive? What doesn’t work, but check this out. What happens if more marketing could be automated? In Ubersuggest in 2021, we already released in beta, tools and scripts that you can put on your website that automates a lot of your on-page SEO. Tools like Jarvis automatically automate a lot of the content creation process. So what happens if you just start tacking on all these things.

If you start plugging all these tools together, you can automate a lot of your SEO, which will then make your life easier. Just imagine, you create a site error by publishing a new page and you don’t have to fix it. Ubersuggest fix it for you. Or you want to write content on a new topic that you’re not as familiar with. And you’re sending it to a great writer. They can use Jarvis to plug in some information and then boom, it cranks out a content piece for them that they just have to modify and cleanup.

And these tools are delivering, ready to write content, that’s not just outline, but that’s super thorough. And that can be valuable based on a lot of the top ranked pages already that are out there on Google. So let’s go over some of these tools,, Clearscope, surfer.seo. That’ll help with a lot of the content creation and the keywords.

Other tools, even some that help you write your content that we’re discussing are things like and, and Copysmith. And when it comes to on-page SEO, Ubersuggest is working on automating all of it. It’s already in beta and it works for WordPress. And then eventually we’re going to automate all on-page SEO, as well as all content creation. And then the long-term goal is even automate link building as well. So if you want to use automation in your favor, here’s what I would start with. And you can start in this order. I would specifically start with content and just use one of the content tools that I mentioned and use that to cut down your content time.

Then the second thing I would do is increase the amount of content you’re creating because your writing team should have more time. And then the third thing I would do is create a project flow within Ubersuggest, So when you go to Ubersuggest, and you create a project flow, you know, it’s tracking your rankings, your on-page SEO. You’ll then get notified when you can automate your on-page SEO. So then you don’t have to fix anything. So that way you’ll be right there in front of the line.

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Lost some of your SEO traffic? No worries. There’s a solution for that. Today, I’m going to teach you how to recover your loss SEO traffic.

Screaming Frog:

One thing I want you to do is check the URL on this screen. It’s a penalty indicator. So you can go to that URL and it’ll show you if your traffic loss is related to Google algorithm update. In addition to that, I want you to check Google search console for a manual penalty. Because if you have a manual penalty and they tell you what it’s for, you need to fix that as well.

Now, if you have a traffic drop from a specific algorithm update, it doesn’t mean there’s a penalty necessarily, right? It just means Google had just set algorithm that sometimes you’ll gain more traffic, sometimes you lose some traffic, sometimes you stay roughly the same.

The first thing you need to do is go to Ubersuggest and run an SEO audit. So there’s a site audit feature within Ubersuggest. And what it’ll do is it’ll break down your overall site, the health, your load speed. It’ll look at Google core web vitals and any issues.

Number two, check your website for malware. I want you to use Sucuri to scan your website for malware as well. You can go to the URL on the screen,, and that’ll help you figure out that, “Hey, is something wrong happening?”

Next, I want you to run a link audit. You’ll be shocked. Sometimes, you’ll get really bad sites from adult sites or gambling sites or pill sites linking to you that you don’t want just because someone’s trying to tarnish your rankings. So go to Ubersuggest and put in your URL and see if there’s any links that look shady and look at the anchor text.

Ubersuggest will break down the anchor text of the sites linking to you if you see any funny keywords, like any pill names like Cialis or Viagra, and funny enough, believe it or not, we see this sometimes in the client sites. You want to get all this stuff cleaned up, disavow them, try to remove them. And in most cases, Google’s really good. They don’t really try to penalize you for bad links that they know that you may have not created.

What are the keywords that used to rank for, but don’t rank for? I recommend searching for each of those keywords on Google. Look at all the sites that are ranking at the top. What are their articles covering that yours don’t? Is it that yours is still an outdated? Is it that their’s way more thorough and in-depth?

And I’ll take the content from the weaker one and make sure anything I didn’t talk about in the stronger page also includes those elements. In addition to that, I would go back and use Screaming Frog and crawl my site to see if any of my internal pages also links to the weaker article and I would change those URLs to the newer one.

So on top of doing the 301 redirect, you need to change your internal links as well to ensure that you’re updating your site.

Lastly, what I would do is make sure you delete any content that is irrelevant. You don’t need a site with a million pages. You’re not Wikipedia. You’re not New York Times. It’s better to have a thousand pages or a hundred pages that are super, super strong, and in-depth and thorough, than 5 million pages with 99% of them being weak, thin content that no one cares to read.

You’re spreading your juice, your authority, to too many pages that are weak and it can actually hurt your ranking versus having less content., which is owned by the New York Times, eventually got rid of the domain name “,” split their site into a handful of sites that are more niche-based.

They deleted thousands of pages of content and they saw their traffic go up because they focused their authority on relevant articles that are super useful to people versus irrelevant ones.

So if you use those strategies and implement them, you can recover your traffic.

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Sometimes the Best SEO Strategy Is To ABANDON Some Keywords

I have 9 million visitors and now I’m trying to get less traffic. Today, I want to break down how sometimes the best SEO strategy is to abandon some keywords.

A Step-by-Step SEO Strategy For Beginners | Getting Traffic With Old and New Websites:

3 SEO Trends in Automation for 2021 (Trend #3 Is Coming Sooner Than You Think):


Look, gets roughly eight to 9 million visitors a month. And it ranges, some months are better than others, some months I even had 10 million visitors, some months, there’s seven. Really depends on the season as well.

Now, when I look at, when I first started off, I wasn’t targeting buyers, I was targeting any keyword that would get high traffic, and I just wanted as much traffic as possible. People were searching on how to make money on Instagram. You know what? Boom, I create a article on that. People want to know how to get more Instagram followers. Boom, I create a article on that. People want to know something about TikTok, even though my customers don’t care to pay me for TikTok marketing, boom, I create a article on that.

Why was I doing that? Well, the main thing is, is I thought the more traffic, the better because a lot of people wanted this traffic and people would pay money to rank for these keywords or more so pay money to get at the top of Google in the paid ads.

And what I learned from that strategy is, if the intent of those keywords doesn’t exactly match what your ideal customer is looking for, you’re getting the traffic, but you won’t make any money. So you’re probably wondering, what am I doing now, right? Well, I’m doing a few different things.

First off, I don’t care for traffic anymore. Yes, I want more traffic, but I want the right traffic. I don’t really care if I have 9 million visitors or 1,000,000 visitors. I really care about conversions and what’s driving those conversions. And I’ve been doing this for a while now.

So I want you to go into Google Analytics, set up some goals and conversion tracking, and look to see what’s driving conversions. Focus more on getting those traffic sources. That’s the first step.

The second thing I want you to do is go and look for what your competitors are paying money on paid ads for. So you can use tools like Ubersuggest and put in your competitor’s URLs. See what keywords are ranking for, see what keywords are targeting for on a paid ad perspective. And that’ll give you a big idea of, hey, these are the keywords we should be going after and these are the keywords that we shouldn’t be going after.

The third thing that I’m doing is focusing on other channels that aren’t necessarily related to keywords. If you look at the big companies out there, Microsoft, IBM, Airbnb, Nike, whatever it may be, they grow their revenue in many different ways.

The next thing that I’m doing is going after keywords that I know I can easily rank for. So if you go to Ubersuggest and you put in a keyword that you know is good, like, I’m in the marketing industry, so I may put in digital marketing, and you’ll see a report that loads and it shows your overall traffic, like, for the term digital marketing and how many people click on it.

And you put your URL in there and it’ll end up breaking out once you put your URL, all the related keywords that are good and that you can easily rank for. And I want you to look at each of those keywords, do some searches, do some research, and make sure that you’re seeing direct competitors, not somewhat competitors, but direct competitors.

And if they are, and they have a high CPC and good traffic, that means I know that that’s a good keyword for me to target in SEO because it will drive sales, which is very important.

And that’s a strategy that I would recommend, and remember, traffic isn’t everything, conversions and sales is. It all starts with tracking your conversions in things like Google Analytics, which they can do for free.

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A Step-by-Step SEO Strategy For Beginners | Getting Traffic With Old and New Websites

Starting with someone who has no SEO strategy currently, let’s start there. Do you think there’s a site-wide level of optimization that has to happen? Like, straight up title tag, meta tag, optimization of different queries on the site, an internal linking structure, and then a content marketing strategy on top of that to add value to the site, as a base level SEO strategy? Or what would you suggest to someone who, first level is they don’t currently have an SEO strategy, and then we’ll ask about someone who already does, and what they can optimize, but just base level, if you don’t have one, what do you do in today’s world?

The Biggest Impact on SEO:

Social Media Strategies To Boost Your SEO:


You know, you can look at keywords, top pages, et cetera. But what I wanted to show you is this is the easiest thing. So you just click on Site Audit. Again, this is free. I don’t even capture an email straight up, this is just free. So you don’t have to put in an email to use it, and it’ll tell you everything that’s wrong. Pages, your score, your load time. And you can be like, “All right, “let’s look at my Issues, or Critical Errors.” And you can just go to all of them, and be like 31 pages have a low word count.

And then you can to Warnings, and you can do the same thing. Two pages have duplicate meta descriptions. So what is it, right? So what is that, and how do I fix it?

It just breaks down everything you need to fix, in priority, from how hard is it to implement, to how much traffic will you get by fixing them? So that’s the first part of SEO, right? It’s just like the lowest hanging fruit. The second part is all about keywords.

So if I’m trying to target the keyword, marketing, and this is super effective, or digital marketing, right? And I use these tactics on my own site. To give you an idea, if I type in digital marketing, I think I’m like number one or two or something. Here’s all the paid listing, and I am the first organic listing. I do that for a lot of terms like online marketing. I’m up there somewhere. I’m number two. Funny enough, number one’s also my website. Although I sold it.

But here’s a simple thing I do. It’s all about finding the right type of keywords, right? The way I find the right type of keywords is, one, you can just type in keywords like digital marketing, or whatever you want to target. Here’s my process.

I go and I look for keywords, and I just click View All Keywords, and it’ll show me everyone who’s ranking, how many links they have, their domain scores, socials, et cetera. So I’ll go find keywords, and it gives me solid metrics. When I mean solid, as in non-opinionated metrics. Like the average webpage that ranks in the top 10 has 435 backlinks and a domain score of 49. So I know, is it going to be easy for me to get 435? Is it going to be hard? because I can have a rough idea of how many links I have.

So I’ll just go through here, and I’ll find keywords. As you can see, there’s like 500 suggestions here. Here are some other related keywords I’ll post from our database. This has 30,000 recommendations.

And then the last step when I’m trying to create content, after I find some keywords that are typically… I look for keywords that are high in volume, high in CPC, and I want to go after keywords that have a low SEO Difficulty.

So that’s abbreviation of SD. It’s like digital marketing company has a high CPC, volume’s not bad, low SEO Difficulty, which means people are typing that in, me being an agency, probably a good keyword to go after, because it probably converts well if people are paying $17 a click.

And the way you do this is you just create content. So there is a Content Ideas section of the tool, and it’ll show you all the content per country, so you can break it down by whatever country, or language, or region you want. And, technically, you can break all the reports down by that. And you want to look for articles that are somewhat popular, because it’s breaking down the social shares, as well as articles that have decent search traffic, as well as a lot of backlinks.

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The Biggest Impact on SEO

Eric Schmidt the ex-CEO of Google once said, brands are the solution, they’re not the problem, right? It’s how you sort out the good companies from the cesspool. And I’m paraphrasing his quote, but you guys get the point. It’s pretty much saying brands are important and brands are a key factor in Google’s rankings.

How to Build a Global Brand (7 Shortcuts I’m Using to Build My Brand Internationally):

Growing Your Brand on Facebook:

How To Create A Compelling Brand:


So, I once, over time I noticed a trend, more and more people were typing in my domain name into Google. So my domain name is for one of my sites where people are typing in my name, Neil Patel SEO, Neil Patel tools, Neil Patel Ubersuggest, Neil Patel content marketing, et cetera variations of my name.

And what we found is if we didn’t build links or anything, well our brand spiked from PR or whatnot, and it spiked for a month or two, all of our ranking skyrocketed. And even when the PR went down and the brand queries went down, our rankings maintained or close to maintained to their peaks. So we found that Google loves brands.

Like, we’ve seen and tested sites in different regions globally. And even if you build links, you write the right content, you’re super thorough, we found that if you don’t have brand queries, you don’t rank as high. But if you have a ton of brand queries and you barely have links or anything like that, your ranking skyrockets.

There’s an algorithm change back in 2009, that was a big brand update, I believe. And since then, bigger brands have been getting a benefit. Now, “bigger brands”. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be a bigger company, right?

You don’t have to be a Nike or Wikipedia. You just have to be a big brand for the keywords you’re trying to rank for. And you don’t have to be the biggest brand. You just have to be somewhat of a brand. Like, my brand queries suck compared to Nike I get roughly a hundred thousand visitors a month from people googling Neil Patel even though my domain name’s But yeah, I still rank well, and so does Nike but Nike probably gets a hundred thousand queries every single minute.

You do YouTube, you’re on social media, you blog, you speak at conferences, you build a brand. And you do that whether it’s personal or whether it’s corporate. and just look at how much business you got because of brand, not a lead, you have rankings and get traffic to your site, but it also helps generate business as well. And you can do that for a corporate brand, and again a personal brand, but very few people spend time and energy into it.

So I stick with the rule of seven. When someone sees your brand or hears about it seven times and interacts with it seven times they’re much more likely to become a loyal follower. Again, whether it’s personal or corporate.

So, simple things that you can do is, one, collect emails. If you collect emails, anytime you update your content, or have something new, like a YouTube video you can always blast it out. Two, you can do push notifications. So, anytime someone comes to your site, have them subscribe. Anytime you have new content or want to push out a message, let them know. Three, leverage social media all of the channels out there, because they believe that you’re not going to find someone on one channel or another, but you know, if you leverage all of them you’ll get something. It’s better than nothing. Four, engage with people.

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