What Is SEO? And How Does It Work? [Real Results Inside]

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What is SEO? How does SEO work? Today we’re telling you everything you need to know about getting started with SEO. Watch now for information on basic SEO, how search engines work, and much more.

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Unfortunately, when I talk about SEO to some of our clients, their confused responses make me feel like I’m speaking a foreign language… And a lot of people think that SEO is just too complicated.

But what if I told you that SEO wasn’t so complicated?

What if I told you that SEO is really simple, but it’s just the technical jargon that really intimidates people?

If you’re intrigued by this, buckle-up. Because today, we’re breaking SEO all the way down.

What Is SEO Video Outline:

Intro: (0:00)
SEO Case Study: (1:34)
What is SEO?: (2:46)
Why is SEO Important?: (5:27)
The Biggest SEO Objection: (9:00)
How to Get Started with SEO: (11:38)
Conclusion: (15:12)


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– Blog: What is SEO? https://www.lyfemarketing.com/blog/what-is-seo-and-how-it-works

– Blog: What is an SEO Company? https://www.lyfemarketing.com/blog/what-is-seo-company/

– Service: Atlanta SEO Services: https://www.lyfemarketing.com/atlanta-seo-company/

– Pricing: Affordable SEO Pricing: https://www.lyfemarketing.com/seo-pricing/


What is SEO?

SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, is the process of optimizing your website to get organic, free traffic from the search engine results page.

Why is SEO Important?

SEO is so important because your customers rely on it to find business solutions, traffic from SEO is more likely to convert, and SEO can dramatically lower your customer acquisition costs over time.

What is the biggest obstacle to SEO?

Time. In order to succeed at SEO, you will need to adapt the right strategy, discipline, and patience. Then, over time, you can enjoy the compound effects of SEO traffic.

What are the Steps to implement SEO?

In short, you have to help Google understand you, then trust you. You can do this through on-page and off-page SEO.


➡ SEO Services: https://www.lyfemarketing.com/atlanta-seo-company

➡ Check out our Social Media Advertising Course: https://www.lyfemarketing.com/social-ads-mastery/

➡ We’re LYFE Marketing, a full-time digital marketing agency for small businesses. We help people grow online through various marketing channels. We help you de-code if advertising is the right fit for your growth trajectory, or see if organic growth is more of your speed. Regardless, our goal is to build a massive portfolio of success stories. So one day, we can look back and say that we made a difference in the world. This channel will provide you with good tips and suggestions for a large range of marketing topics. And we’re not holding back. But if you want a tailored strategy, then don’t hesitate to contact us on our website.

Link Building with Google Ads: Results from $1,245 in PPC Ads [Ep. 3]

In part 3 of our 3-part series, you’ll learn the process and results from our link building experiment where we tried to build links via PPC advertising.
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Additional Link Building Resources

Link Bait Case Study (SEO Stats Post) [Complete Playlist] ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvJ_dXFSpd2u_ABxIRO6RVK3ucKyzn96Y

[Episode 1] How to Write a Blog Post That Attracts Backlinks (Case Study) ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTF6OBwidhc&list=PLvJ_dXFSpd2u_ABxIRO6RVK3ucKyzn96Y&index=1

[Episode 2] Link Building Case Study: Results of 515 Outreach Emails ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMcA-8nalL8&list=PLvJ_dXFSpd2u_ABxIRO6RVK3ucKyzn96Y&index=2

Link Building for Beginners: Complete Guide to Get Backlinks in 2020 ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5ddo63kHHI

Link Building Tutorials (Step-By-Step) ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvJ_dXFSpd2tjUTuAHpHidz5e2hAedP_m

7 Attributes of High Quality Backlinks ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3mDlVutW_o&

Link Building for a New Website: 5 Actionable Ways to Get More Backlinks ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sF-m5LKCf4

If you’re new to this series, our first video was about strategically building a statistics page that would generate links. And in our second video, we showed you how we built links to that page.

And now, in this episode, we tried to see if PPC advertising is a viable link building strategy.

But before we show you the results of the campaigns, it’s important to get some context on how this series began.

Basically, Tim, our CMO introduced a concept called the “the vicious circle of SEO”. This happens when people search for something and read the #1 result. Some of them will link to that page from their own websites. And because of the new links, that #1 page stays at the top, creating a virtually endless loop of total domination.

And since for many queries, there are Google Ads at the top, we thought, why not pay for ads and see if we could earn links?

So, we decided to run our first experiment to see if we could get backlinks to a page. Here’s what we did.

► We created a duplicate version of an existing case study.
► We noindexed that page to make it invisible to everyone, except those who saw the ad.
► We set up a simple search campaign in Google Ads

You’ll see our experiment set-up, plus the results of our link building experiment in the video.

Given the relative success of our first experiment, we decided to run a second PPC campaign to see if we could get more links. Here’s what we did.

► We created a list of stats (documented in part 1 and 2)
► We set up a simple search campaign in Google Ads.

You’ll see our experiment set-up, the results and our takeaways in the video.

#linkbuildingcasestudy #linkbuilding #linkbuildingwithgoogleads

Be sure to subscribe for more actionable marketing and SEO tutorials.

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Comment améliorer son SEO ? Les 3 piliers du référencement naturel

🔥Aujourd’hui, intéressons nous à la stratégie d’acquisition gratuite la plus puissante en E-commerce : Le référencement naturel. Découvrez comment améliorer votre SEO et comment apparaitre des les premiers résultat de Google. 🔥

🚀 Testez la vitesse de votre site sur Google Page Speed Insight : https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/


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D’abord reprenons les bases.
Qu’est-ce que Google va prendre en compte pour votre référencement naturel ?

Il y a 3 facteurs qui vont influencer votre SEO :

1. La technique (10 à 15%).
En gros, est-ce que votre site est bien réalisé et respecte les normes actuelles ? Est-ce que votre boutique s’affiche assez rapidement ?

2. Le contenu (30 à 35%).
Est-ce que vous avez assez de contenu ? Est-ce que le champ sémantique / les mots utilisés sont assez variés pour faire comprendre à Google ce que vous faites exactement ?

3. La popularité de votre site (50 à 60%).
Est-ce que votre site est souvent cité sur d’autres sites ? Est-ce que les liens (backlinks) que vous avez obtenus sont de bonne qualité ?

Comme vous le voyez, même en 2018 le facteur le plus important reste la popularité de votre site.

Mais ce n’est plus portes ouvertes comme il y a encore quelques années.
Non, non, non M. Google veille à ne plus être manipulé aussi facilement…

Haaa… la bonne époque où quelques annuaires, quelques commentaires sur des blogs (pris au hasard) et 3 communiqués de presse en ligne suffisaient à donner un coup de boost à son site.

C’est terminé tout cela.
Mais vous voulez que je vous dise ?


Parce que si Google aime la qualité et laisse moins de place aux tricheurs, cela vous donne plus de chance.
Car vous, vous avez compris que seule la qualité fonctionnerait à long terme.

Bon, maintenant la question que vous vous posez c’est :

Comment augmenter la popularité de mon site … en prenant en compte les critères de qualité de Google ?

Et bien ce qui fonctionne le plus actuellement c’est de publier des articles de fond (800 mots minimum) sur des sites ou blog qui traitent de votre thématique.

Il y a 2 méthodes pour cela :

– Payer un blogueur ou lui offrir un de vos produits en échange d’un article (mais il faut trouver les blogueurs intéressés… c’est vite long et couteux)

– Ecrire des articles (uniques ! c’est très important) et les publier sur des sites de votre thématique. Souvent vous devez faire un échange pour cela (mais il faut avoir soi-même des blogs de qualité à disposition pour publier les articles des autres)

Bref, pas évident lorsqu’on est e-commerçant mais je ne peux que vous conseiller de réserver plusieurs heures par semaine à cette activité. En effet, quand ça paiera, ce sera pour des années !