Email Marketing Basics

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Sending newsletters and special offers to customers via email can play a key part in your overall marketing plan, building and strengthening relationships with your customers. In this video, we’ll explore:
– developing a contact list
– targeting audiences based on interests
– building relationships with customers.

Google AdWords Keyword Research Tutorial for Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising Campaigns

Discover how to use the Google AdWords Keyword Planner to do Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising Keyword Research. The Keyword Planner is an amazing free keyword research tool because you can learn about ad group suggestions, keyword volume, advertising competition, and suggested bids. All you need to do is enter 1 keyword into the Google AdWords Keyword Planner and you can find thousands of keywords.

Google Keyword Planner Surfside PPC Article:

It is difficult to set-up your Google AdWords search network campaigns without doing keyword research. One of the most important parts to setting up an optimal AdWords PPC advertising campaign is to find the correct keywords for your campaign. By using the suggested bids and tracking your PPC advertising campaigns into Google Analytics, you can drive conversions and sales.

You can also use this keyword research for Bing Ads campaigns as well. Once you build your campaign and complete it in Google AdWords, you can export it and import it directly into Microsoft Bing Ads. Since Bing and Google are so similar, the most popular keywords tend to be the same. The only difference is Bing has less volume and generally has less competition as well, which leads to slightly lower costs.

Keyword research is also vital for search engine optimization purposes. SEO is a great way to drive organic website traffic and continue to drive sales to your website over time. If you don’t know the most important keywords within your niche, you won’t rank for them on search engines. In addition, you won’t know what to bid on for PPC Advertising.

In conclusion, the keywords research video can help you find all sorts of keywords for services like Pinterest ads, Google AdWords, Bing Ads, YouTube Ads, Twitter Ads, and more advertising services. If you can find the top 20-30 keywords that drive optimal website traffic, you will be able to make money online. Whether you own a small business website, a large corporate website, or you do affiliate marketing, this video will be helpful for you. In 2017, the keyword research tips and strategies above are all you need.

What is the value of a keyword? Is a keyword profitable? These are questions you may have but you will have to collect data in Google Analytics in order to answer them properly.

Pay Per Click – les secrets des campagnes PPC

Voici les secrets des campagnes PPC ou Pay Per Click.

Il n’y a pas que les Facebook Ads (annonces Facebook) pour attirer du trafic. Vous pouvez aussi simplement créer des campagnes Pay Per Click ou PPC, notamment en utilisant Google Adwords. Cette vidéo vous dévoile tout, en 3 minutes.

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O que é SEO?

Quer saber tudo sobre SEO? Acesse nossa página completa sobre o assunto:

[eBook] O Guia Completo do SEO:

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) é o conjunto de ações que visam otimizar sites, aplicativos, páginas, imagens e outros ativos para mecanismos de busca, como o Google. O principal objetivo do SEO é a melhora de posicionamento no ranking dos buscadores, para aumentar sua visibilidade e consequentemente seu tráfego orgânico.

What is PPC? – Pay-Per-Click Explained!

Learn more about our PPC management services at

SEO is a great way to get better search engine rankings, but even the best SEO strategy takes time to get results. Most SEO campaigns take 6-12 months to show any page 1 results — and even after 1 year, SEO requires constant work to keep your rankings since competition for page 1 ranking is so high.

That’s why we do PPC advertising for our clients! PPC is a great option for businesses who want new leads fast — in some cases a PPC campaign can start generating sales within hours of launching the campaign!

You’ve probably seen those 4 little ads at the top of Google search results, right? Those are PPC ads! Through the Google Adwords platform, we can get your ads to show at the top of Google!

And here’s the best part: PPC stands for “Pay-Per-Click”, which means you only pay once someone clicks on your ad! If someone does a search and reads your ad without clicking on it, you pay nothing! Compare that to traditional TV or Radio advertising where you pay a large sum of money up front without knowing how many people are actually looking at your ad!

Our Pay-Per-Click strategy starts with our PPC experts doing keyword research. This helps us figure out what specific Google searches we want your ad to show for. For example, if you own a chiropractor business, you would want to show your ad when someone searches for “best chiropractor near me”. But, you wouldn’t want your ad to show for someone searching “chiropractor schools near me”. We sort through thousands of keywords to find which ones for which we should show your ad, and which we should block.

The next step is to build and optimize your landing pages! A landing page is the page that a customer lands on after clicking on your PPC ad. To maximize customer follow through with a phone call or completion of an online form, landing pages must be properly designed and built.

With PPC advertising, we can drive highly qualified traffic to your website and help your business grow. Interested in trying PPC ads for your company? Reach out to Geek Powered Studios to get started today!

Learn More at

What is PPC? An Introduction to Pay Per Click Marketing – In this video guide, Samantha Noble provides an introduction to PPC, including how it works, how to save money using it and the different methods of tracking success. Don’t forget to Subscribe to our channel to receive a new Digital Marketing video each week! Check out our other useful Digital Marketing posts at:

5 Crazy Ways Social Media Is Changing Your Brain Right Now

Your brain may never be the same!
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Written and created by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitter @whalewatchmeplz).

Further Reading–

Abnormal White Matter Integrity in Adolescents with Internet Addiction Disorder: A Tract-Based Spatial Statistics Study

Phantom vibrations among undergraduates: Prevalence and associated psychological characteristics

Cognitive control in media multitaskers

Amygdala Volume and Social Network Size in Humans

What is the role of dopamine in reward: hedonic impact, reward
learning, or incentive salience?

Why TikTok is Now the No. 1 Social Media App

TikTok has come out of nowhere and may take many people by surprise. In this episode, we’ll explore where it came from, it’s parent company ByteDance and the controversy surrounding it.

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ColdFusion is an Australian based online media company independently run by Dagogo Altraide since 2009. Topics cover anything in science, technology, history and business in a calm and relaxed environment.

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When AI is the Product: The Rise of AI-Based Consumer Apps


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