HubSpot Email Marketing | How To Use HubSpot For Email Marketing (2024)
In this video I show you How To Use HubSpot For Email Marketing. It is really easy to do and learn to do it in just a few minutes by following this super helpful tutorial.
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Wir sehen uns in dieser Folge an, wie wir ein Großunternehmen erfolgreich zu einer starken digitalen Marke gemacht haben und für das gesamte Produktportfolio Top-Platzierungen erreichen konnten.
0:00 Einleitung
0:21 Eckdaten
1:55 Ausgangssituation
3:36 Herangehensweise
3:40 Phase 1
7:56 Phase 2
12:55 Was kannst du aus diesem Projekt lernen?
Nützliche Ressourcen zur Folge:
– OnPage-SEO-Checkliste:
– B2B-Content-Marketing:
– Konzern SEO Case Study:
– Noch mehr SEO Cases:
Highlights aus der Folge:
– Vorstellung eines erfolgreichen SEO-Projekts für einen B2B-Hersteller von Raumsystemen.
– Einblick in die Herausforderungen und Lösungsstrategien bei der digitalen Markenbildung und SEO für Großunternehmen.
– Wichtige Lernpunkte für andere Unternehmen, inklusive der Bedeutung von Wissenstransfer und Stakeholder-Management.
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Do you know what is Pay Per Click? Do you want to learn how does PPC work? In this video you will learn everything you need to know about PPC. To learn even more, check out this article
PPC or pay per click is a digital advertising model where an advertiser pays a specific amount each time a user clicks on one of their ads and visits their website.
But how exactly does it work? What are its advantages? Keep watching this video to find out, as long as seeing some Pay Per Click examples.
00:00 – Introduction
00:35 – What is Pay Per Click?
01:00 – Other payment models (PPM and PPA)
01:31 – 7 advantages of using PPC
03:23 – Examples where PPC is used
03:34 – PPC Ads in Search Engines
04:16 – PPC Ads on Social Networks
04:44 – PPC Display Ads
05:10 – Farewell
Download the FREE Ebook with the 222 Digital Marketing Trends and Predictions for 2022
Inbound Explained by Cyberclick is a YouTube series dedicated to all things Inbound Marketing. From tutorials to quick tips and tricks, if it’s about Inbound, we’re explaining it. We’ll help you become an Inbound Marketing expert.
Cyberclick is a digital marketing and advertising agency specialized in online campaigns. We use results-oriented strategies to develop successful Inbound Marketing, Email Marketing, Social Ads, Native Advertising and Performance Marketing campaigns.
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SEO is all about the long game, slow and steady wins the race. At our agency, NP Digital, clients stick around with us for years, in our enterprise division, we’re keeping clients for five plus year, that’s a long time. Eventually, we’ll probably start keeping enterprise clients for over seven years, but keep in mind, we’re a newer agency.
So even though SEO is a slow and steady game, it works, but do you really have to wait that long to get the results that you want? The answer is no. There are quick ways to get results, maybe not all the results you want, but you can get immediate results. So let’s break down five tactics to get you quicker results.
Way number one, find almost ranking phrases. The more keyword that you rank on page one for, the better off you are, because no one really goes to page two. Majority of the traffic’s on page one, and ideally at the top of page one. Did you know that you can find all the terms that you’re raking somewhat well for, and quickly optimize those, so that way you can just pop up to page one? I want you to log to Google Search Console, click on search results, then click on average position, and then scroll down and click on pages.
But when you add those terms within those areas that I just mentioned, your title tags, your content, your URL, it can quickly boost your rankings. Now, keep in mind if you change your URL, you got to do a 301 redirect from your old URL to your new URL, and you got to adjust all your old internal links to make sure they’re going directly to the new URL.
Way number two, add a free tool to your website. I added a free tool called Ubersuggest to my website. It increased my backlink count by 24,453 referring domains. The more links you have, the higher you will rank over time. And here’s a cool thing, you can do this same exact thing to your website. You don’t have to build a tool from scratch like me either, you can just add one to your website for 10, or even 15 or $20. All you have to do is go to a site called CodeCanyon where you combine a tool within your industry and just purchase it, and you can just put it on your website.
You of course won’t generate as many backlinks that I generated through Ubersuggest because I built a custom tool, but over time, as you’re getting results from using tools let’s say from CodeCanyon, or wherever else you can find them on the web, eventually as it starts getting traction, your rankings increase, you start generating more money, then you can invest the time and resources and money to build your own custom tools.
Way number three, add internal links. You publish new content all the time, right? Well if you don’t, you should start doing so, but if your new content doesn’t have backlinks, it won’t rank well. Now links take a while to get, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t get results. One quick hack is to go into your older articles and modify it. Within your older articles, add a few links to your newly published articles. This way, your new content starts ranking higher, faster. As a general rule of thumb, only modify old articles that are related to the new one. You don’t want to add internal links unless it makes sense.
Way number four, optimize your meta tags for higher ranking. You don’t have to bill links to rank higher, you can just adjust your meta tags, from your title tag to your meta description, and even as a bonus, optimize your URLs.
Way number five, content is king, so write it in half the time. Look, if you can write your content half the time, in theory, you can produce more, maybe double the amount of content, and generate even more traffic. The caveat here is though the quality needs to be great, not up to par, but great, better than up to par. On Ubersuggest, we have an AI writer that helps you write content. It won’t fully write the content for you, but it starts you off and helps you optimize for the right keywords. From there, you can modify it and create a masterpiece in half the time.
So head on over to Ubersuggest, go to the lab section, and click on AI writer. From there, put in a keyword that you want your article to be about. For this example, I selected marketing, then select the title that works for you, then select a meta description, then select a few headings, and boom, you’ll have article in seconds.
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Do you know what is Email Marketing and how to do it? In this video we will explain Email Marketing for beginners to know how to start with examples of its best practices and techniques. Click here to discover some of Email Marketing’s best practices
Email marketing involves sending emails to a list of existing and/or potential customers. Nowadays it is still one of the best practices to do in digital marketing.
It’s a very easy and simple way to reach your potential customers at little to no cost for you.
In this link you will find the 10 best Email Marketing tools and services
00:00 – Introduction of Email Marketing
00:23 – What is Email Marketing
00:45 – Return Of Investment in Email Marketing
00:55 – Why Email Marketing works so well?
01:40 – Examples of Email Marketing’s functions
02:10 – Basics of Email Marketing
02:15 – 1. SMART goals and contact strategy
02:50 – 2. The 3 Vs to get registrations via email
03:40 – 3. Identify the right metrics
04:40 – 4. The 3 Vs of unsubscribing
05:25 – Farewell
Download the FREE Ebook with the 222 Digital Marketing Trends and Predictions for 2022
Inbound Explained by Cyberclick is a YouTube series dedicated to all things Inbound Marketing. From tutorials to quick tips and tricks, if it’s about Inbound, we’re explaining it. We’ll help you become an Inbound Marketing expert.
Cyberclick is a digital marketing and advertising agency specialized in online campaigns. We use results-oriented strategies to develop successful Inbound Marketing, Email Marketing, Social Ads, Native Advertising and Performance Marketing campaigns.
Follow us on Twitter: More information:
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This SEO strategy is used by some of the world’s top websites to drive millions and even tens of millions of visitors to their site every month.
It’s also evergreen, meaning you do it once and it can be earning new traffic for years.
00:00 — Intro
03:12 — The Content Strategy
06:26 — Prioritising Your Content
07:04 — Calls to Action
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Who We Are
Exposure Ninja is a full-service digital marketing agency offering search engine optimisation (SEO), content marketing, PPC (Google Ads and Facebook Ads), influencer outreach, email marketing, and website design and development.
In this video you’ll learn how to create your own newsletter on HubSpot — how to change its sections, add content and customize it. A newsletter is a great way to reach potential buyers, and a great start to your email marketing campaign. Try HubSpot for Free
Thinking about getting HubSpot? We’ll schedule a call to help you discover the tool and feature pack that’s best for you, free of charge
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Inbound Explained by Cyberclick is a YouTube series dedicated to all things Inbound Marketing. From tutorials to quick tips and tricks, if it’s about Inbound, we’re explaining it. We’ll help you become an Inbound Marketing expert.
Cyberclick is a digital marketing and advertising agency specialized in online campaigns. We use results-oriented strategies to develop successful Inbound Marketing, Email Marketing, Social Ads, Native Advertising and Performance Marketing campaigns.
Follow us on Twitter: More information:
Du lernst, wie du dafür sorgst, dass sich deine SEO-Maßnahmen schnellstmöglich rechnen & welche Leitfragen dir dabei helfen.
Weitere relevante Videos & Quellen: Keyword-Recherche 2022: Lokale Landingpages: Alles Wichtige über die Keyword Difficulty: Business Model Generation, Alexander Osterwalder Product-Led SEO, Eli Schwartz
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Wir widmen uns heute der Frage, wie man die Wirtschaftlichkeit von SEO maximieren kann.
(Dabei nehmen wir an, dass du SEO für dich selbst und nicht für einen Kunden machst.)
Stell dir vor jedem SEO-Unterfangen folgende strategische Fragen: Wie funktioniert mein Geschäftsmodell? Wie wird sich mein Geschäftsmodell mittel- und langfristig weiterentwickeln? Wie & wo verdiene ich mein Geld? Wie kann mein spezifisches Geschäftsmodell von SEO profitieren?
Die Antworten auf diese Fragen sorgen dafür, dass du ausschließlich sinnvolle Maßnahmen planst. Sie sind ausschlaggebend für alles Weitere: deine Content-Strategie, welche Seiten du priorisierst etc. Unterm Strich ist SEO kein Hobby, sondern ein Instrument, um Gewinn bzw. Profit für dein Unternehmen zu generieren.
Evergreen Media als Beispiel:
Unser Hauptbereich ist laufende SEO-Betreuung, zusätzlich gibt es Einzelpakete. Daher sind für uns als Unternehmen jene Seiten bzw. Keywords besonders wichtig, bei denen Suchende schon relativ nah an der Anfrage (= Conversion) sind, wie z. B. “seo betreuung”, “seo pakete”.
Das Keyword darf gleichzeitig nicht zu schwer zu ranken sein. Sonst dauert es zu lange, bis sich die Investition rechnet! Bewerte immer wieder die Qualität der Leads über unterschiedliche Traffic-Quellen.
Wenn du nun anhand solcher Überlegungen die Content-Strategie aufbaust, orientiere dich an folgenden Faustregeln bzw. Fragen: Kommerzielle stehen über informativen Keywords. Je höher der Klickpreis bei Google Ads, desto wahrscheinlicher handelt es sich um ein lukratives Thema. Wie relevant bin ich mit meinem Geschäftsmodell für diese Keywords? Kann mein Unternehmen hier überhaupt mitspielen? Oder ist die Konkurrenz zu stark? Wo liegt das Potenzial?
Nehmen wir ein beispielhaftes Keyword-Set für Evergreen Media:
“seo kosten”, “beste seo agentur”, “seo betreuung”, “seo pakete”, “onpage optimierung”
Aus den o. g. Regeln würde sich folgende Priorisierung für die Keywords ergeben:
1. “seo betreuung” (kommerziell) als wichtigste Seite
2. “seo pakete” (kommerziell) als Seite, die lukrativ und wichtig zum gegenseitigen Kennenlernen ist
3. “beste seo agentur” (primär informativ mit Conversion-Potenzial)
4. “seo kosten” (informativ mit Conversion-Potenzial)
5. “onpage optimierung” (informativ) als relevantes Keyword für einen Tool-Anbieter, aber nicht unbedingt für uns als SEO-Agentur
Wenn du Prioritäten je nach Geschäftsmodell setzen willst, helfen dir diese wertvollen Daumenregeln: für Online-Shops: Startseite & Produkt-Kategorieseiten, dann Produktseiten, dann Ratgeber B2B-Dienstleister: Startseite & Leistungsseiten & Lösungsseiten B2B-Produzenten: Startseite & Produkt-Kategorieseiten, dann Ratgeber lokal tätiges Unternehmen: Startseite für Unternehmensart + Ort, dann Standortseiten, dann Local Landingpages, dann Ratgeber
Und wann haben informative Keywords aka Ratgeber/Blog/Lexikon/… Priorität?
Immer dann, wenn… es um Linkziele für den Linkaufbau geht bereits alle SEO-relevanten kommerziellen Seiten perfektioniert wurden der Fokus ein Content-Marketing-Ökosystem ist (= das Unternehmen will sich primär als die Anlaufstelle in der Nische positionieren)
Deutsch, Deutschsprachig, Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, German
In this video we will cover one really important part of email marketing. About confirmation emails.
Confirmation email is an automatic email sent soon after a user completes a specific action. Primarily, an in-store purchase, a booking, a subscription to a newsletter or online magazine, or registration for an event.
Confirmation email has great power to:
– Reduce post-order anxiety
– Deliver important information
– Update customers on the next possible steps
To read article and download 25 confirmation email templates –
00:00 – Intro
00:30 – When do clients need confirmation emails
01:26 – What is confirmation email
01:54 – Advantages of the confirmation emails
03:33 – Types of confirmation emails
05:21 – 25 confirmation email templates
05:54 – Summary
Wouldn’t it be great, if you could optimize your WordPress site for SEO without having to be an SEO expert. Well, there’s a way. Today, I’m going to break down WordPress SEO tutorial for beginners.
Look, there are four areas that you need to focus on. Normally, we’re going to go over each of them in detail, but I’ll also tell you which plugins to use. So you don’t have to worry about the details and you don’t have to learn any coding.
Factor number one, site speed and performance optimization. Now, before I dive into the main points on this, here’s why it’s important. If your site loads slower, what you’ll find is your conversion rates drop.
Now there’s a few things that affect your site load time. Cache, that’s where people don’t have to keep loading up your images. And they know that you’re saving the same ones over and over again, so they cache them. CDN stands for content delivery network.
So that way, whenever someone’s visiting your site from the UK, you don’t have to, you know, crawl through the broadband, pipes underneath the sea to visit your site. What they’ll do is they’ll just ping a server in the UK so that way just loads faster.
Then there’s lazy load. You know when you go to a site and you scroll down, there’s no need for them to load up all the images at once. Instead, they should load them as you scroll so that way you can improve the experience. JavaScript, sometimes if you have too much JavaScript on your site, it can slow things down.
Now the second factor that you need to pay attention to is technical SEO. Look, if Google can’t crawl your page and understand what’s on your page or able to read the content on your site. How are you going to rank for anything? And that’s why technical SEO is super important.
Everyone talks about link building, and you need all these links, new content, and they’re right. You do need links. You do need content. But if Google still can’t crawl your website, understand the content on the page, and read the code. Then it doesn’t really matter how many links you have. You’re not going to really rank for much.
The AMP framework just makes it so that way your pages load faster on mobile devices specifically for text-based articles. You also want to check your redirects. There’s 301 redirects, 302 redirects. One’s permanent, one’s temporary, but that can because the bots to go around in circles if they’re doing, if you’ve done your redirects wrong.
Third point, content marketing. Look, if you write content, no matter how amazing it is, if no one reads it, no one sees it. You’re not going to do well. So you got to really focus on the marketing of that content and making sure that your content is buttoned up as well.
So a few factors. Push notifications, you know, in your browser, whenever you’re on, searching on the web, especially if you’re a Facebook user. It will be like, oh, it’s Neil’s birthday. And they’ll show you this little notification box that comes up. Clicking on that is a push notification. And you can actually send that out on your website. So that way you can get more visitors.
Then there’s grammar. No one wants to read content that’s just poorly written. So make sure you check your grammar and fix it. Because Google’s like at the source in a dictionary, they know what’s good spelling, bad spelling, great grammar, bad grammar. If you’re writing, I love using Grammarly. That helps me a lot because I have terrible grammar.
Then you got your social sharing. You know, even though Facebook reach isn’t that great compared to what it was years ago, still better than nothing. You know, you still want to share that content on Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn and any other social site that’s applicable to your website. And of course, you want to collect emails.
The next factor, security. These days we’re all worried about privacy and security. You don’t want hackers to inject malicious code into your website or publish fake content on your website. And it happens. So that’s super important for you to avoid. So with security, you know, we did mention SSL earlier, but there’s also a few other plugins that can help like, Sucuri and Wordfence. Those are two check out.
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