Tư duy xây dựng hệ thống Email Marketing (phần 1)

Tư duy xây dựng hệ thống Email Marketing (phần 1)

►Link đăng ký tài khoản Getresponse: http://bit.ly/1DmrRfF

Ngày 04/09/2019: KHAI GIẢNG DỰ ÁN 100 V13
► Link đăng ký học tại đây: http://www.duan100v13.com/
(Dành cho các bạn ở xa)
(Tặng mã nguồn Website chuẩn SEO trị giá 10 triệu VNĐ)
► Kiếm tiền với Affiliate trên Unica: https://goo.gl/dYWuXU
► Đăng ký Chatbot Free 5000 Sub tại: http://nguyenhuulam.com/fchat
► Tạo Landingpage miễn phí tại http://nguyenhuulam.com/ladipage
► Tạo Email với Getresponse tại http://nguyenhuulam.com/getresponse

► Link đăng ký nhận hỗ trợ miễn phí: http://nguyenhuulam.gr8.com
Người hướng dẫn
►Ths. Nguyễn Hữu Lam
►Tel: 0982.033.031
►Website: http://hpsoft.vn
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Rank #1 on Google Using 7 Free SEO Tools | Neil Patel

In today’s tutorial I’m going to share with you 7 free tools that will help you rank #1 on Google. Learn these SEO optimization techniques and skyrocket your rankings on Google! If you’re new to the world of SEO (search engine optimization), these seven free tools will go a long way in helping you formulate a strategy for reaching your goals.

Google Neil Patel


Google Search Console: https://search.google.com/search-console/about

Ubersuggest: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/

Yoast SEO Plugin: https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/seo/

Websiteresponsivetest.com: http://www.websiteresponsivetest.com/

Google Trends: https://trends.google.com/trends

Google PageSpeed insights: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/

Keywords Everywhere: https://keywordseverywhere.com/

Read more SEO tips on my blog: https://neilpatel.com/blog

Tool #1. Google Search Console

Google Search Console will show you all the keywords that you’re ranking for that are driving the majority of your traffic.

By creating your own headline or title tag that’s more appealing, as well as including the keyword, you’re more likely to get clicks.

Tool #2. Ubersuggest

Google Search Console has already showed you what keywords you’re getting traffic for. If you plug these keywords into Ubersuggest, it will show you all the long tail variations of those keywords. If you already rank for the headterms, it’s really easy to rank for the long tail terms.

Tool #3. Yoast SEO Plugin

This plugin will make your life so much easier if you run your website on WordPress.

Yoast SEO Plugin will help you optimize your code, title tags, meta description and create a XML sitemap.

Tool #4. Websiteresponsivetest.com

Your site needs to be mobile compatible and putting your website into this tool will tell you, if your website is responsive and mobile friendly.

Tool #5. Google Trends

By creating a brand, you’re going to do better on Google.

And Google Trends shows you how your brand is doing compared to other people. You want the bigger brand and Google Trends will show this.

Tool #6. Google PageSpeed insights

More people use Google on their mobile devices than on their desktop computers. That’s why speed is so important. Google has an index just for mobile sites. So, you want to ensure that your website loads as fast as possible.

Tool #7. Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere plugin will show you how many people are searching for your terms and related keywords as you’re using Google. It’ll give you more keyword ideas, because you can see the search volume and how good some of these keywords are.

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
Read more on my blog: https://neilpatel.com/blog

#NeilPatel #seo #seotips

Email Marketing Bangla Tutorial: How to Use Autoresponder (Email Automation)

Send Message: https://m.me/hellolazuk
Email Marketing Bangla Tutorial: How to Use Autoresponder (Email Automation). Email marketing is the lifeblood of online marketing and most of the marketers don’t know how to use email automation for a successful internet marketing business. If you want to be a success in affiliate marketing, CPA marketing or any other online business then you should have good knowledge about email marketing.

In this video, I explain how to work email automation system in GetResponse. I use WordPress and Thrive Architect for my business. It can save my time and money to build a high converting sales funnel.

Create Your 30 Days Free Trial Account on GetResponse: https://www.lazukhasan.com/go/getresponse/

Check Series Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcDs7Qy_rqhQbdr_Ag9d8PqHBG7s662my
⚠️ Warning: All the all videos for better understanding

#lazukhasan #email #marketing

Buy Your Domain: https://www.lazukhasan.com/go/namecheap/
Buy Thrive Architect Page Builder: https://www.lazukhasan.com/go/thrivearchitect/
My Other Videos Link: https://www.lazukhasan.com/other-videos/

Check out my marketing resources which tools I use for my business:

Step-by-Step Training Video:

Bluehost: https://www.lazukhasan.com/go/bluehost/
Namecheap: https://www.lazukhasan.com/go/namecheap/
Godaddy: https://www.lazukhasan.com/go/godaddy/

ClickFunnels: https://www.lazukhasan.com/go/clickfunnels/
Thrive Architect: https://www.lazukhasan.com/go/thrivearchitect/

Long Tail Pro: https://www.lazukhasan.com/go/longtailpro/
SEM Rush: https://www.lazukhasan.com/go/semrush/

GetResponse: https://www.lazukhasan.com/go/getresponse/
AWeber: https://www.lazukhasan.com/go/aweber/

NinjaOutreach: https://www.lazukhasan.com/go/ninjaoutreach/

Thrive Themes and Content Builder: https://www.lazukhasan.com/go/thrivearchitect/
Thrive Leads: https://www.lazukhasan.com/go/thrive-leads/

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Google AdWords Keyword Research Tutorial for Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising Campaigns

Discover how to use the Google AdWords Keyword Planner to do Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising Keyword Research. The Keyword Planner is an amazing free keyword research tool because you can learn about ad group suggestions, keyword volume, advertising competition, and suggested bids. All you need to do is enter 1 keyword into the Google AdWords Keyword Planner and you can find thousands of keywords.

Google Keyword Planner Surfside PPC Article: https://surfsideppc.com/google-keyword-planner/

It is difficult to set-up your Google AdWords search network campaigns without doing keyword research. One of the most important parts to setting up an optimal AdWords PPC advertising campaign is to find the correct keywords for your campaign. By using the suggested bids and tracking your PPC advertising campaigns into Google Analytics, you can drive conversions and sales.

You can also use this keyword research for Bing Ads campaigns as well. Once you build your campaign and complete it in Google AdWords, you can export it and import it directly into Microsoft Bing Ads. Since Bing and Google are so similar, the most popular keywords tend to be the same. The only difference is Bing has less volume and generally has less competition as well, which leads to slightly lower costs.

Keyword research is also vital for search engine optimization purposes. SEO is a great way to drive organic website traffic and continue to drive sales to your website over time. If you don’t know the most important keywords within your niche, you won’t rank for them on search engines. In addition, you won’t know what to bid on for PPC Advertising.

In conclusion, the keywords research video can help you find all sorts of keywords for services like Pinterest ads, Google AdWords, Bing Ads, YouTube Ads, Twitter Ads, and more advertising services. If you can find the top 20-30 keywords that drive optimal website traffic, you will be able to make money online. Whether you own a small business website, a large corporate website, or you do affiliate marketing, this video will be helpful for you. In 2017, the keyword research tips and strategies above are all you need.

What is the value of a keyword? Is a keyword profitable? These are questions you may have but you will have to collect data in Google Analytics in order to answer them properly.

Cách sử dụng Email marketing với Getresponse từ A – Z (FULL)

Hướng dẫn sử dụng hệ thống Email Marketing với Getresponse từ A – Z (FULL)

►Link đăng ký tài khoản Getresponse: http://bit.ly/1DmrRfF

Ngày 04/09/2019: KHAI GIẢNG DỰ ÁN 100 V13
► Link đăng ký học tại đây: http://www.duan100v13.com/
(Dành cho các bạn ở xa)
(Tặng mã nguồn Website chuẩn SEO trị giá 10 triệu VNĐ)
► Kiếm tiền với Affiliate trên Unica: https://goo.gl/dYWuXU
► Đăng ký Chatbot Free 5000 Sub tại: http://nguyenhuulam.com/fchat
► Tạo Landingpage miễn phí tại http://nguyenhuulam.com/ladipage
► Tạo Email với Getresponse tại http://nguyenhuulam.com/getresponse
► Link đăng ký nhận hỗ trợ miễn phí: http://nguyenhuulam.gr8.com
+ Cách đăng ký tài khoản Email với Getresponse
+ Tạo chiến dịch
+ Tạo Form
+ Tạo Landingpage
+ Gửi Email tự động
+ Tạo danh sách khách hàng
+ Chiến lược phễu bán hàng

Người hướng dẫn
►Ths. Nguyễn Hữu Lam
►Tel: 0982.033.031
►Website: http://hpsoft.vn
►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nguyenhuulamhp82



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4 Proven Email Marketing Templates

4 PROVEN EMAIL MARKETING TEMPLATES | Email marketing is NOT dead. Here are four of the most profitable email marketing templates you should be using as a copywriter.

While other marketing channels are indeed on the rise, email is still one of the most effective and personalized ways for businesses to communicate with their audience. It helps them improve their reach and visibility, and convert more leads on a consistent basis.

As a copywriter, your job is to write email messages that matter to your subscriber, and ultimately compel them to take action. So, be sure to hit the subscribe button for more copywriting tutorials and tips coming your way every single week.

Tweet this video: https://ctt.ac/K0nt5

Looking to start your freelance copywriting business? Join my Copy Posse Coaching Program Early Notification List here: http://www.alexcattoni.com/posse

Follow me on social:

Article by Dean Jackson on the 9 Word Email: https://medium.com/@thatdeanjackson/an-amazing-9-word-email-that-revives-dead-leads-d1a1e97e5eea
Podcast with Dean Jackson on his 9 Word Email: https://ilovemarketing.com/an-amazing-9-word-email-that-revives-dead-leads-with-dean-jackson-at-joe-polishs-genius-network/
Matt Furey’s Website: https://knockoutmarketing.com/products/
Matt’s Blog: https://www.mattfurey.com/uncensored/
Frank Kern’s Website: https://frankkern.com/
Review of the 4 Day Cash Machine campaign: https://profitcopilot.com/the-4-day-cash-machine-by-frank-kern.html
Andrea Chaperon’s Auto Responder Madness Course: https://tinylittlebusinesses.com/products/autoresponder-madness/

Email Marketing: What Is Email Marketing Basic Idea Part 1

Email Marketing: What Is Email Marketing Basic Idea Part 2
What sort of email?
In its broadest sense, the term covers every email you ever send to a customer, potential customer or public venue. In general, though, it’s used to refer to:

0 Sending direct promotional emails to try and acquire new customers or persuade existing customers to buy again
0 Sending emails designed to encourage customer loyalty and enhance the customer relationship
0 Placing your marketing messages or advertisements in emails sent by other people
Give me an analogy…

You can think of these three main forms of email marketing as the electronic equivalent of:

1. Direct mail
2. Sending people a print newsletter
3. Placing advertisements in subscription magazines and newspapers

There is, however, one extremely important difference – the issue of permission (see later).

Why is email marketing so popular?

Email marketing is so popular because:
Sending email is much cheaper than most other forms of communication
email lets you deliver your message to the people (unlike a website, where the people have to come to your message)email marketing has proven very successful for those who do it right