Why Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck’s Kids Are NOT on Social Media | E! News

Jennifer Garner, who shares three kids with Ben Affleck, is sharing the real reason why her kids are not on social media in a recent interview on “TODAY.” Listen!

Full Story: https://www.eonline.com/news/1371126/why-jennifer-garner-and-ben-afflecks-kids-are-not-on-social-media?source=youtube&medium=enews

#JenniferGarner #BenAffleck #ENews

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Why Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck’s Kids Are NOT on Social Media | E! News

Top 10 Celebrities That Refuse To Be On Social Media

Top 10 Celebrities That Refuse To Be On Social Media
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It seems that being social media famous is something that almost everyone is trying to accomplish these days, but even though everyday people are on social media trying to get famous, there are tons of celebrities that could have millions of followers if they wanted, but dont because they refuse to have social media accounts. But also with all the stuff that goes down on social media, maybe there onto something by not having it… hey whats up IOers its mackenzie here and today on the juiciest channel on youtube, if i do say so myself, im gonna be listing Top 10 Celebrities That Refuse To Be On Social Media and why.

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