Email Marketing vs. Marketing Automation Explained

Email Marketing or Marketing Automation? Is there a difference?
Many businesses we talk to at TechnologyAdvice are under the impression that marketing automation and email marketing are the same thing. Buyers often find themselves comparing two systems that are designed for different jobs. To find the best email marketing solution that fits your business visit:

To find the best marketing automation solution for your business visit:

To download the buyers guide on marketing automation:

The business technology marketplace is diverse, and most buyers struggle to determine which options are best for them. At TechnologyAdvice, we don’t think this should be such a challenge. That’s why our team is dedicated to creating quality connections between buyers and sellers of business technology. We help buyers make well-informed purchase decisions through comprehensive product listings, industry analysis and user-generated reviews. In addition to serving buyers, we work with vendors to grow their customer base through our unique demand generation programs. These programs improve product awareness by placing matched solutions in front of their ideal customers.

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Introduction to Email Marketing

Email marketing doesn’t need to be complex. Join Mike Madden, Sr. Demand Generation Program Manager at Marketo, for this short, easy-to-digest, and actionable 15-minute webinar to learn the fundamentals of email marketing. We’ll define the metrics, discuss copy and design, and give you the essentials you need to understand and implement a bulletproof email marketing strategy.

You’ll learn:

– How to write subject lines that beg to be opened
– Best practices for testing and measuring your email campaigns
– Pitfalls, perils, and how to avoid them

How to Build an Email List From Scratch (Email Marketing in 2020)

In this video we’re going to go through 6 strategies that you can use to build your email list fast, even if you’re starting from scratch.

Email marketing is a really good way to get personal with your audience, by allowing you to send the right message to the right customer at the right time. Email has strong conversion rates across multiple industries. On average, businesses can earn $44 for every dollar spent on email marketing. But in order to generate revenue you need to grow your email list.

To unlock email marketing’s potential, you first need a list of email subscribers. Lucky, convincing someone to give you their email address is a lot easier than convincing them to make a purchase

This video will show you the steps you can take today to start building your email list:
00:00 How to Build an Email List From Scratch
01:16 Leverage Partnerships with Email Co-Marketing
02:27 Influencer Marketing
04:21 Create A Mini Course
05:43 Optimize Your Shopify Store
06:42 Contests And Giveaways
07:48 Creating a quiz
08:48 Bonus: Tactics That Grow Your Email List But Don’t Scale

Marketing is a deep topic. So if you’re interested in learning more, register using the link below to gain access to a free 30 minute webinar that will help you level up your marketing by changing the way you think about your store’s marketing funnel. Learn how to go from first day to first sale in this free training course.
► Sign up for free here:

► Influencer Outreach Template:
► How To Make A Mini-Course:

In this course, you’ll learn how to build an engaged email list and automate your email marketing campaigns for maximum impact on your bottom line.
► Ecommerce Email Marketing 101:

Resources on Shopify:
► How to Build an Email List that Builds Your Ecommerce Business:
► Learn Email Marketing: Everything from List Building to Advanced Lifecycle Automation:
► Email Marketing Best Practices: How to Improve (Almost) Every Email:

Build your home based business using a 14 day FREE trial of Shopify , one platform with all the ecommerce features you need to start, run, and grow your business.

10 Best Email Marketing Tips in 2021

You want people to open your marketing emails and you positively want them to click your call to action inside. Email marketing is one of the most effective content marketing tools available for your small business, and we’re going to help you get the most out of your email efforts with these 10 easy email marketing tips.

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How to Maximize Your Customer Lifetime Value with Email Marketing – Email Marketing Unlocked

In today’s lesson, I’m going to be breaking down email optimization, but why should you optimize your emails? Well, it’s all about lifetime value. The more you optimize your emails, the more revenue you can generate through emails, and when you think about lifetime value of a customer, there are some people in many cases where they’re generating 30, 50, $60,000 from people on their email lists. They’re getting their customers to continually come back and buy from them, continue doing upsells, downsells. A great example of a company who has amazing lifetime value from their email address and their users is Amazon. So how do you start optimizing? Well, let’s get started.

Download the Assets mentioned in this course:

First off, you have a welcome email. When someone joins your list, give them a welcome email. The goal is to continue to educate users and give them stuff that benefits them so that way they stay activated and they continually want to buy any of your products or services in the future.

Then you have notification emails. These ones have one of the highest open rates. They should be real time that are triggered by specific actions that someone takes or even doesn’t take.

You also want to have high-value newsletters. So emails aren’t just about selling. You want to educate and provide tons of value, because if you spend a majority of your time educating, you know, they say 80/20 rule.

Then you have the review email. This is for getting surveys, feedback, getting reviews for your products or services, and this is great because it gives you instant feedback so that way you can fine tune your products and services, which will help increase your overall revenue word-of-mouth marketing as well.

Now you have the cart abandonment sequence. Literally, you’ll be lucky if 50% of the people that hit your checkout page and start putting in their information even complete the process. So how do you get those people to keep coming back? And we have all these templates in the Email Marketing Unlocked course that we’re giving you so that way you don’t have to start from scratch, and you can find all of these at

And then, of course, purchase receipts. When someone makes a purchase, you want to let them know that they made the purchase. Here’s the proof that you charged your card and when they’re going to get their product or service.

So try to just make people feel good. That’s the key with emails, from feeling like they’re important, and the way you make them feel like they’re important is to treat them as if they are important, because if you find them important, great, they’ll feel that way. If you don’t find them important, well, they’ll see right through it.

Make sure you help them out, educate them, do whatever you can to solve their problems, and that’s how you really get users that keep coming back and open up your emails, which will then allow you to continue to upsell. Upselling allows you to generate more revenue from your existing customers.

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Doppler Tutorial: Email Marketing de principio a fin

El Email Marketing es una de las acciones más económicas, fáciles, accesibles y exitosas del Marketing Online. En esta capacitación conocerás todos los pasos necesarios para crear una Campaña que quede en el recuerdo de tus Suscriptores y logre tu triunfo comercial.

¿Quieres conocer Doppler? La aplicación más simple y efectiva para hacer Email Marketing. Sólo tienes que hacer click aquí:

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Curso de marketing automation, (Automatización) E-goi – Email Marketing 2 de 3

Cursos marketing automation 👉el mundo digital hay múltiples metodologías que nacen para facilitarnos la vida, y la automatización de procesos es una de ellas. Esta alternativa sirve para optimizar procesos, ahorrar tiempo y reducir costos; evitando tareas que resultan tediosos y que requieren significativas horas laborales. Sácale el 100% a tus capacidades e invierte tu tiempo en estrategias y no en operaciones mecánicas con menor valor.

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BEST Email Marketing Automation Platform – TOP EMAIL MARKETING TOOLS

Hi Guys!

If you do a quick internet search, you’ll find several marketing automation out there, but which is a Top marketing automation tool? This is a bit tricky, especially if you don’t know what to look for.

In this video, I cover an in-depth review of top marketing automation Platform . If you have ever wondered if best marketing automation Platform – Sendlane was worth it or not, by the end of this video, hopefully, you’ll be able to decide whether or not it is right for you.

If you’re curious to find out the best marketing automation Platform, then take the time to watch this video now!