Site Migrations: SEO Mythbusting

In the fourth episode of SEO Mythbusting season 2, Martin Splitt (Developer Advocate, Google) and Glenn Gabe (Digital Marketing Consultant, G-Squared Interactive) discuss the most common SEO questions and myths around site moves, URL migration, domain name changes, and more!

Specific timestamped topics discussed in this episode:
Redirecting images during a site redesign or migration (0:00)
Will you always experience a drop in traffic with a domain name change or a site migration? (1:53)
Buying a new domain name with history & traffic anomalies (2:40)
Site merger vs site move (6:24)
What goes on on the Google side once a domain name change is triggered? (8:12)
Why would one use the Change of Address Tool? (10:16)
If a site moves, is there a reassessment of content quality by Google? (11:15)
Should you revert back if a site migration results in a major drop in traffic? (14:54)
Should one unblock URLs normally blocked by robots.txt during a site migration? (17:31)
Most common problems after a site moves & doing things step-by-step (18:16)

Documentation mentioned in this episode:
How to 301 redirect images during a website redesign or CMS migration →
Site moves (with URL changes) →
Change of Address Tool →
Penguin update →

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Page Speed: SEO Mythbusting

In the third episode of SEO Mythbusting season 2, Martin Splitt (Developer Advocate, Google) and Eric Enge (General Manager of Digital, Perficient) discuss the most common SEO questions and myths around page speed.

Specific timestamped topics discussed in this episode:
The general misconception about page speed & ranking (0:00)
Why is page speed important? (1:57)
Page speed vs content relevancy (3:00)
Average vs recommended web page size (4:54)
Page speed optimization (5:48)
The intricacies of Lighthouse reports, data, and scores (7:44)
Page speed on the different user devices and connections (9:18)
Page speed, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), and Progressive Web Apps (PWA) (11:36)
More on page speed as a factor in Google Search ranking (13:06)

Documentation mentioned in this episode:
Evaluating page experience →
Why performance matters →
Mobile page speed – industry benchmarks →
Lazy loading →
Lighthouse →
Chrome User Experience Report →
Progressive Web Apps →

Watch more SEO Mythbusting episodes →
Subscribe to Google Search Central →

Debunking Election & Social Media Myths | WIRED

With the upcoming presidential election there’s been plenty of talk about social media’s potential impact. MIT professor Sinan Aral takes a look at some common myths swirling around social media and the upcoming election, and examines their validity. Can social media actually sway elections? Does fake news spread faster than real news? Are voting booths hack-proof?

Sinan Aral is the David Austin professor of management at MIT, Director of MIT’s initiative on the digital economy and the author of the book “The Hype Machine,” which you can check out here:

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Debunking Election & Social Media Myths | WIRED

Google and the SEO community: SEO Mythbusting

In the last episode of SEO Mythbusting season 2, Martin Splitt (Developer Advocate, Google) and Barry Schwartz (CEO, RustyBrick) discuss the relationship between Google and the SEO community.

Specific timestamped topics discussed in this episode:
What does ‘it depends’ depend on? (0:00)
Introduction to the episode (0:59)
Featured snippets, publishers & Google (2:03)
Too little transparency, too much transparency? (5:03)
Submitting feedback (7:00)
Not using Android or Chrome data for ranking (7:56)
AMP & the Top Stories Carousel (9:15)
More on Google’s communication with the SEO community (11:52)
Why doesn’t Martin Splitt want to know about ranking? (16:02)
‘The best possible website’ & user testing (17:04)
Bloopers 🙂 (19:16)

Documentation mentioned in this episode:
Google Surveys →
Google Search Liaison →
Top Stories and AMP →
Top Stories and page experience →

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