This tutorial will help you understand advanced email marketing. I’ll cover how you should segment emails and increase your open rate, what metrics you should investigate and ultimately how you’ll increase engagement and thereby conversions (and more!)
Many marketers neglect the importance of their email marketing analytics and don’t have a sufficient knowledge about their subscribers, which results in impersonal marketing campaigns. They don’t have a clue about what their subscribers like and what they want to read about.
They send the same emails to every subscriber on the list and ends up with mediocre results.
If you are an email marketer who wants to become the best marketer you can be, then you should listen to some of the advice I give in this video.
I touch upon terms such as click-through rate, click-to-open rate, the power of written and visual content, demographic segmentation and engagement and conversion with lifecycle marketing.
With email marketing analytics, you can analyze your current data and learn about your subscribers’ preferences.
If you want to go more in-depth with email marketing analytics you can read our blog post here:
This video shows you the NEW Shopify Email which allows you to easily send email newsletters to your subscribers for marketing and sales purposes. This video showcases:
– Email Newsletter Campaign Results and Reports
– How to Create a New Email (send out and schedule) from Templates & Prior Emails
– How to Customize Your Email
– Tips on Customer Groups (segments)
In questo video la mappa delle cose da sapere per chi vuole usare le mail per comunicare. Per professionisti, influencer e piccole imprese che vogliono creare una strategia partendo da zero.
Video in collaborazione con @Smshosting
Questa la piattaforma di email marketing di Smshosting
Il canale Youtube di Smshosting
0:00:00 | Intro
0:04:50 | La landing page
0:08:30 | Il form di iscrizione
0:12:02 | La CTA (Call To Action)
0:15:46 | Il lead magnet
0:19:58 | La privacy
0:24:09 | Due tipi di e-mail marketing
0:29:27 | Cosa scrivere nelle mail?
0:38:41 | Le statistiche
0:44:31 | I contatti passivi
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Hai fruito gratuitamente di questo contenuto grazie ai finanziatori e alle finanziatrici che ne hanno sostenuto la realizzazione.
Besoin de trafic? Téléchargez votre formation gratuite ici:
Vous rédigez des newsletter? Vous avez une liste d’inscrits que vous faites grandir avec votre ou votre chaine YouTube?
Dans cette longue vidéo, je vais tout vous expliquer sur l’emailing: comment publier des newsletter, des funnels, comment vendre avec vos emails. C’est quasiment une formation au marketing offerte.
Dans cette vidéo, vous allez découvrir comment le marketing par email (ou e-mail marketing) peut propulser vos affaires, même à l’heure des médias sociaux.
Aprenda nesse vídeo algumas dicas essenciais para fazer o bom uso de sua lista de emails e obter bons retornos com email marketing e marketing de conteúdo.
Quer aprender mais? Acesse os materiais complementares:
Email Marketing – O Guia para Criar Campanhas de Sucesso
Guia da Newsletter
Email Marketing Trends – Uma pesquisa sobre as práticas de Email Marketing no Brasil
For the complete free course and certification visit Google Digital Garage
Sending newsletters and special offers to customers via email can play a key part in your overall marketing plan, building and strengthening relationships with your customers. In this video, we’ll explore:
– developing a contact list
– targeting audiences based on interests
– building relationships with customers.
Best Practices for Email Marketing During a Crisis: Webinar Recording + Q&A
Email Snarketing
What we owe each other: Marketing during the unthinkable
Really Good Emails Emergency Email Examples
How to be a human marketer in a pandemic like COVID19
Video transcription
Have any additional questions? Please leave them in the comments.
The old adage of making lemonade out of life’s lemons doesn’t work if you don’t have the right ingredients on hand. And it probably won’t taste good if the lemons are especially old, moldy, and covered in COVID.
In this week’s Feedback Friday, we join Litmus and Email Snarketing to talk about what you can do in a crisis and the importance of having a plan in “times of uncertainty”.
🍿 Feedback Friday: A video series to explain the hurdles that good emails should overcome to be really good.
Really Good Emails Tees
If you want people to open your emails, you need to pay attention to your email newsletter design. Good design is key to enticing readers to scroll through your entire email, and better yet, click to your website. And Visme is the perfect start for creating email designs that your audience loves:
If you’re currently experiencing poor email marketing results, the first thing you need to do is take a look back at your most recent emails. How do they look?
Then compare your emails to some of the best brand emails you’ve ever gotten. Do they compare? If the answer is no, then it’s likely other emails are stealing your audience’s attention, even if they aren’t even direct competitors.
You want to stand out in your audience’s inbox as a must-read email newsletter. The best way to do that is by placing an emphasis on your email newsletter design.
In this video, Mike Ploger dives into 12 email newsletter design tips that will help to boost your company’s email marketing results.
By implementing these, you’ll see an uptick in opens and clicks and a decrease in unsubscribes. Just a few of the newsletter design tips you’ll hear in this video are:
– Design for mobile devices – more than half of all email users read email on their smartphones
– Keep your text short, sweet and to the point – no one wants a wall of text in their inbox
– Create visual hierarchy within your design – make headers larger than body copy
– Simplify your font choice – make sure it’s easy to read and never, ever use Comic Sans
And more!
Quality email newsletter design isn’t an impossible task. And if you get started with a design software like Visme that includes tons of beautiful email templates (Check them out here:, your email newsletter design will be both easy and efficient!
To learn even more about email newsletter design tips, check out our full blog post on the subject:
Also, check out our blog post on color psychology that Mike mentioned in tip #7 to learn more about choosing the right colors for your email newsletter:
Faça o download do checklist Campanhas de Email Marketing:
Entenda definitivamente o que é Email Marketing e os principais tipos de campanha: newsletter, email promocional, email sazonal, email de boas-vindas e automação de emails. Conheça cada uma das campanhas e inclua na sua estratégia!
Quer aprender mais? Saiba tudo sobre Email Marketing aqui: