PPC Job? How to Get a PPC Job This WEEK

How to Get a PPC Job: Watch as i walk you through upwork.com’s platform and how you can start finding PPC jobs right now, today, within the next 5 minutes!

FREE Google Ads Audit [TEMPLATE]: https://clicksgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Google-Ads-Audit-TEMPLATE.pdf

► Why listen to us and who are we anyway?
My name is Rob Andolina and I’m from right outside of Philadelphia (Super Bowl XXXIX Champs!!) Aside from running these Google Ads video tutorials that you guys love so much on YouTube :P, I am co-owner of Clicks Geek, a Certified Google Premier Partner Google Ads agency. We at Clicks Geek strive to create the highest quality Google Ads training videos out there. Our aim is to demystify the Google Ads platform and supply our audience AND our clients with the knowledge, sales skills and marketing materials to win deals and grow local businesses in the process.

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#PPC #AdWords #GoogleAds #PPCJobs #FindaPPCJob

► (FREE 3 Part Video Training Series)
In this 3 part video series we’ll dive deep into the (step-by-step) optimization tactics that we use to CRUSH our competition in any niche that we walk into. Watch over my shoulder as I walk you through LIVE [lead generation] Google Ads campaigns converting at OVER 32%+

– WATCH HERE: https://clicksgeek.com/optimization-combat-tactics-guide

► Our Agency: Clicks Geek
‣ Visit Clicks Geek: https://clicksgeek.com/

► Our Course: Google Ads Training Academy
‣ Visit Google Ads Training Academy: https://clicksgeek.com/google-ads-course

► Our Course: Landing Page Academy
‣ Visit Landing Page Academy: https://clicksgeek.com/landing-page-academy

Importance of PPC in Amazon Selling | PPC Episode 3

Today’s Video Topic is Importance of PPC in Amazon Selling | PPC Episode 3
Feel free to ask any questions you may have.
To Start your eCommerce Journey with Enablers:

Enablers Mission is to use the Enablers Platform to create 2 Million jobs and 200k eCommerce Businesses in Pakistan and get Pakistan to be Recognised by the world as eCommerce Hub.

Saqib Azhar believes unemployment is one of the biggest issues in Pakistan, and he has taken it upon himself to solve this issue to as much extent as he can. For this, Enablers has introduced Enabling Video Series (EVS) having all those training programs and courses which will help people to do eCommerce businesses in International markets by offering trainings to those who cannot afford and they can apply from here: https://www.enablers.org/evs

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PPC Tutorial | PPC Online Training | Google AdWords Tutorial | Intellipaat

This tutorial on Pay Per Click explains in depth about Google AdWords and how to position Ad, rank Ad higher and ways to auction on Google. This tutorial also explains the concepts like quality score, cpc calculation and how to search keywords.

If you’ve enjoyed this video, Like us and Subscribe to our channel for more similar informative videos and free tutorials.
Got any questions about PPC? Ask us in the comment section below.

Are you looking for something more? Enroll in our PPC training course and become a certified PPC Expert (https://goo.gl/E5rWVP). It is a 07 hrs instructor led training provided by Intellipaat which is completely aligned with industry standards and certification bodies

Intellipaat Edge
1. 24×7 Life time Access & Support
2. Flexible Class Schedule
3. Job Assistance
4. Mentors with +14 yrs industry experience
5. Industry Oriented Courseware
6. Life time free Course Upgrade
Why take this course?
In today’s digitally-driven economy it is important for each and every organization to have a digital presence. Google AdWords is the biggest ad platform on the internet in order to reach out to your target audience. Most of the organizations are already on the Google AdWords platform and a lot of organizations will get on this bandwagon soon. All this creates huge opportunities for professionals who are having the right training in PPC and have earned the Google AdWords certification. This training will prepare to take the top jobs in the search engine marketing domain.
What you will learn in this course?
This course will be covering following topics:
1.Introduction to search Engine Marketing
2.The various aspects of the Google AdWords program
3.Choosing the right keywords for advertising campaign
4.Various keyword match types and its significance
5.Familiarizing with the PPC auction model
6.Setting up the ad campaign and the right pricing
7.Structuring the campaign based on various conversion factors
8.Analyzing the performance with the right metrics
9.Creating dynamic ads and split test campaigns
10.Google Display network and video ad campaigns

For more information:
Please write us to sales@intellipaat.com or call us at: +91-7847955955

Website: https://goo.gl/E5rWVP

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/intellipaatonline

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/intellipaat/

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/intellipaat

What PPC Specialists Do

Wondering what PPC specialists do? You’re not alone.

In this video:
00:00:00 // Introduction
00:00:37 // What is PPC marketing?
What does a PPC specialist do for businesses?
00:01:33 // 1. Build a PPC strategy based on your business needs
00:02:03 // 2. Research keywords and audiences for ad targeting
00:02:49 // 3. Create ad copy and design multimedia elements for ads
00:03:39 // 4. Manage bids to maximize return on ad spend
00:04:25 // 5. Track campaign performance and report updates
00:05:28 // Conclusion

PPC stands for pay-per-click, which is a form of digital advertising in which you pay when someone clicks on your ad.

If you’ve spent time on Google, social media, Amazon, or any other websites that allow ads, you’ve probably seen a PPC ad.

A PPC specialist manages your PPC campaigns, which includes your bids, ad design, ad copy, ad targeting, and so much more.

We’ve broken down everything you need to know about what PPC specialists do in this video, so whether you want to manage your own campaigns or hire someone to manage them, you’ll know what to expect.

Of course, this isn’t a definitive list of what PPC experts do, but it’s a great overview of their day-to-day responsibilities.

Check out the links below for more resources about what PPC agencies do.

–What to know before hiring PPC experts
–PPC basics guide
–PPC management guide

What Is PPC Management? (And Does Your Company Need It?)

–PPC management services at WebFX
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for new videos every week! Follow this link to subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/webfx?sub_confirmation=1
Ready to start driving results with your PPC ads? Give our experts a call at 888-601-5359 or head over to our website at https://www.webfx.com/contact.htm
Get the latest digital marketing advice, trends, updates, and more from the WebFX blog! Check it out at https://www.webfx.com/blog

We’ll see you soon!

What to Know Before Buying PPC

If you’re in the market for #PPC (pay-per-click) services, you shouldn’t buy until you consider these four things!

0:54 – Will PPC work for my business?
1:30 – If my SEO is doing well, should I invest in PPC?
1:57 – What kind of budget works best for PPC?
2:27 – Why should I outsource PPC?

In this video, we’re talking to our PPC Campaign Managers to figure out the four PPC questions they hear all the time. They’re going to break down the details of PPC so that you can better determine if purchasing PPC services is the right move for your business.

#1: Will PPC work for my business?
A lot of businesses wonder if PPC is something that will work for them. Understandably, you wouldn’t want to spend money on PPC advertising if you didn’t think it was going to work. But as Clayton explains, PPC can absolutely work for your business!

#2: If my SEO is going well, should I even invest in PPC?
If your website is bringing in organic search traffic, you’ve already got a huge leg up on your competition. So why consider PPC? Well, Becca says that approximately 60% of users that visit your website will leave and NEVER come back. With PPC, you can target these users directly, keeping your brand in front of them when it matters most. In this way, PPC can help you bring back customers who would otherwise be lost forever.

#3: What budget works best for PPC?
Every business has a different PPC budget, but how much can you expect to spend for the best results? At The HOTH, we encourage businesses to start with at least $1,000/month in ad spend. This gives most businesses enough flexibility to target the most valuable customers and ensure that they receive a return on investment. For more competitive industries, we recommend starting with about $5,000 to $10,000/month in order to compete. But don’t worry, we do all the heavy lifting!

#4: Why should I outsource PPC?
It’s simple: by letting the experts handle your PPC, you can spend more time focusing on the growth of your business. The HOTH is a certified Google Partner, proving that we are trusted by Google to handle the PPC campaigns of your business. Every single one of our campaign managers are also Google certified, proving that they have mastered the curriculum necessary to drive results in PPC advertising. So don’t risk losing thousands on Google Ads! Let us take care of your PPC at The HOTH.

To learn more or schedule a call with one of our team members, visit the link below:

Google Ads (Adwords) PPC Management Services

Subscribe to stay up-to-date with all of our latest #SEO content!

Visit our website to learn more about the best SEO strategies, or to check out our awesome SEO services!

PPC Advertising: An Overview for Beginners

Pay-Per-Click Advertising aka PPC Advertising is one of the best ways to reach your target audience and promote your business. You can promote current discounts, new products, services, and more. And, you can drive additional sales and leads by putting some of your advertising budget towards paid advertising.

PPC Advertising YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCKZKQoSq6y5E9k6B3NFjlWryR4lOxpBc

PPC Advertising article on Surfside PPC: https://surfsideppc.com/ppc-advertising/

What is Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)?

Any paid advertising campaign where the advertiser pays for each click on their ads. Advertisers pay per click for ads that lead to website visits, app visits, phone calls, and more.

Why Use Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)?

– Businesses can easily promote current offers, discounts, products, and services.

– Advertisers can easily track total clicks, cost per click, and return on ad spend (ROAS).

– Ads are targeted, which helps drive conversions like leads and sales.

PPC vs. SEM vs. SEO:

– PPC is any form of paid advertising where Advertisers pay for each click on their ads.

– SEM is when Advertisers pay for their website to appear on the search results pages.

– SEO is when Marketers optimize their website and their content to appear on the search results pages.

Simplified PPC Process for an Advertiser:

1. Choose your PPC channel (Google Ads, etc.)
2. Estimate monthly budget
3. Set-up landing page/s for PPC traffic
4. Set-up conversion tracking to track results
5. Choose targeting for campaign
6. Create ads & launch campaign
7. Track results and optimize

Top PPC Advertising Networks:

– Google Ads
– Microsoft Advertising
– Facebook Ads
– LinkedIn Ads
– Instagram Ads
– Pinterest Ads
– Twitter Ads
– Amazon Advertising
– Quora Ads
– AdRoll

SEO vs PPC – Marketing During a RECESSION

We are of course entering a financial recession and because of this downturn, search engine marketing techniques of SEO and PPC are called into question. How should you do marketing during a recession?

I have spoken previously about the impact of the current situation on PPC and the industries it has affected.

I have also spoken about what businesses can do with their PPC campaigns during this recession

but the question is, which method of search engine marketing will work best in our current economy, SEO or PPC?

In this video we’ll break down the pros and cons of both methods and look at which method your business should be focusing on.

Search Engine Land recently released a survey that showed most businesses will invest in SEO over PPC or indeed any other method of marketing, but should you agree and do the same?

One thing to note however. No marketing channels will be providing great results during a recession, but will SEO or PPC be better?


Takes a long time to work – but you have time now!
3 principles of SEO – on page, links and technical – you can work on all of these during a recession
On page – keyword research, content optimisations – Create new content! Help your ideal customer solve their problems!

Technical – work with developers and freelancers to resolve technical issue and improve website performance

Link building – There are still opportunities to build links
HARO is a journalism platform and they are looking for content, especially about recent events!

Here is my video on HARO


Click costs are down in most industries and some people are still looking, so there is an opportunity to drive cheaper traffic
It’s all about the right messaging to get some type of commitment
B2B PPC is an opportunity to initiate marketing funnels

If you liked this video, don’t forget to subscribe!


I reply to ALL comments so hit me up and I’ll be happy to have a chat 🙂

If you want to get more from marketing, check out my marketing courses!


And as always, if you have a question, or want me to cover a particular subject or marketing challenge you’re facing, head over to my website www.thebigmarketer.com and get in touch. I would love to hear from you!

Let’s get Social!

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebigmarketer/

How to Calculate Your PPC ROI

Are you wondering how to determine if your PPC campaign is profitable? The key is understanding how to calculate your Return on Investment and Return on Ad Spend.

How to Calculate Your PPC ROI

Interested in chatting or learning more about our services? Find us at http://www.paracore.com or shoot me an email at adam@paracore.com.

[0:49] Calculating ROI
[1:28] Calculating Return on Ad Spend
[2:40] A Closer Look at Your Return
[3:34] A Closer Look at Your Investment

Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/paracore
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/paracore
LinkedIn ► https://www.linkedin.com/company/paracore

Google Adwords Tutorial: How to Advertise on Google for Beginners | PPC Lead Generation Strategies!

Step-By-Step Google Adwords Tutorial Showing You How to Advertise on Google Using Local Lead Generation Strategies in 2018

FREE Adwords Blueprint: Temporarily Unavailable – Join the FB Group below to get updated on when it’s complete

LEAD KINGS: Lead Generation Mastermind (FB Group)
Join Now – http://bit.ly/LeadKings

Contact Me Here: http://bit.ly/RyanMarkets

How to Sell Google Ad Services + Client On-boarding Documents [FREE]

Table of Contents:
I. Introduction Adwords Pay Per Click
II. High-Level Google Adwords Strategies
III. How Google Adwords Works
IV. Google Adwords Keyword Research
V. Adwords Landing Page Design (PPC Optimized)
VI. Google Ads Power Editor Tool
VII. Split Testing Ads
VIII. Adwords Campaign Setup
IX. Adwords Optimization Strategies & Techniques

This video will show you how to market a local business using up-to-date advertising strategies. You’ll learn exactly how to create successful Google Adwords Campaigns, that jump you straight to the top of Google search results, from start to finish.

This guide will take you from beginner to intermediate when it comes to generating leads for local businesses. Although this is targeted to local marketers, there is a wide range of people who can benefit from the strategies, principles, and techniques demonstrated in this video. For that reason, these tips can be applied to more than just local PPC campaigns.

Google marketing really is easy once you get the hang of the algorithm and basic advertising principles. This knowledge will carry over to ALL pay per click platforms including Facebook Ads, Youtube Ads, Instagram Ads, and more…

So buckle up, because this is going to be a long one!

– Connect With Me on Social –

Twitter Account: http://bit.ly/Twitter_RyanMarkets

Instagram Account: http://bit.ly/Instagram_RyanMarkets

PPC Calculator: How to Measure ROI For Pay Per Click Advertising

You’re spending money on Facebook ads, Bing Ads Google AdWords. How do you know if you’re generating ROI on your PPC ads? Subscribe here to learn more of my secret PPC tips: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=neilvkpatel
Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
Read more on my blog: https://neilpatel.com/blog

Hey everyone, I’m Neil Patel, and today I’m going to share with you on how you should measure the ROI of your paid advertising campaigns.

Sure, Facebook and Google they try to tell you the ROI that you’re getting, but you know what? They are wrong.

The numbers you’re getting from your Facebook and AdWords usually accounts always show more conversions than you’re getting. Just check out your products, your e-commerce store, your lead generation. Whatever you’re trying to get, your leads, I bet you AdWords, Facebook and even Google Analytics show you more conversions than what you’re getting.

You need to be looking in your database.

Now, in general, the numbers are off not just for you, not just for me, but for almost everyone. S

O, what do companies do? Well, they double check their metrics.

They know that if their Facebook metrics say that there are two conversions, they know, let’s say, if the rule of thumb is by half, because that’s what your database is showing, then when Facebook is showing you had 1,000 sales today, then you really only got 500 and that’s okay.

You just need to know how to optimize your spend based on your true conversions.

You have to check your database for the real sales and lead numbers. It’s that simple. There’s no quick, easy solution being like oh if you use this software, it fixes it, or if you do this, it fixes it.

Everyone says hey, try out this solution, or this company but the real true way that I’ve noticed is I look at my database and my bank account. When I can see numbers coming in, that’s how I know I’ve generated sales. I don’t care to see what a number in a software solution shows me that’s off. I want to see the real dollars.

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