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But if you want to set yourself up for success, I highly recommend implementing these 7 tips.
00:00 Intro
00:54 Choose Relevant Keywords
02:19 Optimize for Voice Search
03:37 Make Your Website Mobile Friendly
05:15 Optimize Your Title Tags
05:50 Improve Site Speed
06:30 Prioritize Backlinks
07:39 Perform Audits
Backlink Checker:
SEO Analyzer:
I’ve been in the SEO game for a while and I’ve seen many trends come and go. But one thing that stay the same, people love using search engines to figure things out, and that’s not changing any time soon. In fact, 68% of online experiences begin with the search engine. And, of those searches, 91% of them happen on, no other than, Google. And businesses are going to keep on investing in SEO because it works. 61% of B2B marketers said that SEO and organic traffic strategies to create more leads than any other marketing tactic. Do you want to know how I stay on top of the SEO game? Again, I’ve been in this space for a while and I have a few strategies that I love returning to over and over and over again, because they work. So let’s dive right into them.
Strategy one, choose relevant keywords. Find the right mix of short and long-tail keywords and use tools like Ubersuggest to generate cure suggestions and content ideas. So here’s what you want to do. You want to go to, type in any keyword, these are keywords related to your industry.
Strategy two, optimize for voice search. 58% of consumers use voice search to find information about a local business online. Voice search is booming. It’s a multi-billion dollar industry, it’s growing super fast. So what you want to do is make sure you go out there and optimize your site for voice search. A lot of the things that people are asking, let’s say Alexa or Google or their Siri, they’re asking questions.
Strategy three, make your website mobile friendly. Mobile accounts for 58% of searches on Google. But here’s the thing, if your website loads slowly on mobile devices, no one’s going to want to really visit it. If your website doesn’t look really good on a device like this, no one’s going to want to really look at it. Again, you got to optimize your site for mobile. That means you got to do a responsive design. That means you got to optimize your site to load fast.
Strategy four, optimize your title tags. Title tags between 15 and 40 characters have an 8.6% higher clickthrough rate than lengthier ones. Titles that evoke curiosity also generate more clicks. Example of this is the five benefits at green tea. Number three will shock you. Whoa, what’s number three? It’s going to shock me? That’s an example of evoking curiosity, and that will help you get more clicks.
Strategy five, improve site speed. Nearly 70% of consumers said that page speed impacts their willingness to buy from an online retailer. Google also looks at page speed as a metric to determine how high you should rank. We already talked about putting your site in the Ubersuggest app. And when you put it in, if you look at the site audit report, it’ll tell you everything that you need to fix to make sure that your website loads fast. But also make sure that your code is clean, you’re on a CDN, and you got a fast server.
Strategy six, prioritize backlinks. 53% of SEO experts believe that backlink links will one day be as important as search. It’s one of the biggest factors when it comes to Google’s algorithm. Look, if other people don’t link to you, you’re not going to do as well. Now, what I want you to do is go to and then put in your URL. You’ll then be taken to the Ubersuggest app but within the link reports. There’s a Backlink Opportunities report, click on it. I want you, it already has your URL, I want you to also add your three main competitors. It’ll then show you all the people that link to multiple competitors, but not you.
strategy seven, perform audits. Check for manual actions, organic traffic numbers, HTTPS-related issues, index issues, and more. You can do this within Google Search Console and you should also go to, type in your URL, and it’ll run a report on your whole site and tell you what you need to fix in order of what’s the easiest to fix and what will also provide the biggest lift in your rankings. If you do that, you’ll start ranking higher.
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What is SEO and how does it work? This video explains how search engine optimization works and how you can optimize your website to be discovered in search engines like Google.
Additional SEO Tutorials and Resources
SEO for Beginners: A Basic Search Engine Optimization Tutorial for Higher Google Rankings
What is SEO?
SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of optimizing content to be discovered through a search engine’s organic search results.
Understanding the intricacies of how search engines like Google work is crucial, as you get a clearer picture of how you can optimize your web pages to rank higher and get more organic traffic.
First, we look into the definition of SEO and how SEO on different search engines are all about driving traffic but to different destinations like videos, product pages or web pages.
Then we find out the 3 reasons why marketers all over the world are incorporating SEO into their marketing strategy.
After we’re clear about the what and the why of SEO, we dig deep into the mechanics of how Google works to rank pages.
Sam first explains the process by which Google crawls the web to build up its massive index of information before going into the search algorithms that they use to find the most relevant results in the shortest time possible.
By taking a look at Google’s own claims on how their search algorithm works, we examine the various considerations that they look at when interpreting queries and ranking pages.
Sam breaks down one of the most important things to master as an SEO – the reason behind a searcher’s query or search intent. Through a couple of examples in the search engine results pages (SERPs), he then emphasizes the crucial things to look out for to match the searcher’s intent.
Other key points covered in this tutorial:
– How Google identifies relevancy though content
– The 3 broad categories that Google uses to identify quality pages (EAT)
– How Google considers usability of web pages
Finally, we look at how Google uses personalized data and how such personalization affects your Google searches.
This video gives a strong foundation of how search engines like Google work and breaks down the basics of SEO.
Having such an understanding is crucial for anyone considering SEO, new to SEO or learning about SEO as it gives you a better idea on how you can optimize your web pages to rank higher and get more organic traffic.
1:06 Why to incorporate SEO into your marketing strategy?
1:47 How does Google work?
4:05 Understand the meaning of a search query
6:43 Understand how Google identifies relevance through content
8:18 Learn how Google identifies the quality of content
9:31 How does Google consider the usability of webpages?
10:46 How does Google work with personalized data?
#whatisseo #seo #searchengineoptimization
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Why focus on social media marketing over SEO? You’re probably surprised to hear this, after all, I’m mostly known for all things SEO. So why do I focus on social media marketing now? Because I’ve learned that it’s one of the quickest and most effective ways to drive major traffic to any site. That doesn’t mean to say that SEO doesn’t work, it does, and I still love it, heck, my company relies upon it, our clients do, and SEO has created me one of the largest companies in the marketing space. Heck, it’s created me one of the fastest growing companies in the United States according to Inc. Magazine as well.
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Social Media Strategies To Boost Your SEO:
But here’s an interesting stat for you, 74% of social media users actually use social media to make buying decisions. Influencers and social marketplaces are huge these days and they can quickly and effectively promote your products and services. And half of adult internet users say that when a brand incorporates their data into social ads it helps them discover products or services that directly align with what they’re looking for.
In essence, companies are using those targeted ads that a lot of people say they never click on and don’t work but in reality people are clicking on them. If they wouldn’t, Google and Facebook wouldn’t be as big of a companies as they actually are. And if you’re targeting younger audiences they’re all over TikTok and Instagram right now, and even Snapchat.
The amount of time that adults use social media across every platform per day is higher than ever, 95 minutes, that’s more than an hour and a half, that’s a ton of time, plenty of time for your ads to be seen and ultimately converted on. Instagram Story ads will bring in almost 16 billion in sales worldwide in 2022, according to HootSuite. Think about how quick and easy it is to create an Instagram Story and how inexpensive it is.
Again, love SEO, but because it takes a long time to see results, with social media you can see results instantly and you can pivot and figure out what’s working and adapt that to your SEO strategy as well.
See, social is a rapidly changing environment but I can see what’s working and what’s not right away, and I don’t have to wait for a algorithm update or I don’t have to wait for someone to index my content. But at this point, you’re probably wondering, Neil, social algorithms? They keep compressing my reach. And yeah, you talked about ads, so why should I love social media? Because I don’t want to spend all that money on ads. Well, think of it this way. All platforms, whether they’re social or search, have algorithms, it doesn’t matter if it’s TikTok or Google or Bing, you can’t control what they do and over time they have all made it harder to get reach.
Google keeps showing more content within their search results so that way you don’t have to click through over to their website. And if you’re wondering what I mean just Google what the weather is today within your city and you’ll see what I’m talking about, it just shows you the weather you don’t have to click on or go to any site, you just see it right then and there. TikTok used to have much better reach a year ago than it does today; still a great platform, just like Google, they take up a lot of the clicks these days but it’s still a great search engine but you can’t do that much about it.
So instead of complaining about Google, YouTube or LinkedIn or TikTok or Instagram, as a marketer you just have to use these channels for what they are whether you like them or not. And there’s a lot of platforms out there for you to use, so maximize them and get as much traffic as you can from them. And as I mentioned earlier, it’s easier to see quick gains from social media over SEO.
Now to be clear, I’m not saying that you should use one channel and not the other because that’s far from the truth. You need to actually take a omnichannel approach and use all the channels that your customers are on. But at least you know why I prefer social media over SEO even though I use both of them, and you should too.
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