SEO for Beginners – How to Rank #1 in Google Fast in 2023

In this SEO for beginners tutorial you’re going to learn how to create content pages on your website that rank N#1 in Google Fast. I know search engine optimization can be daunting especially if you are a beginner. That’s why I made this guide as simple as possible so you can apply these SEO techniques as soon as you finish watching the video.

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0:00 Intro
0:26 Keyword research
02:27 Define The structure of your pages
05:55 Adding content to your pages
11:14 Add Search engine friendly images
14:02 Title & Description
17:15 Link your pages together
18:57 Continue creating content
19:34 Track your performance
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The Easiest SEO Strategy I’ve Ever Used

The easiest SEO strategy I’ve ever used. People assume that SEO is all work and no play. And yeah, there is a ton of work that goes into it. Anything that requires you to follow through on a long-term strategy is going to require some serious ongoing effort. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t find ways to make your SEO easier.

In fact, I have one SEO strategy that’s super simple. I rely on it all the time and it knocks out a ton of the dirty work for me. Now, I may have been doing SEO for a super long time, but I even run into walls sometimes, and I need help getting unstuck. And for me, I have a lot of responsibilities. So I really need to find ways to delegate, simplify and streamline my approach. So can you guess what my easy SEO hack is?

Open AI:
Answer the Public:
Search Atlas:

I leverage AI. Pretty straightforward, right? I need help for my SEO, from finding keywords to content ideas to meta text, I’m always looking for new approaches that can make my life easier and more simple. AI is rapidly becoming one of the most adopted new technologies that businesses of all sizes can leverage.

SEO-centric AI is truly necessary because it connects the dots for everything that I need to bring my SEO strategy together. So that way it all flows and it’s cohesive. It helps me analyze a relationship between my website, the content and ranking, and it helps me pivot quickly so I can continue to outrank my competition.

It also helps me identify opportunities including cutting edge topics in my industry that need addressing and that my audience wants to explore. Also, helps me optimize for conversions, including insights for how each page can accomplish a specific goal, such as a conversion to a sale, or sign up or subscribe, or redirect them to somewhere else, or refreshing outdated stake content to get the boost I need.

In fact, according to Outranking, 30% of AI adopters cited a 6 to 10% increase in revenue after implementing the new technology. Now, that’s major growth. The machine learning tool that uses AI, it’s called GPT-3 and you’ve heard about it. It’s been available now, publicly through Open AI. And it’s great, and you should check it out. So far in 2022, it’s sweeping the SEO marketplace and tons of major software engineers are taking note.

Tools like Search Atlas, CopySmith, Jasper, and many more are using it to fit in their applications and make content marketing easier, which makes it easier for you to create SEO content at scale. Now, in it’s most basic level, it’s a text generator, right? You should check out GPT-3.

But because it can create content with relatively few inputs, it’s also extremely helpful to SEO users that need a ton of content fast. Tools that incorporate GPT-3 into their software can now do things like generate topics for you, titles, meta tags, even create a whole article, or just do blog outlines and then let you pick what content you want to create for each and every single paragraph. And if you don’t like one, you can click don’t like, and then it spits up a new variation.

I like relying on AI for title and topic generation, meta tag generation, and even the occasional outline if I really want to get going. The best part, it’s all automated and it saves you so much time. And what I found that if you’re new to blogging, it can save you roughly half the time or it can save you your whole time. If you really want to write articles that are super creative and best for users, you’re going to have to modify that article, or you know, write a lot of it from scratch. And that’s what I like doing to streamline my SEO.

Answer the Public allows you to tap directly into your audience and go for those terms that aren’t that competitive that a lot of people are searching for today. Answer the Public listens and taps into the auto-complete data before cranking out super useful phrases and questions that your audience is searching for every single day. It’s one of the easiest ways to identify what your audience wants. And then you can use some of those AI tools to help you create content around those topics.

So if you want to create better content using these AI tools, check out Answer the Public to get you new insights. And if you just want my team to do all this for you, check out NP Digital.

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What is SEO and How Does it Work?

What is SEO and how does it work? This video explains how search engine optimization works and how you can optimize your website to be discovered in search engines like Google.

Additional SEO Tutorials and Resources

SEO for Beginners: A Basic Search Engine Optimization Tutorial for Higher Google Rankings

Google’s Search Quality Guidelines ►

Ahrefs’ YouTube videos

What is SEO?

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of optimizing content to be discovered through a search engine’s organic search results.

Understanding the intricacies of how search engines like Google work is crucial, as you get a clearer picture of how you can optimize your web pages to rank higher and get more organic traffic.

First, we look into the definition of SEO and how SEO on different search engines are all about driving traffic but to different destinations like videos, product pages or web pages.

Then we find out the 3 reasons why marketers all over the world are incorporating SEO into their marketing strategy.

After we’re clear about the what and the why of SEO, we dig deep into the mechanics of how Google works to rank pages.

Sam first explains the process by which Google crawls the web to build up its massive index of information before going into the search algorithms that they use to find the most relevant results in the shortest time possible.

By taking a look at Google’s own claims on how their search algorithm works, we examine the various considerations that they look at when interpreting queries and ranking pages.

Sam breaks down one of the most important things to master as an SEO – the reason behind a searcher’s query or search intent. Through a couple of examples in the search engine results pages (SERPs), he then emphasizes the crucial things to look out for to match the searcher’s intent.

Other key points covered in this tutorial:
– How Google identifies relevancy though content
– The 3 broad categories that Google uses to identify quality pages (EAT)
– How Google considers usability of web pages

Finally, we look at how Google uses personalized data and how such personalization affects your Google searches.

This video gives a strong foundation of how search engines like Google work and breaks down the basics of SEO.

Having such an understanding is crucial for anyone considering SEO, new to SEO or learning about SEO as it gives you a better idea on how you can optimize your web pages to rank higher and get more organic traffic.


1:06 Why to incorporate SEO into your marketing strategy?
1:47 How does Google work?
4:05 Understand the meaning of a search query
6:43 Understand how Google identifies relevance through content
8:18 Learn how Google identifies the quality of content
9:31 How does Google consider the usability of webpages?
10:46 How does Google work with personalized data?

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SEO | A Complete SEO Guide & A-Z SEO Walkthrough | Free SEO Course

SEO | A Complete SEO Guide & A-Z SEO Walkthrough | Free SEO Course

In this video, you will learn everything there is to know about SEO. From A-Z, I take you through the basics of how to rank your website higher in Google search results pages. This free SEO (search engine optimization) course is perfect for beginners who want to learn how to optimize their website and improve their online presence.

This is the most comprehensive SEO training video ever put together and includes:

1. What Is SEO

2. Core Elements Of SEO

3. “Black Hat” vs. “White Hat” SEO

4. How Does SEO Work?


6. Technical SEO

7. Google’s EAT Guidelines

8. SEO Marketing – Summary

9. SEO Marketing FAQ

10. Final Thoughts


More videos on SEO:

What Is SEO? –

SEO 101 –

On-Page SEO Walkthrough –

Local SEO Walkthrough –

Organic SEO Walkthrough –

SEO Link Building Guide –

SEO – A Complete SEO Guide Everything You Need To Know About SEO –

This video can be found on this channel


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00:00 Intro
2:16 Overview
3:58 What Is SEO
7:05 Core Elements Of SEO
10:29 “Black Hat” vs. “White Hat” SEO
15:10 How Does SEO Work?
42:45 HTML
47:48 Technical SEO & Links
1:10:23 Google’s EAT Guidelines
1:12:43 SEO Marketing – Summary
1:17:47 SEO Marketing FAQ
1:23:10 Final Thoughts

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What Is SEO? And How Does It Work? [Real Results Inside]

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What is SEO? How does SEO work? Today we’re telling you everything you need to know about getting started with SEO. Watch now for information on basic SEO, how search engines work, and much more.


Unfortunately, when I talk about SEO to some of our clients, their confused responses make me feel like I’m speaking a foreign language… And a lot of people think that SEO is just too complicated.

But what if I told you that SEO wasn’t so complicated?

What if I told you that SEO is really simple, but it’s just the technical jargon that really intimidates people?

If you’re intrigued by this, buckle-up. Because today, we’re breaking SEO all the way down.

What Is SEO Video Outline:

Intro: (0:00)
SEO Case Study: (1:34)
What is SEO?: (2:46)
Why is SEO Important?: (5:27)
The Biggest SEO Objection: (9:00)
How to Get Started with SEO: (11:38)
Conclusion: (15:12)


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What is SEO?

SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, is the process of optimizing your website to get organic, free traffic from the search engine results page.

Why is SEO Important?

SEO is so important because your customers rely on it to find business solutions, traffic from SEO is more likely to convert, and SEO can dramatically lower your customer acquisition costs over time.

What is the biggest obstacle to SEO?

Time. In order to succeed at SEO, you will need to adapt the right strategy, discipline, and patience. Then, over time, you can enjoy the compound effects of SEO traffic.

What are the Steps to implement SEO?

In short, you have to help Google understand you, then trust you. You can do this through on-page and off-page SEO.


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The Easiest Way to Make a WordPress Blog SEO Friendly

The easiest way to make a WordPress blog SEO-friendly. Believe it or not, WordPress is pretty SEO-friendly out of the box. If you want to make it more SEO-friendly, you just have to use plugins like Yoast SEO or All In One. But you already know that. Here’s what no one tells you. The main reason most blogs aren’t SEO-friendly are for two reasons, and you can’t solve these issues through plugins.

Yoast SEO:
Google Analytics:

The first reason is you have too much content on the same topic. See, when you blog, over time, you’ll have writer’s block, or you have forgotten what you’ve written on before. That can cause you to write on the same topic over and over again accidentally.

For example, I may have written a post in the past called The Beginners Guide to SEO. And then, a year later, write a post on How to Get Started with SEO. And then, six months later, I may write a post called Seven SEO Tips for Beginners. Although each of those posts are different, a lot of times, Google will see them as roughly the same thing, because they’re all about SEO for beginners. And that can cause confusion with search engines. And Google won’t know which term or which post to more so rank for terms like SEO for beginners.

So, what you’ll want to do is combine the post that are all around similar keywords and put them into one amazing post. This will increase your overall rankings and confuse search engines less. And the key with this is when you have that issue, go to Google Analytics, see which of the pages is the most popular and combine the other pages into the most popular one. And then do 301 redirects, and make sure you adjust the internal links that have gone to the old post and update them to go to the new post.

The second reason your WordPress blog isn’t as search-engine-friendly is because your content is old and outdated. Did you know that Wikipedia is the seventh most popular site in the world, according to Similarweb? Do you know how they pull that off? Well, their content is continually updated. People keep updating Wikipedia on a daily basis.

Heck, some of their most popular pages are even also updated on a daily basis. And some content pieces, especially when there’s new news, get updated multiple times within the hour. It’s super effective. With most blogs, people write content, they never update them. We find this out with our agency, NP Digital. When we talk to clients, 98% of our clients that work with us, before they even started, never update their old content.

Now, of course, once they start working with us, we change that, and we start updating their old content. You want to do this at least once a year, ideally more than that. And this is an easy way to start generating more traffic.

And you’re probably wondering, “Neil, what old posts do I update? Do I need to update them by a lot, a little?” Well, the easiest way to figure out what posts need updating first is to look at Google Search Console, and you can see what pages have dropped in traffic over time. Those are the ones that need updating first.

Now, when you update them, you want to look at what are the other competing webpages and blogs that rank above me for the terms that I lost ranking score. Google them, look at their pages, and see how you can make yours better.

Now, the two above reasons, aren’t hard to fix, they just take time. But the time aspect is why most blogs aren’t SEO-friendly. They prefer a quick plugin to fix their problems. But not all plugins can fix everything, sometimes you just need a little bit of human capital.

So put in the time and effort, and your blog will be more SEO-friendly. Or if you want my team to just do this for you, go check out, where we can handle all your SEO needs for you. If you enjoy this video, like it, share it, subscribe to the channel. If you have any questions, leave a comment below, I’m here to help.

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3 SEO Myths That Will Ruin Your SEO Career | SEO Career Advice From SEO Professional

These three SEO myths can ruin your SEO career if you keep believing in them. Save yourself from these three.

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Amit Tiwari teaches how to be an SEO professional for the first time…
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Unacademy is launching a unique course on Search Engine Optimization on July 25, 2022, in collaboration with Amit Tiwari.

Amit Tiwari will cover a wide range of Search Engine Optimization topics in this cohort, including How to create a Website, Search Engines Work, How to create Backlinks and How to use Google Tools, etc.
This Cohort will be provided in the Hinglish language.

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How Long Does SEO Take to Work for New Websites?

How long does it take to see results from SEO? Find out how long it’ll take to see results from your SEO efforts (and what you can do to speed things up)

00:00 Introduction
01:05 Why SEO takes longer
05:42 How long it takes SEO to work for new websites
07:55 Avoid The Google Sandbox
08:40 Topical Authority Launch
09:24 Avalanche Technique
10:15 Fully Optimized Content
11:16 Expired Domains
11:59 301 Redirects
12:20 PBN Links

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Google Sandbox Video:
Link Building Video:
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For more Beginner SEO Videos, check out this Playlist

SEO Checklist: How to Get More Organic Traffic (Complete Tutorial)

This video walks you through our complete SEO checklist that’s helped us get over 300k monthly SEO visitors from Google. Learn how to rank higher in Google and get more traffic.

Additional SEO Tutorials and Resources

SEO For Beginners: A Basic Search Engine Optimization Tutorial for Higher Google Rankings ►

How to Learn SEO Fast and Effectively ►

How to Measure Keyword Difficulty and Rank on Google ►

Guest Posting at Scale: Get Tons of High Quality Backlinks ►

Top 10 On Page SEO Techniques ►

How to Get Backlinks By “Stealing” From Low-Quality Pages ►

Broken Link Building in Action (Strategies, Outreach Emails and Stats Revealed) ►

Link Building Tutorial Series ►

The categories of search engine optimization spans from keyword research to on-page SEO, technical SEO, link building and more.

Tackling all these pieces at once isn’t a good idea because they can lead to confusion and overwhelm. In this video, Sam shares an SEO checklist that will help you stay optimized, organized and sane.

Firstly, you learn how to nail your basic setup by creating a sitemap and checking for a robots.txt file. You’ll also find out the essential free SEO tools that you should set up, like Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

Next we delve straight into keyword research by first finding a primary keyword target for your page and assessing search intent.

Sam then shows you a couple of handy ways to look for related queries to your topic and reveals a technique to find relevant keywords and subtopics for your post. We then look into assessing your chances of ranking in Google.

On-page SEO comes next. Based on some findings from Ahrefs’ research, you’ll learn the importance of using short, yet descriptive URLs, and the most important thing to optimize for when drafting a compelling title tag and meta description. Sam also shows a nice little bonus tip to find places to add relevant internal and external resources.

Next up on the SEO checklist is to create your content.

You’ll learn the importance of writing an engaging introduction and get a few tips to learn how to ensure your content is readable for the vast majority of readers. We then look into how you can ensure your content solves the problems readers are searching for.

Subsequently you’ll discover the most important white hat link building strategies and techniques:
– Find prospects who are linking to competing pages
– Expand your list of link prospects using Content Explorer
– Guest posting
– Skyscraper Technique
– Broken link building

Lastly, you’ll learn the basics to ensure your technical SEO is up to par.

You’ll learn how to run an SEO audit with Ahrefs’ Site Audit tool and additional tools to measure and fix page speed issue.

You’ll also learn how to check that your site is mobile-friendly as well as fix external and internal broken links.

Breaking SEO down to smaller bite-sized checkpoints can help you get things done effectively and efficiently. This video gives you the complete SEO checklist you need.


0:37 Start with a basic setup
2:09 Do the keyword research
6:27 Optimize your pages for search
8:49 Create useful content
11:07 Build relevant links
13:49 Don’t forget technical SEO

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Suchmaschinenoptimierung für Anfänger (2021) | Einfaches SEO Grundlagen Tutorial [Deutsch]

✅ Erfolgreiches SEO für Einsteiger (Gratis Buch):
✅ Zum SEO Meisterkurs:

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Teile jetzt das Video “Seo für Anfänger / Einsteiger (2021 | Deutsch) | Einfaches Suchmaschinenoptimierung Grundlagen Tutorial” mit deinen Freunden! 🙂

In diesem kurzen und verständlichen Video für SEO Einsteiger, bekommst Du die Suchmaschinenoptimierung einfach erklärt. So das es selbst ein totaler Anfänger versteht. Mit simplen Beispielen. Unter anderem erfärst Du auch, worauf Du genau achten musst und welche cleveren Seo Tricks & Tipps es gibt.

Hier findest Du genau aufgelistet, was Dich erwartet:

00:00 Intro
01:17 Video-Übersicht
02:30 Was ist SEO genau? (Einfache Definition)
04:30 Suchmaschinenoptimierung Beispiel
06:01 Top 3 SEO Faktoren
07:41 Struktur / Technisches SEO erklärt
10:10 SEO Content / Inhalt Deiner Website
14:02 Backlinks einfach erklärt
16:04 Typische Suchmaschinenoptimierungs Fehler
19:20 So kannst Du am Besten mit SEO starten!

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